How do you write Lua code for an input request and then outputs a result from a lookup - input

I would like some assistance on writing some Lua code in which if a user inputs a color for a car the code will be able to search a lookup table to see if that color is included in the lookup table as a keyword and will be able to output a score which defines the result for example 1 = accept, 2 = decline deepening on what color car they have typed at the beginning.
Thank you

This is a rather trivial program in lua. because lua allows for simple creation of associative arrays(a.k.a. hash tables) you can quickly make a lookup table.
local carColors = {
purple = "1"
From there you index the table with your user input and return your 1 or 2
local userInput = --Make sure to set the user input to all lowercase.
print(carColors[userInput] or "2") -- if nil return 2
I used print rather than io.output.
the or here lets the code handle when the user gives a bad color name when carColors[userInput] is nil the 2 will be printed.


How to use input string, to call variable name in c++

so I just have what seems like a rudimentary problem.
But for some reason I can't wrap my mind around it.
So given the code:
int Red = 1;
int Blue = 2;
int Green = 3;
main (){
cout << "Enter your keyword";
cin >> str1;
If the user inputs the word Red, i want it to return the value of the variable "Red", without using an if statement for every variable (I have 200+ variables).
To be more specific:
If the user inputs Red, I want my program to read the first item in my array. To do that I need red to represent a number value.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Updated: Question misunderstood.
You cannot ref to a variable based on a string value.
But you can setup a list of structure who contain a combination of key and value. You should look at map

AS400 RPGLE/free dynamic variables in operations

I'm fairly certain after years of searching that this is not possible, but I'll ask anyway.
The question is whether it's possible to use a dynamic variable in an operation when you don't know the field name. For example, I have a data structure that contains a few hundred fields. The operator selects one of those fields and the program needs to know what data resides in the field from the data structure passed. So we'll say that there are 100 fields, and field50 is what the operator chose to operate on. The program would be passed in the field name (i.e. field50) in the FLDNAM variable. The program would read something like this the normal way:
if field50 = 'XXX'
// do something
The problem is that I would have to code this 100 times for every operation. For example:
if fldnam = 'field1';
// do something
elseif fldnam = 'field2';
// do something
elseif fldnam = 'field50';
// do something
Is there any possible way of performing an operation on a field not yet known? (i.e. IF FLDNAM(pointer data) = 'XXX' then do something)
If the data structure is externally-described and you know what file it comes from, you could use the QUSLFLD API to find out the offset, length, and type of the field in the data structure, and then use substring to get the data and then use other calculations to get the value, depending on the data type.
Simple answer, no.
RPG's simply not designed for that. Few languages are.
You may want to look at scripting languages. Perl for instance, can evaluate on the fly. REXX, which comes installed on the IBM i, has an INTERPRET keyword.
REXX Reference manual

How to create a variable length RowParser in Scala for Anorm?

A typical parser in Anorm looks a bit like this:
val idSeqParser: RowParser[IDAndSequence] = {
long("ID") ~
int("sequence") map {
case id ~ sequence => IDAndSequence(id, sequence)
Assuming of course that you had a case class like so:
case class IDAndSequence(id: Long, sequence: Int = 0)
All handy-dandy when you know this up front however what if you want to run ad-hoc queries (raw SQL) that you write at run time? (hint: an on the fly reporting engine)
How does one tackle that problem?
Can you create a series of generic parsers or various numbers of fields (which I see Scala itself had to resort to when processing tuples on Forms meaning you can only go to 22 elements in a form and unsure what the heck you do after that...)
You can assume that "everything is a string" for the purpose of reporting so Option[String] should cut it.
Can a parser be created on the fly however? If so what would doing that look like?
Is the a more elegant way to address this "problem"?
EDIT (to help clarify what I'm after)
As I could "ask" using aliases
Select f1 as 'a', f2 as 'b', f3 as 'c' from sometable
Then I could collect that with a pre-written parser like so
val idSeqParser: RowParser[IDAndSequence] = {
get[Option[String]]("a") ~
get[Option[String]]("b") ~
get[Option[String]]("c") map {
case a ~ b ~ c => GenericCase(a, b, c)
However that means I would need to de alias the columns for the actual report output. The suggestion of SqlParser.flatten already puts me ahead there as it has up to 22 (there's that "literal" kludge!) columns.
As I've written reports with greater than 22 columns in times past -- mostly as inputs to spreadsheets for further manual dat mining -- I would like to escape that limit if possible. Hard to tell a client you can't have that urgent 27 column report for 5 days but this 21 column one you can have in 5 minutes...
Going to try an experiment today to see if I can't find my own workable solution.

How Do I step through an IList one field at a time?

I'm using the Dynamic LINQ library code sample to dynamically return some data. The number of columns I'm returning is variable depending on user input. I'm enumerating the IQueryable into an IList.
What I need to do is step through the Ilist one field at a time. I can get one row at a time by iterating through the IList's rows but I can't for the life of me pull one field out of the collection.
For example, here I'm returning two columns (hard coded for testing but in prod it will be variable depending on what fields the user chooses):
Dim Dynq = dc.dt _
.Where("RUN_ID = """ & runNumber & """ and Upper_Pressure > 95") _
.OrderBy("Upper_Pressure") _
.Select(" new (Run_ID,Process)")
Dim something = DirectCast(Activator.CreateInstance(GetType(List(Of )).MakeGenericType(Dynq.ElementType), Dynq), IList)
Now I can pull a field out of the Ilist if I know the column name with something like:
but I wont know the columns I'm using until runtime and dynamically inserting it in a variable that's set at runtime doesn't work.
So in Summary I have a Ilist that looks something like this
1 | Auto
2 | Auto
3 | Manual
4 | Manual
and I'd like a way to return
and then return
and then
I would greatly appreciate the help of those more learned than I in this.
Your question is a little confusing, but I think you want to flatten your return set to return specific columns as elements in order by column then row...
One method, you could use is the SelectMany operator.
For example (sorry in C# as my brain is turning one-tracked!):
// Find flattened list of some explicitly specified property values...
var flattened = something.SelectMany(e => new [] { e.Run_ID.ToString(), e.Process.ToString() });
Not sure if that's what your after, but it could be a step in the right direction.

QTP, access to QC field by label

I want to update a custom user field in QC using the Label of field instead of the name
At the moment we are doing it this way
Set currentRun = QCUtil.CurrentRun
currentRun.Field("RN_USER_03") = 1
But I would like to do it this way
Set currentRun = QCUtil.CurrentRun
currentRun.Field("Data Rows Passed") = 4
But I can't find the method to do it with.
Any Ideas?
Implying all labels are unique (which I doubt..):
You could create a function which accepts a label, searches in QC's tables that define customized fields for the correct field definition, and returns the field name. Then use the function's result value as the indexed property's index.
Suppose that function would be called "GetNameOfLabel", then the Caller's code would look like:
Set currentRun = QCUtil.CurrentRun
currentRun.Field(GetNameOfLabel ("Data Rows Passed")) = 1
Of course, the function would not really be trivial, but easy enough after some digging in the QC data model and finding an efficient way to fetch the name from the DB via SQL.
Or, the function could look up the name in an array, or a dictionary, then you would have to maintain that dictionary, but you would not have to go to the database for each lookup.
Scripts with the wrong label might be harder to be debug
If labels are not unique, it might be real "fun" to debug
If looking up on the DB:
All scripts slow down if you don't cache, or pre-load, SQL query results for those lookups;
complexity, as you have to do the right SQL query, and you depend on QC's data model in a quite peculiar way (usually a horror when you're upgrading)
If looking up in an array, or dictionary:
You either must maintain its initialization (bet other admin guys adding a cust field will forget that easily), or must "load" it from QC's table (which is a bit like the SQL solution above, and has the same downsides).
I'd go with the array/dictionary-initialized-from-db-idea. Or, if you can live with the constant idea already presented, that one is a good bet. Considering that there is no session-independent scope in QCs customizing scripts, the SQL access idea might really kill performance because it would have to be executed for every new user session. Which is why I, too, +1'd the constant idea.
Look at this:
Dim gFieldLabelToNameDICT: Set gFieldLabelToNameDICT = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
gFieldLabelToNameDICT.CompareMode = vbTextCompare
Function GetNameOfLabel (strFieldLabel)
' If it doesn't exist yet in fieldLabelToName dict -> search it using TDC and add it to the list to improve performance
If Not gFieldLabelToNameDICT.Exists(strFieldLabel) Then
Dim testSetFields As List
Dim testSetFields: Set testSetFields = QCUtil.QCConnection.Customization.Fields.Fields("RUN")
For Each aField in testSetFields
If aField.UserLabel = strFieldLabel Then
gFieldLabelToNameDICT.Item(strFieldLabel) = aField.ColumnName
End If
Next aField
End If
GetNameOfLabel = gFieldLabelToNameDICT.Item(strFieldLabel)
End Function
Maybe you shall want to add some more error handling, such us considering the case that the label is not found.