Left join and Group how to join the tables - sql

What I need is to join the tables and pull the name of the series and its due seasons
serie_id | serie_slug | serie_nome
1 | slug-01 | slug 01
2 | slug-02 | slug 02
3 | slug-03 | slug 03
temp_id | serie_id | serie_slug | temp_nome
1 | 2 | slug-02 | xxx 1
2 | 2 | slug-02 | xxx 2
3 | 3 | slug-03 | xxx 1
in that my select is looping for each result, how do I use GROUP BY?
SELECT * FROM tbl_seriados LEFT JOIN tbl_temporadas
ON tbl_seriados.serie_id = tbl_temporadas.serie_id
I want the following result
my url (will be dynamic)
|serie_nome: slug 02 |
|temp_nome: xxx 1 |
|temp_nome: xxx 2 |

Here you don't have to use GROUP BY, you should use WHERE:
for www.mysite.com/slug-02:
SELECT temp_nome FROM tbl_seriados LEFT JOIN tbl_temporadas
ON tbl_seriados.serie_id = tbl_temporadas.serie_id
WHERE serie_slug='slug-02';
|xxx 1 |
|xxx 2 |


How to get additional column with row count using two different tables?

In my database I have usergroup, usergroup_user tables. I want to make a SQL query which can result something like result(group_id, name, date, users_count).
usergroup table
| group_id| name |
| 10 |test1 |
| 11 |test2 |
| 12 |test3 |
usergroup_user table
|group_id | user_id |
| 10 | 100 |
| 10 | 200 |
| 10 | 250 |
| 11 | 250 |
| 11 | 700 |
I want to get this kind of a reusult
|group_id | name |users_count|
| 10 |test1 | 3 |
| 11 |test2 | 2 |
| 12 |test3 | 0 |
You simply do this with the group by, as per the following bellow.
FROM usergroup U
LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup_user R ON R.group_id =U.group_id
GROUP BY U.group_id ,U.RoleName
(select count(user_id) from [dbo].[usergroup_user] where usergroup_user.group_id=[usergroup].group_id ) AS users_count
from [dbo].[usergroup]
SELECT usergroup.group_id ,usergroup.name,COUNT(usergroup_user.id) as users_count
FROM usergroup
LEFT OUTER JOIN usergroup_user ON usergroup.group_id =usergroup_user.group_id
GROUP BY usergroup.group_id ,usergroup.name

Group-by if all field results are true

I have this query:
tbl_players ON tbl_ord.player_id = tbl_players.player_ids
id_shop = 3
n_ord ASC
| ord_table | n_ord | confirm |
| 10 | 2 | 1 |
| 10 | 2 | 0 |
| 8 | 3 | 1 |
| 8 | 3 | 1 |
| 4 | 5 | 1 |
| 4 | 5 | 1 |
I'd like get only result with all confirmed users by group-by on ord_table
| ord_table | n_ord | confirm |
| 4 | 5 | 1 |
| 8 | 3 | 1 |
You can probably use not exists:
SELECT o.ord_table, o.ord.n_ord,
1 as confirm
FROM tbl_ord o
FROM tbl_players p
WHERE o.player_id = p.player_ids AND
?.id_shop = 3 AND -- not sure what table this comes from
p.confirm = 0
ORDER BY o.n_ord ASC;
The advantage of this approach is that it avoids aggregating at the outer level. This, in turn, means that it can make better use of indexes, including using an index to potentially avoid sorting.
FROM tbl_ord
INNER JOIN tbl_players ON tbl_ord.player_id = tbl_players.player_ids
WHERE id_shop = 3
GROUP BY tbl_ord.ord.table, tbl_ord.ord.n_ord,
HAVING MIN(player.confirm) = 1

Want to JOIN fourth table in query

I have four tables:
My first table (mls_category) is like below:
| cat_no | store_id | cat_value |
| 10 | 101 | 1 |
| 11 | 101 | 4 |
My second table (points_matrix) is like below:
| pm_no | store_id | value_per_point | maxpoint |
| 1 | 101 | 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 101 | 2 | 50 |
| 3 | 101 | 3 | 80 |
My third table (mls_entry) is like below:
| user_id | category | distance | status |
| 1 | 10 | 20 | approved |
| 1 | 10 | 30 | approved |
| 1 | 11 | 40 | approved |
My fourth table (bonus_points) is like below:
| user_id | store_id | bonus_points | type |
| 1 | 101 | 200 | fixed |
| 2 | 102 | 300 | fixed |
| 1 | 103 | 4 | per |
Now, I want to add bonus points value into the sum of total distance according to the store_id, user_id and type.
I am using the following code to get total distance:
SELECT MIN(b.value_per_point) * d.total_distance FROM points_matrix b
SELECT store_id, sum(t1.totald/c.cat_value) as total_distance FROM mls_category c
SELECT SUM(distance) totald, user_id, category FROM mls_entry
WHERE user_id= 1 AND status = 'approved' GROUP BY user_id, category
) t1 ON c.cat_no = t1.category
) d ON b.store_id = d.store_id AND b.maxpoint >= d.total_distance
The above code is correct to calculate value, now I want to JOIN my fourth table.
This gives me sum (60*3 = 180) as total value. Now, I want (60+200)*3 = 780 for user 1 and store id 101 and value is fixed.
i think your query will be like below
SELECT Max(b.value_per_point)*( max(d.total_distance)+max(bonus_points)) FROM mls_point_matrix b
SELECT store_id, sum(t1.totald/c.cat_value) as total_distance FROM mls_category c
SELECT SUM(distance) totald, user_id, category FROM mls_entry
WHERE user_id= 1 AND status = 'approved' GROUP BY user_id, category
) t1 ON c.cat_no = t1.category group by store_id
) d ON b.store_id = d.store_id inner join bonus_points bp on bp.store_id=d.store_id
DEMO fiddle

Add Values to Grouping Column

I am having a lot of trouble with a scenario that I think some of you might have come across.
(the whole thing about Business Trips, two tables, one filled with payments done on Business trips, and the other is about the Business Trips, so the first one has more Rows than the other, (there are more Payments that happened than Trips))
I have two tables, Table A and Table B.
Table A looks as follows
| TableA_ID | TableB_ID | PaymentMethod | ValuePayed |
| 52 | 1 | Method1 | 23,2 |
| 21 | 1 | Method2 | 23,2 |
| 33 | 2 | Method3 | 23,2 |
| 42 | 1 | Method2 | 14 |
| 11 | 14 | Method1 | 267 |
| 42 | 1 | Method2 | 14,7 |
| 13 | 32 | Method1 | 100,2 |
Table B looks like this
| TableB_ID | TravelExpenses | OperatingExpense |
| 1 | 23 | 12 |
| 1 | 234 | 24 |
| 2 | 12 | 7 |
| 1 | 432 | 12 |
| 14 | 110 | 12 |
I am trying to create a measure Table (Table C) that looks like this:
| TableC_ID | TypeofCost | Amount |
| 1 | Method1 | 100,2 |
| 2 | Method2 | 52 |
| 3 | TravelExpenses | 7 |
| 4 | OperatingExpense| 12 |
| 5 | Method3 | 12 |
| 6 | OperatingExpense| 7 |
| 7 | Method3 | 12 |
(the Amount results are to be Summed and Columns - Employee, Month, TypeofCost Grouped)
So I pretty much have to group not only by the PaymentMethod which I get from table A,
but also insert new values in the group (TravelExpenses and OperatingExpense)
Can anybody give me any Idea about how this can be done in SQL ?
Here is what I have tried so far
SELECT PaymentMethod as TypeofCost
,Sum(ValuePayed) as Amount
FROM TableA Left Outer Join TableB on TableA.TableB_ID = TableB.TableB_ID
GROUP PaymentMethod
SELECT 'TravelExpenses' as TypeofCost
,Sum(TableB.TravelExpenses) as Amount
FROM TableA Left Outer Join TableB on TableA.TableB_ID = TableB.TableB_ID
GROUP PaymentMethod
SELECT 'OperatingExpense' as TypeofCost
,Sum(TableB.OperatingExpense) as Amount
FROM TableA Left Outer Join TableB on TableA.TableB_ID = TableB.TableB_ID
GROUP PaymentMethod
It should be something like this:
row_number() OVER(ORDER BY TableB_ID) as 'TableC_ID',
from (
a.PaymentMethod as 'TypeofCost',
SUM(a.ValuePayed) as 'Amount'
Table_A as a
group by a.TableB_ID, a.PaymentMethod
'TravelExpenses' as 'TypeofCost',
SUM(b1.TravelExpenses) as 'Amount'
Table_B as b1
group by b1.TableB_ID
'OperatingExpenses' as 'TypeofCost',
SUM(b2.OperatingExpenses) as 'Amount'
Table_B as b2
group by b2.TableB_ID
) as u
EDIT: Generate TableC_ID

sql compact 3.5, select top n rows from each group

I am writing a query to select the top 1 record from each group. Keep in mind that I working on sql compact 3.5 and thus can not use the rank function. I'm pretty sure my query is incorrect but I'm not sure how to select top from each group. Any one got any ideas?
Here is the query I was trying to get working
* added fH.InvoiceNumber to my query to get result further below.
select tH., t.CustomerNumber, c.CustomerName, fH.Status, fH.InvoiceNumber
from tenderHeader tH
join task t ON tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
join finalizeTicketHeader fH ON tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = fH.TaskActivityID
join customer c ON t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
where fH.Status <> '3' AND t.TripID = '08ea6982-6efd-46fa-9753-0fd8b076f24c';
Here is what my tables look like:
customer table:
| CustomerNumber | CustomerName | Address1 | ... |
| 0012084737 | Customer A | 150 Rd A | ... |
| 0012301891 | Customer B | 152 Rd A | ... |
task table
| ActivityID | TripID | TaskTypeName | Status | CustomerNumber |
| 4967f6cc | 08ea6982 | Payment | 2 | 0012084737 |
| e96469a1 | 08ea6982 | Payment | 2 | 0012301891 |
finalizeTicketHeader table
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | Amount | Status |
| 916082c8 | 1000 | 563.32 | 3 |
| 916082c8 | 1001 | -343.68 | 0 |
| 4b38bf60 | 1002 | 152.29 | 0 |
| 4b38bf60 | 1003 | -35.80 | 0 |
tenderHeader table
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | PastDue | TodaysDue | FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID |
| 4967f6cc | 1234567891 | 23.55 | 219.64 | 916082c8 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 |
the problem I was having was getting duplicates.
like so:
| TaskActivityID | InvoiceNumber | PastDue | TodaysDue | FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID | CustomerNumber | CustomerName | InvoiceNumber |
| 4967f6cc | 1234567891 | 23.55 | 219.64 | 916082c8 | 0012084737 | Customer A | 1001 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 | 0012301891 | Customer B | 1002 |
| e96469a1 | 1234567893 | 0.00 | 116.49 | 4b38bf60 | 0012301891 | Customer B | 1003 |
I've rewritten the query like so, but I need to get specific columns from the sub query.
select tH.* from tenderHeader th
inner join task t on tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
inner join (
select k.TaskActivityID from finalizeTicketHeader k group by k.TaskActivityID
) as fH on tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = fH.TaskActivityID
inner join customer c on t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
I need to get the status from fH. Any ideas of how to do that?
select tH.*, fH.Status from tenderHeader th
inner join task t on tH.TaskActivityID = t.ActivityID
inner join finalizeTicketHeader fH on tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = tH.TaskActivityID
inner join customer c on t.CustomerNumber = c.CustomerNumber
where tH.FinalizeTicketTaskActivityID = (
select top (1) k.TaskActivityID from finalizeTicketHeader k
but it seems that sql compact 3.5 does not support scalar values with subquery in where cause.
Here is an example that demonstrat a way of selecting the top 1 from each group
2 | 1:10
2 | 0:45
2 | 1:45
2 | 1:30
1 | 1:00
1 | 1:10
the table is called table_1; we group by id and assume that time should be desc ordered
select table_1.* from table_1
inner join (
select id, max(time) as max_time from table_1
group by id
) as t
on t.max_time = table_1.time and table_1.id = t.id
order by table_1.id
the result we get is
1 | 1:10
2 | 1:45