Is there plans to add Kotlin support for the Spring Tools Suite? - kotlin

I want to use Kotlin with the Spring Tools suite plugin for VSCode but it only supports Java (For things like intellisense).
I know I should just use intelliJ and I will for now but I program in a lot of different languages daily and I would like to do all of this from the same tool.

The Spring Tools 4 extension for VSCode does not support Kotlin yet (for the Spring specific tooling). Feel free to comment on


JBoss Drools - BPMN IntelliJ Plugin

I am looking for a plugin to use in IntelliJ to edit visually a .bpmn file. I installed the JBoss jBPM plugin, but it doesn't associate or open up a *.bpmn2 file. Can someone suggest if this supported in IntelliJ or another plugin is available to visually edit a .bpmn2 file?
JBoss JBPM plugin is an old plugin that covers Jboss proprietary jPDL notation but doesn't cover BPMN. There is also ActiBPM plugin ((, but it seems to be dead. Unfortunately there is no better tool for IntelliJ, so you probably remain stuck with your current tools (I'm stuck with Eclipse + Camunda plugin).
Unfortunately, most BPMN 2.0 engines I've seen use slightly different dialects. It means that the file structure is the same. But the details, like executed Java class reference, are provided in a slightly different way, for example by using custom XML namespace that is relevant to the concrete BPMN engine.
I've created a plugin for Flowable BPMN and IntelliJ with navigation-to-code-support:
And sources are here:
What I suggest is community participation in expanding this plugin or forking it to support i.e. JBPMN BPMN 2.0 dialect, as all we need to change is XML Parser, and all other parts of the plugin can remain as is

How should I set up a web project using Kotlin on the back-end and in the browser?

If I wanted to build a website which used Kotlin both on the back-end, and in the browser - how would I set this up? Is there a Maven archetype or a Gradle template that captures best-practices for something like this?
The easiest way is to keep the modules separate, and I guess conceptually you'd probably want to do that also. While IntelliJ IDEA for instance doesn't natively support the ability to output to JS and JVM with Kotlin, in principle with Gradle/Maven you could. Here are instructions on targeting JVM and JavaScript for Gradle

How to generate DAO classes in IntelliJ IDEA

is there any possibilities how to generate DAO classes in IntelliJ IDEA? I found many articles about generating entities but none of how to generate DAO.
I am using 11.1.2 version.
It should be noted that Intellij does now support this. Follow the guide here:
New Intellij Functionality
IntelliJ IDEA doesn't support it, you can consider using Hibernate Tools instead via Ant:
Ant task: The Hibernate3 tools include a unified Ant task that allows you to run schema generation, mapping generation, or Java code generation as part of your build.
The tools for Hibernate provides various tools to use with Hibernate.
The primary tools can be used for generating source artifacts such as
mapping files, java entities, DAO and other scaffolding code. The
source of this generation can be JDBC database, classes or even just
existing mappings.
It uses Hibernate core metamodel to generate from and to the source
artifacts. Allowing it to support both top-down, bottom-up and
middle-out development.
Hibernate Tools is used in JBoss Tools Hibernate plugins to provide
parts of the Eclipse plugins for Hibernate.

Eclipse plugin for play 2

I am a beginner with Play2 framework and Scala.
Is there any eclipse play 2 plugin available?
If yes, then please provide me the link for the same. I am used to Eclipse and have never used Scala before;hence in a confusion like how and where to start from. Looking at the Play2 Doc, sems like working in command prompt IDE which is very difficult (though I have tried yet)
Please let me know the eclipse plugin for Play2 or some other IDE helpful for this.
There in no plugin as such for Eclipse.
Play! framework has nice set of tools for doing tasks such as following
creating new play project
running the project
deployment of the application
doing the continuous testing mode etc
Trust me, once you start using this, you gonna love it.
Beside you do not require any experience in Scala, as for Play framework you can use Java language, if you are comfortable with it (you can choose Java template while creating new Play project )
and also you can use IDE for syntax highlighting , code completion etc
I had a brief try of Play development using Eclipse and the Scala Plugin. I personally found it awkward and not terribly helpful. (The errors which the IDE reported were not always the same as the ones that the Play compiler reported, for example.)
I’ve had a lot more joy using the Intellij IDEA IDE, with its Scala plugin. As with Eclipse the current version of IDEA does not have specific support for Play Framework 2, but it does have specific support for Scala.
The next version of Intellij IDEA, v12, will have explicit support for Play Framework 2: (but only in the paid-for ‘Ultimate’ edition, not in the free ‘Community’ edition).

Using Enunciate with Grails

I am creating Web APIs, in a RESTful manner. Grails of course has good support for creating REST web services. Enunciate claims to help in the API part, where things like documentation, client libraries, etc are important.
The purpose of this post is to invite experiences on using Enunciate with Grails, or ideas on how that can be done.
There are two main issues using them together:
Enunciate works with JAX-RS, not the native implementation of REST by Grails. Thankfully there's a JAX-RS plugin available, but am not sure if Enunciate will be able to work with it.
Grails domain classes are in Groovy while Enunciate works with Java
source code (example).
Enunciate works with both Java source code and Java compiled bytecode to do its work. But if you don't have Java source code, Enunciate won't be able to pull stuff out of your JavaDocs to enhance its generated documentation. Given that, there should (theoretically) be a way to apply Enunciate to compiled Groovy bytecode, but your docs won't be as rich because Enunciate won't be able to see your JavaDoc documentation. I say theoretically because I don't have any personal experience with it nor do I know how painful it is to pull off.
There is an open issue at ENUNCIATE-356 to investigate this complexity. Note that ENUNCIATE-356 depends on ENUNCIATE-584, which might get some more traction soon, being driven by ENUNCIATE-585 as we move from using APT (introduced in Java 5, deprecated in Java 7) to the Javac tool (introduced in Java 6). It would be interesting to know whether the Javac tool supports languages other than Java, in which case we'd get Groovy support for free.