if the request parameter header is as applicationx-www-form-urlencoded in json format how can i read it asp.net core - asp.net-core

I set the Request header in postman as "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", and the format of the Request parameter is Json, but I can't get the value in asp.net core, I currently get request.form.keys.count () ==0 requset.body.length ==0 but requset.contentlength >0

I found the source of the problem, when I used routing matches like Controller/Action/id, I was unable to read the requested parameters
If I don't use it, I can read these parameters, and I suspect that this is a problem with the underlying code, and I can't solve it, so I don't use route matching, and I'm sad when I can't use route matching,I cannot get the requested parameters as follows=>
public async Task<IActionResult> test(string str)
return Content(str);


Implicit cast operator in ActionResult<bool> not working

I am following this guide to build my controllers. I do the following.
This is my controller:
// GET api/sth/{sthId}/isValid
[HttpGet("{sthId: int}/isValid")]
public ActionResult<bool> Whatever(int sthId)
return this.myService.Whatever(sthId);
Theoretically, this should be converted to an Ok() ActionResult. However, If I write the following unit test:
public void Whatever()
this.myServiceMock.Setup(x => x.Whatever(It.IsAny<int>())).Returns(true);
-> I DEBUG HERE -> var result = this.myController.Whatever(1);
I see that my result is an ActionResult<bool> indeed, whose Value is true as expected, but result.Result is null. So: no Ok action result whatsoever.
What am I missing? Do I have to write explicitly the return Ok() to get it? With the sentence
Implicit cast operators support the conversion of both T and ActionResult to ActionResult<T>. T converts to ObjectResult, which means return new ObjectResult(T); is simplified to return T;.
in the documentation I thought it was not necessary...?
The ActionResult<TValue> class:
wraps either an[sic] TValue instance or an ActionResult.
See also the source, its constructors assign either Value or Result, never both.
The MVC pipeline will assign a success status code to the response if no status code was explicitly set. But I can't find documentation for that claim.
This means the response as obtained in this test won't have a status code or OkActionResult anywhere. You can convert it to an ObjectResult, but that won't have a status code.
If you use something like swagger you will indeed get an OK from the server.
This happens to you because you dont perform an http request you simple call a method(your controller method) and you get a return type. You dont create a web server or something so no http status code is generated by .net core.
If you want to get status codes you should write test using http requests. Generally you could look up something like postman to perform your testing.

How to make CORS API call from Blazor client app with authentication using AutoRest Client?

I am trying to call Web API from Blazor Client App. The API sends required CORS headers and works fine when I call the API using plain Javascript.
The API needs Auth cookies to be included when making a call so using JavaScript I can call:
fetch(uri, { credentials: 'include' })
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => { console.log(data) })
.catch(error => console.log('Failed'));
Now, I am trying to do the same on Blazor. I came across this section on the docs which says:
requestMessage.Properties[WebAssemblyHttpMessageHandler.FetchArgs] = new
credentials = FetchCredentialsOption.Include
When I make a call now, it fails with following exception:
WASM: System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'Window': The provided value '2' is not a valid enum value of type RequestCredentials.
I noticed that adding following on Statrup.cs allows me to call API including credentials (here):
if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Create("WEBASSEMBLY")))
WebAssemblyHttpMessageHandler.DefaultCredentials = FetchCredentialsOption.Include;
Now, I would like to call the API using AutoRest generated API Client so that I can reuse existing client and save lot of time. Setting DefaultCredentials as above doesn't work and shows following exception:
WASM: Microsoft.Rest.HttpOperationException: Operation returned an invalid status code 'InternalServerError'
Setting the requestMessage.Properties as above, says
The provided value '2' is not a valid enum value of type RequestCredentials`.
I am already injecting HttpClient from Blazor using this technique.
This is not really the answer... I just need space
Setting the requestMessage.Properties as above, says The provided
value '2' is not a valid enum value of type RequestCredentials
If so, what is wrong with the other method I suggested, which I guess is working.
The provided value '2' is not a valid enum value of type
is not related to Blazor, right ? No such type (RequestCredentials) in Blazor. Perhaps your code, whatever it may be, gets the numeric value of the FetchCredentialsOption.Include and not its Enum string
Consider instantiating an HttpRequestMessage object, and configuring it according to your requirements.
Hope this helps...

Cannot JSON.parse serverless event.body

I’ve been working on a simple function with the serverless framework that gets some data in a http POST, does some analysis and sends the results back. I got it working locally on my machine using serverless-offline but when it comes to deploying it I’m getting an error parsing the event.body.
Logging out the event.body it’s a string that looks like this:
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="text"
so it makes sense that the parse is failing but I have no idea why this error it happening.
Any suggestions? I’ve tried a bunch of different things but am completely stumped.
Thanks in advance!
You can't JSON.parse that event.body cause it isn't JSON. It looks like whatever POSTed that data is using a multipart form POST style request rather than sending JSON. How are you invoking the HTTP POST?
I had the same issue and after a lot of debugging noticed 2 important things:
1.When the content type is application/x-www-form-urlencoded you might need to parse the data in a different way:
const qs = require('querystring');
module.exports.run = async event => {
try {
const data = qs.parse(event.body);
console.info('DATA:', data);
} catch(e) {
2.When the Content-Type of the request is multipart/form-data the parsing will be even more complicated. I will suggest extra dependency to parse it like multiparty or any other of your choice
Thank you #Brian Winant! I am putting the answer here as a screenshot so it's clearer. In Postman, do the following:
AWS Lambda would return event.body as encoded query strings if the content-type is x-www-urlencoded. To have it return a JSON string you can then parse, send JSON data and set content-type as application/json.

Sailsjs: Difference between `req.body` and `req.params.all()`

What is the difference between req.body and req.params.all() when used in a sails controller?
req.body is whatever was parsed out of the request body, for example the payload in a POST request. req.params.all() gives you the collection of parameters culled from (in order of precedence):
the route (e.g. the id in /post/:id).
the request body
the query string
A problem I've noticed while using req.params in a PUT request is:
PUT /route/1
the req.body.id overwrites the one from req.params.all().id and the req.params.all().id becomes 2.
Seems to be fixed in Sails v1.

File Upload with Additional Parameters as JSON

I am using the below code to upload image with some additional parameters.
public HttpResponseMessage Upload(Data data)
var count = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files.Count;
return null;
I tried checked this method using postman chrome extension. I passed these values
Under Headers
enctype: multipart/form-data
Content-Type: application/json
Under form-data added one image file
Under raw
"Id": "1",
"ModifiedBy" : "1"
But the problem i am getting 0 for count
The Content-Type should be multipart/form-data not application/json for your code to work. A typical content type looks like this:
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundaryvmxBBVAoH3KRsa9L
The actual post data then contains blocks of 'data' separated by the boundary. These blocks can contain a content type, but they don't have to. If you're doing file uploads the content type should not matter - the filename is what determines the type.
All that said, with WebAPI you shouldn't be using the ASP.NET HttpContext object, but rather the lower level Web API semantics. While what you're doing works as long as you run inside of the ASP.NET stack, if you self-host or maybe in the future run ontop of a different stack like OWin/Katana this code will no longer work.
To handle file uploads with Web API specific code check out this blog post from Filip W.