Use combineLatest with an array of observables - kotlin

I have 4 text input fields. When the user enters text into any of the fields, I will enable a button. To accomplish this, I will use the combineLatest by combining 4 observables that receive text in their streams. I am at a loss as to how to access the latest value of each of the observables. NOTE: I want to use an array as eventually there will be more than 4 input fields. I am also looking for a solution in Kotlin.
val text1: PublishSubject<String> = PublishSubject.create()
val text2: PublishSubject<String> = PublishSubject.create()
val text3: PublishSubject<String> = PublishSubject.create()
val text4: PublishSubject<String> = PublishSubject.create()
val inputs = Arrays.asList(
text1, text2, text3, text4
Observable.combineLatest(inputs) {
// How do I access the latest value from each observable?

Inside the lambda you get an array. The i-th element of this array (arrayOfEmissions in the following example) corresponds to the latest element emitted by the i-th observable.
Observable.combineLatest(inputs) { arrayOfEmissions ->

You can combine them and provide a function to wrap the values into a custom class:
Function4<String, String, String, String, LatestResult> { t1, t2, t3, t4 ->
LatestResult(t1, t2, t3, t4)
.subscribe { latestResult ->
// Access the latest results here:
data class LatestResult(val text1: String, val text2: String, val text3: String, val text4: String)

You can use any of these extension functions:
// [publisher1, publisher2].combineLatest()
extension Array where Element: Publisher {
func combineLatest() -> AnyPublisher<[Element.Output], Element.Failure> {
// Publishers.CombineLatestArray([publisher1, publisher2])
extension Publishers {
static func CombineLatestArray<P>(_ array: [P]) -> AnyPublisher<[P.Output], P.Failure> where P : Publisher {
array.dropFirst().reduce(into: AnyPublisher(array[0].map{[$0]})) { res, ob in
res = res.combineLatest(ob) { i1, i2 -> [P.Output] in
return i1 + [i2]


Group and calculate values in list

I have a list of classes (Kotlin)
class ChallengeRecord(
val sc: String,
val participant: String,
val hr: String,
val point: Int)
how can I group by participant and sum points by them?
I want to found kotlin analogue for java
Collectors.groupingBy() or Collectors.toMap()
.groupingBy { it.participant }
.fold(0){accumulator, element -> accumulator + element.point }
.groupBy { it.participant }
.mapValues { (_, challengeRecords) -> challengeRecords.sumOf { it.point } }

Kotlin / What i need to pass to init: (index: Int)->Contact?

I have a question, what value I need to pass to "init: (index: Int)->Contact" as it expects:
The integer literal does not conform to the expected type (Int) ->
Snippet of the function
fun ContactList(textVal: MutableState<TextFieldValue>, navigateToProfile: (Contact) -> Unit) {
var contacts = remember { DataProvider.contactList }
var contactList = contacts.toMutableList()
var filteredContacts: MutableList<Contact>
contentPadding = PaddingValues(horizontal = 16.dp, vertical = 8.dp)
) {
val searchText = textVal.value.text
filteredContacts = if (searchText.isEmpty()){
val resultList = MutableList<Contact>(10, "init: (inded: Int)->Contact")
for (contact in contactList) {
if (contact.contains(searchText.lowercase())) {
items(filteredContacts) {
ContactListItem(contact = it, navigateToProfile)
Snippet of the Contact
data class Contact(
val id: Int,
val name: String,
val description: String,
val recipe: String,
val ImageId: Int = 0
(index: Int)->Contact means: a function that receives Int and returns Contact. But I guess this does not really solve your problem.
The problem is that you use MutableList "constructor" (it is actually a function) which is intended to create a list with exactly 10 items. Then you need to provide these items and this is what init function is for. What you actually need here is to create an empty list and you can do this with:
val resultList = mutableListOf<Contact>()
However, if you just need to filter some collection and create another one, it is much easier to use filter():
val resultList = contactList.filter { it.contains(searchText.lowercase()) }
If Contact.contains() is an operator then we can also simplify it to:
val resultList = contactList.filter { searchText.lowercase() in it }

Pass a list of functions with different parameters in Kotlin

I have a class that calls functions depending on events. Events are emitted from sockets. I should catch these events, parse JSON and respond (call a corresponding function). For instance, {"event_name": "message", "data": {"text": "dfgfdgfdg", "sender": "dsfdsfs"}}
fun listener(jsonString: String, methodsMap: Map<String, () -> Unit>) {
val json = JSONObject(jsonString)
val data = json.getJSONObject("data")
when (json.get("event_name")) {
"update" -> {
val count = data.getInt("count")
methodsMap["update"]?.invoke(count) // 1 parameter.
"message" -> {
val message = data.getString("text")
val sender = data.getString("sender")
methodsMap["message"]?.invoke(message, sender) // 2 parameters.
So, I cannot create one method that calls functions with different parameters. How to do this?
Since you are already have if-then logic in listener, having the functions in a Map is of questionable value and it forces you to to deal with the fact that your functions are of different types. If it is parametrisation of listener you are after, perhaps this (simplified example code that skips JSON) is sufficient:
class UpdateHandler {
fun update(n: Int) = println("update ( $n )")
class MessageHandler {
fun message(s1: String, s2: String) = println("message ( $s1 $s2 )")
fun listener(jsonString: String, updateF: (Int) -> Unit, messageF: (String, String) -> Unit) {
when (jsonString) {
"update" -> updateF(73)
"message" -> messageF("message", "sender")
fun main() {
val updateHandler = UpdateHandler()
val messageHandler = MessageHandler()
val listener = { json: String -> listener(json, updateHandler::update, messageHandler::message) }
listener("update") // prints: update ( 73 )
listener("message")// prints: message ( message sender )
First, I wanted to use a list of parameters in each function, but it leads to poor type verification during compilation. Also I wanted to assign vararg instead of List, but couldn't.
fun listener(jsonString: String, methodsMap: Map<String, (List<Any>) -> Unit>) {
methodsMap["update"]?.invoke(listOf(count)) // 1 parameter.
methodsMap["message"]?.invoke(listOf(message, sender)) // 2 parameters.
This is a poor solution. Bugs may occur, we should remember to change methodsMap in every class that uses listener when we change any event.
Second, I tried to use sealed classes. This is not so simple.
Third, I tried to use interface. We know that callbacks are usually made with interfaces. We can even merge interfaces in Kotlin. So, this can be a solution to a problem (but not to a question).
fun listener(jsonString: String, callback: EventListener) {
val json = JSONObject(jsonString)
val data = json.getJSONObject("data")
when (json.get("event_name")) {
"update" -> {
val count = data.getInt("count")
"message" -> {
val text = data.getString("text")
val sender = data.getString("sender")
callback.onNewMessage(text, sender)
interface EventListener {
fun onUpdate(count: Int)
fun onNewMessage(text: String, sender: String)
Then we can call listener outside of the class and pass any callbacks we like.

Kotlin filter list within a list

How can I return the original list (or a copy of the list) when trying to filter a nested list, I have the following method:
if I use .map I get the nested list as return, if I use a flatMap I get a nested list --> List>
private fun filterForShop(
list: MutableList<WidgetItem>
): List<WidgetItem> {
val result = {
it.compList.filter { comp -> != "square"
My object looks like:
data class WidgetItem(
val id: String,
val title: String,
val kind: String,
val compList: List<CompItem>
Since compList is val we can only copy the old elements with the new compList value
private fun filterForShop(
list: MutableList<WidgetItem>
): List<WidgetItem> = {
it.copy(compList = it.compList.filter { comp -> != "square"
You can use .also() to perform an operation but preserving the original context.
private fun filterForShop(
list: MutableList<WidgetItem>
): List<WidgetItem> =
list.also {
it.compList = it.compList
.filter { comp -> != "square"
This would only work if compList is writable, which is not in this case.
You'll need to do it as #IR42 suggested.

How to print multiple attrributes from a hashMap that is a property inside a toString override

I am learning Kotlin and writing code to check my understanding. I'm trying to use a toString override to print the values of a hashMap that is a property of a class. I can't get it to work. Instead I get output like "kotlin.Unit() -> kotlin.Unit". Also, I don't understand why the values of the hashMap ARE printing out before the toString output. I don't know where that output is coming from. Please help me. Thanks. Below is my code and the output I'm getting.
package ch07.ExpandoObject
import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener
import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
class Person(
val name: String = "",
age: Int? = null,
var isMarried: Boolean? = null ,_attributes: kotlin.collections.HashMap<String,String>? = hashMapOf<String, String>()
var _attributes : kotlin.collections.HashMap<String,String>? = hashMapOf<String, String>()
fun setAttribute(attrName: String, value: String) {
_attributes!!.set(attrName, value)
override fun toString() = "Person(name=\"${name?:""}\", age=${age?:99999}, isMarried=$isMarried) " +
"${_attributes?.get("name")} " + "$name " +
this._attributes!!.forEach { (attrName, value) -> println("$attrName = $value") } +
for ((attrName, value) in this._attributes!!) {
println("attribute $attrName = ${this._attributes!![attrName]}")
val _age = ObservableProperty(propName = "age", propValue = age, changeSupport = changeSupport)
private val observer = {
prop: KProperty<*>, oldValue: Int, newValue: Int ->
changeSupport.firePropertyChange(, oldValue, newValue)
var age: Int by Delegates.observable(initialValue = age?:99999,onChange = observer)
class ObservableProperty(val propName: String,
var propValue: Int?, val changeSupport: PropertyChangeSupport
) {
fun getValue(): Int? = propValue
fun setValue( newValue: Int) {
val oldValue = propValue
propValue = newValue
changeSupport.firePropertyChange(propName, oldValue, newValue)
open class PropertyChangeAware {
val changeSupport = PropertyChangeSupport(this)
fun addPropertyChangeListener(listener: PropertyChangeListener) {
fun removePropertyChangeListener(listener: PropertyChangeListener) {
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val p = Person("Bob", 89, isMarried = false)
val data = mapOf("lastname" to "Jones", "company" to "JetBrains")
for ((attrName, value) in data)
p.setAttribute(attrName, value)
Here is the current output:
name = Bob
company = JetBrains
lastname = Jones
Person(name="Bob", age=89, isMarried=false) Bob Bob kotlin.Unit() -> kotlin.Unit
Thanks, again, for any help.
You should not use print() or println() functions inside toString() because they output their arguments to the standard output immediately instead of appending them to the string returned to the caller.
Let's examine the output kotlin.Unit() -> kotlin.Unit you're getting. It consists of two parts:
kotlin.Unit is the string representation of attributes!!.forEach { ... } expression. forEach function returns without value, and in Kotlin it's expressed by returning the Unit object value. Its string representation is appended to the string you're returning.
the second part, () -> kotlin.Unit, is also the string representation of the lambda function expression { for((attrName, value) in ...) }. This function takes no parameters, and returns without value, which means that its type is () -> Unit. Note that in Kotlin the block { ... } declares a local lambda function. If you instead want to run the code inside of that block, use the run function: run { ... }
The goal of toString function is to build the string representation of an object. And for that you can use buildString function:
override fun toString() = buildString {
append("Person(name=\"${name?:""}\", age=${age?:99999}, isMarried=$isMarried) ")
append("${_attributes?.get("name")} ").append("$name ")
this._attributes!!.forEach { (attrName, value) -> append("$attrName = $value") }
for ((attrName, value) in this._attributes!!) {
append("attribute $attrName = ${this._attributes!![attrName]}")
This function creates a StringBuilder and passes it as a receiver to its functional argument, where you call append or appendln on that receiver. Then buildString converts that string builder to a string and returns it.