After simulation, anylogic program freezes - freeze

After running a simulation, the anylogic program (8.4) freezes most of the time. There are no errors on codes or model itself when debugging.
In the previous version, there was a button (Run Garbage Collector) on the bottom so I use that after simulation to prevent this freezing. However, i can't find the function anymore in the lastest version (8.4)


How to catch Delphi App shutting down when run in IDE?

Using Delphi 2009 on Windows 10 I have an app that performs shut down operations such as logging and database manipulation.
Anywhere the user is able to exit the app I call Form.Close on the main form which calls a procedure to do the required operations. This works ok regardless of whether the user exits via the menu or by using the Windows task bar icon to close the window (as some of my users do).
When debugging the app in the IDE however, clicking the red square in the Delphi menu bar to stop the app running does not call Form.Close and hence doesn't call my shut down procedure.
Is there a way to make the app correctly call form.close when shut down via the IDE so that I can ensure all parts get debugged?
Other info
I've looked here which describes a method using WMQueryEndSession to catch windows shut down messages but when I use that code in my app it is not called when the IDE shuts down the application, so maybe the IDE is using a different method.
Code used in my WMQueryEndSession procedure
procedure TFrmMain.WMQueryEndSession(var Msg: TWMQueryEndSession);
{intercept the shut down message and call our proc first
SafeFormClose is very simple and quick so no issues.
Also called first in case the inherited procedure shuts us down
before SafeFormClose has a chance to run}
SafeFormClose; //Do our shut down and logging stuff
Msg.Result := 1; //Signal that it is OK for Windows to shut us down
inherited; //Do whatever the original handler would have done.
If you are running the program in debugger, clicking the red square (reset button) terminates the program immediately. The debugger has full control of the program, and no more code is run after you click the reset button.
This is different than for example terminating the program in the task manager (in which case Windows would send a close signal to the program, which could reject it if it doesn't want to close yet).
You should design the program so that if it stops at any point, the next time it is started it fixes any problems caused by the reset (for example fixes corrupted database files). This is a real situation that can occur when power is lost or the operating system crashes. You cannot trust that your shutdown routine can be run every time.

Jitbit Macro Recorder - IF Image statement, why it is not waiting until the image appears?

I am using Jitbit MacroRecorder and it is a really helpful tool. The problem is this: By using the IF image found feature, I want the program to execute 2 sequential commands as soon as the image I selected on my screen appears. However, the program is putting too much load on the CPU by running thousands of times until the IF statement is true. What I want is for the program to WAIT until the image in the IF image found statement appears on the screen, that is, not to run thousands of times.
My simple code
The only way for the program to know when the image appears is to continuously "scan" the screen until it sees it. You may be able to use the image NOT found feature inside a loop with a delay. You would look for the image, and if not found, delay a second, and then look for it again. The tradeoff is you will have that delay in there which will keep your program from running the following commands immediately.

Visual Basic: Stopping a background thread from the main thread possible?

I am writing a program (in Microsoft Visual Basic) to control a remote instrument (an XY axis microscope stage). As an example, the user must initially calibrate the stage by clicking a GUI button. It takes some time to accomplish the calibration process and I do not want to freeze the main GUI, so I execute the call on a background thread, as follows:
Call New Thread(AddressOf CALIBRATE_STAGE) With {.IsBackground = True}.Start()
So that works well, but we can imagine that for some reason, the user might need to halt the calibration before it is completed. The halt command must originate from a button on the GUI but it cannot be run from the main thread, or a HUGE instability results. (Basically, a program crash, probably because the sub thread was incorrectly managed. The only fix is to completely reboot the computer.)
I think what I need to do is something like this pseudo-code:
Press HALT button on GUI
Execute the STAGE HALT command on the same sub-thread where the CALIBRATE_STAGE command was launched
Once the stage is halted, properly abort the sub thread
Trouble is, I do not know how to do acquire the specific sub-thread on which CALIBRATE_STAGE is running. I do know its ThreadID, but given that integer, how do I launch a new process on that thread? Does anyone have some ideas?
Or maybe someone knows this idea of mine will not work and has a better solution?

COINIT_MULTITHREADED and mysterious crashes after using OleCreatePropertyFrame

Is there any benefit of using COINIT_MULTITHREADED in a DirectShow application? For now it has given me some troubles, but I am not sure if using CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED) is the right fix for the problems.
The full story:
I have a pretty straightforward web camera capture application with ability to choose the capture source and call the device manufacturer settings through OleCreatePropertyFrame.
My app runs pretty stable, no memory leaks, I can switch between devices without any problems (I completely rebuild DirectShow graph each time when user chooses device).
But there is only one problem after showing the property page of the capture filter. If I just show it and close without changing anything, all continues normally. If I change any setting in the property pages and then close the property frame, also everything continues seemingly normal .. until the next time I change the device and rebuild the graph. The previous graph gets destroyed normally, no errors, filters are being removed and released correctly. And right when I create a new graph and call graphBuilder->SetFiltergraph( pfg ), my app crashes with some weird access violation errors insde of Kernel32. But if I change COINIT_MULTITHREADED to COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED, this error disappears.
So is that COINIT_MULTITHREADED a real problem of my application or maybe there is some other monster hiding somwhere? Has someone experince with it?
Any thread that creates a window must be STA. Both user32 and gdi are fundamentally thread-unsafe.

Python freezes after computer sleep/hibernate

I have a python script that is running in the background with pythonw. If I close my laptop, it goes into sleep mode. and when I open my laptop, my program has little functionality and freezes after a couple of seconds. Is there any way that my script can tell if my computer is going into sleep mode, so that it can lie dormant and restart when I re-open my laptop?
You can catch WM_POWERBROADCAST window message with PBT_APMQUERYSUSPEND event inside it. To catch this message inside Python program, you can create new invisible window and make separate thread repeatedly calling GetMessage().
In the worst case you can archieve all these by using ctypes only, but you can also use pywin32, sometimes referred to as win32py.