Is this SSO scenario possible with FusionAuth? - fusionauth

I go to my application and check if there is JWT cookie
If it is there, I parse it and start to verify if user have access to my application
If it is not there, I will redirect user to authenticate in FusionAuth
After successful login, user will be redirected back to my application
How do I specify in step 3 fusionauth id of my application?
And how do I specify that I want to redirect to my application after successful login?
I assume that fusionauth is running on and application on and JWT cookie will be issued in, so it will be visible for both.

Yes, this is possible.
In step 3, you will redirect the browser to the FusionAuth login page. Navigate to Settings --> Applications in the FusionAuth UI and click on the green view button for the application in questio.
This will bring up a dialog which will show integration information (if you're on a recent version of FusionAuth).
You'll see a link something like this:
OAuth IdP login URL:{your URI here}
The client_id parameter in this case will identify your application to FusionAuth.
And how do I specify that I want to redirect to my application after successful login?
This is configured in FusionAuth as an authorized redirect, and then you specify this same URL when redirecting to FusionAuth to login. Notice the redirect_uri parameter in the example URL above. There is a screenshot of this configuration here:
I assume that fusionauth is running on and application on and JWT cookie will be issued in, so it will be visible for both.
FusionAuth does not currently drop cross domain cookies. If you are running FusionAuth at the Cookie will have that same domain and not be visible to
If you want to leverage FusionAuth, then you do not need to inspect the cookie on, you'll simply redirect the user if they are not logged in and then if the user already has a SSO session on FusionAuth, they will be seamlessly redirected back to your application.
You can review our login workflows to identify the one that fits your requirements the best and then follow the recommended workflow.

This appears to be a standard OAuth Authorization Code Grant workflow. We have this workflow and many others documented here:
My guess is that your specific workflow is likely the Authorization Code Grant for Single-Page Applications using JWTs and Refresh Tokens that is documented here:
The way that this works is that you start the OAuth workflow from your application by redirecting the browser to FusionAuth's /oauth2/authorize endpoint. You will need to supply this information to start the OAuth workflow:
client_id - this can be found under the Application configuration in FusionAuth
response_type - for the Authorization Code grant, this will be code
redirect_uri - this is the location you want the user to return to after they log in with FusionAuth. You must configure this URI in FusionAuth under the Application's OAuth configuration tab.
If you are running FusionAuth 1.6.0 or newer, you can also click the "View" icon for your Application and it will display a pop-up dialog that will contain the OAuth URL. You will still need to specify the redirect_uri though. Here is the documentation page for the Authorize endpoint:
Once you have that working, you will need to write the Controller for your redirect_uri. This Controller will take the code from the URL that FusionAuth generates and call the /oauth2/token endpoint. This process will exchange the authorization code for an access token, which is a JWT.
The documentation for the /oauth2/otken endpoint is located there:
This will help you implement your Controller.


Authenticating multiple web applications through single authentication mechanism

How can I authenticate multiple applications with a single authentication mechanism?. These applications are having existing authentication within them, perhaps I need to authenticate these apps into my system which is isolated from others. Please suggest a better approach
When using OpenID Connect, the first application the user logs in to, will redirect the user's browser to the authorization server (AS). Since the user does not have a session between the browser and the AS, it will present the login screen. The user signs in and is redirected to the application (client) with an ID token and access token. The application will then establish a session between the browser and the application (typically a cookie)
When the user navigates to the second application, it will also redirect the user to the AS, but now the user already has a valid session between the browser and the AS, so the AS won't show the login screen (it may show the consent screen if the user has not consented to the requested scopes), and will issue an ID token and access token to the second application.
Now the user has a authenticated session with both applications with a single sign on (SSO).
If you use OAuth 2.0 with OIDC, you can authenticate your user once and verify the access token at each app the user visits. This is a typical single sign-on flow (SSO).

SSO Plugin in Bitbucker Server how to kickstart authentication

I'm trying to write a small bitbucket plugin that enables SAML 2 SSO authentication.
I've been looking at the source code of sample authentication plugins in bitbucket, and it looks quite straightforward.
However, my question is what is the best approach to handle authentication that spans over separate requests.
To do SAML SSO, you have to send a POST to the IdP via the user's browser, and then it sends a SAML token back via POST's again, but then you're no longer in the middle of authentication. So I'm trying to figure out the cleanest way to kickstart the authentication process again, my current thought is as follows:
Have my authentication handler that implements com.atlassian.bitbucket.auth.HttpAuthenticationHandler do a check to see if SAML authentication has happened in the authenticate() method, and then redirect them to the IdP if necessary. (Authentication process has stopped because of the redirect)
Receive the SAML token from the IdP on a separate servlet and check SAML token is good to use. Presuming it's all good, set a servlet request attribute (or session attribute) with the username that has been validated, and then forward the user to the original page they tried to access. This should start the authentication process again.
My authentication handler runs again, checks for the request/session attribute, and this time creates the ApplicationUser that is necessary for authenticate() to complete successfully.
Does this sound like a good approach? I had a look at the bitbucket source code for how the Crowd SSO handler works, but with Crowd SSO it doesn't need to redirect you an external login page, so it doesn't have an example of this flow.

Does anyone know how to implement Auth0 hosted login page?

I am working on a SPA (Angular 1.5.x with Auth0) and saw that I could customize the widget login page. Auth0 provided a generated custom login's URL that includes the Client ID, but no visible instructions on how to integrate it into my project.
If anyone has, can you provide instructions as to how you integrated the Auth0 Hosted Login Page?
You can show this login page by redirecting to the /authorize endpoint and not specifying a connection parameter. If a connection is specified, the user will directly by redirected to log in with that specific identity provider.

Forms Authentication and SSO

Created a web based application which needs to integrate forms authentication and SSO. Currently forms authentication will validate all the registered users.
What I need is to integrate SSO as well in to the application. ie, If the user not authenticated then redirect to identity server (Okta) configured with WS-Fed and added the application, validate and response to landing page. Please can you help on this. Please let me know if any more information is required.
Can you please explain this statement " If the user not authenticated then redirect to identity server (Okta) configured with WS-Fed and added the application"?
Please see this link Under section "Adding Single-sign on to your Music Store" you can see how C# sdk can be used to implement single sign on.
Essentially what you need is a cookieToken from Okta. Using cookieToken as one time token and a redirect url (Can be your app url) you can use /login/sessionCookieRedirect?token=&redirectUrl=. This will create active session with Okta and redirect your user to your app or redirect uri.
Cookie token is obtained via series of two calls. Authentication that gives you session token in response. Session token is exchanged for cookie token via create session call.

How does SE's single signon work?

Basically I just want to know how does StackExchange's single signon system work?
In the SE network you need to login only once in one of the websites to be automatically logged in to the other sites upon visiting.
How should I implement such a feature in my own network of sites?
I assume it uses the cookie which resides on the user's browser and then authenticates it with the originating site. If it is legit then it logs the user in automatically.
You have to implement SAML or oauth2 to allow sso on your network.
In case of SAML your child websites will be service providers or resource servers.
While you need to setup and identity provider.
The sequence of events will be like this.
1. User hits a url of songs website, this site is resource server and does not handle authentication.
2.To authenticate resource server will construct a SAML authrequest and redirects to identity provider after signing it.
Idp verifies the signature after receiving authrequest.
3. User will be presented with a login form, user has to end login credentials.
4. After user authentication idp will generate a SAMl token and redirect back to resource server.
5. Resource server will extract identity information from SAML token, resource server will login the user with session or cookie.
Depends upon which technology you are working in i have implemented it in php using simplesamlphp.