Intellij IDE Not Running Unit Tests - intellij-idea

I am running IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.1 and am attempting test a class with the integrated test runner. The test seems to compile but not run.
This is a multi-module Maven project, and other modules have tests that run. However, I have not been able to find any differences between the projects. The surefire plugin is specifically defined on this project, and <skipTests> is specifically set to false. I have reimported the project several times in case the maven configuration is affecting the built-in runner.
The image below is the only output I get. Debug/Breakpoints will not stop.
If anyone can help or throw possibilities at me, I would appreciate it.
Here's a simplified version of the test I'm attempting to run:
package com.jason;
// imports
public class MyTest {
private ClassUnderTest clazz;
private DaoClass dao;
public void setUp() {
// using Mockito to mock the DaoClass
// injecting the DAO into the ClassUnderTest
public void testMethod() {
I attempt to run the test by right-clicking on the method annotated with #Test and clicking run. The option to run the test DOES appear in the context menu. When I do so, all that appears is the screenshot.
I have attempted to do the following to troubleshoot the issue:
In the pom.xml file for the appropriate module, I have manually specified the surefire plugin in the <build><plugins> section. I then did a reimport to pick up the changes.
I have put breakpoints in the code and run the test in debug mode.
I have attempted to log output, both with an slf4j logger and a System.out.println()
I have attempted to find any differences in the IDEA .iml file between a module where the tests run and this module where the tests do not run.
I have written a very simple test class, with a method annotated with #Test and containing the line Assert.assertTrue(true)
Edit 2
Attempting to run mvn test -Dcontrollername produces the following output:
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test (default-test) on project rma-svc: Execution default-test of goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.19.1:test failed: The forked VM terminated without properly saying goodbye. VM crash or System.exit called?
Edit 3
I've updated my Maven surefire plugin to 2.22.2 and am not seeing the forked JVM issue any longer. However, running mvn test -DskipTests=false outputs No tests were executed!


What is the gradle command to run scenarios with tags?

I am using Gradle 7.6, Karate 1.3.1, Java 17.0.5 and Junit 5.8.1.
I want to configure a Jenkin job for each feature to create a health check monitor. I need gradle commands to run feature files using tags #smoke, #regression, #featureName etc.,
I have tried with the following command, it worked earlier and stopped working recently.
./gradlew test -Dkarate.options="--tags #smoke" -Dtest.single=TestRunner#testTagsWithoutFeatureName
Where TestRunner is the following Java class
public class TestRunner {
Karate testTagsWithoutFeatureName() {
My advice is use the Runner class, that is better designed for running tests in CI. The JUnit helpers are just for local-dev convenience:
It should be possible to even pass a feature to karate.options as the last argument. Which might be more convenient than writing a Java class for every combinations. You should experiment.
Otherwise no suggestions, but if you feel there's a bug, follow this process:

alternate way to set Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA

I am working with Java source code with TestNG and frequently see errors like no test found to run OR Test event were not received whenever I try to run test cases in IntelliJ IDEA.
Which I can fix with changing Build and run using IntelliJ IDEA from Gradle.
I am looking for alternative way using which can add this somewhere as configuration instead of going and changing this manually.
You can use gradle-idea-ext-plugin to set build and run actions right in the Gradle build script:
import static org.jetbrains.gradle.ext.ActionDelegationConfig.TestRunner.CHOOSE_PER_TEST
plugins {
id "org.jetbrains.gradle.plugin.idea-ext" version "1.0"
idea.project.settings {
delegateActions {
delegateBuildRunToGradle = true // Delegate Run/Build to Gradle
But actually, the fact that it works with IDE runner, but does not work with Gradle runner may indicate problems. I would first check if it works from the command line Gradle - make sure you run the same test with it as from the IDE. If it works in terminal but does not work in IDE, I would report a bug at YouTrack with reproducible sample.

How run flutter 'packages pub run build_runner build' with debug mode in intellij idea?

I want to put break point on my generator code, but I don't know how to run the command on the debug mode.
I wrote generator using source_gen and build_runner
class MyGenerator extends GeneratorForAnnotation<Todo> {
FutureOr<String> generateForAnnotatedElement(
Element element, ConstantReader annotation, BuildStep buildStep) {
return "// Hey! Annotation found!";
run commad flutter packages pub run build_runner build*
copy build.dart to root folder of project
add new run configuration
run debug, now you can debug your code generator!
* the packages is optional, you can just run flutter pub run build_runner build
Ivan's answer worked for me, but every time I changed a file that was using an annotation - the build process outputted:
[SEVERE] Terminating builds due to build script update
[INFO] Terminating. No further builds will be scheduled
and then renamed the build script itself from build.dart to build.dart.cached, and then exit with code 75.
After digging through the build_runner code, I discovered that this behavior can be mitigated by using the following Program Arguments:
serve --skip-build-script-check
(i.e. instead of just serve as Ivan suggested).
There may be some negative consequences; in the build_runner source code, in options.dart, I saw this:
// For testing only, skips the build script updates check.
bool skipBuildScriptCheck;

TeamCity - Testing with JUnit

I am using Intellij Idea version 12 (ultimate). Just installed Team City (version 8). One default agent, running in linux.
I've created a very simple test application:
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello World!");
public int sum(int x, int y) {
return x+y;
... and a very simple test...
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Test;
public class MainTest {
public void testSum() throws Exception {
Main test=new Main();
Assert.assertEquals("Sum should be 7",7,test.sum(4,4));
If I run this in IntelliJ, the test gets run and fails just like it should.
If instead I commit this project and push it up to github, TeamCity sees the change and begins a build. The build fails fairly quickly with the following errors:
/home/ctb/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/742505fa88794219/test/ package junit.framework does not exist
import junit.framework.Assert;
/home/ctb/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/742505fa88794219/test/ package org.junit does not exist
import org.junit.Test;
/home/ctb/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/742505fa88794219/test/ cannot find symbol
symbol : class Test
location: class MainTest
/home/ctb/TeamCity/buildAgent/work/742505fa88794219/test/ cannot find symbol
symbol : variable Assert
location: class MainTest
Assert.assertEquals("Sum should be 7. Loser!!",7,test.sum(4,4));
So yeah, I see that TeamCity is not seeing JUnit.
On the TeamCity Discussion forum, one respondent to my question there asked me if junit.jar was added as a dependency (module or library) in the build. It was listed as a module dependency, but for kicks I tried it as a library dependency. I also tried checking and unchecking export and trying the compile and test scopes, but each time I get the same errors. My run configuration is shared.
I am not using Ant or Maven. Perhaps someday, but I'd like to start as simple as possible.
Clearly, I'm missing something, but the documentation on the subject is sparse.
Thank you.
So I heard back from Jetbrains tech support this and, in the interest of completeness and saving someone else the trouble, here's the response I received:
Seems the problem is that junit.jar is not placed in version control
under your project. In order to build your project on TeamCity agent,
the project ideally should be self contained. In your case junit.jar
only exists on your local machine, I suppose there is no such file on
agent at required location. So you have two options actually: put
junit.jar under version control into your project, or define global
library in IDEA and configure this global library on IDEA Project
runner page (Check/Reparse must be started), after that put library
files on all of the agents where your build will be executed.
Personally, I think the first approach is much simpler and better.
I added junit to version control and now the build works properly in TeamCity.

No coverage results using the eclEmma plugin for server code in a gwt application

I'm using the eclEmma plugin to test code coverage for my gwt application. I've written jUnit test classes for client code, such as testing get/set methods etc. as well as jUnit tests for rpc services. I used "syncproxy" to test my equivalent GreetService, GreetServiceAsync and GreetServiceImpl rpc services. For example I have a location service that gets a users location and this is part of my test class:
public class LocationServiceTest {
private static LocationService rpcService =
(LocationService) SyncProxy.newProxyInstance(LocationService.class,
"http://localhost:...", "location");
public void testAdministrativeAreaLevel2LocationService() {
String result = rpcService.getAddress("49.28839970000001,-123.1259316");
assertTrue((result != null) && (result.startsWith("Vancouver")));
The jUnit tests all pass, but when I run eclEmma on my project (I right click the project, select "Coverage as" then "jUnit test") I only get coverage results for client code, and 0% coverage for all my server code.
Any suggestions for how to get eclEmma to cover server code? Or for what I might be doing wrong?
EclEmma tracks coverage on code launched at the test jvm (the vm you launch when you run the test). You seem to be running your server before, so eclEmma "can't see" its coverage. You could try running the server inside your tests, with Cargo, for example.