Iterate through a list of dates with a known interval and create list with inverse dates in -

I'm trying to use a list of dates/times with a known interval of 10 minutes to create a list of all inverse times. I need to block off calendar times that are not available; but i only know what calendar times are available to start. My list of available slots needs to populate a calendar by blocking off all of the time that the user is not available. Each of the available appointments from my endpoint is a 10 minute interval.
Input Data Set:
6/7/19 - 8:00
6/7/19 - 8:20
6/7/19 - 9:30
6/7/19 - 10:10
6/7/19 - 11:20
With the known 10 minute interval, this means 8:00 - 8:10 is available, and should not be in my resulting list. I also block from day start 00:00 until first opening, and from last appointment, until end of day.
Expected Output:
6/7/19 - 0:00,8:00
6/7/19 - 8:10,8:20
6/7/19 - 8:30,9:30
6/7/19 - 9:40,10:10
6/7/19 - 10:20,11:20
6/7/19 - 11:30,24:59
My current code:
'// Setup some test data
Dim DateList As New List(Of DateTime)
DateList.Add(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 8, 0, 0))
DateList.Add(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 8, 20, 0))
DateList.Add(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 9, 30, 0))
DateList.Add(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 10, 10, 0))
DateList.Add(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 11, 20, 0))
Dim DateTemplate As New List(Of Tuple(Of DateTime, DateTime))
'// Calculate starting offset
DateTemplate.Add(Tuple.Create(New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 0, 0, 0), DateList.First.AddMinutes(0)))
'// Loop through items
For idx = 0 To (DateList.Count - 2)
DateTemplate.Add(Tuple.Create(DateList(idx).AddMinutes(10), DateList(idx + 1).AddMinutes(0)))
'// Calculate ending offset
DateTemplate.Add(Tuple.Create(DateList.Last.AddMinutes(10), New DateTime(2019, 6, 7, 23, 59, 0)))
For Each i In DateTemplate '// Show to console to debug
Console.WriteLine(i.Item1.ToString & " - " & i.Item2.ToString)

If you split your day up in 10 minute intervals you know that there will be 144 slots (60 minutes / 10 intervals * 24 hours). With that being said, the way that I would tackle this problem would be to create a Dictionary where the key would represent the Date and the value would be a String array.
The values in the String array would be an Empty string to represent an open time slot or populated to represent an existing appointment.
You could then calculate the Date and Time by getting the outer Dictionary's key and the time by multiplying the index of the String in relation to the array by 10.
Take a look at this example:
Dim DateTemplate As New Dictionary(Of Date, String())
For Each existingAppointment As DateTime In DateList
If Not DateTemplate.ContainsKey(existingAppointment.Date) Then
DateTemplate.Add(existingAppointment.Date, Enumerable.Range(1, 144).Select(function(i) String.Empty).ToArray())
End If
DateTemplate(existingAppointment.Date)(existingAppointment.TimeOfDay.TotalMinutes \ 10) = "Apointment Booked"
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wrong value converting integer data to date on

I have a series of data that I get from an access control device, the data is the following:
Cardno, Pin, Verified, DoorID, EventType, InOutState, Time_second
Time_second(676132501) should be "2021-01-14 14:58:54.000"
this is my code
Dim sDate As Integer = 676132501
Dim dtDateTime As System.DateTime = New DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc)
dtDateTime = dtDateTime.AddSeconds(sDate).ToLocalTime()
the value returned is : #6/5/1991 10:35:01 AM#, please help
A quick google search of those field names you gave in the question landed on a technical spec doc of something called "PullSDK", which appears to be what you're using. I won't link to it here because I could not find an official source.
The doc gives a formula for decoding these timestamps. Translated to VB.Net it is as follows:
Function DecodeDateTime(ByVal t As Integer) As DateTime
Dim year, month, day, hour, minute, second As Integer
second = t Mod 60
t /= 60
minute = t Mod 60
t /= 60
hour = t Mod 24
t /= 24
day = t Mod 31 + 1
t /= 31
month = t Mod 12 + 1
t /= 12
year = t + 2000
Return New DateTime(year, month, day, hour, minute, second)
End Function
The value you gave, 676132501 is decoded as 2021-01-15 15:35:01 - which is slightly different than your stated expectation. You might want to carefully check the source of that data to verify your assumptions.
As an aside - in evaluating that formula, no amount of adding seconds to some base value would suffice. This is because they've encoded the day into a space that always has 31 values within a month - even for months with less than 31 days. That makes this encoding inefficient, as there will be some values that represent dates that don't actually exist.

Add datetime to datetime

My birth year- 1975
Month- 08
Day- 28
Hour- 19
Minute- 10
Second- 22
I want to add 1.746387366 year to my(birth year, month, day, hour, minute, second) to get a new year month day hour minute second
How can I
You create a datetime of your birth moment:
Dim birthdate = new DateTime(1975, 8, 28, 19, 10, 22)
And you add that number of years to it:
Dim result = birthdate.AddYears(1.746387366)

SQL converting number of days to weeks

I have a SQL table with a column that says number of days, and contains entries like 23, 26, 45, etc...
I am trying to convert each entry to a "week number". In essence, what I mean is that if my day entry is between 0 and 6, then, this is Week 1, if it is 7 and 13, then this is Week 2, 14 and 20, week 3, etc... Is there an "efficient" way to do this in SQL?
You need just the standard divide function. It ignores the remainder:
SELECT (Days / 7) + 1
You can try this and no need to add +1;
SELECT (Days / 7.00)

Excel year-week combination calculation

I am currently making an excel model where the date is an important aspect of it. However as the information comes from a different source it is sometimes structured in such a way that it is not realistic.
I have a problem with the calculation of the year and week combination when adding weeks or subtracting them.
The start data looks like this:
yyyyww (example: 201525, year 2015 week 25)
Now if I want to add for example 3 weeks, I can just do that by adding 3, results is 201528. However when it comes to 201552 (and sometimes yyyy53) it is more difficult as I need to calculate to 2016.
The same goes for when calculating back in the time, towards 2014 or lower. Does anyone know or have a solution for this? Maybe in VBA? or a formula trick?
a formula to add 1 to your week number format looks like this:
=YEAR(DATE(LEFT(A2, 4), 1, 1) + MID(A2, 5, 2) * 7) * 100 +
WEEKNUM(DATE(LEFT(A2, 4), 1, 1) + MID(A2, 5, 2) * 7)
it will create a sequence of week numbers that includes: 201452 => 201453 => 201502
LEFT(A2, 4) and MID(A2, 5, 2) extract the year and week components
date(year, 1, 1) + (week - 1) * 7 converts that to an actual Excel Date value, e.g. 201502 => 2015-01-08
date(year, 1, 1) + week * 7 will create a date that is 1 week after the "current" date
year(date) * 100 + weeknum(date) converts that date back to yyyyww format

Access VBA Get Quarter From Month Number

I am stuck in trying to find the quarter of year number from the month number i.e. i have month number 2 which should be quarter number 1, how do i do this in Access VBA or an access query?
Thanks in advance.
You can use this function:
Public Function Quarter(ByVal MonthNumber As Long) As Long
If (MonthNumber < 1) Or (MonthNumber > 12) Then
Call Err.Raise(6) ' Value out of Bounds '
End If
Let Quarter = (MonthNumber - 1) \ 3 + 1
End Function
In Excel VBA I like using Choose as sometimes I need to get the financial quarter rather than the calendar quarter.
calendar_quarter = Choose(Month(Date), 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4)
' if financial year starts in April - this will get the financial quarter from the current date
financial_quarter = Choose(Month(Date), 4, 4, 4, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3)
One liner for Excel:
=INT((MonthNo-1)/3 +1)
for SQL
floor(([MonthNo]-1)/3) +1