How do I install libpng on MSYS2? - msys2

I want to build a program with mingw w64 and I have msys2 installed.
I tried to work with pacman from the msys2 prompt.
$ pacman -Q libpng
error: package 'libpng' was not found
$ pacman -S libpng
error: target not found: libpng
$ pacman -S *libpng
error: target not found: *libpng
I attempted to use google and came up with:
$ pacman -S mingw-w64-libpng
error: target not found: mingw-w64-libpng
$ pacman -F mingw-w64-libpng
warning: database file for 'mingw32' does not exist (use '-Fy' to download)
warning: database file for 'mingw64' does not exist (use '-Fy' to download)
warning: database file for 'msys' does not exist (use '-Fy' to download)
error: no options specified (use -h for help)
Very peculiar that after all the downloading I did, which I distinctly recall including a database for pacman, that these database files don't seem to exist.
$ pacman -Fy mingw-w64-libpng
[... stuff downloads ... ]
error: no options specified (use -h for help)
$ pacman -U mingw-w64-libpng
loading packages...
error: 'mingw-w64-libpng': could not find or read package
So now the questions are,
1) How in the future will I find the magic prefix for a well-known library in order to be able to tell pacman what to install?
2) How at the moment do I instruct pacman to install the libpng package which seems to be in the mingw-w64-libpng package?
3) Is that the package with the development headers or is that yet another package, as I have adjusted to on Deb/Ubuntu by looking for something like libpng-dev?

Have you tried pacman -Ss libpng? This will list all packages mentioning libpng, prefix and all:
$ pacman -Ss libpng
mingw32/mingw-w64-i686-libpng 1.6.35-1
A collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics (mingw-w64)
mingw64/mingw-w64-x86_64-libpng 1.6.35-1 [installed]
A collection of routines used to create PNG format graphics (mingw-w64)
I notice that these names include an architecture (i686/x86_64), which is fairly common in MinGW package names.
EDIT: The headers end up here:
$ ls /mingw64/include/libpng16/
png.h pngconf.h pnglibconf.h


Manjaro install ncurses5-compat-libs

I'm trying to install this package ncurses5-compat-libs but I can because of the following problem.
What I did:
1. yay ncurses5-compat-libs
There are 2 types of errors:
Either I will check 'Y' and I will add the key, so in this case, I will receive the error message as follow
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Permission denied
==> Error: Problem importing keys
Or I will check as 'n' to don't add the key and I will receive
==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg...
ncurses-6.1.tar.gz ... FAILED (unknown public key 702353E0F7E48EDB)
==> ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!
Error downloading sources: ncurses5-compat-libs
2. sudo gpg --recv-keys C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB
I've tried to add it manually but it didn't work.
3. sudo gpg --recv-keys 702353E0F7E48EDB
Also this one I've tried to add it manually but it didn't work
4. yay -S --noconfirm --needed ncurses5-compat-libs
5. Trying to fallow this forum
and least but not last
6. I've tried to clone the repository by hand by following
git clone
cd ncurses5-compat-libs
sudo gpg --recv-keys C52048C0C0748FEE227D47A2702353E0F7E48EDB
makepkg -sic
cd ..
sudo rm -r ncurses5-compat-libs
And guess what, I'm back from where I started...
==> Verifying source file signatures with gpg...
ncurses-6.1.tar.gz ... FAILED (unknown public key 702353E0F7E48EDB)
==> ERROR: One or more PGP signatures could not be verified!
Error downloading sources: ncurses5-compat-libs
Dose any of you guys have any idea how can I fix this problem? If so let me know because I'm getting crazy already not been able to fix this.
You shouldn't need specifically ncurses5-compat-libs if you have a higher version of ncurses. Because version 6 is backwards compatible with version 5. You need to check whether you have or not. If you have it then you just need to create a system link. Check if you have, so Run:
ls /lib/ | grep libtinfo
if you can't see, you need to install ncurses (the current latest version of it: 6.2) and then create a system link that I mentioned below. so run:
sudo pacman -S ncurses
sudo pacman -S lib32-ncurses
if you have then run:
sudo link /lib/ /lib/
I went a step further from creating the link in the other answer here:
sudo link /lib/ /lib/
And created a dummy package so I could build something that depended on that being a thing:
$ cat /opt/aur/ncurses5-compat-libs-dummy/PKGBUILD
$ cd /opt/aur/ncurses5-compat-libs/dummy
$ makepkg -si
worked like a charm

Installation of sql relay fails

I just created a docker container and tried to install SQL Relay inside it.
I've checked the prerequisites here and followed the installation documents here.
However, at the end of make install of sqlrelay, I saw an error like this:
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sqlrelay: file does not exist
update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/sqlrcachemanager: file does not exist
make[1]: *** [install] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/sqlrelay-0.66.0/init'
make: *** [install-init] Error 2
What might be wrong with my installation?
Here's the docker file I used to start my installation:
FROM ubuntu:trusty
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install libxml2-dev libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libmysqld-dev -y
RUN apt-get install mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev -y
# sql relay prerequisites
RUN apt-get install g++ make perl php5-dev python-dev ruby-dev \
tcl-dev openjdk-7-jdk erlang-dev nodejs-dev node-gyp mono-devel \
libmariadbclient-dev libpq-dev firebird-dev libfbclient2 libsqlite3-dev \
unixodbc-dev freetds-dev mdbtools-dev -y
COPY rudiments-0.56.0.tar.gz /
COPY sqlrelay-0.66.0.tar.gz /
Here are the outputs of ./configure, make, and make install inside sqlrelay-0.66.0 folder:
If you need more information of my installation process, just let me know. I can provide it.
I think you should use ADD instead of COPY in your lines such as
COPY rudiments-0.56.0.tar.gz /
Your COPY just copies the .tar.gz, but does not unpack them
as with ADD
If the <src> parameter of ADD is an archive in a recognised compression format, it will be unpacked
This is extracted from
What is the difference between the `COPY` and `ADD` commands in a Dockerfile?
I have recently hit the same issue. The issue I found was that the init Makefile was incorrectly detecting the use of systemctl on Ubuntu Trusty and putting the scripts there. Later on the script would try to find the scripts in init.d and fail.
The solution is to edit the Makefile: sqlrelay-X.X.X/init/Makefile
if ( test -d "/lib/systemd/system" ); \
if ( test -d "/lib/systemd/system_x" ); \
Make a similar change to the uninstall option later in the script and it will now correctly install on Ubuntu.

installing TensorFlow on the IBM power8

I have access to a large IBM Power8 machine, and would like to install TensorFlow on it. Naturally, I tried the quick pip install, but it failed:
sudo pip install
tensorflow-0.6.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Storing debug log for failure in /home/pv/.pip/pip.log
Unfortunately, pip.log cotains little useful info.
/usr/bin/pip run on Sat Feb 6 17:29:34 2016
tensorflow-0.6.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Exception information:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/", line 122, in main
status =, args)
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/commands/", line 283, in run
InstallRequirement.from_line(name, None))
File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pip/", line 168, in from_line
raise UnsupportedWheel("%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename)
UnsupportedWheel: tensorflow-0.6.0-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl is not a supported wheel on this platform.
Next thing I tried was to build TensorFlow from source. To no avail, all my attempts ended with some cannot execute binary file: Exec format error message, e.g.:
/usr/local/bin/bazel: line 86: /usr/local/lib/bazel/bin/bazel-real: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
So then I tried to compile Bazel from source, which also resulted in a similar hard error.
me#machine:~/bazel-0.1.5$ ./
INFO: You can skip this first step by providing a path to the bazel binary as second argument:
INFO: ./ compile /path/to/bazel
🍃 Building Bazel from scratch.
Compiling Java stubs for protocol buffers...
third_party/protobuf/protoc-linux-x86_32.exe -Isrc/main/protobuf/ --java_out=/tmp/bazel.T9C83cNa/src src/main/protobuf/android_studio_ide_info.proto
scripts/bootstrap/ line 63: third_party/protobuf/protoc-linux-x86_32.exe: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
pv#sardonis:~/bazel-0.1.5$ ^C
I however found this link that explains how to build the Protobuf compiler from source on the Power8 machine. This worked and after the modifications described in his other topic I managed to at least get the compilation process started. But now it crashes with a ton of errors which each seem less severe on their own but the vast amount of them makes it look really hopeless, I posted them on for reference.
So... I'm running out of inspiration. What can I do to make TensorFlow work on the Power8 machine?
Install bazel 0.2.0-ppc
tf#ubuntu16:~$ git clone
tf#ubuntu16:~/bazel$ git checkout v0.2.0-ppc
tf#ubuntu16:~/bazel$ ./
Install tensorflow
tf#ubuntu16:~$ git clone --recurse-submodules
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ git checkout v0.10.0rc0
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ git commit -m"v0.10.0rc0"
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ git cherry-pick ce70f6cf842a46296119337247c24d307e279fa0
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ git cherry-pick f1acb3bd828a73b15670fc8019f06a5cd51bd564
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ git cherry-pick 9b6215a691a2eebaadb8253bd0cf706f2309a0b8
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ ./configure
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ bazel build -c opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
Here you'll encounter an error, something like this
ERROR: /home/tf/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/external/farmhash_archive/BUILD:5:1: Executing genrule #farmhash_archive//:configure failed: bash failed: error executing command /bin/bash -c ... (remaining 1 argument(s) skipped): Process exited with status 1.
/home/tf/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/tensorflow/external/farmhash_archive/farmhash-34c13ddfab0e35422f4c3979f360635a8c050260 /home/tf/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/tensorflow
/tmp/tmp.XdCPQefJyZ /home/tf/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/tensorflow/external/farmhash_archive/farmhash-34c13ddfab0e35422f4c3979f360635a8c050260 /home/tf/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/tensorflow
You'll have to edit config.guess as below to insert a stanza for ppc64le
tf#ubuntu16:~/.cache/bazel/_bazel_tf/b2f766da603b0bed56d4c1d0b178456a/external/farmhash_archive/farmhash-34c13ddfab0e35422f4c3979f360635a8c050260$ vi config.guess
echo ${UNAME_MACHINE}-unknown-bsdi${UNAME_RELEASE}
exit ;;
+ ppc64le:Linux:*:*)
+ echo powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu
+ exit ;;
case ${UNAME_MACHINE} in
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ bazel build -c opt --config=cuda //tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package /tmp/tensorflow_pkg
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ sudo pip install /tmp/tensorflow_pkg/tensorflow*.whl
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ mkdir _python_build
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow$ cd _python_build
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow/_python_build$ ln -s ~/tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/pip_package/build_pip_package.runfiles/tensorflow/* .
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow/_python_build$ ln -s ~/tensorflow/tools/* .
tf#ubuntu16:~/tensorflow/_python_build$ python develop
Using miniconda:
Installing miniconda:
wget -O
Accept the condition and allow conda to be added to PATH
echo export IBM_POWERAI_LICENSE_ACCEPT=yes >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
This sould add (base) on terminal. Add the correct channel as first priority
conda config --add default_channels
conda config --prepend channels
Create environment (it is good practice not to install packages on base)
conda create -n ai python=3.7
conda activate ai
conda install --strict-channel-priority tensorflow-gpu
For more information on miniconda on IBM Power 8 and Anaconda: IBM Source & Anaconda Source

Cannot upgrade Arch Linux (pacman -Syu not working)

I am running sudo pacman -Syu on my Arch Linux and I am getting the following:
cristian#localhost:~$ sudo pacman -Syu
:: Synchronizing package databases...
core is up to date
extra is up to date
community is up to date
multilib is up to date
xenlism-arch is up to date
:: Starting full system upgrade...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
error: failed to prepare transaction (could not satisfy dependencies)
:: package-query: requires pacman<4.3
What's the solution to fix this?
I have tried both solutions sugested by #jham. I have completely removed yaourt and package-query. At pacman -Qi pacman at 'required by' I have none. I also commented multilib and xenlism-arch from pacman.conf. When I do pacman -Syu I get the following:
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
(244/244) checking keys in keyring [###################################] 100%
(244/244) checking package integrity [###################################] 100%
error: confuse: signature from "Thorsten Töpper <>" is unknown trust
:: File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/confuse-2.8-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Do you want to delete it? [Y/n]
error: failed to commit transaction (invalid or corrupted package)
Errors occurred, no packages were upgraded.
I just had this very same error. The problem seems to be that there are new keys in the archlinux-keyring package, and new packages (confuse) signed with those keys. Since both packages are updated in the same transaction, well the new keys cannot be used until the update is finished, but the transaction will not start until the packages are checked...
The solution would be to update the archlinux-keyring by itself:
pacman -S archlinux-keyring
And then do the rest:
pacman -Su
If that fails, you could try running through the keys manually, with:
pacman-key --populate
but usually, it is not necessary.
I just happened to have the same problem, and solved it the following way:
$ sudo pacman -Rdd package-query # Purge the conflicting package-query
$ sudo pacman -Syu # There it works
# Now reinstall package-query
$ git clone
$ cd package-query && makepkg -si
For anyone else coming in here that didn't find the solution by rorido working, try users Bernhard Fürst's or Jham's answer of just pacman -S package-query which worked for me without issues.
Also, if you are still getting issues like this with cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory then you have to manually reinstall package-query and yaourt.
sudo pacman-db-upgrade
yaourt -R package-query yaourt
git clone
cd package-query
makepkg -si
cd ..
git clone
cd yaourt
makepkg -si
cd ..
If you still have an error. Try this:
sudo find /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ -iname "*.part" -exec rm {} \;
It removes .part files, which causes the "invalid or corrupted package" error. After you remove them, run this:
sudo pacman -Syyu
This should solve the problem, if there is no any missing key.
I am using Manjaro and after a long search, I was able to fix the issue by following these simple commands.
NOTE: You must run pacman-key --init before first using pacman; the local
keyring can then be populated with the keys of all official Manjaro Linux
packagers with pacman-key --populate archlinux manjaro.
failed to prepare transaction (invalid or corrupted database)
Here it was due to the actual (faulty) mirror servers delivering junk.
comment out those standard servers and use a quality server e.g.
Too bad that /etc/pacman.conf is so poorly commented, as if to deliberatly be unhelpful and feckless, always being vague, never concretely helpful.
this was the last error in an seemingly endless ordain of errors from pacman. keys are unmanagable, servers are a mess, libs spell chaos. Took me more than 1 day to get through this horrific Arch experience.
The following is for ArchLinux however applies to other Linux distros too.
To correct an invalid KEY one needs to do the following:
rm -fr /etc/pacman.d/gnupg
pacman-key --init
pacman-key --populate archlinux
say the key throwing an error is in Blackarch then is also needed to :
sudo pacman-key --populate blackarch
and finally
sudo pacman -Sy archlinux-keyring
sudo pacman-key --populate archlinux
sudo pacman-key --refresh-keys

Installing GDAL with ECW support

Most (all?) information online is outdated since ECW (Hexagon Geospatial/Intergraph) has recently released new versions with breaking changes (5.0, 5.1 and 5.2).
Most instructions result in errors like:
checking for or libecwj2... configure: error: not found in /usr/local/lib or /usr/local/bin
This works for GDAL 1.11.2, but it should work back to 1.10.0.
Download the latest version of the ECW library from here (currently 5.5):
Instructions for v5.2.1, but should be similar for the latest version:
$ unzip
$ chmod +x ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
$ ./ERDAS_ECWJP2_SDK-5.2.1.bin
Choose Desktop Read-Only and accept the license. A directory named hexagon is extracted. Copy that to /usr/local.
$ sudo cp -r hexagon/ERDAS-ECW_JPEG_2000_SDK-5.2.1/Desktop_Read-Only /usr/local/hexagon
Link the .so library for the correct architecture:
$ sudo ln -s /usr/local/hexagon/lib/(x64|x86)/release/ /usr/local/lib/
Then configure GDAL with this command:
$ ./configure --with-ecw=/usr/local/hexagon
Before I could see ECW support in gdalinfo --formats | grep -i ecw
I also had to run sudo ldconfig.
That was in Ubuntu 14.04 Linux.