Bundling express.js and next.js app throwing Error: Cannot find module next.config.js' - express

I have setup a express.js + next.js app, which is running fine in development environment. When I am trying to run its webpack bundle, Its throwing error
Error: Cannot find module '/Users/user/workspace/project/next.config.js'
I am trying to run its bundle as aws-lamda is not allowing me to upload zip size more than 50MB.
// server.js
const express = require('express');
const argv = require('yargs').argv;
const nextApp = require('./nextApp.js');
const handle = nextApp.getRequestHandler();
const pageRoutes = require('./routes/pages/index.js');
const port = argv.port || 3000;
const server = express();
// route to next.js web pages
server.use('/', pageRoutes);
server.get('*', (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res)
.then(() => {
server.listen(port, (err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)
.catch((ex) => {
module.exports = server;

So far I have found that we can/should extends next.config.js for adding additional bundle entries instead of creating a separate webpack.config.js. Following config will create a serverbundle.js file in build/server directory.
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
module.exports = {
distDir: 'build',
webpack (config, {isServer}) {
if (isServer) {
return merge(config, {
entry () {
return config.entry().then((entry) => {
return Object.assign({}, entry, { serverbundle: './server' })
output: {
filename: '[name].js'
return config;


Shopify node.js and react.js plugin with vite.js not working

I've created a plugin in shopify using node.js & vite.js.
shopify app create node
After running using npm run dev, it generates a url like this: https://b136-0000-7400-56-bc78-5000-178b-d6f3-6000.ngrok.io/login?shop=shopname.myshopify.com
When I open this link, it start reloading infinite with error
This is my index.js:
import { resolve } from "path";
import express from "express";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import { Shopify, LATEST_API_VERSION } from "#shopify/shopify-api";
import "dotenv/config";
import applyAuthMiddleware from "./middleware/auth.js";
import verifyRequest from "./middleware/verify-request.js";
const USE_ONLINE_TOKENS = true;
const TOP_LEVEL_OAUTH_COOKIE = "shopify_top_level_oauth";
const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT || "8081", 10);
const isTest = process.env.NODE_ENV === "test" || !!process.env.VITE_TEST_BUILD;
SCOPES: process.env.SCOPES.split(","),
HOST_NAME: process.env.HOST.replace(/https:\/\//, ""),
// This should be replaced with your preferred storage strategy
SESSION_STORAGE: new Shopify.Session.MemorySessionStorage(),
// Storing the currently active shops in memory will force them to re-login when your server restarts. You should
// persist this object in your app.
Shopify.Webhooks.Registry.addHandler("APP_UNINSTALLED", {
path: "/webhooks",
webhookHandler: async (topic, shop, body) => {
// export for test use only
export async function createServer(
root = process.cwd(),
isProd = process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"
) {
const app = express();
app.set("top-level-oauth-cookie", TOP_LEVEL_OAUTH_COOKIE);
app.set("active-shopify-shops", ACTIVE_SHOPIFY_SHOPS);
app.set("use-online-tokens", USE_ONLINE_TOKENS);
app.post("/webhooks", async (req, res) => {
try {
await Shopify.Webhooks.Registry.process(req, res);
console.log(`Webhook processed, returned status code 200`);
} catch (error) {
console.log(`Failed to process webhook: ${error}`);
if (!res.headersSent) {
app.get("/products-count", verifyRequest(app), async (req, res) => {
const session = await Shopify.Utils.loadCurrentSession(
const { Product } = await import(
const countData = await Product.count({ session });
app.post("/graphql", verifyRequest(app), async (req, res) => {
try {
const response = await Shopify.Utils.graphqlProxy(req, res);
} catch (error) {
app.use((req, res, next) => {
const shop = req.query.shop;
if (Shopify.Context.IS_EMBEDDED_APP && shop) {
`frame-ancestors https://${shop} https://admin.shopify.com;`
} else {
res.setHeader("Content-Security-Policy", `frame-ancestors 'none';`);
app.use("/*", (req, res, next) => {
const { shop } = req.query;
// Detect whether we need to reinstall the app, any request from Shopify will
// include a shop in the query parameters.
if (app.get("active-shopify-shops")[shop] === undefined && shop) {
res.redirect(`/auth?${new URLSearchParams(req.query).toString()}`);
} else {
* #type {import('vite').ViteDevServer}
let vite;
if (!isProd) {
vite = await import("vite").then(({ createServer }) =>
logLevel: isTest ? "error" : "info",
server: {
port: PORT,
hmr: {
protocol: "ws",
host: "localhost",
port: 64999,
clientPort: 64999,
middlewareMode: "html",
} else {
const compression = await import("compression").then(
({ default: fn }) => fn
const serveStatic = await import("serve-static").then(
({ default: fn }) => fn
const fs = await import("fs");
app.use("/*", (req, res, next) => {
// Client-side routing will pick up on the correct route to render, so we always render the index here
.set("Content-Type", "text/html")
return { app, vite };
if (!isTest) {
createServer().then(({ app }) => app.listen(PORT));
The app is installing fine but it's getting refreshed again and again due to failed connection to ws (as mentioned in the screenshot). I tried a few things around changing the settings of the HMR but doesn't seem to be connecting.

Nuxt/Express API is returning in console but not browser

I'm quite new to this whole backend business and I'm wondering if anyone can see where I'm going wrong. I've got an express server in my Nuxt app which is serving out an API. When I run the localhost:3000/api/salesforce/:id route - my vscode terminal generates a response - but it doesn't show up on the browser. Which in turn makes it inaccessible to Nuxt.
In my nuxt.config.js:
serverMiddleware: {
'/api': '~/api'
const express = require('express')
// Create express instance
const app = express()
// Require API routes
const users = require('./routes/users')
const test = require('./routes/test')
const salesforce = require('./routes/salesforce')
// Import API Routes
// Export express app
module.exports = app
// Start standalone server if directly running
if (require.main === module) {
const port = process.env.PORT || 3001
app.listen(port, () => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
console.log(`API server listening on port ${port}`)
Then in /api/routes/salesforce.js:
const e = require('express')
const { Router } = require('express')
const router = Router()
const jsforce = require('jsforce');
// require the .env file for login
'Cannot start app: missing mandatory configuration. Check your .env file.'
const conn = new jsforce.Connection({
loginUrl: SF_LOGIN_URL
conn.login(SF_USERNAME, SF_PASSWORD + SF_TOKEN, err => {
if (err) {
// get OPPORTUNITY specific
router.get('/salesforce/:id', function (req, res, next) {
const id = req.params.id
const sfData = conn.query(`SELECT Id, Name, StageName FROM Opportunity WHERE Name = '` + id + `'`, (err, res)=>{
return "error";
} else {
let sanitisedData = res.records[0]
return sanitisedData;
If anyone can tell me where I'm going wrong that would be greatly appreciated, I'm kind of stuck here.

Unable to symlink static files using express.static() in Next js

I'm prototyping a NextJS implementation with the following server code:
import express from 'express';
import next from 'next';
import path from 'path';
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const app = next({ dev });
const handle = app.getRequestHandler();
app.prepare().then(() => {
const server = express();
// Custom build resources aliases
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
server.use('/favicon.ico', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static', 'images', 'icons', 'favicon.ico')));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Custom/dynamic routes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
server.get('/p/:id', (req, res) => {
const actualPage = '/post';
const queryParams = { title: req.params.id };
app.render(req, res, actualPage, queryParams);
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Default route
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
server.get('*', (req, res) => handle(req, res));
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
// Express: Listener
server.listen(process.env.WEB_PORT, () => {
console.log(`Server listening on port: ${process.env.WEB_PORT}...`);
}).catch((ex) => {
As apparent, my static assets sit in a /static/ folder. Of these, I have a favicon file at /static/images/icons/favicon.ico. I am able to visit this file using https://schandillia.com/static/images/icons/favicon.ico. However, when I try hitting https://schandillia.com/favicon, it throws a 404. Am I not using express.static() correctly?

How to pass data from VUEX Store to serverMiddleware API?

Is it possible to pass data from Vuex Store to serverMiddleware in Nuxt.js?
async SET_DATA({commit}, payload) {
await this.$axios.$post('/api', { data: payload.data})
commit('SET_DATA', payload.data)
In nuxt.config
serverMiddleware: [
{ path: '/api', handler: '~/api/index' }
Then how do I access the data in api/index.js ?
export default function (req, res, next) {
// Get data from Store here
Solution to my problem was found with bodyParser. Using app.use(bodyParser.json()).
The only way I found is;
readFile & writeFile functions.
In nuxt.config
modules: ['~/api/api.js'],
In api/api.js
I use this method, because of servermiddleware causes bug when you try to build app.
module.exports = function (moduleOptions) {
//Add middleware only with `nuxt dev` or `nuxt start`
var fs = require('fs');
// Save file from env or vuex anything comes with this
fs.writeFile('envTransfer.txt', JSON.stringify(this.options.env), function (err) {
if (err) throw err;
// Then call addServermiddleware
//Add middleware only with `nuxt dev` or `nuxt start`
if (this.options.dev || this.options._start) {
In the part api/index.js ( node & express )
const fs = require('fs');
const express = require('express');
const app = express()
let content="";
fs.readFile('envTransfer.txt', function(err, data) {
if (err) throw err;
content = data;
var obj = JSON.parse(content);
// do it what ever you want
app.get('/', (req, res, next) => {
// res.send('API root')
// export the server middleware
module.exports = {
path: '/api',
handler: app

Using Express Router with Next.js

I'm trying to use the Express Router with Next.js using their custom-express-server example as my boilerplate. The only difference is that I'm trying to define the routes externally on routes/router.js as follows:
Code in server.js:
const express = require('express')
const next = require('next')
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production'
const app = next({ dev })
const handle = app.getRequestHandler()
const routes = require('./routes/router')
.then(() => {
const server = express()
server.use('/', routes)
server.get('*', (req, res) => {
return handle(req, res)
server.listen(port, (err) => {
if (err) throw err
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`)
module.exports = app;
Code in routes/router.js:
const express = require('express'),
app = require('../server.js'),
router = express.Router();
router.get('/a', (req, res) => {
return app.render(req, res, '/b', req.query)
router.get('/b', (req, res) => {
return app.render(req, res, '/a', req.query)
router.get('/posts/:id', (req, res) => {
return app.render(req, res, '/posts', { id: req.params.id })
module.exports = router;
At this point, even when I'm importing "app" from server.js, app is not available within router.js.
Is my logic incorrect?
If it's not, then why is app not available within router.js?
Just solved it. This issue is known as a circular dependency, and it should be avoided at all costs... unless the pattern you're using (like the boilerplate I used, I guess...) requires it.
To solve it, just export from file "A" the dependency that file "B" uses before you require file "B" on file "A".
...And that's it pretty much.
You might also try using next-routes, which I use on all of my Next project:
// server.js
const { createServer } = require('http');
const next = require('next');
const routes = require('./routes');
const port = parseInt(process.env.PORT, 10) || 3000;
const dev = process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production';
const app = next({ dev });
const handler = routes.getRequestHandler(app);
app.prepare().then(() => {
createServer(handler).listen(port, err => {
if (err) {
throw err;
console.log(`> Ready on http://localhost:${port}`);
Then you can configure your routes in the routes.js file without accessing the app:
// routes.js
const nextRoutes = require('next-routes');
const routes = (module.exports = nextRoutes());
.add('landing', '/')
.add('blog', '/blog', 'blog')
.add('blog-post', '/blog/:postId', 'blog')