Navigation using react native - react-native

I'm new in react native and I'm looking for an example of react navigation. I'm looking to create a home page similar to the picture below.

Use React Navigation
Stack Navigator - It let's you switch between screens. It creates a stack. It let's to navigate from one screen to another. When you press back button it navigates you back to the first screen. It
Tab navigator- It will create tabs as your picture.
In your case I think you will need a tab navigator which will be inside stack navigator.


swipe to go main screen react native

I want to be able to swipe left from my 'profile' screen to go to my 'dms' screen. How would I do this on react native?
I've got a stack navigator for my screens so far.
I was thinking I need to use the 'swipeable' component but not sure how to use it to navigate

How to open a screen from another screen which was already opened from a another screen?

So I have a React Native app with a bottom tab navigation, in one of those tab screens I have an icons in the right header which leads me to a settings screen and for this I use stackNavigation but I also want to open another screen from this Settings screen - Account screen. How do I achieve this? Do I just use stack navigation again?

How to manage overlapping bar and drawer in React Native Navigation

I have five screens in a material bottom tab navigator. On one of the screens, I want to use a drawer for some settings. In the other screens there are currently no drawers planned, however if they come, they will have different content from this current one.
I want the drawer to be displayed above the bottom navigation bar. However I don't want to solve it by wrapping the whole material bottom tab navigator in a drawer navigator, as this would not make much sense and also provide the same drawer in all of the screens.
Is there another way of making the drawer appear on top of the bottom navigation bar? Ideally, the solution would not include react-navigation for the drawer at all, as I don't use it for navigation.
The answer appears to be to use a Modal, which can server as a popup. for the documentation.

How to add bottom tab navigator to one screen inside stack navigation?

I'm making an app, and in the app there is a home screen. On the home screen, I want to add a bottom navigator with various logos, which when clicked on, navigate the user to a different screen. I only want the bottom navigator to be on the screens that can be accessed from the bottom navigator in home. How would I do this? Would I need different types of navigators in my app.js since I'm using a stack navigator as well? Thanks for any help, I sincerely appreciate it.
Use tab-based-navigation provided by react-navigation. Make tab navigator with the screens that you want to be displayed with tab and wrap that in Stack. Any other screen that you want to display without tab navigation, just add as another stack and wrap all the stacks in Stack.Navigator. Here's the docs they are pretty well explained

how to show a modal and be able to navigate between screens

I am using react navigation and would like to show the modal that will be visible above the screen and be able to navigate to the next screens in StackNavigator. The illustration below shows what I want to achieve
The solution that is in the documentation ( solves only part of the problem, because I can't open a modal and navigate another part of the stack while keeping the modal on top
you can use react native modal . it is not part of react navigation and it will show above all screens