HAProxy stick-table store a custom value - load-balancing

I'd like to store a custom "value" in stick-table and use that in another ACL to select the server.
I've this config, which creates stick-table with the header value "x-external-id" as key and server-id as its value.
frontend frontend
default_backend backend
backend backend
balance roundrobin
stick store-request req.hdr(x-external-id)
stick-table type string len 50 size 200k nopurge
server gw1 check id 1
server gw2 check id 2
This config produced this stick table:
# table: backend, type: string, size:204800, used:3
0x558955d52ac4: key=00000000000 use=0 exp=0 server_id=1
0x558955d53114: key=11111111111 use=0 exp=0 server_id=2
0x558955d87a34: key=22222222222 use=0 exp=0 server_id=2
The value (server-id) is set by HaProxy based on the server handled the request. But I'd like to save a custom value here. Is it possible?

Apparently HAProxy doesn't allow storing custom values. Only server_id and tracking counters can be stored in stick table.
So I defined two backends with one stick table each. Each client hits its own backend and populates the stick table.
From another HAProxy section, I could use table_server_id to lookup in stick tables and route to the backend which owned the stick table having the entry.
############## Frontend ################
frontend my-frontend
acl is_service1 req.hdr(x-external-id),table_server_id(stick-table-1) -m int gt 0
use_backend my-backend if is_service1
acl is_service2 req.hdr(x-external-id),table_server_id(stick-table-2) -m int gt 0
use_backend my-backend-2 if is_service2
default_backend my-backend-default
############## Backend 1 ################
backend my-backend
balance roundrobin
server service1 check id 1 inter 10s fall 1 rise 1
server service2 check id 2 backup
############## Backend 2 ################
backend my-backend-2
balance roundrobin
server service2 check id 2 inter 10s fall 1 rise 1
server service1 check id 1 backup
############## Backend Default ################
backend my-backend-default
balance roundrobin
server service1 check id 1
server service2 check id 2


haproxy health check on https backend strange results

I have the following haproxy backend configuration.
I'm surprised that in haproxy status page the check is reported as "L6ok".
Why Layer 6 and not Layer 7 ?
backend back:lb
option httpchk GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\ www.domain.tld
default-server ca-file my.ca inter 10s maxconn 50 maxqueue 10 ssl check
server lb-01.{{ domain }} weight 100
server lb-02.{{ domain }} weight 100
for information, I added the expected http return code (302):
http-check expect status 302
and now checks are reported in l7:
L7OK/302 in 12ms

resolve.conf (generated) wrong order? (2 routers)

I have 2 routers in my network.
A) The one issued by my ISP (limited settings, had even to ask to get portforwarding settings), which is alo my modem.
B) My own router (wher i set my DHCP etc)
Now the generated resolve.txt on raspberrian and archlinux list:
domain local
nameserver <IP of A>
nameserver <IP of B>
As in understand it this is the order it will try to use when resolving names, but her it schould try my internal B before trying to resolve using A.
PS: Both subnetmasks are
Router A has
Router B has
All devices are in the 192.168.1.### range.
PPS: Archlinux is setup to use networkmanager, not a manual configured dhcpcd
NetworkManager may use dnsmasq for dhcp and to handle dns lookups.
I noticed that dnsmasq reverses the order of nameservers. Look at your logs. That would show up better in log if we also set dnsmasq to call dns servers in parallel:
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 cached firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com is <CNAME>
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
Mar 14 02:14:20 dnsmasq[3216]: 71700 forwarded firefox.settings.services.mozilla.com to
...order of calls is reversed in log lines!
I got rid of systemd-resolved to rely on dnsmasq.

Custom load balancing in HAProxy

I am using HAProxy for load balancing my HTTP requests. I would like to know if there is any way to customize the selection of backend server based on the responses returned by each server. I have a servlet which can return the responses (number of clients connected to it). I would like to use this information and route the request to the backend server which has the lowest number.
My HAProxy configuration looks like:
listen http_front xx.xx.xx.xx:8080
mode http
option httpchk GET /servlet/GetClientCountServlet
server app1 xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 check port 8080
server app2 xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 check port 8080
server app3 xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 check port 8080
Would not leastconn balance mode work for your use case? Otherwise I you can use Lua scripts to customize the way load balancing is done using HAProxy
As I am searching for a solution in the same direction, maye this helps as a base:
Loadbalancing via custom lua script
Create a file called least_sessions.lua and add the following code:
local function backend_with_least_sessions(txn)
-- Get the frontend that was used
local fe_name = txn.f:fe_name()
local least_sessions_backend = ""
local least_sessions = 99999999999
-- Loop through all the backends. You could change this
-- so that the backend names are passed into the function too.
for _, backend in pairs(core.backends) do
-- Look at only backends that have names that start with
-- the name of the frontend, e.g. "www_" prefix for "www" frontend.
if backend and backend.name:sub(1, #fe_name + 1) == fe_name .. '_' then
local total_sessions = 0
-- Using the backend, loop through each of its servers
for _, server in pairs(backend.servers) do
-- Get server's stats
local stats = server:get_stats()
-- Get the backend's total number of current sessions
if stats['status'] == 'UP' then
total_sessions = total_sessions + stats['scur']
core.Debug(backend.name .. ": " .. total_sessions)
if least_sessions > total_sessions then
least_sessions = total_sessions
least_sessions_backend = backend.name
-- Return the name of the backend that has the fewest sessions
core.Debug("Returning: " .. least_sessions_backend)
return least_sessions_backend
core.register_fetches('leastsess_backend', backend_with_least_sessions)
This code will loop through all of the backends that start with the same letters as the current frontend, for example finding the backends www_dc1 and www_dc2 for the frontend www. It will then find the backend that currently has the fewest sessions and return its name.
Use a lua-load directive to load the file into HAProxy. Then, add a use_backend line to your frontend to route traffic to the backend that has the fewest, active sessions.
lua-load /path/to/least_sessions.lua
frontend www
bind :80
use_backend %[lua.leastsess_backend]
backend www_dc1
balance roundrobin
server server1 check maxconn 30
backend www_dc2
balance roundrobin
server server1 check maxconn 30
More details:

HAproxy ACL . Block all connection to Haproxy By default and allow only Specific IP

I am trying to solving a scenario now using haproxy. The scenario as below
Block all IP by default
Allow only connection from a specific IP address
If any connections come from a whilelist IP, if should reject if it exceed more than 10 concurrent connection in 30 sec
I want to do this to reduce number of API calls into my server. Could any one please help me with this?
First two things are easy, simply allow only whitelisted IP
acl whitelist src
use_backend SOMESERVER if whitelist
The third - throttling - requires to use stick-tables (there are many data type - counters conn, sess, http, rates...) as a rate counter:
# max entries count request in 60s periods
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 100s store http_req_rate(60s)
next you have to fill the table, by tracking each request eg. by IP
tcp-request content track-sc0 src
# more info at http://cbonte.github.io/haproxy-dconv/1.5/configuration.html#4.2-tcp-request%20connection
and finally the acl:
# is there more than 5req/1min from IP
acl http_rate_abuse sc0_http_req_rate gt 5
# update use_backend condition
use_backend SOMESERVER if whitelisted !http_rate_abuse
For example some working config file with customized errors:
log /dev/log local1 debug
log global
mode http
option httplog
retries 3
option redispatch
maxconn 2000
contimeout 5000
clitimeout 50000
srvtimeout 50000
frontend http
bind *:8181
stick-table type ip size 200k expire 100s store http_req_rate(60s)
tcp-request content track-sc0 src
acl whitelist src
acl http_rate_abuse sc0_http_req_rate gt 5
use_backend error401 if !whitelist
use_backend error429 if http_rate_abuse
use_backend realone
backend realone
server local stackoverflow.com:80
# too many requests
backend error429
mode http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/429.http
# unauthenticated
backend error401
mode http
errorfile 503 /etc/haproxy/errors/401.http
Note: the error handling is a bit tricky. Because above error backends are missing server entries, haproxy will throw HTTP 503, errorfile catch them and send different errors (with different codes).
Example /etc/haproxy/errors/401.http content:
HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthenticated
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>401 Unauthenticated</h1>
Example /etc/haproxy/errors/429.http content:
HTTP/1.0 429 Too many requests
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/html
<html><body><h1>429 Too many requests</h1>

HaProxy failover based on http status

Is it possible to have HaProxy failover when it encounters a certain http-status codes?
I have the following generic haproxy code that works fine if the tomcat server itself stops/fails. However I would like to fail-over when http-status codes 502 Bad Gateway or 500 Internal Server Error are also encountered from tomcat. The following configuration will continue to send traffic even when 500, 404 status codes are encountered in any node.
backend db01_replication
mode http
server app1 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
server app2 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
server app3 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
Thanks In Advance
I found the following HaProxy http-check expect to resolve the load-balancing based on http status codes.
# Only accept status 200 as valid
http-check expect status 200
# Consider SQL errors as errors
http-check expect ! string SQL\ Error
# Consider all http status 5xx as errors
http-check expect ! rstatus ^5
In order to fail-over when a 500 error is encountered, the HaProxy configuration would look like:
backend App1_replication
mode http
http-check expect ! rstatus ^5
server app1 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
server app2 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2
server app3 check inter 10s rise 2 fall 2