Documentum D2 - Class type interface com.emc.d2fs.dctm.content.ID2Content not found - documentum

On Logging to Documentum D2 with Life Science Module installed it shows a Failure dialog with
Class type interface com.emc.d2fs.dctm.content.ID2 Content not found
Am I missing any component of D2 or Life Science module for this to work


Proper way to send connection string from .Net core app to a class library

I have a .Net core MVC application and a class library names UIServiceLayer. UIServicelayer has following classes:
public class Page.
internal class Widget.
internal class WidgetType.
--- some more internal classes related to UI objects.
internal class Data.
In UIServicelayer, only the Page class is public, and it is the sole interaction point with the UIServicelayer.
I have connection string stored in my .Net Core MVC application's appsettings.json file, which I need to pass to Data.cs class, so that it can establish connection with DB.
The problem is that I do not want to pass connection string through the Page.cs class, because Page class should not be concerned with anything other than UI page and widgets and stuff, and I also don't want to mark Data class as public, because I don't want my .Net Core app to interact with Data class directly.
Can anyone suggest me how to pass connection string to Data class from my .Net Core app?

working with exchange in .net 4

We moved to .net 4 and the work with exchange doesnt work anymore.
I'm using interop.cdo dll and when doing sessionclass I'm getting an exception -
retrieving the com class factory for component with CLSID faile due to the following error: class not registered.
Is there a way to fix this with this dll or should I replace all the work with exchange?
If I do - what is the best way? I cant seem to find information about it.

How to load COM dll modules and expose their interfaces as out of proccess servers

I have an out of process server based on the ATL Service VC++2010 Template. Now I wont to extend his COM Interface by dynamically loading additional dlls that contain its own COM Classes.
The dll to load is based on ATL dll VC++2010 Template, containing a simple ATL-object "IMModule". I changed the corresponding .rgs file to connect the class from the dll to the EXE server by adding a LocalServer section and the server's AppID as follows:
NoRemove CLSID
ForceRemove {59276614-A811-4D27-B131-514656E643D3} = s 'IMModule Class'
ForceRemove Programmable
LocalServer32 = s 'path to the service exe'
val ServerExecutable = s 'path to the service exe'
TypeLib = s '{250685C7-CBD3-4FF8-A3A6-2AF668794CFC}'
Version = s '1.0'
val AppID = s '{7EFD508A-53C6-4EA0-B21A-D29277B86CBC}'
In a dll init() method called by the service after loading the dll I call CoRegisterClassObject to register the IMModule class object. But im not sure how to obtain the IUnknown interface pointer (second parameter to CoRegisterClassObject ). I tried the following:
CIMModule::_ClassFactoryCreatorClass* pClassFak =
new CIMModule::_ClassFactoryCreatorClass;
IUnknown* pUnk;
IID_IIMModule, (LPVOID*)&pUnk);
But the call to CreateInstance fails with E_NOINTERFACE.
So, how to register my IMModule class implemented inside a dll to be available for COM clients from my out of process server?
With the help from Roman.R I get the behavior that I need. I can't say thank you enough, #roman-r. I will precisely describe what I did, so maybe someone can retrace the steps and give me some response.
First I created an ATL based Windows service (named UmbrellaService). Inside UmbrellaService I added a simple ATL-Object named Control and added the method:
FindMeAnInterface(BSTR moduleName, IDispatch** ppDispach);
Thats all with the VC++ Wizard. Then I fixed the Control.rgs file by adding:
val AppID = s '%APPID%'
Why has VC++ still such bugs after 17 years of evolution? (See
CoCreateInstance does not start or connect to ATL COM service)
Then I created an ATL-dll Project, named MyModule, with a "Module"
simple ATL-Object inside. The Module class has a method
testMethod (LONG a, LONG b, LONG* sum)"
The MyModule dll is registered as a in-proc server. Furthermore the dll has some classes
that makes the dll a plugin as I need it.
In the PreMessageLoop method of the UmbrellaService the MyModule dll will be loaded with LoadLibrary and through GetProcAddress the address of a factory creation method is obtained. The factory creation method returns a plugin-dependent FactoryClass that acts as a plugin entry point. This is my COM-independent plugin mechanism.
Now to export the module interface from the plugin dll through the UmbrellaService interface I did the following: On the FactoryClass I add the method:
IDispatch* getInterface();
In getInterface method I call
CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(Module), NULL , CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER , __uuidof(IDispatch), (VOID**) &pDispatch);
and return the obtained IDispatch interface. The FactoryClass::getInterface method is called inside the Control::FindMeAnInterface method of the UmbrellaService after comparing the name passed to FindMeAnInterface with the name provided by the FactoryClass. FindMeAnInterface returns the then obtained IDispatch pointer to the client.
On the client side I import the tlb file from the UmbrellaService and the tlb from the apropriate plugin dll. I call testMethod as follows:
IControlPtr pControl(__uuidof(Control));
_bstr_t moduleName("Module");
IDispatchPtr moduleDisp = pControl->FindMeAnInterface(moduleName);
IModulePtr pModule(moduleDisp );
LONG res = pModule->testMethod(42,23);
This all works indeed, but I am not sure if this is the way to do it. Did I miss something about reference counting? Will the plugin DLL be loaded two times? First time through my plugin mechanism and second time through CoCreateInstance? Something else I should note?
Thanks for your help!
I could not find my code so far. But I did check one of my favorite websites, The Code Project. It used to be popular especially with older technologies like COM (yes, it is). I hope you're already convinced that you have to use COM instead of new WFC or another technology.
Please check good documentation and sample code # ATL COM EXE doc. I believe I used this web page as a start of my past project.
Good luck and have fun.

Error when consuming service : The type name ‘AAA' does not exist in the type ‘YYY.YYY’

I'm trying to consume a WCF 4.0 service in my application. I built, tested, and deployed the service from the ground up. The service works in the WCF test client and can be consumed in any other test project I built. The problem is this one particular application... the only one that matters as it's the reason I built the service.
When I build the application after referencing the service I get an error. The error is "The type name 'AAA' does not exist in the type 'YYY.YYY' ".
The project consuming the service is named 'YYY.Web' and is in the 'YYY' namespace.
The service was initially created in the 'YYY.ReportingService' namespace. It has been changed to a different namespace once this problem started. Is now in the 'MMM' namespace.
I added a using directive 'YYY.Service1'. I also tried aliasing the using directive (using test = YYY.Service1)
To make sure something wasn't messed up with my service and its namespaces, I built a new service with a single method. It takes a string parameter and returns "Hello, " and whatever string is passed. This services also works in the WCF test client and the couple of test projects I created. This service is in the SimpleTestService namespace, BasicService class, with a methiod named GetGreeting. Naming was done intentionally to avoid any possible naming collisions. The error still occurs with this new service.
Any thoughts on this? Thanks!
This one took me a while. Turned out, that "The type name 'AAA' does not exist in the type 'YYY.YYY' " was caused by the YYY.YYY - my consuming class sharing name with its containing namespace.
Solution: rename the consuming class to something that is not equal to the full name of its namespace, i.e. YYY.XXX.
I realize it's and old question, but I just had this problem and the issue was a namespace conflict.
In my case AAA was named ServiceClient and that generated the same error you experienced. Once I removed the namespace conflict (called it ConsoleClient instead) all worked as expected.
I have another issue. Imagine two projects with different namespaces and following classes
Project 1
public class A
public class B { get; set; }
Project 2
// Here no DataContract attribute
public class B
In this case you'll get same error as above. Hopefully this will help someone.
Do you have an old version of the service DLL in the GAC? Your application might be referencing another version of the assembly hence the missing types.
I hope you have updated the service reference after renaming the namespace in the service. Usually you get this error when the client side proxy is not updated with the latest types form the server. You can try updating the service reference.

Reference Windows Form Project From another Windows Form Project in same Solution

I have a solution with several projects most of which are code or control libraries. I have a main windows forms application that references and uses these libraries. What i am trying to do is create a 2nd windows application that extends the main one, but i would like to be able to deploy them as separate exe's.
When i try to add a reference to the new app referencing the main app; all seems fine until i try to run the new app i get several error msgs similar to below:
Error 1 Could not find file 'ADODB.dll' referenced by assembly 'D:\Visual Studio 2005\Projects\X\XX\bin\Debug\XXX.exe.manifest'. <newAppName>
i have tried adding references to all the dll's in the error messages and they are still listed when i try to run the new app. I thought of a few work arounds but they require user changes to maintain separate exe's at deployment. I would like to avoid this if possible. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance, Jeff
Your windows forms applications should not be the point that you extend, the exe files should really just be a shell for launching your process (as much as possible anyways). So this response doesn't answer your specific problem of reference exes as this is not considered good practice.
All the extensions should be made to your code or control libraries off a known interface or contract. Generally the process for extending applications like this is to use alternate or additional DLLs which are loaded at runtime.
Say you have an application called clock which is to display the time.
You can structure your application with a set of contracts (or interfaces) in a referenceable DLL "Clock.Contracts.dll":
public interface ITimeService
public string Name { get; }
public Date GetTime();
You then have each implementation of this in another DLL ("Clock.LocalComputer.dll", "Clock.InternetTime.dll"
public class LocalTime : ITimeService
public string Name
{ get { return "Local Time"; }}
public Date GetTime()
{ return Date.Now; }
In the UI/EXE you always reference the interface don't call the implementation.
How do you get an instance of the implementing class, using Reflection to identify if a class in a DLL implements the interface and Activator.CreateInstance to generate the class.
There are patterns like Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection which help to address these things in a standardized way in your application. 3rd party libraries like Castle Windsor, Spring can assist. A google search on these will give you some reading material.
I will say that it can take a while to fully get your head around these things.
ok i found a reasonable work around. Basically you add all the reused forms as existing items, but instead of just clicking add you click the drop down arrow and choose add as link.
It would be great to redesign as JTew suggested above but this gets me where i need to be without having to move code.
You can find more information here
Thanks for all your time looking this over and hopefully is helpful to more
Jeff Spo