Use of include in cmake? - cmake

I am confused as to what use does include serve in cmake.
Acc to official documentation
Load and run CMake code from the file given. Variable reads and writes access the scope of the caller (dynamic scoping). If OPTIONAL is present, then no error is raised if the file does not exist. If RESULT_VARIABLE is given the variable will be set to the full filename which has been included or NOTFOUND if it failed.
So, how does this differ from find_package() ?

One may treat a find_package as a convenient wrapper around include command which is specifically designed for find packages:
find_package() automatically transforms name of the package to the Find<package>.cmake file, which is included.
find_package() automatically sets some variables based on its parameters. E.g. <package>_FIND_COMPONENTS variable will contain list of requested components.
After the included file returns, find_package() may check the variable <package>_FOUND and emit a error if the variable is FALSE but the package is REQUIRED.
Actually, the points 1,3 are specific for MODULE mode of the find_package. In the CONFIG mode they are replaced with:
1'. The name of the included file is treated as <package>Config.cmake or <package>-config.cmake and the search is performed using completely different algorithm than in the MODULE mode (which like include() uses CMAKE_MODULE_PATH variable).
3'. After the included file returns, find_package() may check the variable <package>_FOUND and search for the next include file, which can try to locate the package again. If no more include files are found and the package is REQUIRED, the error will be emitted.
More info about find_package work can be found in documentation.


Predeclare search location for anticipated find_library()-call

I want to include an external library as a subproject into my own project and link its target(s) statically against my own lib.
The said project somewhere in its CMake calls the following find-functions:
find_library(MBEDTLS_LIBRARY mbedtls)
find_library(MBEDX509_LIBRARY mbedx509)
find_library(MBEDCRYPTO_LIBRARY mbedcrypto)
The subproject expects mbedtls to already be installed somewhere on the system, but it didn't consider the fact that I want to link statically. My approach is to now FetchContent mbedtls and provide the find_library() calls with the prebuilt static libraries.
Now I need a way provide those find_library-calls with the right search directory, of course without modifying its source code. Can I somehow set a prefix path? I know I could probably set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH but that seems like an ugly hack and it would probably affect other find_library()-calls within the project which also exist. Is there a more "constrained" way?
Can I somehow set a prefix path?
Setting a prefix path won't help find_library to locate the library, because command find_library searches the file at configuration stage, but the library is built only on build stage.
Instead, you may write the target name to the CACHE variable, which is passed to find_library as the first argument:
When find the result variable to be already set, find_library won't search the library file.
In most cases a project uses result of find_library in the call to target_link_libraries, so having the library target in the result variable will fit to the project's expectations.
FetchContent_Declare(mbedtls ...)
set(MBEDTLS_LIBRARY MbedTLS::mbedtls CACHE INTERNAL "mbedtls library target")
With such setup the following
find_library(MBEDTLS_LIBRARY mbedtls)
will do nothing, since the variable MBEDTLS_LIBRARY is already set.
And if the project will use this variable like
target_link_libraries(<executable> ${MBEDTLS_LIBRARY})
then it effectively gets
target_link_libraries(<executable> MbedTLS::mbedtls)
Name of the target which should be assigned to the variable could sometime be found from the project's documentation, but otherwise you need to look into the project's sources (CMakeLists.txt).
E.g. in case of mbedtls project, the library target mbedtls is created with add_library() call, and MbedTLS::mbedtls is created as ALIAS for it.

Get the list of CMake configure_file calls

A bit of context first - I'm working on converting a CMake build system to an internal build system. For this I iterate BUILDSYSTEM_TARGETS and use get_property to get all the properties I need and everything works fine, except some files are missing from the build. After checking the CMakeLists.txt files from the original build system I realized configure_file is used in many and quite random places.
I assume CMake is storing configure_file calls internally. If this is the case, is it possible to access this?
Tsyvarev's answer of redefining configure_file works, but be aware that Craig Scott (one of the maintainers of CMake) has an article recommending against redefining CMake commands. Using the internal underscore-prefixed commands is relying on undocumented behaviour that can change in future versions. Using this trick can also result in infinite recursion.
While for your scenario it works fine, if you want to avoid using that trick, you can use the --trace* arguments to the cmake command.
--trace puts cmake in trace mode, which will print a trace of all calls made and from where.
--trace-expand is like --trace, but with variables expanded.
--trace-format=<format> lets you choose between human (a human readable format (the default value)), or json-v1, which prints JSON.
--trace-redirect=<file> puts cmake in trace mode and redirects trace output to a file instead of stderr.
So you could use the human format and grep for configure_file, or you could use the json-v1 format and write a script in a lanugage of your choice to search the JSON for calls to configure_file. You could also possibly use a comandline tool like jq to do the search.
You could redefine configure_file as a function (or macro) at the beginning of the project's CMakeLists.txt. That way allows you to run arbitrary code every time the function is invoked in the project.
Inside redefining function you could implement the logic which you need. For call original function in the redefining one, use underscore-prefixed name (_configure_file):
function(configure_file input output)
# ...
# Do something with the 'output' file. E.g. add it to the global list.
# ...
# After custom processing call original function with all parameters.
_configure_file(${input} ${output} ${ARGN})

cmake find_library() not finding library specified by PATHS

I have a find_library() statement that matches below (this is based on the amazon kinesis project):
The OPEN_SRC_INSTALL_LIB_PREFIX correctly points to the location where this library is located. I can observe this directly. However, this find_library() call fails and I am confused as to why it would do so.
I thought that maybe cmake is searching through other paths first and ignoring my specified path, so I also tried it with the NO_DEFAULT_PATH flag, as that should limit the search to only be in the paths specified:
... still no luck.
Any ideas why this would not work? I've verified the OPEN_SRC_INSTALL_LIB_PREFIX is the valid directory of the library via message() prints.
Note that this is cross compiling, although I don't see why that would change the behavior of find_library() unless I'm missing something from the documentation
First want to note I'm on cmake 17.5.
Ok, so the documentation is a bit confusing, but it seems that the NO_DEFAULT_PATH would only use the paths specified by the PATHS argument and none of the other cache variables, but that doesn't seem to be the case if CMAKE_SYSROOT is set.
Using the NO_CMAKE_FIND_ROOT_PATH is what actually causes find_library() to ignore the cached paths.

Code generator generating its own CMake files and targets

Let's assume I have a script that generates a set of source files forming a target I want to link against in a CMakeLists.txt. If the file names are known to the latter then the usual add_custom_target() and add_custom_command() commands will make it possible to use the generated files as target sources.
Let's assume, though, that only the generator script knows the file names and locations. How can a target library be generated so that the parent CMakeLists.txt can link against it without its knowing the actual file names?
Note that the dependency topic isn't in this question's scope as the script knows itself when to regenerate or not. It's not the finest use of CMake, but it's sufficient in this use case.
Idea #1
The script also generates a generated.cmake file included by the parent one using include(generated.cmake). Problem: CMake doesn't find generated.cmake as it isn't existing at configuration time.
Idea #2
Similar to idea #1, but the script is called with the execute_process() so that generated.cmake is present at configuration time. Problem: The script is not called anymore at subsequent builds, thus ignoring possible changes to its input.
Idea #3
The script passes back a list of targets and files that is somehow considered by the parent CMakeLists.txt. So far I couldn't find a way to do so.
The solution I came with is eventually a mixture of all three ideas.
Solution to idea #1's problem
execute_process() actually ensures that generated_targets.cmake is present at configure time.
Solution to idea #2's and #3's problems
As stated in this answer to "Add dependency to the CMake-generated build-system itself", the CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS directory property can be edited to add files whose touching re-triggers the configure step.
The key success factor is that this property can be set after the initial execute_process() call so that the script can identify and list its input dependencies (in an output file) that are then added to CMAKE_CONFIGURE_DEPENDS, hence also solving the input dependency problem.
Resulting pseudo code
# The script generates:
# - <output_dir>/cmake/input_files
# - <output_dir>/cmake/generated_targets.cmake
COMMAND myScript
--output-dir ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated
# Mark the input files as configure step dependencies so that the execute_process
# commands are retriggered on input file change.
file(STRINGS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/generated/cmake/input_files _input_files)
# Add the generated CMake targets.

CMake : how to link a library WITHOUT automatic search function FIND_PACKAGE?

I wonder how to find/link a library without any FIND_PACKAGE.
Assume that we have a "personal" library called testlib :
How to link it with CMake ?
1) What are the functions to link it directly in the code of the CMakeLists.txt ?
2) How to allow the user to select where are the files ?
3) I have difficulties to understand what is interpreted and what it's not by CMake. For example if you define a variable ${MYVARIABLE_INCLUDE_DIR} or ${MYVARIABLE_LIBRARIES} is "INCLUDE_DIR" or "LIBRARIES" an extension interpreted by CMake or there is no difference if I call this variable ${MYVARIABLE_INCDIR} ?
4) How to do the same procedures (including a "personal" library) if you have a library that contains ten library files or more in the lib directory ?
5) And finally, when you type TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myexecutable gmp), how do you know that the name of the library is "gmp". Why not "Gmp" or "GMP" ? Is the name of the library to put in this function just equal to the .a file minus "lib" and ".a" ? For example libgmp.a -> gmp ? If I want to link a library called libtestlolexample.a, do I have to type TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(myexecutable testlolexample) ?
Thank you very much.
You can use target_link_libraries(myexecutable mylib) to link to the library "mylib". The compiler will use its default way to find the specified library (e.g. it will look for libmylib.a on Linux). The compiler will only look in the link_directories(directory1 directory2 ...), so you could try that command to add the required directories to the search path.
When "mylib" is also compiled with CMake this will be recognized and everything should work automatically.
When you want the user to specify a directory you can use a cached CMake variable. set(MYPATH "NOT-DEFINED" CACHE PATH "docstring").
For more complex stuff it is very advisable to write a CMake find module that can be used with find_package. I suggest you take a look at the FindALSA.cmake which can be used as a good starting point.
The interesting part is at the end:
The ALSA_LIBRARY and ALSA_INCLUDE_DIR variables are user configurable and stored in the cache, while ALSA_LIBRARIES and ALSA_INCLUDE_DIRS as well as ALSA_FOUND get computed and are the ones that the user of the find module is supposed to use.
Typically one would use the find module like this:
find_package(ALSA REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(myexe ${ALSA_LIBRARIES})
I'm sure you can adapt this for your personal library.
Usually when you want to link against a library that doesn't have a find_package module (e.g. it's an uncommon library, or it's your own library), then you can use the basic commands (the find_X commands) to set variables with the paths you need. Then you use those variables as with find_package (include_directories, target_link_libraries).
If you're going to be using this library from multiple packages, you may want to create a find_package module; basically it's using the same commands with certain conventions.
Either of these allow you to specify paths (in the CMake module) to look in, and they allow the user to override the paths (the variables show up as options in ccmake/cmake-gui).
I'd be glad to add an example of one or both of these methods, just let me know what you're looking for.
If you just want a quick-and-dirty solution, you could do this, but I wouldn't recommend it:
add_executable(myexecutable myexecutable.cpp)
Regarding your question about target_link_libraries (#5), you can do it several ways. If you want you can provide the full name (e.g. target_link_libraries(myexe libfoo.a)), but I think it's better (more portable I suppose) to use the short name (e.g. target_link_libraries(myexe foo). You can also include linker flags; I'm not sure where I read it, but I think it may translate the -L and -l flags for different linkers.
For example, if I have a bunch of libraries in the same directory, and I know the names, I might find the directory, store it in a variable, and then do this:
# First, find and set TESTLIB_LIBRARY_DIR, e.g. with find_path
# ...
# This assumes the libraries are e.g. 'libtestlib1.a' and 'libtestlib2.a'
-l testlib1
-l testlib2)
add_executable(myexecutable myexecutable.cpp)
target_link_libraries(myexecutable ${TESTLIB_LIBRARIES})
If you want to make your own find_package module (like trenki mentioned, FindALSA.cmake seems to be a good starting point), you can use it by adding the directory to the CMAKE_MODULE_PATH; for example, if you put your module(s) in a cmake/modules/ subdirectory:
# Look for extra CMake modules in a subdirectory of this project
One possible issue with FindALSA.cmake: I'm not sure CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR will work. So I think you should make this change (the second work for me in a module I wrote):
# Change this line
# To this (with no path/extension it will search the CMake modules path):
And to get the usage of FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS, look at FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake in the CMake Modules directory.
CMake has a good documentation.
Static linkage (if i understand you correct) is archived by passing the STATIC keyword to add_library
I would suggest to not do that (I'm not a CMake expert) but it sounds like the expense would be to large.
There is no difference, ${MYVARIABLE_INCLUDE_DIR} ist just a variable name it whatever you want. But i would suggest that you follow the naming convention.
One libary is always one .lib/.a file so there should be no problem just use the add_library& target_link_libraries& add_dependencies function.
The library name is always the name that you pass to add_library. However Gmp or gMP would be the same as CMake is case intensitive