Can we monitor for a particular text like (Name=abc) in API response and get notified in Postman? - api

API Testing:
Currently, I am using Postman to test API response
I want to monitor a particular text in API response and get notified for example-
"productname": "PARLE",
"customer": "ABC",
If I get a customer name in the API response as ABC I want to get notified through mail or slack or anything.
Is this possible? if Yes please share me the inputs.

you can run periodic tests with a software like Overseer, and receive notifications using a Notify17 notification template (see the sample recipe).
You could use a test rule like: must run http with not-content '"customer": "ABC"'
To have an easy start with Overseer, you can check out the Kubernetes deployment example.

You can achieve your use case using Postman Monitors to send an email or send a slack message by following these steps:
Configure your monitor to run with an environment. (Reference:
In the test script of your Collection's Request, fetch the response using pm.response.json() (Based on the response structure you mentioned)
Use the following code snippet to determine whether the response contains what you need:
if (pm.response.json().customer === 'ABC') {
// no op
else {
Here, if the condition is not met, then the next request that will be executed is null, which means that the collection execution will stop here. However, if the condition is met, this will not be set and the next request will be executed.
You can use various Public APIs to achieve tasks like send an email or send a slack message:
Gmail API | Slack API
Create a request below the current request titled 'Send notification'. Use the documentation provided to set the request up.
When your monitor runs, if the condition is not met, then postman.setNextRequest will be set to null and the 'Send notification' request will not run. However, if the condition is indeed true, then the request will run and you will receive a notification on the respective channel.


How do I verify if the API is throwing 200 OK as status code in JMeter

So, I recently started learning JMeter and want to create an API validation script for a website called where I got an app-id. But, I don't understand how to use this in JMeter. What does it mean to use the app-id in the API request header?
JMeter automatically considers HTTP Status Codes below 400 as successful so if your app returns status 200 it will be treated as passed.
If you want to add an extra layer of check and verify that particular this request returns 200 response code:
Add Response Assertion as a child of the request you want to validate
Configure it as follows:
Field to Test: Response Code
Pattern Matching Rules: Equals
Patterns to Test: 200
Similarly you can add additional pass/fail criteria like:
presence/absence of text in the response body/message/headers/URL
compare a JMeter Variable with anticipated value
check response duration
check response size
etc. see How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps article to learn more about JMeter Assertions concept

How can a Slack app communicate to the user why a slash command failed, and let the user edit the command?

When an app fails to handle a Slack slash command, the text is brought back to allow the user to edit it and immediately send it again. I have a slash-command that searches, but might fail to find any results. In that case, I would like the user to immediately be able to modify their search. The Slack docs explain that I should always return a 200 HTTP status, but then Slack also erases the command and the user can't immediately try again. When I tried to respond with a 404 status, the users get an alarming message like failed with the error "http_client_error". Is there a way to fail but also provide a custom message to the user why?
Yes, but you must not use HTTP status codes to community a failed search.
Just always return HTTP OK 200 and then add a response message telling the user what went wrong. You can do that by directly replying to the request from Slack within 3 seconds, or alternatively by sending a message to the response_url.
This is also clearly expressed in the offical documentation for slash commands:
Sending Error Responses
There are going to be times when you need to let the user know that something went wrong - perhaps the user supplied an incorrect text parameter alongside the command, or maybe there was a failure in an API being used to generate the command response.
It would be tempting in this case to return an HTTP 500 response to
the initial command, but this isn't the right approach. The status
code returned as a response to the command should only be used to
indicate whether or not the request URL successfully received the data
payload - while an error might have occurred in processing and
responding to that payload, the communication itself was still
successful. (Source)
As far as I know it is not possible to signal Slack that the user should be able to edit his last command though.

J-Meter gives false results

I'm trying to learn J-Meter.
When I'm running a sample script of logging into a site using both valid/invalid credentials,it doesn't stop thread execution when invalid login credential is used and also login is not recorded in database.
Does it actually login to the website or only creates virtual login to create a similar environment.Is there any way to achieve this using Samplers?
JMeter is/acts as a headless browser.
Whatever your browser with an UI does, JMeter can also do - except executing a javascript. So, If you had recorded your script correctly - JMeter can login to the actual application as well.
Jmeter is not like QTP/Selenium. It does not know if it is a valid credential/invalid credential. It passes/fails the request based on the HTTP codes. If the HTML response from the server comes with a 200 http code, It passed for JMeter. If the server responds with code 500, JMeter fails the request. But JMeter also provides a way to validate the response you get - Assertion. You can use Response Assertion to see if you are seeing the home page or not to confirm if the user has logged in successfully.
To stop the test on error, select the appropriate option here in thread Group properties.
JMeter is a very nice tool & have been using it for 2 years with no issues.
Good luck!
Does your script have Config Element -> HTTP Cookie Manager? It needs cookie for the login function.
If your script has many transactions with the same level with login transaction and the option you select in your Thread Group is Continue, all transactions will be executed no matter login transaction is passed or failed.
In case you want the other transactions will not be executed if login fails, let add a Regular Expression Extractor as child of the login transaction to retrieve the text Dashboard, put other transactions into a Logic Controller -> If Controller. Suppose the Regular Expression Extractor has name Dashboard and Default value is NotFound, then the Condition of If Controller will be "${Dashboard}"!="NotFound"
JMeter automatically treats 2xx and 3xx HTTP Response Codes successful so it won't be able to detect failed login unless you explicitly tell it to check presence or absence of some specific content in the response data.
So if you add a Response Assertion you will be able to conditionally fail sampler and choose what to do in case of failure via "Action to be taken after a Sampler error" on Thread Group level.
See How to Use JMeter Assertions in Three Easy Steps guide for more details on the assertions domain.
If you're unsure what JMeter Sampler is doing you can check request and response details via View Results Tree listener. If you cannot simulate login event in majority of cases it is due to missing HTTP Cookie Manager and/or failed correlation of dynamic mandatory parameter(s) like Viewstate, CSRF token, etc.

How to use offset on Telegram bot API webHook

Since 2 days I've been exploring the Telegram bot API, which is pretty neat. But there is one thing I can't figure out.
When you don't use the webHook but the /getUpdates call, you can tell the API via the offset parameter which message where processed by the server.
But how do you do this with the webHook in place? I keep getting the same message as an update. Which results in the server spamming the user with the same message.
The solution I came up with is as follows:
Receive an update from the webhook
Save the update_id
Reply to the user /sendMessage
disable the webHook /setWebhook?url=
Set the offset /getUpdates?offset={update_id+1}
Reinstate the webHook /setWebhook?url=
There must be a better way right? Anyone?
Ok, problem solved. It appeared that just a 200 (OK) wasn't enough (the body of my response was null. I've added a body to the response {}, and know it works fine.
You must say to telegram that you get updates successfully with this:
- 200 response code
- empty json like this {}
use This on webHook to get data from telegram servers:
// get the raw POST data
$rawData = file_get_contents("php://input");
// this returns null if not valid json
$jsonData = json_decode($rawData);
What HTTP status code are you returning on the page handling your webhook? It is possible that Telegram is attempting to retry your webhook endpoint because it's not receiving a status 200 (OK) from you.

Defining Status Codes

I am building a wrapper for a 3rd party api (email suite) inside of a web application, accessible internally and via an own api. The methods take, for example, an email-address and a subscription list as a parameter and return a result code.
So basically I want to:
Define status codes to display different states of success/failure.
For example successes:
new contact created
new contact created AND optin mail sent
new contact created AND coupon sent
existing contact subscribed
existing contact subscribed AND coupon sent
and so on..
All of these cases are basically the category 2xx OK, but have to trigger different user feedback messages, that's why I'm unhappy with using the HTTP status codes. Using pure HTTP status codes doesn't give feedback detailed enough and defining a) additional status codes or b) completely custom status codes feels so random.
So, what is the best practice to go here?
This answer suggests that I should always use the standard HTTP status codes and if they do not apply, my design is wrong. How would I distinguish the difference, without using additional logic and api calls on the client side?
The purpose of HTTP status codes is to convey the status of the HTTP operation - was it successful, unauthorized, pending, misconfigured, whatever. In all your described cases, the requested operation was successful - everything went as planned. So the most likely status code is 200 OK or 201 CREATED for ALL those cases.
Additional domain-specific statuses should not be forcefully hammered into HTTP statuses. Just return an additional field in your response. For example:
name : "The User",
email : ""
Response would contain:
status : "Optin mail sent",
timestamp : "...",
This keeps a cleaner separation of concerns and improves extensibility.
How would I distinguish the difference, without using additional logic and api calls on the client side?
Use meaningful response bodies. The status code is just that. You don't want to create a new HTTP status code for each new combination of results.
So for your first three scenarios:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
contact_created: "true",
optin_mail_sent: "true",
coupon_sent: "true",
You need some display logic on the client side any way (e.g. from 254 ContactYesOptInNoCouponYes to the appropriate notifications), so the response body seems the most sensible and extensible way possible.