How to define a function to use with scipy.integrate.solve_ivp - numpy

I am trying to solve a differential equation using scipy.integrate.solve_ivp
L*Q'' + R*Q' + (1/C)*Q = E(t), E(t) = 230*sin(50*t)
for Q(t) and Q'(t)
C = 0.0014 #F
dQ_0 = 2.6 #A
L = 1.8 #H
n = 575 #/
Q_0 = 1e-06 #C
R = 43 #Ohm
t_f = 2.8 #s
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import solve_ivp
t = np.linspace(0, t_f, n)
def E(x):
return 230*np.sin(50*x)
y = E(y)
def Q(t, y, R, L, C):
return (y - L*Q'' - R*Q')*C
init_cond = [Q_0, dQ_0]
y_ivp = solve_ivp(Q, t_span=(0, t_f), y0=init_cond)
I am only trying to understand how to correctly define a function that is passed as an argument 'fun' in scipy.integrate.solve_ivp

The answer below is no longer valid, solve_ode has since implemented the args parameter similar to odeint. So indeed
y_ivp = solve_ivp(Q, t_span=(0, t_f), y0=init_cond, args=(R, L, C))
is now valid (do not forget to set appropriate error tolerances, or at least check that the default values arol=1e-3, rtol=1e-6 are appropriate).
Always available was the use of semi-global variables in a closure or lambda expression
y_ivp = solve_ivp(lambda t,y: Q(t,y,R, L, C), t_span=(0, t_f), y0=init_cond, args=(R, L, C))
(obsolete part) solve_ivp has no parameter passing mechanism, so treat the parameters as global variables. You are formulating an ODE for Q, as it is a second order ODE, the state also contains the first derivative, as you somehow recognized in the composition of the initial state. The ODE function then needs to produce the derivative values at a given state. Identify Q(t)=Q[0] and Q'(t)=Q[1], then
def Q_ode(t, Q):
return [ Q[1], (E(t) - R*Q[1] - (1/C)*Q[0])/L ]
I would continue to name the variables containing Q values with the letter Q.


Numpy , OOP and callables

I'm implementing a Markov Chain Montecarlo with metropolis and barkes alphas for numerical integration. I've created a class called MCMCIntegrator(). I've loaded it with some attributes, one of then is the pdf of the function (a lambda) we're trying to integrate called g.
import numpy as np
import scipy.stats as st
class MCMCIntegrator:
def __init__(self):
self.g = lambda x: st.gamma.pdf(x, 0, 1, scale=1 / 1.23452676)*np.abs(np.cos(1.123454156))
self.size = 10000
self.std = 0.6
self.real_int = 0.06496359
There are other methods in this class, the size is the size of the sample that the class must generate, std is the standard deviation of the Normal Kernel, which you will see in a few seconds. The real_int is the value of the integral from 1 to 2 of the function we're integrating. I've generated it with a R script. Now, to the problem.
def _chain(self, method=None):
Markov chain heat-up with burn-in
:param method: Metrpolis or barker alpha
:return: np.array containing the sample
old = 0
sample = np.zeros(int(self.size * 1.5))
i = 0
if method:
def alpha(a, b): return min(1, self.g(b) / self.g(a))
def alpha(a, b): return self.g(b) / (self.g(a) + self.g(b))
while i != len(sample):
if new < 0:
new = st.norm(loc=old, scale=self.std).rvs()
alpha = alpha(old, new)
u = st.uniform.rvs()
if alpha > u:
sample[i] = new
old = new
i += 1
return np.array(sample)
When I call the _chain() method, this is the following error:
44 while i != len(sample):
45 new = st.norm(loc=old, scale=self.std).rvs()
---> 46 alpha = alpha(old, new)
47 u = st.uniform.rvs()
TypeError: 'numpy.float64' object is not callable
alpha returns a nnumpy.float, but I don't know why it's saying it's not callable.
You define a method named alpha based on some condition in an 'early' section of the code:
if method:
def alpha(a, b): return min(1, self.g(b) / self.g(a))
def alpha(a, b): return self.g(b) / (self.g(a) + self.g(b))
and then in the while loop (a 'later' part of the code), you assign the return value of this function to a variable named alpha.
Since the names of these two objects are same, and the variable has been declared later in the code, without the function being re-declared anywhere after this variable creation, the variable replaces the function in the namespace and now you can't make calls to alpha anymore, because it has ceased to be a function.
If it is not a hindrance to your program logic (doesn't seem to be), renaming the variable to some other nice name would be okay.

Scipy Optimize minimize returns the initial value

I am building machine learning models for a certain data set. Then, based on the constraints and bounds for the outputs and inputs, I am trying to find the input parameters for the most minimized answer.
The problem which I am facing is that, when the model is a linear regression model or something like lasso, the minimization works perfectly fine.
However, when the model is "Decision Tree", it constantly returns the very initial value that is given to it. So basically, it does not enforce the constraints.
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.optimize import minimize
I am using the very first sample from the input data set for the optimization. As it is only one sample, I need to reshape it to (1,-1) as well.
x = df_in.iloc[0,:]
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
This is my Objective function:
def objective(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
y = 0
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)
Y = y[0]
return Y
Here I am defining the bounds of inputs:
range_max = pd.DataFrame(range_max)
range_min = pd.DataFrame(range_min)
B_min =[]
for i in range(range_max.shape[0]):
b_max = range_max.iloc[i]
b_min = range_min.iloc[i]
B_max = pd.DataFrame(B_max)
B_min = pd.DataFrame(B_min)
bnds = pd.concat([B_min, B_max], axis=1)
These are my constraints:
con_min = pd.DataFrame(c_min)
con_max = pd.DataFrame(c_max)
Here I am defining the constraint function:
def const(x):
x = np.array(x)
x = x.reshape(1,-1)
Y = []
for n in range(df_out.shape[1]):
y = Model[n].predict(x)[0]
Y = pd.DataFrame(Y)
a4 =[]
for k in range(Y.shape[0]):
a1 = Y.iloc[k,0] - con_min.iloc[k,0]
a2 = con_max.iloc[k, 0] - Y.iloc[k,0]
a3 = [a2,a1]
a4 = np.concatenate([a4, a3])
return a4
c = const(x)
con = {'type': 'ineq', 'fun': const}
This is where I try to minimize. I do not pick a method as the automatically picked model has worked so far.
sol = minimize(fun = objective, x0=x,constraints=con, bounds=bnds)
So the actual constraints are:
c_min = [0.20,1000]
c_max = [0.3,1600]
and the max and min range for the boundaries are:
range_max = [285,200,8,85,0.04,1.6,10,3.5,20,-5]
range_min = [215,170,-1,60,0,1,6,2.5,16,-18]
I think you should check the output of 'sol'. At times, the algorithm is not able to perform line search completely. To check for this, you should check message associated with 'sol'. In such a case, the optimizer returns initial parameters itself. There may be various reasons of this behavior. In a nutshell, please check the output of sol and act accordingly.
If you have not yet resolved your issue, try using scipy.optimize.differential_evolution instead of scipy.optimize.minimize. I ran into similar issues, particularly with decision trees because of their step-like behavior resulting in infinite gradients.

how to use Apache Commons Math Optimization in Jython?

I want to transfer Matlab code to Jython version, and find that the fminsearch in Matlab might be replaced by Apache-Common-Math-Optimization.
I'm coding on the Mango Medical Image script manager, which uses Jython 2.5.3 as coding language. And the Math version is 3.6.1.
Here is my code:
def f(x,y):
return x^2+y^2
from org.apache.commons.math3.analysis import MultivariateFunction
from org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar.noderiv import NelderMeadSimplex,SimplexOptimizer
from org.apache.commons.math3.optim.nonlinear.scalar import ObjectiveFunction
from org.apache.commons.math3.optim import MaxEval,InitialGuess
from org.apache.commons.math3.optimization import GoalType
opt=SimplexOptimizer(2**(-6), 2**(-10))
skewParameters2 = solution.getPointRef()
print skewParameters2;
And I got the error below:
TypeError: optimize(): 1st arg can't be coerced to
I'm quite confused about how to use the optimization in Jython and the examples are all Java version.
I've given up this plan and find another method to perform the fminsearch in Jython. Below is the Jython version code:
import sys
sys.path.append('.../jnumeric-2.5.1_ra0.1.jar') #add the jnumeric path
import Numeric as np
def nelder_mead(f, x_start,
step=0.1, no_improve_thr=10e-6,
no_improv_break=10, max_iter=0,
alpha=1., gamma=2., rho=-0.5, sigma=0.5):
#param f (function): function to optimize, must return a scalar score
and operate over a numpy array of the same dimensions as x_start
#param x_start (float list): initial position
#param step (float): look-around radius in initial step
#no_improv_thr, no_improv_break (float, int): break after no_improv_break iterations with
an improvement lower than no_improv_thr
#max_iter (int): always break after this number of iterations.
Set it to 0 to loop indefinitely.
#alpha, gamma, rho, sigma (floats): parameters of the algorithm
(see Wikipedia page for reference)
return: tuple (best parameter array, best score)
# init
dim = len(x_start)
prev_best = f(x_start)
no_improv = 0
res = [[np.array(x_start), prev_best]]
for i in range(dim):
score = f(x)
res.append([x, score])
# simplex iter
iters = 0
while 1:
# order
res.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
best = res[0][1]
# break after max_iter
if max_iter and iters >= max_iter:
return res[0]
iters += 1
# break after no_improv_break iterations with no improvement
print ' so far:', best
if best < prev_best - no_improve_thr:
no_improv = 0
prev_best = best
no_improv += 1
if no_improv >= no_improv_break:
return res[0]
# centroid
x0 = [0.] * dim
for tup in res[:-1]:
for i, c in enumerate(tup[0]):
x0[i] += c / (len(res)-1)
# reflection
xr = x0 + alpha*(x0 - res[-1][0])
rscore = f(xr)
if res[0][1] <= rscore < res[-2][1]:
del res[-1]
res.append([xr, rscore])
# expansion
if rscore < res[0][1]:
xe = x0 + gamma*(x0 - res[-1][0])
escore = f(xe)
if escore < rscore:
del res[-1]
res.append([xe, escore])
del res[-1]
res.append([xr, rscore])
# contraction
xc = x0 + rho*(x0 - res[-1][0])
cscore = f(xc)
if cscore < res[-1][1]:
del res[-1]
res.append([xc, cscore])
# reduction
x1 = res[0][0]
nres = []
for tup in res:
redx = x1 + sigma*(tup[0] - x1)
score = f(redx)
nres.append([redx, score])
res = nres
And the test example is as below:
def f(x):
return x[0]**2+x[1]**2+x[2]**2
print nelder_mead(f,[3.4,2.3,2.2])
Actually, the original version is for python, and the link below is the source:

Can I implement a gradient descent for arbitrary convex loss function?

I have a loss function I would like to try and minimize:
def lossfunction(X,b,lambs):
B = b.reshape(X.shape)
penalty = np.linalg.norm(B, axis = 1)**(0.5)
return np.linalg.norm(,B)-X) + lambs*penalty.sum()
Gradient descent, or similar methods, might be useful. I can't calculate the gradient of this function analytically, so I am wondering how I can numerically calculate the gradient for this loss function in order to implement a descent method.
Numpy has a gradient function, but it requires me to pass a scalar field at pre determined points.
You could try scipy.optimize.minimize
For your case a sample call would be:
import scipy.optimize.minimize
scipy.optimize.minimize(lossfunction, args=(b, lambs), method='Nelder-mead')
You could estimate the derivative numerically by a central difference:
def derivative(fun, X, b, lambs, h):
return (fun(X + 0.5*h,b,lambs) - fun(X - 0.5*h,b,lambs))/h
And use it like this:
# assign values to X, b, lambs
# set the value of h
h = 0.001
print derivative(lossfunction, X, b, lambs, h)
The code above is valid for dimX = 1, some modifications are needed to account for multidimensional vector X:
def gradient(fun, X, b, lambs, h):
res = []
for i in range (0,len(X)):
t1 = list(X)
t1[i] = t1[i] + 0.5*h
t2 = list(X)
t2[i] = t2[i] - 0.5*h
res = res + [(fun(t1,b,lambs) - fun(t2,b,lambs))/h]
return res
Forgive the naivity of the code, I barely know how to write some python :-)

Scipy.optimize - curve fitting with fixed parameters

I'm performing curve fitting with scipy.optimize.leastsq. E.g. for a gaussian:
def fitGaussian(x, y, init=[1.0,0.0,4.0,0.1]):
fitfunc = lambda p, x: p[0]*np.exp(-(x-p[1])**2/(2*p[2]**2))+p[3] # Target function
errfunc = lambda p, x, y: fitfunc(p, x) - y # Distance to the target function
final, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, init[:], args=(x, y))
return fitfunc, final
Now, I want to optionally fix the values of some of the parameters in the fit. I found that suggestions are to use a different package lmfit, which I want to avoid, or are very general, like here.
Since I need a solution which
works with numpy/scipy (no further packages etc.)
is independent of the parameters themselves,
is flexible, in which parameters are fixed or not,
I came up with the following, using a condition on each of the parameters:
def fitGaussian2(x, y, init=[1.0,0.0,4.0,0.1], fix = [False, False, False, False]):
fitfunc = lambda p, x: (p[0] if not fix[0] else init[0])*np.exp(-(x-(p[1] if not fix[1] else init[1]))**2/(2*(p[2] if not fix[2] else init[2])**2))+(p[3] if not fix[3] else init[3])
errfunc = lambda p, x, y: fitfunc(p, x) - y # Distance to the target function
final, success = scipy.optimize.leastsq(errfunc, init[:], args=(x, y))
return fitfunc, final
While this works fine, it's neither practical, nor beautiful.
So my question is: Are there better ways of performing curve fitting in scipy for fixed parameters? Or are there wrappers, which already include such parameter fixing?
Using scipy, there are no builtin options that I am aware of. You will always have to do a work-around like the one you already did.
If you are willing to use a wrapper package however, may I recommend my own symfit? This is a wrapper to scipy with readability and less boilerplate code as its core principles. In symfit, your problem would be solved as:
from symfit import parameters, variables, exp, Fit, Parameter
a, b, c, d = parameters('a, b, c, d')
x, y = variables('x, y')
model_dict = {y: a * exp(-(x - b)**2 / (2 * c**2)) + d}
fit = Fit(model_dict, x=xdata, y=ydata)
fit_result = fit.execute()
The line a, b, c, d = parameters('a, b, c, d') makes four Parameter objects. To fix e.g. the parameter c to its initial value, do the following anywhere before calling fit.execute():
c.value = 4.0
c.fixed = True
So a possible end result might be:
from symfit import parameters, variables, exp, Fit, Parameter
a, b, c, d = parameters('a, b, c, d')
x, y = variables('x, y')
c.value = 4.0
c.fixed = True
model_dict = {y: a * exp(-(x - b)**2 / (2 * c**2)) + d}
fit = Fit(model_dict, x=xdata, y=ydata)
fit_result = fit.execute()
If you want to be more dynamic in your code, you could make the Parameter objects straight away using:
c = Parameter(4.0, fixed=True)
For more info, check the docs:
The above example using symfit would surely simply the syntax of the fitting approach, however, does the example given really constrain the variable c?
If you look at the fit_result.param you get the following:
OrderedDict([('a', 16.374368575343127),
('b', 0.49201249437123556),
('c', 0.5337962977235504),
('d', -9.55593614465743)])
The parameter c is not 4.0.