Regex matching everything except specific words - sql

I have looked through the other questions asked on excluding regex, but I was unable to find the answer to my question.
I have the SQL statement
select --(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc) guid'12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012' *)-- from TAB
With regex, I want to find every single character in that string, except
--(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc)
The vendor and product names (microsoft and odbc) could be anything as well, I still want to exclude it.
I don't care what kind of characters there are, or if the SQL statement is even syntactically correct. The string could look like this, and I still want to find everything, including whitespaces, excluding what I mentioned above:
{Jane Doe?= --(* vendor(micro1macro2?), product(cdb!o) 123$% --(**) *)-- = ?
So far, I have this expression:
(--\(\* vendor\(.*\), product\(.*?\))|(\*\)--)
Which seems to work in finding what I want to exclude However, I'm unable to negate it.

Does replace() do what you want?
select replace(replace(t.col, '--(* vendor(microsoft), product(odbc)', ''
), '*)--', ''


How to use Regex to lowercase catalogue values without any logic codes

For a loan domain we pass some catalogue values eg. if a customer is primary or secondary customer like that. So i need to check the values irrespective of uppercase, lowercase, camelcase. Software which i am using will accept only regex codes not any Java, js codes (it is different scripting). I am trying to convert only with regexp but still getting error.
If catalogue_value ~"(/A-Z/)" then
Catalogue_value ~"/l"
As i am learning regex as of now still figuring for correct expressions to use.
Kindly please tell me correct format to use regex to change into lowercase / uppercase
If i understood your problem you want to search without worrying about the case, for example the data is Paul, and you want to find this record searching by PAUL, paul, PaUl, etc?
One common to technique to do that is to put both sides all in upper or lower case, without regex, for example, in javascript:
"Paul".toLowerCase() === "paUL".toLowerCase()
select case when LOWER('Paul') = LOWER('paUL') then 1 else 0 end

How to remove several symbols from a string in BiqQuery

I have strings which contain numbers like that:
I need to get only symbols after underscore symbol:
Unfortunately, the amount of those symbols is always different, so I can't use just RIGHT function.
I know that probably REGEXP might help, but I can't understand how to use that exactly. Will be very grateful for the help.
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL (using regexp)
regexp_extract(value, r'_(.*)') regexp_approach
if to apply to sample value from your question
regexp_extract('a20cdac0_19221bdc12022bab3fe05a43df4a7dbe', r'_(.*)') regexp_approach
result is
Yet, another regexp option is to use regexp_replace as in below example
regexp_replace(value, r'^.*?_', '')
Note: using split in this case is also an option unless you have more than one _ in which case you will get part between first and second _
split(value, '_')[safe_offset(1)]
Also, as you can see you need to use safe to prevent error in cases when _ is absent
You can use the split function like this
select split('a20cdac0_19221bdc12022bab3fe05a43df4a7dbe','_')[ORDINAL(2)];

SQL remove spaces between specific character in a string?

I want to update a database table field using another field in the same table. Currently I have this table called sources.
Name Code
In the name column I have values like this example :
' Deals On Wheels '
'Homesru - Abu Dhabi - Madinat Zayed Gold Centre'
And I am having this update statement :
UPDATE Sources
SET Code = REPLACE((LTRIM(RTRIM(Name))),' ','-')
the result is :
which is fine.
but for second one I have this :
I want it to be like this :
How can I Achieve this ? Any Help is appreciated.
As suggested by #DanielE. my answer will point to a more global solution, in case you ever need to replace duplicated/triplicated/quadriplicated/... occurrences of a character on a string.
I'll not create a full solution for this issue, is a recurring question and there are really good solutions around already. Check these links:
SQL Server Central: remove spaces between specific character in a string?. This forum post will point to the next link I'm posting here. But is good to know what they are asking and answering.
Replace multiple spaces with new one but you can slightly modify it to replace any character you want.
You can also rely on this answer Find and remove repeated strings from Aaron Bertrand.
REPLACE((LTRIM(RTRIM(REPLACE((LTRIM(RTRIM(Name))),' - ','-')))),' ','-')
this will first replace ' - ' with just '-'
You might want to look into using a UDF to do a regular expression search and replace. See

string replace sql select

Hi Ive tried to find an answer to this but cant find one.
Id like to remove some characters and prepend a pound sign to the result of an SQL query which looks as follows (its already using a replace command can I stack these)?:
select fundraiser.Company_Name,
sum(fundraising_campaigns.Total_Collected) as donations
from fundraising_campaigns,
where Charity_Name = 'WaterAid'
and fundraising_campaigns.Campaigners_ID =
group by fundraiser.Company_Name
Can anyone confirm how I would go about adding (£ sign) and remove several sets of characters from a select statement.Certainly dont appear to be able to stack replace statements (e.g.
replace(replace (string, what to match, what to replace it with), what to match, what to replace it with)
Appreciate any thoughts
I am not sure about your question. If I am correct you want to prepend £ and do some nested replace. Hope the below example helps.
select '£'+replace(replace('YourText','x','s'),'You','U')

SQL to return results for the following regex

I have the following regular expression:
WHERE A.srvc_call_id = '40750564' AND REGEXP_LIKE (A.SRVC_CALL_DN, '[^TEST]')
The row that contains 40750564 has "TEST CALL" in the column SRVC_CALL_DN and REGEXP_LIKE doesn't seem to be filtering it out. Whenever I run the query it returns the row when it shouldn't.
Is my regex pattern wrong? Or does SQL not accept [^whatever]?
The carat anchors the expression to the start of a string. By enclosing the letters T, E, S & T in square brackets you're searching, as barsju suggests for any of these characters, not for the string TEST.
You say that SRVC_CALL_DN contains the string 'TEST CALL', but you don't say where in the string. You also say that you're looking for where this string doesn't match. This implies that you want to use not regexp_like(...
Putting all this together I think you need:
This excludes every match from your query where the string starts with 'TEST CALL'. However, if this string may be in any position in the column you need to remove the carat - ^.
This also assumes that the string is always in upper case. If it's in mixed case or lower, then you need to change it again. Something like the following:
By upper-casing SRV_CALL_DN you ensure that you're always going to match but ensure that your query may not use an index on this column. I wouldn't worry about this particular point as regular expressions queries can be fairly poor at using indexes anyway and it appears as though SRVC_CALL_ID is indexed.
Also if it may not include 'CALL' you will have to remove this. It is best when using regular expressions to make your match pattern as explicit as possible; so include 'CALL' if you can.
Try with '^TEST' or '^TEST.*'
Your regexp means any string not starting with any of the characters: T,E,S,T.
But your case is so simple, starts with TEST. Why not use a simple like: