Why Rmarkdown shows different random numbers in pdf output than the ones in the Rmd file? - pdf

I set.seed in Rmd file to generate random numbers, but when I knit the document I get different random numbers. Here is a screen shot for the Rmd and pdf documents side by side.

In R 3.6.0 the internal algorithm used by sample() has changed. The default for a new session is
> set.seed(2345)
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 3 7 10 2 4
which is what you get in the PDF file. One can manually change to the old "Rounding" method, though:
> set.seed(2345, sample.kind="Rounding")
Warning message:
In set.seed(2345, sample.kind = "Rounding") :
non-uniform 'Rounding' sampler used
> sample(1:10, 5)
[1] 2 10 6 1 3
You have at some point made this change in your R session, as can be seen from the output of sessionInfo(). You can either change this back with RNGkind(sample.kind="Rejection") or by starting a new R session.
BTW, in general please include code samples as text, not as images.


Connecting lines of radar chart in Tableau

So I have 7 variables I am plotting on a Tableau radar chart, I am following along this tutorial: https://www.pluralsight.com/guides/tableau-playbook-radar-chart. Where I have done the exact same calculations, instead of 6 axes, I have 7. Therefore 8 points in my path and dividing the Path equation by 7 instead of 6. I have also created the appropriate dummy variable in the Excel file, by duplicating the first variable and renaming it as a dummy variable to connect the line to. But still the last line does not want to connect.
Path field:
case [Variable]
when "ipsl_risicoperceptie" then 1
when "ipsl_onveiligheids-gevoelens" then 2
when "ipsl_vermijding" then 3
when "Ipersonenoverlast" then 4
when "Iverloedering" then 5
when "HICindex" then 6
when "HVCindex" then 7
else 8
Radian field:
IF [Path] = 8 THEN PI()/2
ELSE PI()/2 - ([Path]-1)*2*PI()/7
Rest of the fields are exactly the same as the tutorial. What am I missing?

Reordering large PDF files using command line tools

I'm working with PDF files that have hundreds of forms within them. Each form is 2 pages long, so in most files pages 1-2 is the first form, pages 3-4 is the second form, and so on.
However, there are several PDF files where the page order of the forms are reversed. In these cases, page 1 is the second page of the first form and page 2 is the first page of the first form, page 3 is the second page of the second form and page 4 is the first page of the second form, and so on.
I want to reorder the page order in these files so that the pages are in this sequence: (2(1), 2(1)-2, 2(2), 2(2)-1, 2(3), 2(3)-1,...,2n,2n-1), where n= total number of pages/2.
I've been looking for a way to do this using command line tools such as cpdf, pdftk, etc., but to no avail. The files are quite large so I would like to do it by using command line tools.
Any advice will be greatly appreciated!
CIB pdf toolbox of CIB (https://www.cib.de) has a (non free) command line tool version, which supports all possibilities of PDF merging in one run.
Did you try poppler-utils?
i think with the command line tools pdfseparate and pdfunite utilities you can achieve all you want.
Would it matter to you if the order of the forms inside the PDF is changed? For example if instead of
your resulting file would look like
In this case you could just run PDFtk so that it completely reverses all the pages of the original file:
pdftk in.pdf cat r1-1 output reversed.pdf
(Prefixing a page number with the letter r references pages in reverse order. That means r1 is the last page...)
In case you are on an operating system which supports shell scripting (like Bash on Linux or macOS), you can achieve the output of your requested page numbers by something like this (assuming that your n==10):
for i in {1..10}; do
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} )) ";
echo -n "$(( 2 * ${i} -1 )) ";
This will output 2 1 4 3 6 5 8 7 10 9. Now you could use this PDFtk command for re-ordering the pages as you want:
pdftk in.pdf cat $(for i in {1..10};do echo -n "$((2 * ${i})) ";echo -n "$((2*${i}-1 )) ";done) output out.pdf

Interlacing text from multiple files based on contents of line

I'm trying to take N files, which, incidentally, are all syslog log files, and interlace them based on the timestamp which is the first part of the line. I can do this naively but I fear that my approach will not scale well with any more than just a handful of these files.
So let's say I just have two files, 1.log and 2.log. 1.log looks like this:
2016-04-06T21:13:23.655446+00:00 foo 1
2016-04-06T21:13:24.384521+00:00 bar 1
and 2.log looks like this:
2016-04-06T21:13:24.372946+00:00 foo 2
2016-04-06T21:13:24.373171+00:00 bar 2
Given that example, I would want the output to be:
2016-04-06T21:13:23.655446+00:00 foo 1
2016-04-06T21:13:24.372946+00:00 foo 2
2016-04-06T21:13:24.373171+00:00 bar 2
2016-04-06T21:13:24.384521+00:00 bar 1
As that would be the lines of the files, combined, and sorted by the timestamp with which each line begins.
We can assume that each file is internally sorted before the program is run. (If it isn't, rsyslog and I have some talking to do.)
So quite naively I could write something like this, ignoring memory concerns and whatnot:
interlaced_lines = []
first_lines = [[f.readline(), f] for f in files]
while first_lines:
oldest_line, f = first_lines[0]
while oldest_line and (len(first_lines) == 1 or (first_lines[1][0] and oldest_line < first_lines[1][0])):
oldest_line = f.readline()
if oldest_line:
first_lines[0][0] = oldest_line
first_lines = first_lines[1:]
I fear that this might be quite slow, reading line by line like this. However, I'm not sure how else to do it. Can I perform this task faster with a different algorithm or through parallelization? I am largely indifferent to which languages and tools to use.
As it turns out, since each file is internally presorted, I can get pretty far with sort --merge. With over 2GB of logs it sorted them in 15 seconds. Using my example:
% sort --merge 1.log 2.log
2016-04-06T21:13:23.655446+00:00 foo 1
2016-04-06T21:13:24.372946+00:00 foo 2
2016-04-06T21:13:24.373171+00:00 bar 2
2016-04-06T21:13:24.384521+00:00 bar 1

AMPL:How to print variable output using NEOS Server, when you can't include data and model command in the command file?

I'm doing some optimization using a model whose number of constraints and variables exceeds the cap for the student version of, say, AMPL, so I've found a webpage [http://www.neos-server.org/neos/solvers/milp:Gurobi/AMPL.html] which can solve my type of model.
I've found however that when using a solver where you can provide a commandfile (which I assume is the same as a .run file) the documentation of NEOS server tells that you should see the documentation of the input file. I'm using AMPL input which according to [http://www.neos-guide.org/content/FAQ#ampl_variables] should be able to print the decision variables using a command file with the appearance:
display _varname, _var;
The problem is that NEOS claim that you cannot add the:
data datafile;
model modelfile;
commands into the .run file, resulting in that the compiler cannot find the variables.
Does anyone know of a way to work around this?
Thanks in advance!
EDIT: If anyone else has this problem (which I believe many people have based on my Internet search). Try to remove any eventual reset; command from the .run file!
You don't need to specify model or data commands in the script file submitted to NEOS. It loads the model and data files automatically, solves the problem, and then executes the script (command file) you provide. For example submitting diet1.mod model diet1.dat data and this trivial command file
display _varname, _var;
produces the output which includes
: _varname _var :=
1 "Buy['Quarter Pounder w/ Cheese']" 0
2 "Buy['McLean Deluxe w/ Cheese']" 0
3 "Buy['Big Mac']" 0
4 "Buy['Filet-O-Fish']" 0
5 "Buy['McGrilled Chicken']" 0
6 "Buy['Fries, small']" 0
7 "Buy['Sausage McMuffin']" 0
8 "Buy['1% Lowfat Milk']" 0
9 "Buy['Orange Juice']" 0
As you can see this is the output from the display command.

3D Graph in Octave/Matlab from a CSV file

I'm new to Octave/Matlab and I want to plot a 3D-Graph.
I was able to do so using a predefined formula, like this:
[xx,yy] = meshgrid(x,y);
z = sin(xx)+sin(yy);
But now the question is how to do the same getting the data from a CSV (for example). I know I can use the function csvread, but the big question is how to format the CSV to contain such data.
An example of doing the same graph above but this time grabbing the data from Excel/CSV would be appreciated. Thanks!
Done! I was finally able to do it!
Here's how I did it:
1) I've created a file in Excel with the X values in the cells A2:A42, and the Y values in the cells B1:AP1 (so you form a rectangle).
2) Then in the cells in the middle I put the formula I want (ie =sin(A$2)+sin($B1))
3) Saved the file as CSV (but separated by spaces!) and manually edited it to look this way (the way QtOctave opens matrix files, in Matlab it might be different). For example (note the extra space before each column):
# Created by Octave 3.2.4, Thu Jan 12 19:32:05 2012 ART <diego#notebook2>
# name: z
# type: matrix
# rows: 3
# columns: 3
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
(if you're not sure how to do it, do what I did: create a simple matrix and export it to see how the exported file looks like!)
4) Octave has a function under Data -> Load matrix from file, which loads that kind of files. Or actually running this command (varname is the name of the resulting variable):
load("-text", "file-where-the-data-is", "varname")
5) Create the graph (ex is the name of the matrix I've just imported):