Can you access Vue component lifecycle hooks externally? - vue.js

I am using a component library within my web app and I'd like to attach functionality to one of the provided components.
So let's say I have a .vue file
... some stuff
<LibraryComponent />
import LibraryComponent from 'library'
export default {
components: {
I would love to be able to reach into the LibraryComponent and attach a method to the mounted hook from the parent. I figure I can update the code of the component itself in node_modules but that seems like a bad solution if the package gets updated.

Vue’s lifecycle hooks emit their own custom events.
Take a look at this article:
Vue.js Component Hooks as Events


How to make a Base component that will allow other components to inherit new functionality or code from it in Vue JS

Component 1:-
<blur :isData="isData">
<!-- logic/implementation of component 1 -->
import blur from "../shared/Blur";
name: "component-1",
components: {
Just like this component1.vue, I have multiple components which are using blur component. Is it possible that instead of writing and importing blur in every single component, I can make some base class that can transfer the blur functionality in every single component in the folder. Can something like this be achieved in vue ?
With Vue.component you can create globally registered components:
Vue.component('my-component-name', {
// ... options ...
Find out more here

VueJS extend component for customization

Is there any way to use some Generic component and keep it's props emitters etc and just customize it?
<GenericComponent color="black">
Something in the default slot
import GenericComponent from 'GenericComponent'
export default {
name: 'MyCustomizedComponent'
props: // to take same props as GenericComponent and pass it to GenericCompnent?
// and it emits all events from GenericComponent
// I could probably just copy props and pass it directly to GenericComponent, but what if there
// is many
<style scoped>
//some changes to Generic component
So I could just create props, and define all # from GenericComponent and emit them same way, but is there any easy way to do it ?
You can either use mixins, to reuse code across several components.
You can also create a wrapper component to the original component, do your customizations, and use v-bind="$props" to propagate all props to the original component and v-on="$listeners" to emit all events from the original component to the parent.
I'm not sure what is best for your case.

Creating a simple VUE.JS application

I am trying to use a simple polygon cropper from Vue within an application by following the steps in this article.
I created my app using:
vue init webpack myproject
Now, I need to add the sample template to my app (it has a src folder), but I am not sure how to amend or add this piece of code to my application. The template should be as follows per the linked article:
// Global
import Vue from 'vue';
import VuePolygonCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper';
// Local
import VueCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper';
export default {
components: { VueCropper}
<div id="app">
<polygon-crop :imageSource="'/demo.png'" ref="canvas"></polygon-crop>
<button #click.prevent="crop">Crop</button>
<button #click.prevent="undo">Undo</button>
<button #click.prevent="redo">Redo</button>
<button #click.prevent="reset">Reset</button>
export default {
name: 'App',
methods: {
crop: function () {
undo: function () {
redo: function () {
reset: function () {
I am not sure what the meaning of global or local is there. My src folder structure is as follows:
Directory of C:\ThermoAnalyser\vue_js\myproject\src
27/12/2020 11:37 AM <DIR> .
27/12/2020 11:37 AM <DIR> ..
27/12/2020 11:37 AM 374 App.vue
27/12/2020 11:37 AM <DIR> assets
27/12/2020 11:37 AM <DIR> components
27/12/2020 11:37 AM 360 main.js
27/12/2020 11:37 AM <DIR> router
2 File(s) 734 bytes
5 Dir(s) 301,183,393,792 bytes free
You won't be able to get this component running with just this code snippet, there's a couple of things that you would need to do to fix this up.
Before we go any deeper, I would like you to make sure if you have installed this vue-polygon-cropper component. If you navigated to the package.json that is located in the same level as your "src" folder, you would see a mention of vue-polygon-cropper there, if not please install it by npm install vue-polygon-croper .
Let's take a look at your <template> section first:
1- In the template, you call a component <polygon-crop> but, there is no component registered by that name in your script (What you are attempting to register is 'VuePolygonCropper' so you should try using <VuePolygonCropper> component instead.
2-I see there you copied and pasted the logo image in assets, that's a great way to test it! However, Digging through the creator's example that they put up on github, It seems like this component requires a full path to your image file instead of the relative path. so instead of /src/assets/logo.png try doing :imageSource="require('../assets/logo.png')"
I'm assuming the assets logo is on a folder that is one level above your current component.
So your template should look like this:
<div id="app">
<VuePolygonCropper :imageSource = "require('../assets/logo.png')"
ref="canvas"> </VuePolygonCropper>
<button #click.prevent="crop"> Crop </button>
<button #click.prevent="undo"> Undo </button>
<button #click.prevent="redo"> Redo </button>
<button #click.prevent="reset"> Reset </button>
Now on to your script!
just import the VuePolygonCropper and mention it as a component in the components section.
You don't need to import vue and do Vue.component(VuePolygonCropper). The correct way to register this component would be like this
import VuePolygonCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper';
name: 'App',
methods: {
crop: function() {
undo: function()
redo: function()
reset: function()
For the heck of it, I have created a codesandbox that you can play around with . You can try to play around with the App.vue file and see how it was created.
Happy coding!
"Global" vs "Local"
The "global" and "local" comments refer to global component registration and local component registration. The article shows both ways of registering the vue-polygon-cropper component probably to make it easier to copy-paste into your own code.
Global component registration
You can register a component globally so that it could be used in another component without the consuming component having to register it locally. This is normally used for commonly used components that are frequently found in several components (e.g., a button).
Below is an example of global component registration that allows MyButton to be used in MyForm. Notice how MyForm's <template> uses MyButton without any component registration for MyButton in its <script>.
// main.js
import Vue from 'vue'
Vue.component('MyButton', { /*...*/ })
// MyForm.vue
<MyButton #click="onClick" />
export default {
methods: {
onClick() { /*...*/ }
Local component registration
For seldom used components (ones that are only found in a few components of your app), register the components locally instead to help minimize the bundle size if needed. If your component is never used (e.g., from a refactoring down the road), local registration allows the bundler to crop out your component from the final output.
Here's the previous example with local registration instead:
// MyButton.vue
<button />
// MyForm.vue
<MyButton #click="onClick" />
import MyButton from './MyButton.vue'
export default {
components: {
MyButton 👈
methods: {
onClick() { /*...*/ }
Getting started with the sample code
To quickly get the sample code working in your project:
Copy the <template> and <script> parts of the sample code into your src/App.vue, replacing everything.
In the App.vue's component definition, locally register vue-polygon-cropper as polygon-crop:
import VuePolygonCropper from 'vue-polygon-cropper'
export default {
components: {
'polygon-crop': VuePolygonCropper
The sample code refers to an image at /demo.png, but your sample app only has src/assets/logo.png, so edit src/App.vue's <template> so that polygon-crop uses src/assets/logo.png. We have to require the asset's path so that Webpack properly resolves the path from source:
<polygon-crop :imageSource="require('#/assets/logo.png')">
sample GitHub repo
Update to Vue CLI
Consider using Vue CLI's default generated templates (from vue create) instead of that outdated webpack template. The newly created project would still use Webpack, but most of the config for developer ergonomics are abstracted away, which can be helpful for beginners.
vue create myproject

Adding props on runtime to Vue component

I try to create a highly dynamic wizard as a component in Vue. It contains out of three components: the Wizard component itself, a Step component and a single form "MyForm" component. The form can be in edit mode or in read only mode depending on the current step of the wizard.
After some trial and error I finally managed to create such a component and it works. One problem that I struggled to solve was to pass the information if the form is in edit mode or not from the Step component to the child form component.
<div v-if="inEditMode"><i>Form is in edit mode</i></div>
<div v-else><i>Form is in read only mode</i></div>
import Vue from "vue";
export default Vue.extend({
props: ["inEditMode"]
// mixins: [wizardStepMixin],
<slot :isInEditMode="true"/>
Passing/setting a prop to a slot like I did above did not work (prop did not change).
My solution to set the prop isInEdit on the MyForm is to call a function prepareSlot in the Step component before mounting and updating the Step.
prepareSlot() {
this.$slots.default.forEach(element => {
if (! return
element.componentOptions.propsData = {
inEditMode: this.stepNr === this.currentStep
You can find the complete project on
Is there a better way to archive that? Is it safe to do it that way?

Passing data from template to component

I have the following, which for my understanding should pass the value of html attribute to the #Prop with the same name however my console.log is always undefined. How is this accomplished?
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class RelayComponent extends Vue {
#Prop([String]) service: string;
constructor() {
<div service="expecting this value passed"></div>
<script src="./relay.ts"></script>
Vue props
Vue props are intended to pass data from a parent vue component or instance to a child vue component.
So you have a vue component, you set up a #Prop and then you get the prop for the html of the parent. Should you have a my-parent and my-child components, the my-parent template could be:
<my-child count="7"></my-child>
So a child component like this:
<div class="counter">{{count}}</div>
<script lang="ts">
import Vue from 'vue';
import { Component, Prop } from 'vue-property-decorator';
export default class myChild extends Vue {
#Prop() count: number;
Would get 7 as its count prop.
Now, in your case, there is only one component, and you're trying to setup the service variable of the component from the HTML. This is sort of weird because the point of Vue is to achieve declarative rendering from the component data: is the HTML who reacts to data changes, not your component who gets data from the HTML.
(Of course, you can also setup v-model and event listeners to make your components react to user input, but that's another story).
Basically, if I understood correctly what you want to do, your issue is that you're trying to get the service prop from the HTML of the very RelayComponent component.
Instead, you should setup the service prop in the component parent:
// Code of some parent component that renders the RelayComponent
<relay-component service="this would set the service prop as a string"></relay-component>
Only, when dealing with objects, you usually don't pass down a plain string, but a javascript object, and a service variable probably is an object, so changes are you're behind something like this:
<relay-component v-bind:service="serviceVariableInTheParentComponent"></relay-component>
Where the parent component has a service variable in its data.
 Constructor and lifehooks
Be wary about explicitly calling constructor in vue class components. If you modify the component state in the constructor, you can break the component.
Probably, you should consider to ever use the created() lifecycle hook instead of constructor() in every Vue component.