How to make a foreach button in vba that saves values for an array of textboxes? - sql

I have an List in a different form , and the values that are located inside the text boxes are retrieved from a list in a different form , my problem is that i cannot delete the values all at once because they come from a view and i'm not allowed to change multiple tables all at once, so my solution is to create an array with all my text boxes and to turn the value to null 1 by 1 and save them individual so that i don't get that error.
I've tried different solutions like saving everything at once.
Private Sub Comando28_Click()
Dim strTextBoxes(1 To 5) As String
tbAplic = Me.TbUAplicacion.Value
tbUsr = Me.tbuUsuario.Value
tbMail = Me.tbuMailUsuario.Value
tbnmbre = Me.tbuNombrePersona.Value
tbAppld = Me.tbuApellidosPersona.Value
tbDni = Me.tbuDNIPersona.Value
Dim ITM As strTextBoxes.ITM
For Each ITM In strTextBoxes.ITM
If ITM = Not Null Then ITM = Null
Guardar_Click '<---- this is a macro which I use to save the items new value
Next ITM
End Sub
the error it gives me when pressing the button that should make the action is as follows:
the user-defined type has not been defined

Try this:
Private Sub Comando28_Click()
Dim strTextBoxes(1 To 5) As String
tbAplic = Me.TbUAplicacion.Value
tbUsr = Me.tbuUsuario.Value
tbMail = Me.tbuMailUsuario.Value
tbnmbre = Me.tbuNombrePersona.Value
tbAppld = Me.tbuApellidosPersona.Value
tbDni = Me.tbuDNIPersona.Value
Dim ITM As String
Dim Item As Long
For Item = LBound(strTextBoxes) To UBound(strTextBoxes)
ITM = strTextBoxes(Item)
If ITM <> "" Then ITM = ""
Guardar_Click '<---- this is a macro which I use to save the items new value
End Sub


Load textfile containing names to a textbox

I am attempting to load a text file that contains a list of names into a text box using a button on the form. Also, I would like to display the following name after the button is pressed. I have been trying to successfully implement this code for several days however, my program loads all names at once. Would anyone be able to provide advice about loading text files?
Below is a copy of my code:
firstName.Multiline = True 'Variable contains first name.
lastName.Multiline = True 'Variable contains last name.
Dim fullName = "" 'Variable containing full name found in text file
Dim lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines("input.txt") 'loading input file located in Debug folder.
For Each i As String In lines
Dim fullNames = lines.Where(Function(line) line.Contains(" "))
If fullNames.Any() Then
Dim fullNamesSplit = fullNames.Select(Function(line) line.Split(" "c))
Dim firstNames = fullNamesSplit.Select(Function(line) line(0))
Dim lastNames = fullNamesSplit.Select(Function(line) line(1))
firstName.Lines = firstNames.ToArray()
lastName.Lines = lastNames.ToArray()
fullName = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, fullNames)
firstName.Text = ""
lastName.Text = ""
End If
There's no loop. Load the names into an array, initialise an index variable to 0 and load the name at that index. Each time you click the Button, increment the index and load the name at that index. Once you reach the end, you can either wrap to the beginning or tell the user there are no more names. If you don't want to wrap then an even better option would be to load the names into a queue and then just dequeue on each click.
I have been able to display the names in order however I did not use a looping structure. However, the names are output multiple times in the text box after the button is clicked.
Dim i As Integer = 0
Private Sub NextAvName_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles nextAvName.Click
firstName.Multiline = True 'Variable contains first name.
lastName.Multiline = True 'Variable contains last name.
Dim fullName = "" 'Variable containing full name found in text file
Dim lines = IO.File.ReadAllLines("input.txt") 'loading input file located in Debug folder.
lines = lines.ToArray
Dim element As String
element = lines(i)
Dim fullNames = element.Where(Function(line) element.Contains(" "))
If fullNames.Any() Then
Dim fullNamesSplit = fullNames.Select(Function(line) element.Split(" "c))
Dim firstNames = fullNamesSplit.Select(Function(line) line(0))
Dim lastNames = fullNamesSplit.Select(Function(line) line(1))
firstName.Lines = firstNames.ToArray()
lastName.Lines = lastNames.ToArray()
fullName = String.Join(Environment.NewLine, fullNames)
firstName.Text = ""
lastName.Text = ""
End If
i = i + 1

Is there a way to identify which dropdown boxes aren't empty when hitting 'search' on a VBA GUI?

I'm working on an application in VBA that takes in information from an excel sheet, populates a dropdown combobox, then based on the selected information from the dropbox, retrieves the full information for matching values. There are 6 dropboxes and I'm looking for a way to find out which dropboxes have a value (not empty) without rewriting dozens of if statements with the same code but different conditions (i.e combo 1 and 3 have values, so the program will only look for the records based on those two selected fields)
I know this can be achieved with re-writing if statements, but I'm hoping there's an easier way that doesn't take hours?
Private Sub Search_Page1_Click()
Dim year As String
Dim location As String
Dim snap As String
Dim city As String
Dim group As String
Dim endyear As String
year = Multipage1.Cmb_Year.Value
location = Multipage1.Cmb_Location.Value
snap = Multipage1.Cmb_Snapshot.Value
city = Multipage1.Cmb_City.Value
group = Multipage1.Cmb_Group.Value
endyear = Multipage1.Cmb_LeaseEnd.Value
If year = Empty And location = Empty And snap = Empty And city = Empty
And group = Empty And endyear = Empty Then
MsgBox ("Please fill in at least one field")
End If
End Sub
If you can work with a Collection of ComboBox controls, then whip up a custom function like and call it like:
Dim populatedBoxes as New Collection
Set populatedBoxes = GetPopulatedThings(Multipage1, "ComboBox")
Dim cb as MSForms.ComboBox
For Each cb in populatedBoxes
MsgBox cb.Value
In your code, you could replace:
If year = Empty And location = Empty And snap = Empty And city = Empty And group = Empty And endyear = Empty Then
With this:
Set populatedBoxes = GetPopulatedThings(Multipage1, "ComboBox")
If populatedBoxes.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
Here's the function:
Private Function GetPopulatedThings(container As Object, Optional ctrlType As String = "ComboBox") As Collection
Dim c As New Collection
Dim ctrl As MSForms.Control
For Each ctrl In container.Controls
If TypeName(ctrl) = ctrlType Then
Select Case ctrlType
Case "ComboBox"
If ctrl.ListIndex > -1 Then
c.Add ctrl
End If
Case Else
' Additional cases will require separate logic...
End Select
End If
Set GetPopulatedThings = c
End Function

drop down list combo box excel

I have a searchable combo box with suggestions to select from as I type letters in it (vba below). However i want to be able to click the arrow of the combo box (if i don't type anything else in it of course) and see the entire drop down list. For some reason the code below does not show me the entire list if I click the arrow.
Any suggestions much appreciated.
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim x, dict
Dim i As Long
Dim str As String
Set ws = Sheets("Lists")
x = ws.Range("Listing").value
Set dict = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
str = Me.cbo1.value
If str <> "" Then
For i = 1 To UBound(x, 1)
If InStr(LCase(x(i, 1)), LCase(str)) > 0 Then
dict.Item(x(i, 1)) = ""
End If
Next i
Me.cbo1.List = dict.keys
Me.cbo1.List = x
End If
What you want is that if the arrow is clicked when nothing is yet selected or written in the combo by the user, to show all the items of the list, which you load from the named range "Listing" without any filtering.
To do so, add this event handler to your userform's code:
Private Sub Cbo1_DropButtonClick()
'If Len(Trim(cbo1.text)) = 0 Then
If Trim(cbo1.text) = "type here" Then
cbo1.List = Sheets("Lists").Range("Listing").Value
Exit Sub
End If
' Your code to add only items that match the characters typed by the user
' ...
End Sub update list items from file

I click a button (with this code) to load lines from file "testexam" into a a listbox "lstHere". Testexam will be updated by another program and I want a code to copy new lines of "testexam" to the bottom of "lstHere". Secondly the selected index should come to the first item of the new list. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Private Sub
Dim MReader As New StreamReader("C:\Users\Sparrow\testexam.txt")
Dim this1 As String = ""
Dim thisline(6000) As String
Dim i As Integer = 0
Do Until MReader.Peek = -1
this1= MReader.ReadLine
thisline(i)= this1
'go to the next line.
i = i + 1
End Sub
I don't know how you are trying to implement this, but it works with different buttons.
'Add the selected item to the top
ListBox1.Items.Insert(0, ListBox1.SelectedIndex)
'Delete duplicates
Dim items(ListBox1.Items.Count - 1) As Object
ListBox1.Items.CopyTo(items, 0)

'AddRange' is not a member of... (while i attempt to save column order of a DataGridView

I'm trying to save and load the data grid view column order.
I'm using this code that i suppose is also right.
Private Sub SaveColumnOrder()
Dim upperBound As Integer = Me.DataTable1DataGridView.ColumnCount - 1
Dim columnIndexes(upperBound) As String
For index As Integer = 0 To upperBound
Dim column As DataGridViewColumn = Me.DataTable1DataGridView.Columns(index)
columnIndexes(column.DisplayIndex) = index.ToString()
My.Settings.GridColumnIndexes = New StringCollection
End Sub
Private Sub LoadColumnOrder()
Dim columnIndexes As StringCollection = My.Settings.GridColumnIndexes
For displayIndex As Integer = 0 To columnIndexes.Count - 1
Dim index As Integer = CInt(columnIndexes(displayIndex))
Me.DataTable1DataGridView.Columns(index).DisplayIndex = displayIndex
End Sub
Problem is that i don't know how to set the GridColumnIndexes inside project property settings.
I set to string and other "data" options but i always get the error: 'AddRange' is not a member of... {option selected}
Which is the right option in settings to make it finally work? Thank you :)