Categories and Tags for Lithium-Themed site - blogdown

I've got a blog using Hugo's "Lithium" theme. I need to add some taxonomy, i.e. Categories and Tags, which is not supported in this simple theme.
So I need to know how to either:
modify the Lithium theme to include Categories and Tags (although I'm reluctant to make any changes I might have to maintain myself through future upgrades*), or else
change the theme of this site to another theme that supports Categories and Tags - for example this one would do nicely if I could simply rebuild the site with a different theme.
* I've checked the Blogdown book, Section 2.5.2, where it explains how to "Display categories and tags in a post if provided in its YAML" - indeed that is what I want to do - but I'm unclear from those instructions where exactly to put this code snippet, and if it's just a one-time fix, or a procedure I'll have to repeat in future.


Creating my own "clang-format" style that can be used across multiple projects with the "BasedOnStyle" setting

I have multiple projects that I want to share a similar .clang-format style, but I also want to be able to make minor tweaks between each project so they can be slightly different from one another if needed. Currently each project just has the same .clang-format file copied and pasted into its own repository, but it feels wrong because all of the style options are just duplicated from project to project and if I need to change one option I need to go across all projects and manually change it in all of them.
I would like to create my own style that can be used with the "BasedOnStyle" option (See here for more info). That way I can specify that I want all of these projects to be based on the same custom style that would be kept in a shared location, and then I could easily override any project specific options on a per-project basis.
As far as I can tell, there doesn't appear to be any way to create your own style and save it so other projects can be based on the same style. I feel like this is something a lot of users would need (for example if a company wanted to define their own master style that all projects should follow there doesn't appear to be a good way to do it).
Has anyone else run into this problem and found a good solution?
I reached out to the llvm-dev email list and got a response. A feature request is in the works to do something similar to what I want, but not exactly the same. Either way, this should be suitable for my needs when it becomes available.

Grails 3 - achieving customization of template in a way it was possible with _form.gsp in version 2

I am relatively new to Grails and I am little disappointed with the way _form.gsp removed with field plugin in Grails 3. _form.gsp seemed to be good time saving option when we need to customize views with Bootsrap or materialize.
Now with grails 3, install-templates does not create _form.gsp. As per this documentation, we can achieve customization by creating _wrapper.gsp, _widget.gsp etc under view/_fields/default directory. But I am not able to find the example of such custom GSPs.
Also, let's say if I customize all the four GSPs (_wrapper.gsp, _widget.gsp, _displayWrapper.gsp, _displayWidget.gsp) will it generate actual code when we run generate-view command? I mean will it replace, f:all, f:table etc tag with actual code? If not then there is quite amount of work to do I guess. Because after we are confident about our domain class and tested all CRUD operation, we run generate-view command for creating all the domain specific GSPs. Then in most cases, we need to do some changes according to our requirement, like re-ordering the fields, hiding some of the fields
So in conclusion I have two goals:
Customizing default templates and start developing.
When I run generate-view, I do not want f:all, f:table etc abstract tags. I need actual fields in place so that I can customize generated views of domain.
If any one has achieved this, then please share the solution.
Grails 3 comes with the fields plugin by default. The templates used in Grails 2.x have been replaced in full. So, your goal 2. will be hard to achieve with Grails 3 it seems.
However, here is a helpful blog which explains how you can adjust some of the fields templates by replacing them in your project:
Similar to the description provided, you can place a modified _list.gsp template in folder in
Hope it helps.

Mechanical Turk: Categorization project via Request UI diffictulties

I am a newbie in MTurk, and I am trying to create a very simple Categorization Project via their Requester UI (rather then the API).
Each batch I use has 10 items (question and possible answer). I have searched their documentation and forums with not help and so I have several questions:
When i use their Standard Categorization template, I have no option for modifying the HTML and layout (as shown for "Tagging of an image" project). the only formatting options are for the categories, instructions and includes/excludes. Is there a way to edit the HTML of the standard template they provide?
In the Standard Categorization template, while my input data file (csv file) contains 10 items, only 5 are shown (tried with 6, still only 5 are displayed in the preview). Is there a way to change this limitation?
When I try to use the "Create HITs Individually" (rather than the standard template, as explained above), I have the "Design Layout" options, but I cannot find a way to make the questions in the "form" required (which is possible via the API). Is there a way to achieve this?
If you stick to the standard project templates, you can't modify them. That's the reason to create HITs individually (through the RUI or via the API).
You'll have to show us your CSV file, because it's not really clear from your description what the issues could be.
Your third question is unclear, but basically for creating HITs individually, you simply do standard HTML markup and put in ${variablename} placeholders wherever you want one of your CSV upload variables to be placed.
If your project is at all large, I would definitely recommend going through the API. It's simply much more flexible than the RUI for creating any kind of customized design.

Where is it best to edit CSS using twitter-bootstrap

I am currently trying to get to grips with bootstrap and am struggling to understand where I should be editing the CSS. I created a custom.css.scss file to edit settings in my app/assets/stylesheets folder however when I add rules they often seem to be overridden as such I have found that I have to edit certain elements by going to the external libraries bootstrap-sass resource and drilling down to the ../stylesheets/bootstrap folder where I then have to hunt for the relevant style to change. I am sure I am doing this the wrong way, is there something I should be doing to ensure my custom.css.scss has priority? Any help much appreciated!
You don't want to edit the bootstrap files themselves, but CSS rules have a precedence structure which determines which CSS rules are used. It is not terribly complicated, but is a bit tricky until you get the hang of it.
Smashing Magazine has a relatively good introduction to it with links to other sources as well.
In the application.css found in the assets all other styles are included you just need to change the order of these like mentioned here: Rails 3.1 Load css in particular order.

Naming convention for assets (images, css, js)?

I am still struggling to find a good naming convention for assets like images, js and css files used in my web projects.
So, my current would be:
CSS: style-{name}.css
examples: style-main.css, style-no_flash.css, style-print.css etc.
examples: script-main.js, script-nav.js etc.
Images: {imageType}-{name}.{imageExtension}
{imageType} is any of these
icon (e. g. question mark icon for help content)
img (e. g. a header image inserted via <img /> element)
button (e. g. a graphical submit button)
bg (image is used as a background image in css)
sprite (image is used as a background image in css and contains multiple "versions")
Example-names would be: icon-help.gif, img-logo.gif, sprite-main_headlines.jpg, bg-gradient.gif etc.
So, what do you think and what is your naming convention?
I've noticed a lot of frontend developers are moving away from css and js in favor of styles and scripts because there is generally other stuff in there, such as .less, .styl, and .sass as well as, for some, .coffee. Fact is, using specific technology selections in your choice of folder organization is a bad idea even if everyone does it. I'll continue to use the standard I see from these highly respected developers:
And their destination build equivalents, which are sometimes prefixed with dest depending on what they are building:
This allows those that want to put all files together (rather than breaking out a src directory) to keep that and keeps things clearly associated for those that do break out.
I actually go a bit futher and add
Which get smooshed into two main-before.min.js and main-after.min.js scripts, one for the header (with essential elements of normalize and modernizr that have to run early, for example) and after for last thing in the body since that javascript can wait. These are not intended for reading, much like Google's main page.
If there are scripts and style sheets that make sense to minify and leave linked alone because of a particular cache management approach that is taken care of in the build rules.
These days, if you are not using a build process of some kind, like gulp or grunt, you likely are not reaching most of the mobile-centric performance goals you should probably be considering.
I place CSS files in a folder css, Javascript in js, images in images, ... Add subfolders as you see fit. No need for any naming convention on the level of individual files.
/Javascript (or Script)
Is the best structure I've seen and the one I prefer. With folders you don't really need to prefix your CSS etc. with descriptive names.
For large sites where css might define a lot of background images, a file naming convention for those assets comes in really handy for making changes later on.
For example:
We have also discussed adding in the element type, but im not sure how helpful that is and could possibly be misleading for future required changes:
You can name it like this:
/assets/css/ - For CSS files
/assets/font/ - For Font files. (Mostly you can just go to google fonts to search for usable fonts.)
/assets/images/ - For Images files.
/assets/scripts/ or /assets/js/ - For JavaScript files.
/assets/media/ - For video and misc. files.
You can also replace "assets" with "resource" or "files" folder name and keep the name of it's subfolders. Well having an order folder structure like this isn't very important the only important is you just have to arrange your files by it's format. like creating a folder "/css/" for CSS files or "/images/" for Image files.
First, I divide into folders: css, js, img.
Within css and js, I prefix files with the project name because your site may include js and css files which are components, this makes it clear where files are specific for your site, or relating to plugins.
css/mysite.main.css css/mysite.main.js
Other files might be like
Finally images are divided by their use.
img/btn/submit.png a button
img/lgo/mysite-logo.png a logo
img/bkg/header.gif a background
img/dcl/top-left-widget.jpg a decal element
img/con/portait-of-something.jpg a content image
It's important to keep images organized since there can be over 100 and can easily get totally mixed together and confusingly-named.
I tend to avoid anything generic, such as what smdrager suggested. "mysite.main.css" doesn't mean anything at all.
What is "mysite"?? This one I'm working on? If so then obvious really, but it already has me thinking what it might be and if it is this obvious!
What is "Main"? The word "Main" has no definition outside the coders knowledge of what is within that css file.
While ok in certain scenarios, avoid names like "top" or "left" too: "top-nav.css" or "top-main-logo.png".
You might end up wanting to use the same thing elsewhere, and putting an image in a footer or within the main page content called "top-banner.png" is very confusing!
I don't see any issue with having a good number of stylesheets to allow for a decent naming convention to portray what css is within the given file.
How many depends entirely on the size of the site and what it's function(s) are, and how many different blocks are on the site.
I don't think you need to state "CSS" or "STYLE" in the css filenames at all, as the fact it's in "css" or "styles" folder and has an extension of .css and mainly as these files are only ever called in the <head> area, I know pretty clearly what they are.
That said, I do this with library, JS and config (etc) files. eg libSomeLibrary.php, or JSSomeScript.php. As PHP and JS files are included or used in various areas within other files, and having info of what the file's main purpose is within the name is useful.
eg: Seeing the filename require('libContactFormValidation.php'); is useful. I know it's a library file (lib) and from the name what it does.
For image folders, I usually have images/content-images/ and images/style-images/. I don't think there needs to be any further separation, but again it depends on the project.
Then each image will be named accordingly to what it is, and again I don't think there's any need for defining the file is an image within the file name. Sizes can be useful, especially for when images have different sizes.
A good rule to follow is: if a new developer came to the files, would they sit scratching their head for hours, or would they likely understand what things do and only need a little time researching (which is unavoidable)?
As anything like this, however, one of the most important rules to follow is simply constancy!
Make sure you follow the same logic and patterns thoughout all your naming conventions!
From simple css file names, to PHP library files to database table and column names.
This is an old question, but still valid.
My current recommendation is to go with something in this lines:
assets (or assets-web or assets-www); this one is intended for static content used by the client (browser)
data; some xml files and other stuff
lib (or 3rd-party); this one is intended for code you don't make or modify, the libraries as you get them
lib-modded (or 3rd-party-modified); this one is intended for code you weren't expected to modify, but had to, like applying a workaround/fix in the meantime the library provider releases it
inc (or assets-server or assets-local); this one is intended for content used server side, not to be used by the client, like libraries in languages like PHP or server scripts, like bash files
I marked in bold the usual ones, the others are not usual content.
The reason for the main division, is in the future you can decide to server the web assets from a CDN or restrict client access to server assets, for security reasons.
Inside the lib directories i use to be descriptive about the libraries, for example
[library/project name]
vX.Y.Z (version)
so you can replace the library with a new one, without breaking the code, also allowing future code maintainers, including yourself, to find the library and update it or get support.
Also, feel free to organize the content inside according to its usage, so images/logos and images/icons are expected directories in some projects.
As a side note, the assets name is meaningful, not only meaning we have resources in there, but meaning the resources in there must be of value for the project and not dead weight.
The BBC have tons of standards relating web development.
Their standard is fairly simple for CSS files:
You might be able to find something useful on their main site: