Can I move my web app Vuejs to NativeScript-Vue? - vue.js

My question is really simple. I have a web project made in Vuejs and I would like to know if there is any way to take this project and to mirror it to NativeScript-Vue in some way.
Thanks and best regards!

There isn't an automated way to migrate your app. The templates should be completely rewritten as the mobile world has different UI components and concepts. Your scripts and styles, for the most part, should work the same way. You will need to figure out how to do the routing as the default vue.js router is not supported. You can check the manual routing article fore more information.


Single layout for multiple SPA applications

I'm starting a project where I will be making a suite of applications. Each application will be its own SPA, hosted on its own domains.
However, each application should use the same layout - nav bar up-top and pull out drawer on the left side. All the text and menu options should be handled dynamically (depending on the spa using it). What is the best way to go about this? How can I make a single layout component that can be used across multiple applications?
Please keep in mind that each SPA should have the ability to be developed independently - one might be ReactJS another might be VueJs or Angular.
Also, my employer does not want to use a micro frontend framework. I was hoping someone that is more experienced can help me out here and throw some ideas my way. Would I make this an npm package?
I would like to use as my content manager, and I want to build the layout in quasar.js (but maybe I should build my own with no framework so each spa does not have too many dependencies IDK).

How to make a website multilingual using VueJS and Strapi?

I'm coding a website that uses VueJS 2 for frontend and Strapi for CMS and api management. What I am wondering here is that I am limited in terms of algorithms to make them work, hoping to get some help from experienced people who have done this before.
You can try out the utility libraries for vue for localization.
vue-i18n or vue-multilanguage.
Here is a list of libraries that support localization

What is the most ideal way of implementing an instant and interactive preview of a web app in a Nuxtjs app?

I'm working on two webapps built with Nuxtjs which are like e-learning apps. One app (App1) acts as a CMS from which a teacher prepares courses, and in and the other app (App2) is like an end result where a student can go through the content created.
Now I want to implement an instant preview of the App2 in the App1 when content is being built.
So I was wondering what the best approach, that's quick and seamless, is to go about it?
I was thinking of sharing the components in an NPM package between the two apps but the thing is that almost all the pages of the App2 should be used in the App1.
Or loading the App2 in an Iframe in the App 1 but no sure how to instantly show the changes being made in App1?
All ideas given is appreciated in advance.
As I guess you want to create two apps that have common components, and different logic, sharing components via npm package is a really good idea, I think you can also use Layout feature, you can have more than 2 scenes, But that can make the app little bit complex, it depends on how to organize your business logic.

How to manage VUE routing builiding a MPA webpage?

I'm new using Vue.js. I'm trying to build the frond-end design for a large system for a company. In this system the users have an account where they can access multiple pages to administrate their accounts, interactuate with other accounts, make appoinments, administrate or delete other users, etc. I think that since is a big system, I should use a MPA aproach, because I've read that SPA should not be used for webpages as blogs or online shops because those webpages that are constantly getting updated (as this system will be).
My question is: I can't find a propper guide to configure MPA on vue, is there one guide for this?
I already followed up this stackoverflow anwser by PJ.Wanderson: multiple pages in Vue.js CLI
but is still have doubts.
Should I still be using the vue router? What kind of configuration should I use there?
How can I handle routes with parameters in this case? Should I use SSR too in this case?
Thanks in advance.
If you want to build a MPA in Vuejs, your best bet is building it in Nuxt. Nuxt wil handle all the SSR for you. I'm wondering why even build it in Vue in the first place? The reason there isn't that much information on MPA's with Vuejs is because most people build SPA's with it. Another alternative would be to build a SPA in Vuejs and deploy that on a subdomain. Then have al your marketing and other relevant pages on a simple wordpress site. Hope this helped.

Does nuxt need a server?

I'm studying nuxt.
I leave a question because I have a question while studying.
nuxt can ssr, but ssr is known as server side rendering.
Then, I wonder where the server is.
Because vue is built on node, is the server automatically made into node server?
And, how is SEO possible if we make it with nuxt?
I understand that it is possible if you make html with MPA. However, using nuxt makes SEO possible.
So, when you create a project with nuxt, does the client make it an MPA when it makes the first request?
where the server is?
Depends... Nuxt include a node server (nuxt), but you can during the nuxt instalation merge them with other node server frameworks
when use nuxt alone or with other server-side framework?
Depends of your needs, knowledge and project.
For example I usually use nuxt alone, more apollo graphql it give me all I need. but for Shopify apps, the admin embed login is write for Koa and super easy to use so I prefers nuxt + koa when I develop this kind of app.
what means ssr?
server side rendering, the important thing is Rendering, that means nuxt (or nuxt + extra server-side framework) read the vue (js) code in the server and rendered them in Html code, after that it send the html to the client machine.
This is the reason why SEO is possible, when a web crawler visit the site it receive a fulfilled HTML page easy to read and clasify.
Nuxt has a really extensive and easy to understand guide, I recomend you follow them. Example you can use Head for edit the Header of the page,