How to override server.xml for Atlassian SDK? - jira-plugin

I installed the Atlassian SDK 6.3.12.
Now I am developing a plugin for Jira.
And issued with problem, that I can't change the server.xml for tomcat8x (located in target plugin folder).
Because every start of atlas-debug or atlas-run this file is overwritten.
How to use custom server.xml?
P.S. motivation: Changing server.xml to handle requests with special characters


WebSphere Liberty + Intellij Idea - JSP reload on fly

Can someone please answer, how to configure WebSphere Liberty under Intellij Idea to reload JSPs files by Ctrl + F10?
Currently classes are reloaded, but JSPs and resources not.
As far as I know, under Tomcat all is reloaded without extra configurations..
Now in my Idea Liberty server configuration are choosen following:
1. Under Deployment Tab: WAR exploaded (or EAR - no matter)
2. Under Server Tab: On frame deactivation and Update action: Update Classes And Resources
In server.xml are selected following features
As server is used WebSphere Liberty Profile 7- version
Thank you in advance.
In WebSphere Liberty, updating a JSP in an application does not trigger a server/application to refresh / reload similar to what servlet or class file does. The reload of the JSP occurs internally in the JSP Engine only when that particular JSP file is requested. It is then, it will check the timestamp of the JSP against the previously compiled .class file to see if they do not match and trigger a re-translate and re-compile. That is part of the JSP request lifecycle, therefore there is no sense doing anything on the server until that JSP is requested.
Thanks Jay for pointing me into correct direction.
It turns out that IntelliJ Idea correctly updates resources both with JSPs in corresponding modules by Ctrl+F10.
Liberty Server actually caches JSPs in its own folder, and does not even goes back to check if JSP has changed. On my machine on Windows this folder was under following path:
My example Liberty Server path:
It looks like the path may differ. So just look for some JSP name which was already accessed, under following folder:
When found, remove 'jsp' folder, and enjoy =) Liberty goes back for fresh JSP.
If somebody knows, how to configure Liberty to always check for JSPs in corresponding module, please let me/us know.
Thank you.

How to run app from root url (localhost:port/) instead of (localhost:port/path/index.html)

This is a problem that I have when I run/debug the app from Webstorm.
The run/debug configuration dialog doesn't give us much to work with, we can just specify the path of the index.html file there.
I wanna be able to set up a configuration similar to what yeoman's angular generator gives us out of the box.
WebStorm built-in web server serves the project from 'http://localhost:<built-in server port>/<project root>'. If you like to change the default web path on built-in web server, you have to re-configure the server by editing your system hosts file accordingly - see But, as it's mentioned in this comment, there are currently some issues with serving dart apps on server configured this way.
Please follow WEB-14047 for updates

Global web.xml conf in JBoss 7

In JBoss 4.2.3 we could configure items in
which would be adopted by all applications deployed. We've used this to configure context params, servlets, and default tag files.
We have dozens of apps deployed in war files, and this a very handy tool.
How is this accomplished in JBoss 7.1.1? I've googled and searched but can't seem to find the solution.
You could try web fragments (part of Servlet API 3.x). You'll be able to apply the same set of filters, mappings, listeners, variables to each web app's context using one META-INF/web-fragment.xml file (inside some WEB-INF/lib/my-common-context.jar, so it'd be easily managed as a simple dependency).

Implementing a JAAS page to a WAR file on JBOSS AS 7.1.1

I'm very new to web applications. I've been told that JBOSS 7.1.1 has an in-built JAAS system which can be enabled on my JBOSS configuration quite simply. However I'm having trouble trying to get this running, namely most internet searching I went through has just ended up with older versions of JBoss.
Does anyone have a step-by-step guide on how to implement a simple JAAS authentication screen on my WAR file in JBoss 7.1.1? Prefarbly using its h2 database. Thanks :)
Also - my machine has trouble with Eclipse, so I can't use any of Eclipse EE's nifty server running mechanisms.
Finally got it. For those of you in the future:
You need your own standard login/logout pages in jsp/html/whatever. You put that in your web.xml constraints. Then you add an xml file called "Jboss-web" and type in your security domain (the default AS 7 is called 'other'). Then lastly add users and roles using adduser.bat in config folder.

Make Maven Proxy/Server settings configurable based on location?

So I'm not sure what the best way to accomplish this is, but basically I have a laptop that I use at work for Maven projects. It works fine when I'm at work, but as soon as I walk out of the door of their corporate proxy and maven server, I often have to do alot of hand-fudging of the settings.xml file when I'm at home if I'm not VPN'ed in:
We have a corporate-installed Maven Repository proxy server to store some of our own artifacts and handle being the middle-man for our commonly used artifacts.
We have an http proxy that we use for connecting to the outside world.
Both configurations have been handled by my settings.xml file for setting a single Nexus group and maven proxies. If I'm not connected to the VPN while away from the office, I have to muck around with the settings.xml each time I'm not on it, then switch it back when I am on it.
What solutions have anyone else found to handle this? I've been trying profiles to manage the proxy, but I can't seem to get it to work correctly, and it's starting to look pretty ugly. Are there some settings configurations that can detect when I'm not behind the proxy at work and not use the corporate proxy server or Maven server?
While I can think of some profile based solution to handle the proxy (basically, reading the <active> value from a property defined in a profile), this wouldn't be fully automated (the profile activation do not support network based stuff) unless you can find a file that is present or not depending on your location (in which case, you could use an existing/missing file trigger but this is kinda hacky). Anyway, this would solve only one part of the problem because mirrors can't be declared in profiles (see MNG-3525).
So, instead of trying to control this with a profile, my suggestion would be to use two settings.xml and to pass your settings-home.xml file with the -s command line option when you're at home.
Another option would be to automate the changes in your settings.xml with a script (Groovy would be a good choice as someone reported in MNG-3525).
I found a use environment variables to set nonProxyHosts together with proxy and noproxy shell aliases to be the most convenient solution when switching between networks with proxy and without it.
In settings.xml, configure proxy with
Then in ~/.profile set
alias proxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_PROXY\" && export all_proxy="
alias noproxy="export MAVEN_NONPROXY=\"$MAVEN_NONPROXY_NOPROXY\" && unset all_proxy"
To do the switch when roaming, you would just execute from a shell:
[me#linuxbox me]$ proxy
[me#linuxbox me]$ noproxy
Obviously, both aliases proxy and noproxy can include much more changes than just setup of MAVEN_NOPROXY and all_proxy.
I was frustrated by the same problem: having to manually edit settings.xml when roaming between networks. So much in fact, that I wrote a Maven plugin that enables automatic discovery of proxy settings. The current implementation uses the proxy-vole library written by Bernd Rosstauscher to detect proxy settings based on OS configuration, browser, and environment settings.
I've just released the source code of the plugin on Github, under an Apache 2.0 license:
You're welcome to give it a try and to see if it meets your needs. Any feedback or contributions are welcome!
(Note: you don't necessarily have to add the plugin to your project's POM. You can invoke it from the command line as well, after you've installed it. See the README on the site for more details.)
You can set MAVEN_OPTS when you need to activate a proxy:
export MAVEN_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=* -Dhttps.proxyHost=my-proxy-server -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Dhttps.nonProxyHosts=*"