Extra "hidden" characters messing with equals test in SQL - sql

I am doing a database (Oracle) migration validation and I am writing scripts to make sure the target matches the source. My script is returning values that, when you look at them, look equal. However, they are not.
For instance, the target has PREAPPLICANT and the source has PREAPPLICANT. When you look at them in text, they look fine. But when I converted them to hex, it shows 50 52 45 41 50 50 4c 49 43 41 4e 54 for the target and 50 52 45 96 41 50 50 4c 49 43 41 4e 54 for the source. So there is an extra 96 in the hex.
So, my questions are:
What is the 96 char?
Would you say that the target has incorrect data because it did not bring the char over? I realize this question may be a little subjective, but I'm asking it from the standpoint of "what is this character and how did it get here?"
Is there a way to ignore this character in the SQL script so that the equality check passes? (do I want the equality to pass or fail here?)

It looks like you have Windows-1252 character set here.
Character 96 is an En Dash. This makes sense, as the data was PREAPPLICANT.
One user provided "PREAPPLICANT" and another provided "PRE-APPLICANT" and Windows helpfully converted their proper dash into an en dash.
As such, this doesn't appear to be an error in data, more an error in character sets. You should be able to filter these out without too much effort but then you are changing data. It's kind of like when one person enters "Mr Jones" and another enters "Mr. Jones"--you have to decide how much data massaging you want to do.
As you probably already have done, use the DUMP function to get the byte representation of the data in code of you wish to inspect for weirdness.
Here's some text with plain ASCII:
select dump('Dashes-and "smart quotes"') from dual;
Typ=96 Len=25: 68,97,115,104,101,115,45,97,110,100,32,34,115,109,97,114,116,32,113,117,111,116,101,115,34
Now introduce funny characters:
select dump('Dashes—and “smart quotes”') from dual;
Typ=96 Len=31: 68,97,115,104,101,115,226,128,148,97,110,100,32,226,128,156,115,109,97,114,116,32,113,117,111,116,101,115,226,128,157
In this case, the number of bytes increased because my DB is using UTF8. Numbers outside of the valid range for ASCII stand out and can be inspected further.
Here's another way to see the special characters:
select asciistr('Dashes—and “smart quotes”') from dual;
Dashes\2014and \201Csmart quotes\201D
This one converts non-ASCII characters into backslashed Unicode hex.


Converting string into REG_BINARY

I am making an app in visualstudios's VB to autoinstall the printer in windows. Problem is, that the printer needs a login and pass. I found registry entry, where this is stored, but the password is stored in REG_BINARY format.
Here is how it looks after manually writing the password into printer settings - see UserPass:
Please could you tell me how to convert password (in string) into the reg_binary (see attachement - red square)?
The password in this case was 09882 and it has been stored as 98 09 e9 4c c3 24 26 35 14 6f 83 67 8c ec c4 90. Is there any function in VB to convert 09882 into this REG_BINARY format please?
REG_BINARY means that it is binary data and binary data in .NET is represent by a Byte array. The values you see in RegEdit are the hexadecimal values of the individual bytes, which is a common representation because every byte can be represented by two digits. You need to convert your String to a Byte array and then save it to the Registry like any other data.
How you do that depends on what the application expects. Maybe it is simply converting the text to Bytes based on a specific encoding, e.g. Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes. Maybe it's a hash. You might need to research and/or experiment to find out exactly what's expected.

How to make sense of DICT data in CFF font format

I'm trying to parse a OTF/CFF font and is struggling with top DICT part, more specifically the top DICT data part.
CFF File
The beginning of CFF table looks like this in hex editor:
The top DICT starts from the second line from offset 0xC2 with 00 01 "top DICT INDEX count", 01 "top DICT INDEX offsetsize", 01 77 "top DICT INDEX offsets".
The large yellow section is the data part for the DICT, but I simply cannot make sense of it. I referenced: https://typekit.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/5176.cff.pdf
Things I tried
Since top DICT starts with version, Notice, Copyright which are SID, so I tried to look up the offsetted strings but they were way off the strings.
I tried to encode them using Table 3 in page 10 of the CFF reference pdf, essentially taking two bytes, b0, b1, and calculating the value, but the values seemed unrelated.
Further Information
It seems I'm having difficulty understanding Table 3 and Table 4. So the DICT data is supposed to be 1 or 2 byte operators and variable sized operands, and these are concatenated throughout the data? Some examples would be helpful.
I misunderstood the encoding procedure. You need to start from the beginning, and based on the first byte, need to find which encoding it uses, integer encodings, real encoding, or instructions etc.
Btw, this font has CIDFont Operator Extensions eg F8 1B F8 1C 8D 0C 1E meaning it is a CID font. So it doesn't have encoding offset, don't waste time like me trying to find one!

Base64url encoded representation puzzle

I'm writing a cookie authentication library that replicates that of an existing system. I'm able to create authentication tokens that work. However testing with a token with known value, created by the existing system, I encountered the following puzzle.
The original encoded string purports to be base64url encoded. And, in fact, using any of several base64url code modules and online tools, the decoded value is the expected result.
However base64url encoding the decoded value (again using any of several tools) doesn't reproduce the original string. Both encoded strings decode to the expected results, so apparently both representations are valid.
How? What's the difference?
How can I replicate the original encoded results?
original encoded string: YWRtaW46NTVGRDZDRUE6vtRbQoEXD9O6R4MYd8ro2o6Rzrc
my base64url decode: admin:55FD6CEA:[encrypted hash]
Encoding doesn't match original but the decoded strings match.
my base64url encode: YWRtaW46NTVGRDZDRUE677-977-9W0Lvv70XD9O6R--_vRh377-977-92o7vv73Otw
my base64url decode: admin:55FD6CEA:[encrypted hash]
(Sorry, SSE won't let me show the unicode representation of the hash. I assure you, they do match.)
This string:
is not exactly valid Base64. Valid Base64 consists in a sequence of characters among uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, '/' and '+'; it must also have a length which is a multiple of 4; 1 or 2 final '=' signs may appear as padding so that the length is indeed a multiple of 4. This string contains only Base64-valid characters, but only 47 of them, and 47 is not a multiple of 4. With an extra '=' sign at the end, this becomes valid Base64.
That string:
is not valid Base64. It contains several '-' and one '_' sign, neither of which should appear in a Base64 string. If some tool is decoding that string into the "same" result as the previous string, then the tool is not implementing Base64 at all, but something else (and weird).
I suppose that your strings got garbled at some point through some copy&paste mishap, maybe related to a bad interpretation of bytes as characters. This is the important point: bytes are NOT characters.
It so happens that, traditionally, in older times, computers got on the habit of using so-called "code pages" which were direct mappings of characters onto bytes, with each character being encoded as exactly one byte. Thus came into existence some tools (such as Windows' notepad.exe) that purport to do the inverse, i.e. show the contents of a file (nominally, some bytes) as they character counterparts. This, however, fails when the bytes are not "printable characters" (while a code page such as "Windows-1252" maps each character to a byte value, there can be byte values that are not the mapping of a printable character). This also began to fail even more when people finally realized that there were only 256 possible byte values, and a lot more possible characters, especially when considering Chinese.
Unicode is an evolving standard that maps characters to code units (i.e. numbers), with a bit more than 100000 currently defined. Then some encoding rules (there are several of them, the most frequent being UTF-8) encode the characters into bytes. Crucially, one character can be encoded over several bytes.
In any case, a hash value (or whatever you call an "encrypted hash", which is probably a confusion, because hashing and encrypting are two distinct things) is a sequence of bytes, not characters, and thus is never guaranteed to be the encoding of a sequence of characters in any code page.
Armed with this knowledge, you may try to put some order into your strings and your question.
Edit: thanks to #marfarma for pointing out the URL-safe Base64 encoding where the '+' and '/' characters are replaced by '-' and '_'. This makes the situation clearer. When adding the needed '=' signs, the first string then decodes to:
00000000 61 64 6d 69 6e 3a 35 35 46 44 36 43 45 41 3a be |admin:55FD6CEA:.|
00000010 d4 5b 42 81 17 0f d3 ba 47 83 18 77 ca e8 da 8e |.[B.....G..w....|
00000020 91 ce b7 |...|
while the second becomes:
00000000 61 64 6d 69 6e 3a 35 35 46 44 36 43 45 41 3a ef |admin:55FD6CEA:.|
00000010 bf bd ef bf bd 5b 42 ef bf bd 17 0f d3 ba 47 ef |.....[B.......G.|
00000020 bf bd 18 77 ef bf bd ef bf bd da 8e ef bf bd ce |...w............|
00000030 b7 |.|
We now see what happened: the first string was decoded to bytes but someone fed these bytes to some display system or editors that really expected UTF-8. Some of these bytes were not valid UTF-8 encoding of anything, so they were replaced with the Unicode code point U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE, i.e. a space character with no width (thus, nothingness on the screen). The characters where then reencoded as UTF-8, each U+FEFF yielding the EF BF BD sequence of three bytes.
Therefore, the hash value was badly mangled, but the bytes that were altered show up as nothing when interpreted (wrongly) as characters, and what was put in their place also shows up as nothing. Hence no visible difference on the screen.

Detect if Base 64 string is image or text

Is there a way to detect if the Base 64 string contained in an NSData instance is an image or a text or any other object?
You can't generally just look at the base 64 string and decide, but you can decode the first few bytes of data, look at the hex codes (you can do this by decoding your base-64 string into a NSData and just NSLog it or examining it in the debugger), and draw some conclusions. For example:
Image files generally start with special byte sequences (e.g. JPEG start with the hex bytes FF D8; PNG generally start with hex bytes 89 50 4E 47 0D 0A 1A 0A (e.g. 89 "PNG" CR LF EOF LF, etc.). Note, there are a dizzying number of different image formats, so this is a non-trivial exercise, but sometimes you can get lucky and it will be self-evident that it's one of these common format when you glance at the first few bytes.
NSKeyedArchiver archives generally start with the string "bplist".
ASCII text consists of codes between 20 and 7F (with linefeeds represented by 0A; carriage return and linefeeds represented by OD 0A; tab characters as 09; etc.). Then, again, if it was a text, it's unlikely they'd be base-64 encoding it.
If it was UTF-8 it would conform to the coding pattern outlined here. For example, you can look at the first few high bits of the first byte that might conceivably represent a UTF-8 character, and conclude (a) how many bytes the character is represented by and (b) what high bits will be turned on those subsequent bytes. You can often quickly look at it and confirm whether the data conforms to this UTF-8 pattern or not (especially easy to do for most western languages)
If the first three characters were EF BB BF, that often indicates a UTF-8 byte order mark.
This is, by no means, an exhaustive list of codes, but just a few that leapt out at me.
To do this programmatically and do so exhaustively would be a non-trivial exercise. But if you're just "eye-balling" a base-64 string and trying to draw some logical inferences, decode it and look at the hex bytes and you can quickly narrow down the possibilities, at the very least. If you're unsure about how to interpret it, update your question with the hex representation of the decoded base-64 string (just the first 16-32 bytes, please), and we might be able to point you in the right direction.
It is impossible to clearly distinguish text string and Base64 image encoding string. The only way - check if your string is valid Base 64 encoding string. If it is - probably it is an image. If not - you can be sure it is a text.
How to check if string is valid Base 64 you can ere How to check whether the string is base64 encoded or not.

Xcode UTF-8 literals

Suppose I have the MUSICAL SYMBOL G CLEF symbol: ** 𝄞 ** that I wish to have in a string literal in my Objective-C source file.
The OS X Character Viewer says that the CLEF is UTF8 F0 9D 84 9E and Unicode 1D11E(D834+DD1E) in their terms.
After some futzing around, and using the ICU UNICODE Demonstration Page, I did get the following code to work:
NSString *uni=#"\U0001d11e";
NSString *uni2=[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"\xF0\x9D\x84\x9E"];
NSString *uni3=#"𝄞";
NSLog(#"unicode: %# and %# and %#",uni, uni2, uni3);
My questions:
Is it possible to streamline the way I am doing UTF-8 literals? That seems kludgy to me.
Is the #"\U0001d11e part UTF-32?
Why does cutting and pasting the CLEF from Character Viewer actually work? I thought Objective-C files had to be UTF-8?
I would prefer the way you did it in uni3, but sadly that is not recommended. Failing that, I would prefer the method in uni to that in uni2. Another option would be [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%C", 0x1d11e].
It is a "universal character name", introduced in C99 (section 6.4.3) and imported into Objective-C as of OS X 10.5. Technically this doesn't have to give you UTF-8 (it's up to the compiler), but in practice UTF-8 is probably what you'll get.
The encoding of the source code file is probably UTF-8, matching what the runtime expects, so everything happens to work. It's also possible the source file is UTF-16 or UTF-32 and the compiler is doing the Right Thing when compiling it. None the less, Apple does not recommend this.
Answers to your questions (same order):
Why choose? Xcode uses C99 in default setup. Refer to the C0X draft specification 6.4.3 on Universal Character Names. See below.
More technically, the #"\U0001d11e is the 32 bit Unicode code point for that character in the ISO 10646 character set.
I would not count on this behavior working. You should absolutely, positively, without question have all the characters in your source file be 7 bit ASCII. For string literals, use an encoding or, preferably, a suitable external resource able to handle binary data.
Universal Character Names (from the WG14/N1256 C0X Draft which CLANG follows fairly well):
Universal Character Names may be used
in identifiers, character constants,
and string literals to designate
characters that are not in the basic
character set.
The universal
character name \Unnnnnnnn designates
the character whose eight-digit short
identifier (as specified by ISO/IEC
10646) is nnnnnnnn) Similarly, the
universal character name \unnnn
designates the character whose
four-digit short identifier is nnnn
(and whose eight-digit short
identifier is 0000nnnn).
Therefor, you can produce your character or string in a natural, mixed way:
char *utf8CStr =
"May all your CLEF's \xF0\x9D\x84\x9E be left like this: \U0001d11e";
NSString *uni4=[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:utf8CStr];
The \Unnnnnnnn form allows you to select any Unicode code point, and this is the same value as "Unicode" field at the bottom left of the Character Viewer. The direct entry of \Unnnnnnnn in the C99 source file is handled appropriately by the compiler. Note that there are only two options: \unnnn which is a 256 character offset to the default code page or \Unnnnnnnn which is the full 32 bit character of any Unicode code point. You need to pad the left with 0's if you are not using all 4 or all 8 digits or \u or \U.
The form of \xF0\x9D\x84\x9E in the same string literal is more interesting. This is inserting the raw UTF-8 encoding of the same character. Once passed to the initWithUTF8String method, but the literal and the encoded literal end up as encoded UTF-8.
It may, arguably, be a violation of 130 of section to use raw bytes in this way. Given that a raw UTF-8 string would be encoded similarly, I think you are OK.
You can write the clef character in your string literal, too:
NSString *uni2=[[NSString alloc] initWithUTF8String:"𝄞"];
The \U0001d11e matches the unicode code point for the G clef character. The UTF-32 form of a character is the same as its codepoint, so you can think of it as UTF-32 if you want to. Here's a link to the unicode tables for musical symbols.
Your file probably is UTF-8. The G clef is a valid UTF8 character - check out the output from hexdump for your file:
00 4e 53 53 74 72 69 6e 67 20 2a 75 6e 69 33 3d 40 |NSString *uni3=#|
10 22 f0 9d 84 9e 22 3b 0a 20 20 4e 53 4c 6f 67 28 |"....";. NSLog(|
As you can see, the correct UTF-8 representation of that character is in the file right where you'd expect it. It's probably safer to use one of your other methods and try to keep the source file in the ASCII range.
I created some utility classes to convert easily between unicode code points, UTF-8 byte sequences and NSString. You can find the code on Github, maybe it is of some use to someone.