Efficiently implementing DXT1 texture decompression in hardware - gpu

DXT1 compression is designed to be fast to decompress in hardware where its used in texture samplers. The Wikipedia article says that under certain circumstances you can work out the co-efficients of the interpolated colours as:
c2 = (2/3)*c0+(1/3)*c1
or rearranging that:
c2 = (1/3)*(2*c0+c1)
However you re-arrange the above equation, then you end up always having to multiply something by 1/3 (or dividing by 3, same deal even more expensive). And it seems weird to me that a texture format which is designed to be fast to decompress in hardware would require a multiplication or division. The FPGA I'm implementing my GPU on only has limited resources for multiplications and I want to save those for where they're really required.
So am I missing something? Is there an efficient way of avoiding the multiplications of the colour channels by a 1/3? Or should I just eat the cost of that multiplication?

This might be a bad way of imagining it, but could you implement it via the use of addition/subtraction of successive halves (shifts)?
As you have 16 bits this gives you the ability to get quite accurate with successive additions and subtractions.
A third could be represented as
a(n+1) = a(n) +/- A>>1, where, the list [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, etc] shows whether to add or subtract the shifted result.
I believe this is called fractional maths.
However, in FPGAs, it is difficult to know whether this is actually more power efficient than the native DSP blocks (e.g. DSP48E1) provided.

MY best answer I can come up with is that I can use the identity:
x/3 = sum(n=1 to infinity) (x/2^(2n))
and then take the first n terms. Using 4 terms I get:
which equals
which is probably good enough.
This relies on multiplication by a fixed power of 2 being free in hardware, then 3 additions of which I can run 2 in parallel.
Any better answer is appreciated though.
** EDIT **: Using a combination of this and #dyslexicgruffalo's answer I made a simple c++ program which iterated over the various sequences and tried them all and recorded the various average/max errors.
I did this for 0 <= x <= 189 (as 189 is the value of 2*c0.g + c1.g when g (which is 6 bits) maxes out.
The shortest good sequence (with a max error of 2, average error of 0.62) and is 4 ops was:
1 + x/4 + x/16 + x/64.
The best sequence which had a max error of 1, average error of 0.32, but is 6 ops was:
x/2 - x/4 + x/8 - x/16 + x/32 - x/64.
For the 5 bit values (red and blue) the maximum value is 31*3 and the above sequences are still good but not the best. These are:
x/4 + x/8 - x/16 + x/32 [max error of 1, average 0.38]
1 + x/4 + x/16 [max error of 2, average of 0.68]
(And, luckily, none of the above sequences ever guesses an answer which is too big so no clamping is needed even though they're not perfect)


Vector Math Functions for S-Curve

I require a better way of calculating an S-Curve than the below method. I'm using it to draw an S-Curve in a drawRect method as well as calculating the ease-in/ease-out of the volume of a music file for fading.
The reason I need an improved way of doing this is because it gets called roughly 100 times in a loop to calculate the curve and is highly CPU intensive.
I'm hoping that maybe one or a few vector math functions from the accelerate framework might help but I'm not sure where to start.
3 * position * (1 - position) * (1 - position) * firstControlPoint + 3 *
position * position * (1 - position) * secondControlPoint +
position * position * position * 1.0;
Where firstControlPoint equals 0.0 and secondControlPoint equals 1.0.
You may be interested in this article on Even Faster Bézier, but 100 calculations of this is not a lot. I've run thousands of such calculations per frame on first-generation iPads. For such a tiny set, you're unlikely to get much benefit from Accelerate (and Accelerate can be much slower than simple C for small data sets).
There are several things to consider, though:
If the control points are invariable, you should be able to pre-calculate the values for all positions and stick them in a table. That's going to dramatically improve performance. If they vary less often than you draw, then it's still worth pre-calculating the table whenever the inputs change. Also, make sure that you're not calculating these values more often then you actually need them (if the input values can vary quickly, you may want to wait for the inputs to settle before recalculating anything).
If this is an NEON device (i.e an iPhone or iPad), intrinsics are almost never a win (this may change as Clang gets better, but that was my finding in 2012). Hand-coded NEON can definitely be a win if you really need the performance, but it's a headache to program, so I would look everywhere else first. Assembly programming is radically different from C programming. If you could just drop an intrinsic in at a certain point and make it go faster, the compiler would have done that already (and in fact it does).
If you're doing floating point math, and you just need the results to be "almost exactly correct and perfect for drawing and animations" rather than "exactly correct and reproducible according to IEEE rules," you should turn on fast math. The easiest way to do that is to switch the compiler optimization from "Fastest, Smallest" to "Fastest, Aggressive Optimizations." It's hard to imagine a case when this is not the correct setting for iOS apps, and it's almost always the correct setting for Mac apps. This setting also turns on additional vectorization, which can make a big difference in your loops.
You should definitely look at Optimize Your Code Using LLVM from WWDC 2013. It covers how to structure you code to let the compiler help you the most. You may also want to look at The Accelerate Framework from the same videos, but it's unlikely that Accelerate is the right tool for this problem.
Rather than calculating this yourself, consider using a CAPropertyAnimation with a custom timing function. These can be used to set any value; not just layer animations. For drawing the curve, consider using a UIBezierPath rather than hand-calcuating the curve.
For an example of some of this in practice, you may find the CurvyText example from iOS Pushing the Limits to be useful. It calculates both the Bézier points and their slope to perform text layout along a moving curve.
Your S-curve is a Bezier Curve so you could use the De Casteljau's algorithm.
q0 = t * p0 + (1 - t) * p1
q1 = t * p1 + (1 - t) * p2
q2 = t * p2 + (1 - t) * p3
r0 = t * q0 + (1 - t) * q1
r1 = t * q1 + (1 - t) * q2
s0 = t * r0 + (1 - t) * r1
Then you could use SSE/AVX-intrinsics to compute multiples curves (2 -> 128 bits, 4 -> 256 bits) with a single stream of instructions.

optimize multiplication by using for loop supposing multiplication is slower than addition

If multiplication is slower than addition instead of doing
7 * 8
Will this theoretically improve performance ?
for(int i =0; i < 8 ; i++){
temp += 7
Or else do i just need to do
7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7 + 7
Have you tried it and timed it?
On nearly every single modern machine today, there is fast hardware support for multiplication. So unless it's simple multiplication by 2, no, it will not be faster.
To give some hard numbers on the current Intel machines:
add/sub 1 cycle latency
mul/imul 3 cycle latency
Taken from Agner Fog's manuals.
Although it's actually a lot more complicated than this, the point is still: No, you're not going to get any benefit trying to replace multiplications with additions.
In the few cases where it is better (such as multiplication by a power of two - using shifts), the compiler will make that optimization for you, if it knows the value at compile-time.
On x86, the compiler can also play with the lea instruction to do fast multiplication by 3, 5, 10, etc...
I find it hard to believe that 16 value assignments, 16 additions, and 8 conditional statements are faster than the processior can multiply 7*8.
It depends on architecture. But, generally loops are a lot slower than a single native code (especially due to branches). Intel CPUs have a good implementation of multiplication, thus usually outperform AMD and other CPUs. You can have look at CPU's characteristics here. Also, you can use that program to precisely measure your piece of code speed.
If you really concern about speed, sometimes you can approximate multiplication or division. Most notable trick for multiplication could be bit-shift or lookup table. e.g. if you want to multiply a number with a power-of-2 number you can just use shift instruction.
If you need something more better, you can change number's domain e.g. logistic domain with a quantized table. And in that case multiplication becomes addition i.e. log(A*B) = log(A)+log(B).
These kind of tricks are usually used in data compression to estimate bit probabilities or implement approximate arithmetic coders.

approximating log10[x^k0 + k1]

Greetings. I'm trying to approximate the function
Log10[x^k0 + k1], where .21 < k0 < 21, 0 < k1 < ~2000, and x is integer < 2^14.
k0 & k1 are constant. For practical purposes, you can assume k0 = 2.12, k1 = 2660. The desired accuracy is 5*10^-4 relative error.
This function is virtually identical to Log[x], except near 0, where it differs a lot.
I already have came up with a SIMD implementation that is ~1.15x faster than a simple lookup table, but would like to improve it if possible, which I think is very hard due to lack of efficient instructions.
My SIMD implementation uses 16bit fixed point arithmetic to evaluate a 3rd degree polynomial (I use least squares fit). The polynomial uses different coefficients for different input ranges. There are 8 ranges, and range i spans (64)2^i to (64)2^(i + 1).
The rational behind this is the derivatives of Log[x] drop rapidly with x, meaning a polynomial will fit it more accurately since polynomials are an exact fit for functions that have a derivative of 0 beyond a certain order.
SIMD table lookups are done very efficiently with a single _mm_shuffle_epi8(). I use SSE's float to int conversion to get the exponent and significand used for the fixed point approximation. I also software pipelined the loop to get ~1.25x speedup, so further code optimizations are probably unlikely.
What I'm asking is if there's a more efficient approximation at a higher level?
For example:
Can this function be decomposed into functions with a limited domain like
log2((2^x) * significand) = x + log2(significand)
hence eliminating the need to deal with different ranges (table lookups). The main problem I think is adding the k1 term kills all those nice log properties that we know and love, making it not possible. Or is it?
Iterative method? don't think so because the Newton method for log[x] is already a complicated expression
Exploiting locality of neighboring pixels? - if the range of the 8 inputs fall in the same approximation range, then I can look up a single coefficient, instead of looking up separate coefficients for each element. Thus, I can use this as a fast common case, and use a slower, general code path when it isn't. But for my data, the range needs to be ~2000 before this property hold 70% of the time, which doesn't seem to make this method competitive.
Please, give me some opinion, especially if you're an applied mathematician, even if you say it can't be done. Thanks.
You should be able to improve on least-squares fitting by using Chebyshev approximation. (The idea is, you're looking for the approximation whose worst-case deviation in a range is least; least-squares instead looks for the one whose summed squared difference is least.) I would guess this doesn't make a huge difference for your problem, but I'm not sure -- hopefully it could reduce the number of ranges you need to split into, somewhat.
If there's already a fast implementation of log(x), maybe compute P(x) * log(x) where P(x) is a polynomial chosen by Chebyshev approximation. (Instead of trying to do the whole function as a polynomial approx -- to need less range-reduction.)
I'm an amateur here -- just dipping my toe in as there aren't a lot of answers already.
One observation:
You can find an expression for how large x needs to be as a function of k0 and k1, such that the term x^k0 dominates k1 enough for the approximation:
x^k0 +k1 ~= x^k0, allowing you to approximately evaluate the function as
This would take care of all x's above some value.
I recently read how the sRGB model compresses physical tri stimulus values into stored RGB values.
It basically is very similar to the function I try to approximate, except that it's defined piece wise:
k0 x, x < 0.0031308
k1 x^0.417 - k2 otherwise
I was told the constant addition in Log[x^k0 + k1] was to make the beginning of the function more linear. But that can easily be achieved with a piece wise approximation. That would make the approximation a lot more "uniform" - with only 2 approximation ranges. This should be cheaper to compute due to no longer needing to compute an approximation range index (integer log) and doing SIMD coefficient lookup.
For now, I conclude this will be the best approach, even though it doesn't approximate the function precisely. The hard part will be proposing this change and convincing people to use it.

Need help generating discrete random numbers from distribution

I searched the site but did not find exactly what I was looking for... I wanted to generate a discrete random number from normal distribution.
For example, if I have a range from a minimum of 4 and a maximum of 10 and an average of 7. What code or function call ( Objective C preferred ) would I need to return a number in that range. Naturally, due to normal distribution more numbers returned would center round the average of 7.
As a second example, can the bell curve/distribution be skewed toward one end of the other? Lets say I need to generate a random number with a range of minimum of 4 and maximum of 10, and I want the majority of the numbers returned to center around the number 8 with a natural fall of based on a skewed bell curve.
Any help is greatly appreciated....
What do you need this for? Can you do it the craps player's way?
Generate two random integers in the range of 2 to 5 (inclusive, of course) and add them together. Or flip a coin (0,1) six times and add 4 to the result.
Summing multiple dice produces a normal distribution (a "bell curve"), while eliminating high or low throws can be used to skew the distribution in various ways.
The key is you are going for discrete numbers (and I hope you mean integers by that). Multiple dice throws famously generate a normal distribution. In fact, I think that's how we were first introduced to the Gaussian curve in school.
Of course the more throws, the more closely you approximate the bell curve. Rolling a single die gives a flat line. Rolling two dice just creates a ramp up and down that isn't terribly close to a bell. Six coin flips gets you closer.
So consider this...
If I understand your question correctly, you only have seven possible outcomes--the integers (4,5,6,7,8,9,10). You can set up an array of seven probabilities to approximate any distribution you like.
Many frameworks and libraries have this built-in.
Also, just like TokenMacGuy said a normal distribution isn't characterized by the interval it's defined on, but rather by two parameters: Mean μ and standard deviation σ. With both these parameters you can confine a certain quantile of the distribution to a certain interval, so that 95 % of all points fall in that interval. But resticting it completely to any interval other than (−∞, ∞) is impossible.
There are several methods to generate normal-distributed values from uniform random values (which is what most random or pseudorandom number generators are generating:
The Box-Muller transform is probably the easiest although not exactly fast to compute. Depending on the number of numbers you need, it should be sufficient, though and definitely very easy to write.
Another option is Marsaglia's Polar method which is usually faster1.
A third method is the Ziggurat algorithm which is considerably faster to compute but much more complex to program. In applications that really use a lot of random numbers it may be the best choice, though.
As a general advice, though: Don't write it yourself if you have access to a library that generates normal-distributed random numbers for you already.
For skewing your distribution I'd just use a regular normal distribution, choosing μ and σ appropriately for one side of your curve and then determine on which side of your wanted mean a point fell, stretching it appropriately to fit your desired distribution.
For generating only integers I'd suggest you just round towards the nearest integer when the random number happens to fall within your desired interval and reject it if it doesn't (drawing a new random number then). This way you won't artificially skew the distribution (such as you would if you were clamping the values at 4 or 10, respectively).
1 In testing with deliberately bad random number generators (yes, worse than RANDU) I've noticed that the polar method results in an endless loop, rejecting every sample. Won't happen with random numbers that fulfill the usual statistic expectations to them, though.
Yes, there are sophisticated mathematical solutions, but for "simple but practical" I'd go with Nosredna's comment. For a simple Java solution:
Random random=new Random();
public int bell7()
int n=4;
for (int x=0;x<6;++x)
return n;
If you're not a Java person, Random.nextInt(n) returns a random integer between 0 and n-1. I think the rest should be similar to what you'd see in any programming language.
If the range was large, then instead of nextInt(2)'s I'd use a bigger number in there so there would be fewer iterations through the loop, depending on frequency of call and performance requirements.
Dan Dyer and Jay are exactly right. What you really want is a binomial distribution, not a normal distribution. The shape of a binomial distribution looks a lot like a normal distribution, but it is discrete and bounded whereas a normal distribution is continuous and unbounded.
Jay's code generates a binomial distribution with 6 trials and a 50% probability of success on each trial. If you want to "skew" your distribution, simply change the line that decides whether to add 1 to n so that the probability is something other than 50%.
The normal distribution is not described by its endpoints. Normally it's described by it's mean (which you have given to be 7) and its standard deviation. An important feature of this is that it is possible to get a value far outside the expected range from this distribution, although that will be vanishingly rare, the further you get from the mean.
The usual means for getting a value from a distribution is to generate a random value from a uniform distribution, which is quite easily done with, for example, rand(), and then use that as an argument to a cumulative distribution function, which maps probabilities to upper bounds. For the standard distribution, this function is
F(x) = 0.5 - 0.5*erf( (x-μ)/(σ * sqrt(2.0)))
where erf() is the error function which may be described by a taylor series:
erf(z) = 2.0/sqrt(2.0) * Σ∞n=0 ((-1)nz2n + 1)/(n!(2n + 1))
I'll leave it as an excercise to translate this into C.
If you prefer not to engage in the exercise, you might consider using the Gnu Scientific Library, which among many other features, has a technique to generate random numbers in one of many common distributions, of which the Gaussian Distribution (hint) is one.
Obviously, all of these functions return floating point values. You will have to use some rounding strategy to convert to a discrete value. A useful (but naive) approach is to simply downcast to integer.

Mathematical analysis of a sound sample (as an array of numbers)

I need to find the frequency of a sample, stored (in vb) as an array of byte. Sample is a sine wave, known frequency, so I can check), but the numbers are a bit odd, and my maths-foo is weak.
Full range of values 0-255. 99% of numbers are in range 235 to 245, but there are some outliers down to 0 and 1, and up to 255 in the remaining 1%.
How do I normalise this to remove outliers, (calculating the 235-245 interval as it may change with different samples), and how do I then calculate zero-crossings to get the frequency?
Apologies if this description is rubbish!
The FFT is probably the best answer, but if you really want to do it by your method, try this:
To normalize, first make a histogram to count how many occurrances of each value from 0 to 255. Then throw out X percent of the values from each end with something like:
for (i=lower=0;i< N*(X/100); lower++)
//repeat in other direction for upper
Now normalize with
A[i] = 255*(A[i]-lower)/(upper-lower)-128
Throw away results outside the -128..127 range.
Now you can count zero crossings. To make sure you are not fooled by noise, you might want to keep track of the slope over the last several points, and only count crossings when the average slope is going the right way.
The standard method to attack this problem is to consider one block of data, hopefully at least twice the actual frequency (taking more data isn't bad, so it's good to overestimate a bit), then take the FFT and guess that the frequency corresponds to the largest number in the resulting FFT spectrum.
By the way, very similar problems have been asked here before - you could search for those answers as well.
Use the Fourier transform, it's much more noise insensitive than counting zero crossings
Edit: #WaveyDavey
I found an F# library to do an FFT: From here
As it turns out, the best free
implementation that I've found for F#
users so far is still the fantastic
FFTW library. Their site has a
precompiled Windows DLL. I've written
minimal bindings that allow
thread-safe access to FFTW from F#,
with both guru and simple interfaces.
Performance is excellent, 32-bit
Windows XP Pro is only up to 35%
slower than 64-bit Linux.
Now I'm sure you can call F# lib from VB.net, C# etc, that should be in their docs
If I understood well from your description, what you have is a signal which is a combination of a sine plus a constant plus some random glitches. Say, like
x[n] = A*sin(f*n + phi) + B + N[n]
where N[n] is the "glitch" noise you want to get rid of.
If the glitches are one-sample long, you can remove them using a median filter which has to be bigger than the glitch length. On both sides of the glitch. Glitches of length 1, mean you will have enough with a median of 3 samples of length.
y[n] = median3(x[n])
The median is computed so: Take the samples of x you want to filter (x[n-1],x[n],x[n+1]), sort them, and your output is the middle one.
Now that the noise signal is away, get rid of the constant signal. I understand the buffer is of a limited and known length, so you can just compute the mean of the whole buffer. Substract it.
Now you have your single sinus signal. You can now compute the fundamental frequency by counting zero crossings. Count the amount of samples above 0 in which the former sample was below 0. The period is the total amount of samples of your buffer divided by this, and the frequency is the oposite (1/x) of the period.
Although I would go with the majority and say that it seems like what you want is an fft solution (fft algorithm is pretty quick), if fft is not the answer for whatever reason you may want to try fitting a sine curve to the data using a fitting program and reading off the fitted frequency.
Using Fityk, you can load the data, and fit to a*sin(b*x-c) where 2*pi/b will give you the frequency after fitting.
Fityk can be used from a gui, from a command-line for scripting and has a C++ API so could be included in your programs directly.
I googled for "basic fft". Visual Basic FFT Your question screams FFT, but be careful, using FFT without understanding even a little bit about DSP can lead results that you don't understand or don't know where they come from.
get the Frequency Analyzer at http://www.relisoft.com/Freeware/index.htm and run it and look at the code.