Fetching nested data, undefined is not an object - react-native

I'm trying to fetch data from API, but I'm only able to fetch the highest level ones. When I'm trying to access ones nested under categories, I get an error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'this.state.data.order.name' ).
From what I've read it might be an issue with state but I'm new to react-native and I am not sure how to fix it.
This is the API structure
const { data } = this.state;
<ScrollView style={styles.containerxd}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.textStyle}>
style={styles.ImageIconStyle} />
<View style={styles.white}>
<View style={{flex:1, alignItems:'center', justifyContent:'center'}}>
<View style={styles.tabHeader}><Text style={styles.textHeader}>Scientific name</Text></View>
<View style={styles.tabContent}><Text style={styles.textContent}>{this.state.data.scientific_name}</Text></View>
<View style={styles.tabHeader}><Text style={styles.textHeader}>Common name</Text></View>
<View style={styles.tabContent}><Text style={styles.textContent}>{this.state.data.common_name}</Text></View>
<View style={styles.tabHeader}><Text style={styles.textHeader}>Moisture use</Text></View>
<View style={styles.tabContent}><Text style={styles.textContent}>{this.state.data.order.name}</Text></View>
Scientific name and common name show up just fine, but every data level lower renders error.

You need to validate your data.When order is undefined, doing order.name will break your app. change
<View style={styles.tabContent}><Text style={styles.textContent}>{this.state.data.order.name}</Text></View>
const { data } = this.state;
const name = data && data.order && data.order.name || '';
// rest of the code here
<View style={styles.tabContent}><Text style={styles.textContent}>{name}</Text></View>
Always validate your data. Don't assume that you'll always get the right data. When working with objects always validate them, as doing data.name, can break your app, if data is null or undefined. for example, given the following object.
const animal = {};
// throws an error, Cannot read property 'toLowerCase' of undefined
to prevent that from happening, we need to check if the propery exists, like the following.
// checks if the name property exists console name, else assign a console log 'Lion'
console.log(animal.name && animal.name.toLowerCase() || 'Lion')
Second option
add a loader, display Loading... text when fetching data from api, once the request finish set loader to false and display your data.
fetchData = async () => {
const res = await fetch(...)
this.setState({ isLoading: false, data: response.data });
render() {
return (
<ScrollView style={styles.containerxd}>
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.textStyle}>
{this.state.isLoading ? (
) : (
<View style={styles.white}>
flex: 1,
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center'
<View style={styles.tabHeader}>
<Text style={styles.textHeader}>Scientific name</Text>
<View style={styles.tabContent}>
<Text style={styles.textContent}>
<View style={styles.tabHeader}>
<Text style={styles.textHeader}>Common name</Text>
<View style={styles.tabContent}>
<Text style={styles.textContent}>
<View style={styles.tabHeader}>
<Text style={styles.textHeader}>Moisture use</Text>
<View style={styles.tabContent}>
<Text style={styles.textContent}>


Modal doesnt open when clicking on TouchableOpacity - React Native

I am trying to implement the modal component in this app and for some reasons, I cant make it work. I have done it in another app and even though everything looks as it should in this one, it still doesn't work, it just doesn't toggle!
Here is my code (i call toogleModal() here ):
//onPress={() => { alert(`You've clicked '${rest_name}'`); }}
onPress={() => this.toggleModal(rest_name)}
<View style={styles.shadow} />
<View style={[styles.imageContainer, even ? styles.imageContainerEven : {}]}>
<View style={[styles.radiusMask, even ? styles.radiusMaskEven : {}]} />
<View style={[styles.textContainer, even ? styles.textContainerEven : {}]}>
<View style={{ flexDirection: 'row' }}>
style={[styles.subtitle, even ? styles.subtitleEven : {}]}
Now here is the toggleModal() which should set the state and then call the onPressItem() :
toggleModal = (item) => {
this.setState({ isModalVisible: !this.state.isModalVisible });
and onPressItem() :
onPressItem = (item) => {
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
<Modal animationIn="rubberBand" animationOut={"bounceOut"}
onBackdropPress={() => this.setState({ isModalVisible: false })}
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<View style={{ flex: 1 }}>
<Button title="Hide modal" onPress={this.toggleModal} />
Now, remember this code is taken from another app where modal is working perfectly!
Most probably your issue with click option is connected with incorrect import TouchableOpacity from correct module. Check if you are importing from react-native:
import { TouchableOpacity } from 'react-native';
change this line
onPress={() => this.toggleModal(rest_name)}
to this:
onPress={() => {this.toggleModal(rest_name)}}
you only need to put the function call in brackets

pass multiple props by react navigation

I am new to react-native and trying to make a GSTCalculator App. I take values from the user on calculator screen and show calculated values on Result screen. My problem is that the calculated values don't show up immediately on the Result screen. I have even used async and await. But it only shows first calculated value.
calculate = async() => {
await this.calculateSum();
this.props.navigation.navigate('Result', {prodCost: this.state.prodCost,
mfdProfitMargin: this.state.mfdProfitMargin, mCost: this.state.mCost, whProfit: this.state.whProfit,
rtProfit: this.state.rtProfit, cgst: this.state.cgst, sgst: this.state.sgst, igst: this.state.igst,
igstV: this.state.igstV, m2wV: this.state.m2wV, w2rT: this.state.w2rT, whProfitV: this.state.whProfitV,
cgstV: this.state.cgstV, sgstV: this.state.sgstV, w2rV :this.state.w2rV, rtProfitV: this.state.rtProfitV })
calculateSum = () => {
this.setState({mCost: Number(this.state.prodCost) + Number(this.state.mfdProfitMargin)});
this.setState({igstV: (Number(this.state.mCost)*Number(this.state.igst))/100});
this.setState({m2wV: Number(this.state.mCost) + Number(this.state.igstV)});
this.setState({whProfitV: (this.state.m2wV)*Number(this.state.whProfit)/100});
this.setState({w2rT: Number(this.state.m2wV) + Number(this.state.whProfitV)});
this.setState({cgstV: (this.state.w2rT)*Number(this.state.cgst)/100});
this.setState({sgstV: (this.state.w2rT)*Number(this.state.sgst)/100});
this.setState({w2rV: Number(this.state.w2rT) + Number(this.state.cgstV) + Number(this.state.sgstV)});
this.setState({rtProfitV: (this.state.w2rV)*Number(this.state.rtProfit)/100});
export default class Result extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { pCost: this.props.navigation.state.params.prodCost, pMargin: this.props.navigation.state.params.mfdProfitMargin,
mCost:this.props.navigation.state.params.mCost, igstP: this.props.navigation.state.params.igst,
igstV: this.props.navigation.state.params.igstV, cgstP: this.props.navigation.state.params.cgst,
cgstV: this.props.navigation.state.params.cgstV, sgstP: this.props.navigation.state.params.sgst,
sgstV: this.props.navigation.state.params.sgstV, m2wV: this.props.navigation.state.params.m2wV,
whProfit: this.props.navigation.state.params.whProfit, whProfitV: this.props.navigation.state.params.whProfitV,
w2rT: this.props.navigation.state.params.w2rT, w2rV: this.props.navigation.state.params.w2rV,
rtProfit:this.props.navigation.state.params.rtProfit, rtProfitV: this.props.navigation.state.params.rtProfitV
render() {
<ImageBackground source={require('../Assets/login.jpg')} style={Styles.bgImage}>
<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={GStyle.container}>
<Text style={[Styles.heading, {marginTop: 20}]}>Manufacturer to Wholesaler:</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={[GStyle.text, {marginTop:10}]}>Production Cost</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.pCost}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Profit Margin</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.pMargin}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Manufacture Cost</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.mCost}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>IGST({this.state.igstP}%)</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.igstV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Invoice Value</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.m2wV}</Text>
<Text style={[Styles.heading, {marginTop: 20}]}>Wholesaler to Retailer:</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Cost to Wholesaler</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.m2wV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Profit Margin({this.state.whProfit}%)</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.whProfitV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Total</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.w2rT}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>CGST({this.state.cgstP}%)</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.cgstV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>SGST({this.state.sgstP}%)</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.sgstV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Invoice Value</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.w2rV}</Text>
<Text style={[Styles.heading, {marginTop: 20}]}>Retailer to Consumer:</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>Cost to Retailer</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.w2rV}</Text>
<View style={GStyle.inputView}>
<Text style={GStyle.text}>ProfitMargin({this.state.rtProfit}%)</Text>
<Text style={GStyle.resultText}>{this.state.rtProfitV}</Text>
There is a lot of setting of state going I think we can reduce it and there is a little refactoring we can do to make your code easier to read.
You are typing the same thing over and over again and it makes your constructor much harder to read than it needs to be.
In this example we have taken the the value this.props.navigation.state.params and set it to it's own variable. This means you don't have to keep typing the this.props.navigation.state.params over and over and over again.
constructor(props) {
const params = this.props.navigation.state.params
this.state = {
pCost: params.prodCost,
pMargin: params.mfdProfitMargin,
igstP: params.igst,
igstV: params.igstV,
cgstP: params.cgst,
cgstV: params.cgstV,
sgstP: params.sgst,
sgstV: params.sgstV,
m2wV: params.m2wV,
whProfit: params.whProfit,
whProfitV: params.whProfitV,
w2rT: params.w2rT,
w2rV: params.w2rV,
rtProfitV: params.rtProfitV
If we use spread operator we can make this even easier, that is if you are willing to use the same name as in the object that you are passing.
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
However, if you use this method then you will find that some of the unique names you have chosen will be gone, replaced by the ones that are in the object that you are passing.
I am assuming that you would go with the first option (as it doesn't change the names) so I will base my next refactors on that.
Calculate Sum
There are too many setStates here, It takes time for state to set, so you could be using old values in your subsequent calculations so it is best not to use setState until you have performed all your calculations. If the values for each setState depend on the previous values then you could do something like this, only using values from the initial state where necessary.
calculateSum () => {
let mCost = Number(this.state.prodCost) + Number(this.state.mfdProfitMargin);
let igstV = mCost * Number(this.state.igst) / 100;
let m2wV = mCost + igstV;
let whProfitV = m2wV * Number(this.state.whProfit)/100;
let w2rT = m2wV + whProfitV;
let cgstV = w2rT * Number(this.state.cgst)/100;
let sgstV = w2rT * Number(this.state.sgst)/100;
let w2rV = w2rT + cgstV + sgstV;
let rtProfitV = w2rV * Number(this.state.rtProfit)/100;
return { mCost, igstV, m2wV, whProfitV, w2rT, cgstV, sgstV, w2rV, rtProfitV }
Here I return an object with all the updated values, that can be saved to state if we so choose.
As the calculateSum function now returns an object with all the value that you want you could do something like this. We take the sum object that we just calculated and using a spread operator set all those objects to state. We then use a callback on the setState function to then navigate to the next page, using the spread operator again to capture all the values that in state.
calculate = () => {
let sum = this.calculateSum();
this.setState({...sum}, () => {
this.props.navigation.navigate('Result', {...this.state })
However if these values don't need to saved to state and just passed to the next screen, we could update the calculate function to something like this
calculate = () => {
let sum = this.calculateSum();
this.props.navigation.navigate('Result', {...this.state, ...sum })
I hope this helps you.
For more information on the spread operator in javascript see this article
For more information on setting state check out both of these articles

sending data to another screen using flat list getting type error

hey guys im getting error when sending data to another screen using flat list.
getting type error
array of items
Recommended : [
"name":"Corn-NK6240","name2":"Syngenta","Price":"INR 30/KG"},
"name":"Corn-NK6240","name2":"Syngenta","Price":"INR 30/KG"},
"name":"Corn-NK6240","name2":"Syngenta","Price":"INR 30/KG"},
"name":"Cabbage-NK6240","name2":"Syngenta","Price":"INR 30/KG"},
"name":"Corn-NK56240","name2":"Syngenta","Price":"INR 80/KG"},
and this Main Class That Have Flat list
class Mainclass extends Component {
render() {
return (
<FlatList data={this.state.Recommended}
contentContainerStyle={{ flexDirection: 'row',justifyContent:'space-between'
renderItem={({item,key}) =>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={()=>navigate('Product', { ListViewClickItemHolder: item })} >
<View style={{flexDirection:'row'}}>
<View style={{flexDirection:'column',alignItems:'center',padding:3,width:(width-200)/2}}>
<View style={{padding:3,borderWidth:1,borderColor:'#dfdfe0'}}>
<Image style={{height:90,width:90}} source={item.Rimage} /></View>
<Text style={{fontFamily:'Montserrat',fontSize:width/30,}} numberOfLines={1}>{item.name}</Text>
<Text style={{fontFamily:'Montserrat',fontSize:width/30}} numberOfLines={1}>{item.name2}</Text>
<Text style={{color:'#4e9dda',fontFamily:'Montserrat',fontSize:width/30}}>{item.Price}</Text>
screen that i need to receive data
<Text style={{fontSize:width / 14,fontFamily:'CRC55',color:'black',}}> {this.props.navigation.state.getParam.ListViewClickItemHolder}</Text>

how to use pagination on product listing React Native

I am creating react native app. on app category page i am fetching data and from live url in json form and post it into product page.
fetching data code:-
handlePressProduct(id) {
var url='http://www.furnitureinfashion.net/menu_category_listing.php?cat_id=';
fetch(url+id, {
method: 'GET'
}).then((response) => { return response.json() } )
.then((responseJson) => {
on product page i am getting data like this:-
<View key={Index1}>
{dataImage['ProductId'] != undefined && (
<View style={productStyle.homeimg1}>
<TouchableOpacity onPress={this.handlePressProduct.bind(this,dataImage['ProductId'])}>
<Image source={{uri: uri+dataImage['Image']}} style={{width: 130, height: 130}} />
<Text style={productStyle.title}> {dataImage['ProductName']}</Text>
<Text style={productStyle.shopbutton}>View Details</Text>
{dataImage['Options'] != '' &&(
<Text style={productStyle.cartbutton} >Select Option</Text>
{dataImage['Options'] == '' &&(
<Text style={productStyle.cartbutton} >Add to cart</Text>
<Text> RRP{dataImage['RRPPrice']}</Text>
<Text> Our Price{dataImage['OurPrice']}</Text>
<Text style={productStyle.buymorebutton} >Buy & Save More Today</Text>
<Text style={productStyle.shiptext} >Free Shipping</Text>
in array product data is too large so, i want to add pagination on product page. but i don't know how to do?

React Native Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_this._root.setNativeProps')

I'm trying to create custom button. For this, I wrapped my existed view into TouchableHighlight (write me please another way, if it's not suitable here)
<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.freeTimeTapped} underlayColor="white">
<LabelsView data={this.freeTimeData}
containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#3A65FF' }} />
This code throws an error touchable child must either be native, described here, for example. So, I added
setNativeProps = (nativeProps) => {
error disappeared, but now I receive an error
React Native Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating
after touch. What am I doing wrong?
More code about LabelsView:
export default class LabelsView extends Component {
// Make TouchableHighlight wrapper work
setNativeProps = (nativeProps) => {
render() {
return (
<View style={[styles.container, this.props.containerStyle]}>
<View style={styles.leftContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.nameText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.leftText} </Text>
<View style={styles.rightContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.durationText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightTopText + ' hrs'} </Text>
<Text style={[styles.rangeText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightBottomText} </Text>
I created the same sitaution as yours and found that the only thing you are doing wrong is you are wrapping a class inside the TouchableHighlight . If you want to wrap it in any touchable component then react native needs the native child, So to resolves this change your code as follows:-
<LabelsView freeTimeTapped={this.freeTimeTapped} data={this.freeTimeData}
containerStyle={{ backgroundColor: '#3A65FF' }} />
and your LabelsView class as follows:-
render() {
return (
<TouchableHighlight onPress={this.props.freeTimeTapped} underlayColor="white">
<View style={[styles.container, this.props.containerStyle]}>
<View style={styles.leftContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.nameText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.leftText} </Text>
<View style={styles.rightContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.durationText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightTopText + ' hrs'} </Text>
<Text style={[styles.rangeText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightBottomText} </Text>
If you still hava any problem then let me know :)
In case you want to have it in parent, just fix your code to this:
export default class LabelsView extends Component {
// Make TouchableHighlight wrapper work
setNativeProps = (nativeProps) => {
render() {
return (
<View ref={component => this._root = component} style={[styles.container, this.props.containerStyle]}>
<View style={styles.leftContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.nameText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.leftText} </Text>
<View style={styles.rightContainer}>
<Text style={[styles.durationText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightTopText + ' hrs'} </Text>
<Text style={[styles.rangeText, styles.textColor]}> {this.props.data.rightBottomText} </Text>
You missed ref={component => this._root = component}