Nativescript vue dismiss / hide Android keyboard - vue.js

I'm using the excellent on iOS, which has a 'done' button (effectively a close button). However, for Android softkeyboard there is no such thing... All the solutions to hide a keyboard suggest referencing the original element which triggered the keyboard - an impractical solution...
I found this forum post on how to dismiss a keyboard in nativeScript
import * as utils from "utils/utils";
import { isIOS, isAndroid } from "platform";
import * as frame from "ui/frame";
// then as a method inside your vue
methods: {
dismissSoftKeybaord() {
if (isIOS) {
if (isAndroid) {;
dimissSoftKeyboard should be attached to the outside / top element - eg page... Then, when clicking outside of a form field (TextField or TextView) the keyboard will be hidden / dismissed.
<Page #tap="dismissSoftKeybaord()">
Here is the code as a handy mixin:
import * as utils from "utils/utils";
import { isIOS, isAndroid } from "platform";
import * as frame from "ui/frame";
export default {
methods: {
dismissSoftKeybaord() {
if (isIOS) {
if (isAndroid) {;
I do have a bit of an issue with layout, in that some elements wrap other elements so I've had to apply dismissSofteyboard in a few places - but it works....
<Page class="page" statusBarStyle="dark" backgroundSpanUnderStatusBar="true">
<ActionBar backgroundColor="#253945" color="#ffffff" flat="true" #tap="dismissSoftKeybaord()">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal">
<Label ... />
<GridLayout rows="*,60" #tap="dismissSoftKeybaord()">
<ScrollView row="0" #tap="dismissSoftKeybaord()">
<StackLayout class="logFormWrapper">
<StackLayout class="input-field" marginBottom="20" >
<TextField ... />
<StackLayout class="input-field" marginBottom="20">
<TextField ... />
<StackLayout margin="0" row="1" class="footer"></StackLayout>
So I'm now just trying to figure out how I can adjust the layout so I don't need so many dismissSoftKeyboard #taps everywhere....


Can I use BottomNavigation with components?

I'm trying to display a bottom navigation, in which the TabContent comes from components. Now, with the following code I can't get the tab content to show, and I don't get any errors.
<BottomNavigation selectedIndex="1" class="tab__container" #loaded="loaded">
<TabStripItem class="tab">
<Label :text="text.groups" />
<TabStripItem class="tab">
<Label :text="text.mail" />
<GroupsScreen />
<MailScreen />
<script >
import GroupsScreen from './GroupsScreen';
import MailScreen from './MailScreen';
export default {
components: {
data() {
return {
text: {
groups: 'Groepen',
mail: 'Berichten',
<Frame #loaded="loaded">
<ActionBar :title="text.groups" />
<StackLayout class="page">
<Label v-if="groupsLoading" text="Loading"></Label>
Is this even possible, or am I trying to do something that should be done in another way?
The hierarchy is always,
Content (Layouts, ScrollView etc.,)
A Frame can only host a Page, it can not directly host Content. You need Frame only if you want to navigate within that particular container.
So your primary issue was not wrapping your BottomNavigation with a Page element.
Updated Playground

Nativescript-vue Video Player loading complete callback not working

I am building native mobile app using nativescript-vue and using Nativescript-videoplayer plugin .Well the player working well but loadingComplete callback function is not working.
<Page >
<ActionBar title="test">
<StackLayout orientation="horizontal"
<Image src="res://icon" width="30" height="30" stretch="aspectFill" />
<VideoPlayer ref="player" :src="video.file" autoplay="true" height="300" #loadingComplete="videoCompleted" #finished="videoFinished" loop="false" />
<script >
export default {
data() {
return {
console.log('Loading Completed');
console.log('Video finished');
loadingComplete was changed to playbackReady and the other handler attaches to finishedEvent
The demo is quite outdated, but the documentation looks mantained.

Showing array data in nativescript-vue view modal component

I want to create a modal component from the parent and fill data in that modal in a listview
If the component was already created, I don't have a problem, but I want the component created in that parent page
<Page class="page">
<ActionBar title="Modal Data" class="action-bar"></ActionBar>
<StackLayout class="m-20">
<Button text="Button" #tap="goToDetailPage" />
const Detail = {
template: `
<ActionBar title="Asal Ikan" />
<ListView class="list-group" for="mylist in mylists" style="height:600px;">
<FlexboxLayout flexDirection="row" class="list-group-item">
<Label :text="" style="width:100%;" #tap="closeModal" />
export default {
data() {
return {
mylists: [{
code: "SL",
name: "Sinjai"
code: "MK",
name: "Makasar"
methods: {
goToDetailPage() {
Data from my List is not showing.
here the playground link :
There are a number of things you may want to improve / correct in your code.
Detail is a standalone component, it won't have access to the data in your Master (HelloWorld) component. You should pass mylists in props if you like to access the same data.
A Page can only be hosted within a Frame and a valid Page can only have ActionBar. Since you haven't defined a Frame in your Detail component, it won't be valid.
With ListView use itemTap event instead of adding event listeners to individual component.
Updated Playground

nativescript-youtubeplayer toggle fullscreen in nativescript-vue app

I'm trying to do a fullscreen in youtube player from the plugin triniwiz/nativescript-youtubeplayer in my nativescript-vue application on android device but I'm unable to achieve so.
I have following code:
<Page actionBarHidden="true" class="page" >
<GridLayout orientation="vertical" width="100%" height="100%" columns="*" rows="*,auto">
<StackLayout col="0" row="0" backgroundColor="#f8f8f8">
<StackLayout backgroundColor="#44557f">
<Label :text="name" class="font-weight-bold"
color="#FFFFFF" padding="15" fontSize="20" textWrap="true"></Label>
<ScrollView orientation="vertical" height="100%">
<ScrollView orientation="vertical">
<StackLayout class="home-panel">
<YoutubePlayer ref="player" :src="videoLink.substring(17)" apiKey="**********" isFullScreen="true"/>
export default {
props: ['videoLink','name','id'],
mounted() {
let player = this.$refs.player
But I'm getting an error stating
toggleFullscreen() not found
When you access an element via Ref, the return value will be a Vue element. You should access the nativeView to gain access to the actual element.
export default {
props: ['videoLink','name','id'],
mounted() {
let player = this.$refs.player.nativeView;

Tabview not showing data in first tab in nativescript-vue

I have place a Tabview in my component with 2 tabs. In the first i'm loading some data from an API and render a ListView with data. In the other tab i'm showing some other data.
The data from the API is not showing when the component is first show, I have tab press the tab 2 and then tab 1 and the data is then shown.
<Page class="page">
<TabView :selectedIndex="selectedIndex"
<TabViewItem title="Tab 1">
<StackLayout orientation="vertical">
<ListView height="90%" class="list-group"
for="item in allCategories">
<StackLayout class="list-group-item"
<Image :src="item.imageURL"
stretch="aspectFill" class="categoryImage"
width="75" height="75">
<Label class="categoryText"
<TabViewItem title="Tab 2">
<Label text="Content for Tab 2" />
created: function () {"url").then(result => { => {
var imageURL = element.image.imageURL;
this.allCategories.push({element, imageURL })
}, error => {
I want the data to be show when the component is first show because the tab 1 is marked as the showing tab. Any ideas?
Here is an example in the playground:
The answear is in the issue I commited for the repository in github:
Just change:
<TabView :selectedIndex="selectedIndex" #selectedIndexChange="indexChange">