is there any way to extract password protected zip file in cpanel? - cpanel

I am upload 100 GB zip file in my file server and zip file is password protected .
Is there any way to extract password protected zip file in my Cpanel ?

The answer is NO.
CPanel doesnt provide any feature to extract password protected archives
Visit this for more info


How to unzip password protected zip files with apache nifi

In apache nifi I am not able to unzip zip-files in my workflow, because they are protected by a password. I know the password, it is the same for all Zips. What can I do?
The current CompressContent processor does not provide for a way to accept a password, but you could work around this by using the ExecuteStreamCommand processor to invoke the unzip command on the command-line and populate the password in that command. I also raised a feature request Jira to enhance the processor here.
Since you know the password and it is the same for all the zipped files, you can easily use the UnpackContent processor. Select the package format and provide the password in text format like this.
Configuring UnpackContent
You can find details on this processor here -

Apache server not able to download file having copy as file name

In a web application user has provision to upload a files to the server which can be downloaded and viewed in future. We have to maintain the file name same as that it was uploaded for future downloads.
When a user uploads a file name having copy as a file name like Copy_template.xls the Apache server throws 403 error, but if we rename the file by removing copy they are able to download. How to fix this?

Where is Safe Place to Save File In Virtual Host Cpanel

I will develop website that saving documents in Cpanel. If I save documents in public html people just access through document will get accessed.
Where do I put documents so only my web application can access the documents?
Is it right to place the documents in directory before public_html?
Thank you.
Yes, You need to save that files outside the public_html directory.
OR you can create password protect directory for your documents so that nobody can access that without user name and password
Please check it at :

export csv file with password protection in php codeigniter

I need to export a csv file with password protection from tabletools in php codeigniter. Unable to set password in csv file. thanks in advance.
CSV is a 'featureless' flat file format and you will not be able to set a password.
Perhaps export the CSV into a password protected zip file.

copy documents from google drive to amzon-s3 programmatically by using java

I have download files from Google drive and save into my local system by using google drive api with java.My aim is to make a copy of documents from gdrive to amazon s3.
I can achieve this by download the Gdrive documents into my local directory and upload into amazon-s3 by using the s3Utility's public void uploadToBucket(int userId, String bucketName, String fileName, File fileData) method.
Is there any direct way to achieve this? that is i want to reduce one step. i don't like to download documents into my local.Instead of this i would like to give the gdrive document's downloadurl into s3 method,it will need to save the document into s3. Is it possible? Any Suggestions? sorry the essay type of question
You will need a server somewhere to run your code as both GDrive and Amazon S3 are closed services - you cannot add your own code to them.