partial user name upon installation of SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition - sql-server-2017

I'm in the process of setting up a new laptop for application development work and today I installed SQL Server 2017 Developer Edition on this computer. I used the Basic install option rather than the Customize install option. Some pertinent facts:
operating system is Windows 10
device name is MARIGOLD
administrator on this computer is an e-mail address and the characters that appear before the # symbol for the e-mail are knot22
When the confirmation screen was displayed after installing SQL Server, it showed the SQL Administrator as MARIGOLD\knot2 (see red line that points this out in screenshot). Notice that there is a 2 missing - was was expected was MARIGOLD\knot22. Why did it chop off the user name? Is there a way to fix this?

Your username on the computer is "knot2".
This may not match the display name.
The following procedure will lose all stored credentials. You may lose program data, bookmarks contact lists... as well as some file permissions
The easiest way to solve this is to:
Create a temporary admin account, Grant the account all privileges in SQL Server.
Login as that user.
Backup the entire C:\users\knot2 directory(including hidden and system files). You may have to reboot to do this.
Delete the "knot2" user.
Create "knot22" user.
Grant the "knot22" account all privileges in SQL Server.
Copy the backup of C:\users\knot2 into C:\users\knot22
Remove or disable the temporary user.
It is up to you to figure out if it is worth it or not.


Unable to connect to Linked Server (Excel file) when using SQL account

The Plan
Have HR personnel dump an Excel file of payroll Job Titles to a network share, add that file as a Linked Server in SSMS, use those titles in my ASP.Net web forms. Using a Linked Server instead of importing data to allow HR to update the Job Titles file at their discretion.
The Problem
I can create the Linked Server and query it without issue, so long as I'm in SSMS with Windows Authentication. But, if I try to access the linked server using a SQL account, I first get the error:
Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists (Error 7416)
The SQL account being used is the same account my web forms use for everything else. The fact that this SQL account doesn't have file permissions isn't surprising though, so an adjustment to the Linked Server's security should do the trick.
The Problem (part 2)
To reduce the number of variables, I moved the Excel file so it's on the same machine as my SQL Server. I'm logged into the machine and logged into SSMS with my domain admin account.
I access the Linked Server's security tab and, to try and cast the widest net possible, I leave the local login (top part) blank and head straight to "Be made with this security context:" and proceed to provide my domain admin credentials. I hit OK, and I get the following:
Not a valid account name or password (Error 7399)
I know the account name and password are good, so what gives?
Other Things
Folks who've ran into similar things have been instructed to change the logon account being used for the SQL Server service, which I've done using my domain admin account (for troubleshooting, atm). This did not fix the problem.
This is what the Linked Server code looks like, although I created it via the GUI (included for sake of completeness):
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedserver #server = N'ADP_TITLES', #srvproduct=N'', #provider=N'Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0', #datasrc=N'C:\JOB_TITLE_EXPORT.xlsx', #provstr=N'Excel 12.0 Xml'
EXEC master.dbo.sp_addlinkedsrvlogin #rmtsrvname=N'ADP_TITLES',#useself=N'False',#locallogin=NULL,#rmtuser=N'DOMAIN\username',#rmtpassword='########'
The solution appears to be entering "admin" for the remote login, and leave the password blank.
This only works, however, if the file is stored locally. If it's on the network, I still get a 7399 error, but instead of saying the issue is the account name/password, it now says the issue is unspecified.
I can make my project work with a local file though. Since I'll be moving forward with that, I have no need to solicit additional answers.

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio trouble with permissions

Please find all the files I'm refering to at this link:
I have installed a new copy of "SQL Server 2008 R2 Management Studio Express (x86)" on two Windows 7 computers. The SAME install file for both computers. Installed the same way. (as far as I know, I chose the same options)
One at home and one at work.
The one at home seems to work perfectly I "Execute" this file (ITD132-Inventory Initial with data.sql) and it works fine. When I "Execute" it at work I get:
Msg 262, Level 14, State 1, Line 1
CREATE DATABASE permission denied in database 'master'.
..and a bunch of stuff after that which is caused because the database was not created in the first place.
I have compared the permissions on both computers.
see these files:
home computer : non-networked.jpg
work computer: work-networked.jpg
I read in one post that to create new Logins one must be logged in as the Administrator. I log into the Server Managment studio with my windows credentials and I am the Local Admin for my work computer and I have not been able to find any other place to log in as an administrator for this SQL Server Management Studio (so clearly I'm not sure whats meant by that)
At this point I think my problem is that I need to create a user who is not just the "BUILTIN\User" (because this login does not have permissions) with permissions.
But I have no idea how to login as an administrator to create this user role.
Please forgive me if these are obvious answers as I am just starting with this MS Management studio and am not very familiar with T-SQL.
If you install SQL Server, you get asked during installation process which user or user group should have the Admin-Privileges. If your computer is part of a domain and you login locally, things might get complicated.
The easiest (but not safest way) to login as a "superuser" if to enable the "sa" user.
this is one user that logs on with a password (not integrated logon) and has all the juice to run every script possible :-) By default it's disabled - googling I found a easy how-to enable it:
I think you are correct that you need to create another user with enough permission. Generally logging in with "integrated security" using your Windows credentials should have enough permissions (assuming the same user is the user that installed SQL Server). If not, you have better luck logging in as the SQL Server user "sa" (system administrator) which should have full permission. Do you know the "sa" password?
Note: the security mode for SQL Server can be set to "Only integrated security with Windows users", "SQL Server security" or "both". The "sa" account will only work if the SQL Server security is enabled. You may be able to access these settings using your BuiltIn\User account.

Cannot attach database SQL Server 2012 error 5

When I type this:
CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012
ON (FILENAME = 'C:\Users\sohm\Desktop\Pohm\AdventureWorks2012_Data.mdf')
I get this:
File activation failure. The physical file name
"C:\Users\sohm\Desktop\AdventureWorks2012_Data_log.ldf" may be incorrect.
Msg 5123, Level 16, State 1, Line 1
CREATE FILE encountered operating system error 5 (Access is denied.) while attempting to
open or create the physical file 'C:\adventuredb\AdventureWorks2012_Data_log.ldf'.
Msg 1813, Level 16, State 2, Line 1
Could not open new database 'AdventureWorks2012'. CREATE DATABASE is aborted.
I know it has to do with permissions. I have the administrator account. I have read a million posts but nothing has worked so far. Also when I try to change the folder containing the mdf file, to full control but it keeps reverting back to read-only.
You should run SSMS as an administrator.
Also it is possible that you might be running query as an 'sa' user(sql server authentication).
Try running the query with windows Authentication.
For allowing MS SQL server 2012 to attach the database files you must grant full access to the mdf and ldf files to:
Full Access
SQL Security has been updated a lot in 2012 handling of files.
If you look at the existing attached databases and there security you will probably see that there only are 2 roles allowed with full access. MSSQLSERVER and Administrators, when attached SQL Removes all other roles from the files.
Trying to set the MSSQLSERVER from the fil security Permission will not work.
Looking at your services.msc overview you will in a default install see that NT Service\MSSQLSERVER also runs the SQL server servics.
The service account is not visible, the same issue as with IIS AppPools, a sub group has been created by the system and "hides" the accounts from auto discovery, probably to try and secure the accounts but in my view just obscures the setup.
Regards Jan
Open the SQL Server Management Stdio in Administrator mode(Right click -> Select Run as Administrator. If it asks for User name and password enter your Administrator user name password). Then select Windows Authentication click ok, and now try to attache it will attache without any error.
This has nothing to do with YOUR account. SQL Server is trying to write to that folder under the context of the service account that is running SQL Server. You can see who this is by going to the Services applet and seeing who the instance runs as (probably NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or whatever). You can override that or you can place your MDF files in the data folder, which SQL Server already has inherent access to, instead of placing them in this other location on your C:\ drive.
Another way to solve this is to change all the SQL Server services to Local System Account instead of services. Start -> Run ->Services.msc -> Scroll down to SQL Server, you should see five services that start with SQL Server. Right-Click, Properties, Log On, change to Local System Account. Repeat for all the rest of the SQL Server Services and restart them all.
Try This
Go to the folder where you have stored mdf file.
Select file -> Right click -> click on mdf give full permissions to file for logged in user Security.
If still issue persist and it might me because of corrupted transaction logs, you may use tool SQL Database Recovery Tool Repairs to repair your corrupted mdf file.
Figured it out. I went to sql server configuration manager and right clicked SQL Server Service. Then I added my Windows Admin account to run the service and now it works.

Change sql server 2008 r2 database name/schema and username

I have two accounts at Softsys Hosting with a domain on each account. I need to clone the database from one domain to the other, so I can run one as a staging site and the other as the live site.
I've taken a back-up of the live database and tried to restore it to the dev account, but it fails because of database/schema/user name conflicts (both databases will be on the same server apparently so it won't let the 'same' database be created twice, which makes sense).
Softsys said that I need to take a local back-up of the database, change the name, schema name and user name, then upload that to my dev environment. The trouble is, I just can't get it to work. When I restore the back-up to my local system it won't let me log-in via the same username/password as on the live server - I can only seem to log is as 'sa'.
Can someone please explain to a database dunce, how I can get this .bak file from the live database running on my local machine with a working user account, and also how to change the names of the schema/user/database so that I'll be able to upload it to the dev server without any conflicts with the live domain?
I'm using MSSQL 2008 R2 and SQL Server Management Studio 2008 R2 Express.
Thanks all...
The reason you cannot use the login from your Prod box on your Dev box is that the login does not exist on the Dev box.
When you move the database over, it sounds like you only have the SA login on the Dev box.
You should script out the login(s) that you use on the prod server and recreate them on your Dev box. Read up here
If you have the login on your dev box, or you just created it with the script above, you are going to have to connect the Login on the server to the User in the datbase.
You need to link the the new Login on the server to the User in the database. Use the ALTER USER statement to fix this.
This used to be done with sp_change_users_login

Connect different Windows User in SQL Server Management Studio (2005 or later)

Is there a way in SQL Server Management Studio 2005 (or later) to change the Windows Authentication user (as you could in SQL Server 2000 and older)?
This is the general connection properties dialog(note the greyed out UID/PWD when selecting Windows Auth):
FYI - One workaround is to use runas but I'm looking for a solution that will allow me to work with multiple Windows accounts across multiple servers (and across multiple domains).
While there's no way to connect to multiple servers as different users in a single instance of SSMS, what you're looking for is the following RUNAS syntax:
runas /netonly /user:domain\username program.exe
When you use the "/netonly" switch, you can log in using remote credentials on a domain that you're not currently a member of, even if there's no trust set up. It just tells runas that the credentials will be used for accessing remote resources - the application interacts with the local computer as the currently logged-in user, and interacts with remote computers as the user whose credentials you've given.
You'd still have to run multiple instances of SSMS, but at least you could connect as different windows users in each one.
For example: runas /netonly /user:domain\username ssms.exe
Hold shift and right click on SQL Server Mangement studion icon. You can Run as other windows account user.
One other way that I discovered is to go to "Start" > "Control Panel" > "Stored Usernames and passwords" (Administrative Tools > Credential Manager in Windows 7) and add the domain account that you would use with the "runas" command.
Then, in SQL Management Studio 2005, just select the "Windows Authentication" and input the server you wanna connect to (even though the user that you can see greyed out is still the local user)... and it works!
Don't ask me why ! :)
Make sure to include ":1433" after the server name in Credential Manager or it may not connect due to not trusting the domain.
None of these answers did what I needed:
Login to a remote server using a different domain account than I was logged into on my local machine, and it's a client's domain across a vpn. I don't want to be on their domain!
Instead, on the connect to server dialog, select "Windows Authentication", click the Options button, and then on the Additional Connection Parameters tab, enter
user id=domain\user;password=password
SSMS won't remember, but it will connect with that account.
The runas /netonly /user:domain\username program.exe command only worked for me on Windows 10
saving it as a batch file
running it as an administrator,
when running the command batch as regular user I got the wrong password issue mentioned by some users on previous comments.
For Windows 10:
Go to the Sql Management Studio Icon, or Short Cut in the menu:
Right Click > Select Open File Location
Hold Shift and right Click the shortcut, or ssms.exe file that is in the folder. Holding shift will give you an extra option "Run as different user":
This will pop up a login box and you can type the credentials you would like your session to run under.
A bit of powershell magic will do the trick:
cmdkey /add:"SERVER:1433" /user:"DOMAIN\USERNAME" /pass:"PASSWORD"
Then just select windows authentication
There are many places where someone might want to deploy this kind of scenario, but due to the way integrated authentication works, it is not possible.
As gbn mentioned, integrated authentication uses a special token that corresponds to your Windows identity. There are coding practices called "impersonation" (probably used by the Run As... command) that allow you to effectively perform an activity as another Windows user, but there is not really a way to arbitrarily act as a different user (à la Linux) in Windows applications aside from that.
If you really need to administer multiple servers across several domains, you might consider one of the following:
Set up Domain Trust between your domains so that your account can access computers in the trusting domain
Configure a SQL user (using mixed authentication) across all the servers you need to administer so that you can log in that way; obviously, this might introduce some security issues and create a maintenance nightmare if you have to change all the passwords at some point.
Hopefully this helps!
Did anybody tried "plain" runas without parameters? Those /netonly /savcecred all of them sound ambiguous and to me utter nonsense.
C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /user:DOMAINX\OtherUser02 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\ssms.exe"
This works just fine. No matter what, runas WILL ask you for the user password. Just type it and be security audit compliant.
The only way to achieve what you want is opening several instances of SSMS by right clicking on shortcut and using the 'Run-as' feature.