Vue Slider Component - Enable drag-end and on-click updates concurently - vue.js

I'm using vue-slider-component in my project. By default, it is clickable i.e. it applies update (calls desired method) on click event. But it also continuously applies updates while dragging, from start to end point. What I wanted is to apply update only once when slider stops at end point. So I added #drag-end attribute. Now the problem is that I can click on slider, and it animates (slides) but no updates are applied, due to #drag-end attribute. How can I remain #drag-end feature but concurently enable update apply on click?

I think setting the lazy attribute to true might fix this.
v-on:change="updateApcs()" :lazy="true"


Is there any way to move to specific slide without triggerring change event?

I am currently using swiper wrapper for angular,
so basically I want to differentiate between manual slide that user performed and my own app pre-selecting active slide.
Whenever i use setIndex method (presumably equivalent to goToSlide at swiper js),it trigger all kind of changeEvent which manual slide change would also trigger(transitionEnd, slideChange, etc).
Is there any way to change active slide without trigerring those event?
managed to do that by using function
setIndex(index, speed?, silent?) // Runs transition to slide with given index.
by setting silent to true (slideChangeTransitionENd) event wont be called.
There should be better documentation about this.

How to prevent selection of a SortableJS item when clicking on one of its child elements?

The Issue
I'm using SortableJS to build a draggable tree component. Which means each of my sortable-items has a toggle-arrow as a child element that opens and closes a sub-tree (if there is one).
I'm attempting to use stopPropagation() to prevent the selection of the parent sortable-item if the toggle-arrow is clicked, but it's not working.
It looks like this when closed:
And looks like this when open:
The blue highlight you see in the open state (the second image) is the styling I've chosen for the selectedClass option when using the multiDrag plugin.
This is illustrating that when I click on the toggle-arrow it results in the parent sortable-item being selected.
I don't want this to happen.
The Code
The code for an item in my SortableJS tree component looks like so (using Vue.js, and Pug syntax):
And then I've got a handler for the #click binding on my toggle-arrow element:
toggleTree = function($event) {
/// Code for handling the sub-tree toggling goes here.
/// The sub-tree toggling itself works just fine.
You can see that I'm declaring #click.stop as the event binding, which should stop the click event from bubbling up from the toggle-arrow child element, but it's not working.
I'm even attempting to use $event.stopPropagation within the handler. But, the event seems to continue to bubble, and thus the parent sortable-item element ends up in a selected state.
I've also tried declaring #click.native.stop as the event binding, but it simply prevents my toggleTree method from firing at all. I'm assuming there's another event handler somewhere within SortableJS that's interfering with the #click.native.stop binding.
How do I stop propagation of an event when a child element of my sortable-item is clicked?
How is selection handled by the multiDrag plugin? I dug through the code and saw that the select event is fired within the handler of the drop event of the sortable-item, but I'm confused by that. Why is the drop event handler being used to toggle selection of a sortable-item?
Thanks in advance for any light you may be able to shed on this.
Wrong Event
Looking at the source of SortableJS it seems that the event you want to stop from bubbling is not the click event, but rather the mouseup event.
The "Stuck" Drag Item Problem
As indicated in the comments of this answer, stopping propagation on the mouseup event causes an issue where the drag is started unintentionally, and the sortable-item becomes "stuck" to the pointer.
It seems that the "drag initiation" is triggered by either pointerdown, mousedown, or touchstart events, depending on the device.
It can be safely assumed that the pointerdown event is the one that does the triggering according to
The Solution
So the actual way to solve this is to use a #pointerdown.stop event binding to trigger your toggleTree method without triggering either selection of the sortable-item, or the unintentional drag initiation.
If all you did in toggleTree was stopPropagation, you could have changed it to:
In short, you're currently stopping propagation on any emitted clicks from the child component (a.k.a. custom Vue event, which doesn't actually need propagation stopped as it doesn't bubble by default). What you want to do is call event.stopPropagation() on the native click event.
An alternative would be to use:
... and call .stopPropagation() inside toggleTree. Which is precisely what .stop modifier does.

Extending vuetify v-btn component, adding custom click event

I am trying to create component which would extend v-btn in such a way that every time I click a button, it should emit short beep, and disable the button for 5 seconds.
It would be ideal for the button to change color while disabled.
This is a problem, since color is a property, and I can't overwrite it's value...
Also, when I try to invoke, I get an error.
You can check example here:
Your Btn component should just "use" v-btn rather than extending it.
v-bind="$attrs" is to copy any <btn>'s attribute onto <v-btn>.
#click event is captured and reemited as-is after doing what needs to be done

Get the current slide element on change event in OwlCarousel2

I am trying to create an effect similar to this (the demo uses Bootstrap Carousel):
Bootstrap's '' returns a relatedTarget that is the slide element going to be displayed as soon as the carousel is moved i.e changed to another slide.
I haven't been able to find an equivalent data being returned in OwlCarousel2's changed.owl.carousel event. What event, if any, returns the element that's going to be in view?
Is there any alternative way or am I missing something?
Try the event translated.owl.carousel, translated is fired after the animation

DurandalJS - Why are transitions not starting right away when a user navigates

Could someone explain why the transitions (at least the default one - entrance) are not starting right away when a user clicks on a link (navigate) with Durandal?
In other words, do we need two mechanisms (loader animation + transition) to indicate that there is an action underway (ex. ajax call inside the activate method).
I'm sure there's a good reason, or maybe I just have to modify the entrance transition?
It seems like Durandal's transitions run once the activate function resolves. I asked a similar question where I enumerated some of the possible solutions that I found which worked for my situation specifically:
Manually animate away every view in its deactivate() and animate it back in via its viewAttached()
Bind the .page-host div's visibility to router.isNavigating (using a custom binding to handle the transition such as the fadeVisible example from the knockout site)
Manually subscribe to router.isNavigating and run custom logic when it changes
Hopefully this helps.
If you did not compress your entire application then the first process will be requirejs downloading the next amd module and then downloading the appropriate view.
The next step is durandal calling activate on your module. Activate if it returns a Deferred then it will wait for the deferred to complete.
Once activate is complete then the transition is called. The transition is responsible for swapping out the old view for the new one.
So, if its taking a while to kick off the transition its probably because its lagging in downloading your module and view.. or your activate method is taking a bit of time to finish.