Issues while schema conversion from DB2 to SQL using SSMA - sql

I've downloaded SSMA for DB2 V8.2.0. I kept all the default setting and tried to convert couple of Stored procs from DB2 to SQL 2017.
I've selected one SP and clcik on convert Schema and I got special characters just like below.
Do I have to change any setting? Why is this happening?


SSMA mysql to mssql

I try to convert mysql data base to mssql, I used SSMA.
At first I converted schema from mysql to mssql, then I synchronized it.
Finally I migrated data's and faced with these errors:
Column 'column1 for example' does not allow DBnull.vallue
used softwares:
sql server 2016
mysql work bench 6.1
In this case, I’d like to suggest you either change the source data to ‘0000-00-01’ works well with ‘Zero-date in NOT NULL Columns’ or set destination column to NULL so you could process null data after the migration is complete.

How to insert LONG BINARY from SQL Server to Oracle

I need to get a copy of a SQL Server 2008 table into an Oracle RDBMS. I have database link for SQL Server, database has a table which contains LONG BINARY type column.
When I issue
create table test_ora as select * from mssqltable#dblink
I get the error
Can't convert LONG
I tried to use to_lob, to_char, hextoraw and a ream of Oracle conversion function but still hasn't defeated the issue. Do you have any ideas?
p.s. I'm out of work now so can't tell exact ORA- error number.
There is a way to do that with undocumented Oracle's package:
I would recommend tool called Pentaho Data Integration. This is free, small and superb ETL tool.
Download page: community(.)pentaho(.)com
It will recreated all tables and types for you. How to do it:

Oracle-->SQL - forced conversion from non-unicode to unicode?

I have an ETL that is importing tables from Oracle to SQL 2008 using the OLEDB FastLoad.
The data in Oracle is non-unicode.
When the table is created in SQL it is created with unicode datatypes.
For some reason the datatypes are being forced from non-unicode to unicode.
Do any of you know of a way to stop this from happening?
Possibly a Oracle driver problem?
I'm presuming you are using SSIS?
Guess what, SSIS wants everything to be unicode, so it assumes that all incoming data is in unicode. If you don't want it to be unicode, you will need to convert each field using a dataconversion task.
This is something you might want to try. Check the value of the NLS_LANG variable in the Oracle Database you are importing to. Changing this variable before running the ETL could help you.
Check the NLS_LANG faq here:

SSIS and MySQL - Table Name Delimiter Issue

I am trying to insert rows into a MySQL database from an Access database using SQL Server 2008 SSIS.
TITLE: Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
ERROR [42000] [MySQL][ODBC 5.1 Driver][mysqld-5.0.51a-community-nt]You have
an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL
server version for the right syntax to use near '"orders"' at line 1
The problem is with the delimiters. I am using the 5.1 ODBC driver, and I can connect to MySql and select a table from the ADO.Net destination data source.
The MySql tables all show up delimited with double-quotes in the SSIS package editor:
"shipto addresses"
Removing the double quotes from the "Use a table or view" text box on the ADO.NET Destination Editor or replacing them with something else does not work if there is a space in the table name.
When SSIS puts the Insert query together, it retains the double quotes and adds single quotes.
The error above is shown when I click on "Preview" in the editor, and a similar error is thrown when I run the package (albeit then from the actual insert statement).
I don't seem to have control over this behavior. Any suggestions? Other package types where I can hand-code the SQL don't have this problem.
Sorry InnerJoin, I had to take the accepted answer away from you. I found a workaround here:
The solution is to reuse the connection for all tasks, and to turn ANSI quotes on for the connection before you do any inserts, with an Execute Sql task that runs the following:
Try using square brackets around the table names. That may help.
EDIT: If you can, I would create views (with no spaces) based on the Access tables, and use those to export. Even if it means building another Access database with linked tables, I think this is your best bet.
I've always struggled with using SSIS with MYSQL directly. Even after installing the ODBC drivers, they just don't play well in data flows. I've always ended up creating linked ODBC connections between SQL Server and MYSQL. I then rely on linked server queries to bring over data. Instead of using a SSIS data flow task, I use an Execute SQL command, usually in the form of a stored procedure that executes an OPENQUERY.
One solution you could do is load the data into a SQL Server database and use it as a staging environment before you load it into the MYSQL database. I regularly move data between SQL Server 2008 and MYSQL and in the past I use to regularly move data between Access and SQL Server.
Another possible solution is to transform the incoming Access data before it loads into the MYSQL database. That may give you a chance to clean up the column names and the actual data that's going through to MYSQL.
Let me know if either of these work for you.
You can locate the configuration setting file my.ini at <<Drive>>:\ProgramData\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.6\my.ini and add "ANSI_QUOTES" to sql-mode.
e.g: sql-mode="STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,NO_AUTO_CREATE_USER,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION,ANSI_QUOTES". This should solve the issue while previewing in the SSIS editor.

UNDEFINED data type when reading SQL database from Lotus Notes using ODBC: nvarchar

This is the second time it happens to me and before modifying a 3rd party Database structure I wanted to know if anyone knew a better solution:
I'm accessing a MS SQL Server 2008 from a Lotus Notes Agent (Notes 7) to retrieve some data. I use LSXODBC and my "Select" statement works perfect... Except that my agent cannot "understand" Nvarchar SQL Field types. Any other data types work ok (can get the values from number and dates fields without a problem).
It took me a while to figure it out, and I couldn't find a solution (other than modifying the field types on the SQL table to Varchar instead of nVarchar)
I could replicate this both in MS SQL 2005 and 2008.
Last "elegant" solution was to create an SQL view -instead of modifying table structure- with the varchar types instead of nvarchar. Works ok but I have to create a view for each table I'm retrieving data from.
I tried to set the Field type using FieldExpectedDataType Method but didn't work. Still got a DB_TYPE_UNDEFINED.
I thought there might be some configuration issues? or maybe I'm using an old LN Version / ODBC Driver version?
Any hint would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
An old ODBC driver may not support unicode. It was not added until SQL Server 2000 (I'm fairly sure)