Custom model binding through body in ASP.Net Core -

I would like to bind an object in a controller through the body of a HTTP Post.
It works like this
public class MyModelBinder : IModelBinder
public Task BindModelAsync(ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (bindingContext == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("No context found");
string modelName = bindingContext.ModelName;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(modelName)) {
bindingContext.Result = ModelBindingResult.Failed();
return Task.CompletedTask;
string value = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(modelName).FirstValue;
The modelName is viewModel (honestly, I don't know why, but it works...)
My controller looks like this
public IActionResult CalcAc([ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
i.e. it works, when I make this HTTP-Post request
I would like however to pass it through the body of the request, i.e.
public IActionResult Calc([FromBody][ModelBinder(BinderType = typeof(MyModelBinder))]IViewModel viewModel)
In my Modelbinder then, the modelName is "" and the ValueProvider yields null... What am I doing wrong?
Example; Assume you have an interface IGeometry and many implementations of different 2D shapes, like Circle: IGeometry or Rectangle: IGeometry or Polygon: IGeometry. IGeometry itself has the method decimal getArea(). Now, my URL shall calculate the area for any shape that implements IGeometry, that would look like this
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(geometricObject.getArea());
// or for sake of completness
// return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
the problem is, you cannot bind to an interface, that yields an error, you need a class! That's where the custom model binder is used. Assume your IGeometryalso has the following property string Type {get; set;}
the in the custom model binding you would simply search for that Type in the passed json and bind it to the correct implementation. Something like
if (bodyContent is Rectangle) // that doesn't work ofc, but you get the point
var boundObject = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Rectangle>(jsonString);
In ASP.Net EF the custom model binding looks like this
public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
here you get the body of the HTTPPost request like this
string json = actionContext.Request.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
in ASP.Net Core you don't have the actionContext, only the bindingContext where I can't find the body of the HTTP Post.
Ok, I found the body, see accepted answer. Now inside the controller method I really have an object from type IGeometry (an interface) that is instantiated inside the custom model binder! My controller method looks like this:
public IActionResult CalcArea([FromBody]IGeometry geometricObject)
return Ok(service.getArea(geometricObject));
And my injected service like this
public decimal getArea(IGeometry viewModel)
return viewModel.calcArea();
IGeometry on the other hand looks like this
public interface IGeometry
string Type { get; set; } // I use this to correctly bind to each implementation
decimal calcArea();
Each class then simply calculates the area accordingly, so
public class Rectangle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal b0 { get; set; }
public decimal h0 { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return b0 * h0;
public class Circle : IGeometry
public string Type {get; set; }
public decimal radius { get; set; }
public decimal calcArea()
return radius*radius*Math.Pi;

I found a solution. The body of a HTTP Post request using ASP.NET Core can be obtained in a custom model binder using this lines of code
string json;
using (var reader = new StreamReader(bindingContext.ActionContext.HttpContext.Request.Body, Encoding.UTF8))
json = reader.ReadToEnd();
I found the solution after looking at older EF projects. There the body is inside the ActionContext which is passed separately as an argument in the BindModel method. I found that the same ActionContext is part of the ModelBindingContext in ASP.Net Core, where you get an IO.Stream instead of a string (easy to convert :-))


Pass Url Parameters to Action by Model in ASP.NET MVC 4

I want to assign my url parameters to Model properties, passed as a parameter to the associated Action. For example;
Say, my url is
My action inside the controller is like below:
public class ItemController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(MyModel myModel)
return View(myModel);
I want to configure the model or whatever necessary so that my model takes the color and size as field values. The following didn't work:
public class MyModel
[Display(Name = "color")]
public string Color{ get; set; }
[Display(Name = "size")]
public string Size{ get; set; }
What would be the correct way to solve the problem?
Thanks for any suggestion.
Well, yes! The code above would work correctly, because Url parameter names are the same as model property names. I should explain my problem exactly as I encounter for the next time, sorry.
I must correct a part of my question to make it clear. The url should have been: to detect the problem.
If the url is like that, the code would not work. Because Url parameters don't have the same name as Model properties.
Updated model is below:
public class MyModel
[Display(Name = "c")]
public string Color{ get; set; }
[Display(Name = "s")]
public string Size{ get; set; }
Try adding [FromUri] in front of the parameter.
public class ItemController : Controller
public ActionResult Index([FromUri] MyModel myModel)
// do something
return View();
debugging the issue
Here are some suggestions in debugging the issue, as it should work out of the box.
try binding to primitive types
public class ItemController : Controller
public ActionResult Index(string color, string size)
// do something
return View();
Try reading out of the request object directly
var size = this.Request["size"];
If either of those work there is an issue with your model binding.
If you want to have the query string parameters different to the model in MVC you'll need to have a custom model binder. Take a look at Asp.Net MVC 2 - Bind a model's property to a different named value and which extends the answer a little. has an example with some html helpers that could be useful.

Asp .Net MVC on action executing - Get the value of action parameter values of user defined types on action executing

I want to log the each action method parameter name and its
corresponding values in the database as key value pair. As part of
this, I am using OnActionExecuting ActionFilterAttribute, since it
will be the right place (OnActionExecuting method will get invoke for
all controller action methods call) to get Action Executing context.
I am getting the value for .Net types (string, int, bool). But I am
unable to get the value of the User defined types (custom types).
(ex: Login model). My model might have some other nested user
defined types as well.
I was trying to get the values of the user defined types but I am
getting the only class name as string. I hope we can do in
Could you please anyone assist to resolve the issue. since I am new
to reflection. It will helpful to me. Thanks in Advance.
I need to get the name and value of these types in OnActionExecuting.
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
ActionParameter = new SerializableDictionary<string,string>();
if(filterContext.ActionParameter != null)
foreach(var paramter in filterContext.ActionParameter)
//able to get returnUrl value
//unable to get model values
ActionParameter.Add(paramter.Key, paramter.Value);
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
return View(model);
User defined type
public class LoginModel
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
//User defined type
public UserRequestBase Request {get;set;}
//User defined type
public class UserRequestBase
public string ApplicationName {get;set;}
I am able to get the value of the returnUrl (login method param) in OnActionExecuting but not for model (login method param). I am able to see the values, but don't know how to access it, I used typeof even though I am unable to get it, but I need generic because i have 20 methods in controller so I could not only for LoginModel.
This answer isn't exactly what you want - based on your question - but I think it will work better for what want to accomplish. Quick aside...
Playing around with reflection and nested classes in this instance, lead to some SO (a propos?) errors for me...
So, a better path, maybe? Rather than trying to get/cast the property names, values (types?) from 'context.ActionParameters,` I found it was much easier to let a Json serialization do the work for me. You can then persist the Json object, then deserialize... pretty easy.
Anyway, here's the code:
using Newtonsoft.Json; // <-- or some other serialization entity
public class LogActions : ActionFilterAttribute, IActionFilter
// Using the example -- LoginModel, UserRequestBase objects and Login controller...
void IActionFilter.OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext context)
var param = (Dictionary<String, Object>)context.ActionParameters;
foreach (var item in param.Values)
string itemName = item.GetType().Name.ToString();
string itemToJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(item);
// Save JsonObject along with whatever other values you need (route, etc)
Then when you retrieve the Json object from the database you just have to deserialize / cast it.
LoginModel model = (LoginModel)JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(itemToJson, typeof(LoginModel));
From example:
public class LoginModel
public string UserName {get;set;}
public string Password {get;set;}
//User defined type
public UserRequestBase Request {get;set;}
//User defined type
public class UserRequestBase
public string ApplicationName {get;set;}
Controller used in example:
public ActionResult Login(LoginModel model, string returnUrl)
return View(model);
Hope this helps. If there are further issues with this please let me know and I will try to help.

WebApi method is unable to bind to model

Basically I'm trying to create a method in my webapi controller:
The method looks like this(the method body is relevant):
public HttpResponseMessage CpaLead([FromBody]CpaLeadVM model)
Here's the class declaration of the object being passed:
public class CpaLeadVM
public string UserIp = "";
public string UserCountry = "";
public double Earn = 0.0;
public string SurveyType = "";
The thing is; when I send a post request to the method, the model is always null.
The post request has the following data:
Shouldn't it be able to bind to the model or am I missing something here?
The problem is the "properties" you are trying to bind to are fields and not actual properties. The model binders and formatters in Web Api doesn't look at fields. If you change your model to:
public class CpaLeadVM
public CpaLeadVm()
UserIp = "";
UserCountry = "";
Earn = 0.0;
SurveyType = "";
public string UserIp {get;set;}
public string UserCountry {get;set;}
public double Earn {get;set;}
public string SurveyType {get;set;}
Your binding will work. As a side note, the [FromBody] attribute on your action is redundant since non-primitive values are bound from the request body by default.
As you may know, you can only get a single value from the body, which must be sent as "=value". See this article for more info
I'm not sure, but I think you could create your own model binder, which parses the body into your class. Another approach is to use JSON. Read more about that here
ASP.NET MVC 4 Post FromBody Not Binding From JSON

Why does ASP.NET MVC assumes that view will have matching input and output types?

ASP.NET MVC (or rather Html.Helpers and base page implementation) assumes that there will be one type for both rendering and posting (namely Model).
This is a violation of ISP, isn't it?
I am tempted to derive my Edit views (those that have different render-data, and post-data) from a custom EditPageBaseView<TViewModel, TFormData>.
The problem is I want my validation and post work against FormData instance (stored inside ViewModel), but MVC assumes that entire ViewModel will be POSTed back.
Is there an OOB way to facilitate that? (I didn't find one if there is).
Is it a bad idea (in concept) to have separate data types for different operations exposed by a service (a view in this case).
I tend to follow the CQRS model when constructing my view models. All rendering is done with ViewModel classes and all posting back is done with Command classes. Here's a contrived example. Let's say we have a View with a small form for creating users.
The ViewModel and Command classes looks like this:
public abstract class ViewModel {}
public abstract class Command: ViewModel
public class CreateUserViewModel : ViewModel
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PasswordConfirm { get; set; }
public class CreateUserCommand : Command
public string Username { get; set; }
public string Password { get; set; }
public string PasswordConfirm { get; set; }
The UserController creates a CreateUserViewModel as the model for the Get request and expects a CreateUserCommand for the Post request:
public ActionResult CreateUser()
// this should be created by a factory of some sort that is injected in
var model = new CreateUserViewModel();
return View(model);
public ActionResult CreateUser(CreateUserCommand command)
// validate and then save the user, create new CreateUserViewModel and re-display the view if validation fails
Model binding takes care of ensuring that the properties of the Posted CreateUserCommand are populated properly, even though the Get View is bound to a CreateUserViewModel.
They don't have to match, but they do match by default.
If you don't want them to match, you can specify a different model in your Form or ActionLink:
Example of a Mismatch using Razor and C#:
#model FirstModel
#using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "ControllerName", new { ParameterName = new SecondModel { First = "First", Second = "Second" } }, FormMethod.Post)) {
<input type="submit" value="Submit Button" />
The Controller:
public class ControllerName : Controller {
public ActionResult Index() {
return View(new FirstModel());
public ActionResult Action(SecondModel ParameterName) {
return View() // Where to now?

How do I get access to my requests content in a custom model binder in Asp Net MVC 4 Web Api?

I have been thinking about how I can solve the problem I had in my previous question
Can I get access to the data that the .net web api model binding was not able to handle?
I'm thing that I can use my own custom model binder, that way I can handle the perfect case , and write to a log when I get data that I wasn't expecting.
I have the following class and Model Binders
public class Person
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public class CustomPersonModelBinder : IModelBinder
public bool BindModel(HttpActionContext actionContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
var myPerson = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue(bindingContext.ModelName);
var myPersonName = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("Name");
var myId = bindingContext.ValueProvider.GetValue("Id");
bindingContext.Model = new Person {Id = 2, Name = "dave"};
return true;
public class CustomPersonModelBinderProvider : ModelBinderProvider
private CustomPersonModelBinder _customPersonModelBinder = new CustomPersonModelBinder();
public override IModelBinder GetBinder(HttpConfiguration configuration, Type modelType)
if (modelType == typeof (Person))
return _customPersonModelBinder;
return null;
and here is my controller method
public HttpResponseMessage Post([ModelBinder(typeof(CustomPersonModelBinderProvider))]Person person)
return new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK);
And I have been invoking it using fiddler with
Post http://localhost:18475/00.00.001/trial/343
"Id": 31,
"Name": "Camera Broken"
This works great, Without using the custom model binder I get a Person object populated from my json data in my post method, and with the custom model binder I always get a person(Id= 2, Name = "dave").
The problem is I can't seem to get access to the JSon data in my custom Model binder.
The myPerson and myPersonName variables in the bindModel method are both null. however the myId variable is populated with 343.
Any Ideas how I can get access to the data in the json within my BindModel method?
Try this: