SQL - Calculate relative amounts within a year from date segments - sql

I am currently coding an existing Payroll system and I have the below problem. I need to count the Vacation days taken of one employee in one year in order to transfer them to the next. The days can be either complete, or hours in a day (e.g. 6 hour vacation from default 8 hour working day)
However the existing functionality only stores the aforementioned data in a table with columns like this.
EmployeeID | StartDate | EndDate | Hours
1 01-02-2018 04-02-2018 24
1 08-03-2018 08-03-2018 4
2 30-12-2017 04-01-2018 48
3 30-12-2018 04-01-2019 48
Now the issue is that I want to limit the dates to the previous year only. So since we have 2019, I need vacations only from 2018. Meaning records with different Start and End Year, need special handling
The result table should look like this
EmployeeID | HoursPreviousYear
1 28
2 32
3 16
I am already aware of some helpful SQL functions such as DATEDIFF() or YEAR(), but since each record is different, I would probably need to use a cursor and iterate the table. Then to pass the results to a different table, I would have create in the query and return it.
To be honest I am baffled...
I never had to use cursors before and as far as I can see, I am not sure even if I can return a table as a result (which I also need to use in a join later on). I am not sure if it is worth to continue struggling with it, but it seems that there should be an easier way.
My other option was to change the behavior of the Save button, to save 2 different records, with no overlapping years, but I cannot since we are having legacy data...

There are obviously some edge cases where this isn't thorough enough, but it should get you started.
This assumes 8 hours taken per day off, totally fails to account for date ranges that span a weekend or holiday, and wouldn't account for someone taking, say three full days off followed by a half day.
DECLARE #Year int = 2018;
WHEN EndDate > DATEFROMPARTS(#Year,12,31)
ELSE [Hours]
END) AS HoursPreviousYear
| EmployeeID | HoursPreviousYear |
| 1 | 28 |
| 2 | 32 |
| 3 | 16 |

You can use DATEDIFF to calculate additional days for start and end date to deduct extra hours from total hours as shown in the following query-
SELECT EmployeeID,
SUM(Hours) - (SUM(StDiff)+SUM(EndDiff))*8 HoursPreviousYear
SELECT EmployeeID,
CONVERT(DATE, StartDate , 103) StartDate,
CONVERT(DATE, EndDate , 103) EndDate,
WHEN YEAR(CONVERT(DATE, StartDate , 103)) = 2018 THEN 0
ELSE DATEDIFF(DD,CONVERT(DATE, StartDate , 103),CONVERT(DATE, '01-01-2018' , 103))
END StDiff,
WHEN YEAR(CONVERT(DATE, EndDate , 103)) = 2018 THEN 0
ELSE DATEDIFF(DD,CONVERT(DATE, '31-12-2018' , 103),CONVERT(DATE, EndDate , 103))
END EndDiff
FROM your_table
WHERE YEAR(CONVERT(DATE, StartDate , 103)) <= 2018
AND YEAR(CONVERT(DATE, EndDate , 103)) >= 2018


T-SQL filtering records based on dates and time difference with other records

I have a table for which I have to perform a rather complex filter: first a filter by date is applied, but then records from the previous and next days should be included if their time difference does not exceed 8 hours compared to its prev or next record (depending if the date is less or greater than filter date).
For those adjacent days the selection should stop at the first record that does not satisfy this condition.
This is how my raw data looks like:
Event type 1
2021-03-12 21:55:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-12 01:10:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-11 20:17:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-11 05:04:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-10 23:58:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-10 11:01:00.000
Event type 1
2021-03-10 10:00:00.000
In this example set, if my filter date is '2021-03-11', my expected result set should be all records from that day plus adjacent records from 03-12 and 03-10 that satisfy the 8 hours condition. Note how record with Id 7 is not be included because record with Id 6 does not comply:
2021-03-12 01:10:00.000
2021-03-11 20:17:00.000
2021-03-11 05:04:00.000
2021-03-10 23:58:00.000
Need advice how to write this complex query
This is a variant of gaps-and-islands. Define the difference . . . and then groups based on the differences:
with e as (
select t.*
from (select t.*,
sum(case when prev_entrydate > dateadd(hour, -8, entrydate) then 0 else 1 end) over (order by entrydate) as grp
from (select t.*,
lag(entrydate) over (order by entrydate) as prev_entrydate
from t
) t
select e.*
from e.*
where e.grp in (select e2.grp
from t e2
where date(e2.entrydate) = #filterdate
Note: I'm not sure exactly how filter date is applied. This assumes that it is any events on the entire day, which means that there might be multiple groups. If there is only one group (say the first group on the day), the query can be simplified a bit from a performance perspective.
declare #DateTime datetime = '2021-03-11'
select *
from t
where t.EntryDate between DATEADD(hour , -8 , #DateTime) and DATEADD(hour , 32 , #DateTime)

Convert Month Number to Month Name Function on Access

My good reference has been
Convert Month Number to Month Name Function in SQL
So far I have:
SELECT Detail.ItemCode, SUM(Detail.QuantityOrdered) AS Total_Quantity, Header.OrderDate
JOIN rHeader ON Detail.SalesOrderNo = Header.SalesOrderNo
WHERE Header.OrderDate >= dateadd("m", -4, Date())
GROUP BY Detail.ItemCode, OrderDate
ORDER BY SUM(Detail.QuantityOrdered) DESC;
It filters my results and it shows only last four months result from today's month.
I'd like to have each month's sales quantity sum, and its month to name function.
For instance:
ItemCode | 10 or October | 11 | 12 | 1
PM | 200 | 200 | 200 | 200
Update: I did try the following line of code, but my date is in the form of 12/26/2016. Is there anyway that I can play with it?? Thank you!
SELECT MonthName( month , DateAdd( month , #MonthNumber , 0 ) - 1 )
In an Access query you should be able to use the MonthName function to convert a month number (e.g., 10) into a month name (e.g., 'October').
For example, if you have a query that returns a date of birth (DOB)...
.. you can return the name of the month in which they were born using
SELECT MonthName(Month([DOB])) AS MonthOfBirth FROM [Clients] WHERE [ID]=1

Determine a specific fortnight based on anchor dates

I have 2 x bi-weekly periods that were defined by 2 starting dates 1 week apart. For example, Group 1 started on 2016-01-15 and Group 2 started on 2016-01-22.
By bi-weekly, I mean a rolling period lasting 2 weeks.
How can I determine if the current date is in week 1 of Group 1 or is in week 1 of Group 2?
By way of example, today's date is 2016-04-04 so this would be day 1 of Group 2 and day 8 of Group 1, therefore I would like to a query to return 'Group 2'.
DATEDIFF calculates the difference between two dates. Divide it by 14 days and take the remainder (%).
If remainder is less than 7, then it is closer to that starting date.
Since you know that your starting dates are 1 week apart you really need to check only one starting date.
DECLARE #VarStartGroup1 date = '2016-01-15';
DECLARE #VarStartGroup2 date = '2016-01-22';
DECLARE #VarCurrentDate date = '2016-04-04';
DATEDIFF(day, #VarStartGroup1, #VarCurrentDate) AS TotalDays1,
DATEDIFF(day, #VarStartGroup2, #VarCurrentDate) AS TotalDays2,
DATEDIFF(day, #VarStartGroup1, #VarCurrentDate) % 14 AS DayNumberInGroup1,
DATEDIFF(day, #VarStartGroup2, #VarCurrentDate) % 14 AS DayNumberInGroup2,
CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(day, #VarStartGroup1, #VarCurrentDate) % 14 < 7
THEN 'Group1' ELSE 'Group2' END AS Result
| TotalDays1 | TotalDays2 | DayNumberInGroup1 | DayNumberInGroup2 | Result |
| 80 | 73 | 10 | 3 | Group2 |
I included intermediate calculations in the result to help understand what is going on.

Open Ticket Count Per Day

I have a table that looks like this
id | Submit_Date | Close_Date
1 | 2015-02-01 | 2015-02-05
2 | 2015-02-02 | 2015-02-04
3 | 2015-02-03 | 2015-02-05
4 | 2015-02-04 | 2015-02-06
5 | 2015-02-05 | 2015-02-07
6 | 2015-02-06 | 2015-02-07
7 | 2015-02-07 | 2015-02-08
I can get a count of how many ticket were open on a particular day with this:
Select count(*) from tickets where '2015-02-05' BETWEEN Submit_Date and Close_Date
This gives me 4, but I need this count for each day of a month. I don't want to have to write 30 queries to handle this. Is there a way to capture broken down by multiple days?
I created a solution a way back using a mix of #Heinzi s solution with the trick from Generate a resultset of incrementing dates in TSQL
declare #dt datetime, #dtEnd datetime
set #dt = getdate()
set #dtEnd = dateadd(day, 100, #dt)
SELECT dates.myDate,
FROM tickets
WHERE myDate BETWEEN Submit_Date and Close_Date
(select Dates_To_Checkselect dateadd(day, number, #dt) mydate
(select distinct number from master.dbo.spt_values
where name is null
) n
where dateadd(day, number, #dt) < #dtEnd) dates
Code is combined from memory, I don't have it in front of me so there can be some typo's
First, you'll need a table that contains each date you want to check. You can use a temporary table for that. Let's assume that this table is called Dates_To_Check and has a field myDate:
SELECT myDate,
FROM tickets
WHERE myDate BETWEEN Submit_Date and Close_Date)
FROM Dates_To_Check
Alternatively, you can create a huge table containing every possible date and use a WHERE clause to restrict the dates to those you are interested in.
If you're in SQL Server 2012 or newer you can do this using window functions with a small trick where you add 1 to the open days -1 to the closing days and then do a running total of this amount:
select distinct date, sum(opencnt) over (order by date) from (
Submit_Date as date,
1 as opencnt
union all
dateadd(day, 1, Close_Date),
There's a dateadd + 1 day to include the close date amount to that day
You could generate the list of dates and then retrieve the count for each date in your dateset.
The cte part generates the date list since the beginning of the year (an ssumption) and the next part calculates the count from your data set.
with cte as
(select cast('2015-01-01' as date) dt // you should change this part to the correct start date
union all
select dateadd(DD,1,dt) dt from cte
where dt<getdate()
select count(*)
from tickets
inner join cte
on cte.dt between Submit_Date and Close_Date
group by cte.dt

How to aggregate 7 days in SQL

I was trying to aggregate a 7 days data for FY13 (starts on 10/1/2012 and ends on 9/30/2013) in SQL Server but so far no luck yet. Could someone please take a look. Below is my example data.
10/1/12 1 3
10/2/12 2 4
10/3/12 2 3
10/4/12 0 4
10/5/12 4 0
10/6/12 2 1
10/7/12 1 3
10/8/12 2 4
10/9/12 2 3
10/10/12 0 4
10/11/12 4 0
10/12/12 2 1
10/13/12 2 1
So, my desired output would be like:
10/1/12 1 3
10/2/12 2 4
10/3/12 2 3
10/4/12 0 4
10/5/12 4 0
10/6/12 2 1
Total 11 15
10/7/12 1 3
10/8/12 2 4
10/9/12 2 3
10/10/12 0 4
10/11/12 4 0
10/12/12 2 1
10/13/12 2 1
Total 13 16
--------through 9/30/2013
Please note, since FY13 starts on 10/1/2012 and ends on 9/30/2012, the first week of FY13 is 6 days instead of 7 days.
I am using SQL server 2008.
You could add a new computed column for the date values to group them by week and sum the other columns, something like this:
SUM(Bread) AS Bread_Total, SUM(Milk) as Milk_Total
Note: I used DATEADD and subtracted 2 days to set the first day of the week to Monday based on your dates. You can modify this if required.
Use option with GROUP BY ROLLUP operator
FROM dbo.test54
Demo on SQLFiddle
10/01/2012 1 3
10/02/2012 2 4
10/03/2012 2 3
10/04/2012 0 4
10/05/2012 4 0
10/06/2012 2 1
Total 11 15
10/07/2012 1 3
10/08/2012 4 7
10/10/2012 0 4
10/11/2012 4 0
10/12/2012 2 1
10/13/2012 2 1
Total 13 16
You are looking for a rollup. In this case, you will need at least one more column to group by to do your rollup on, the easiest way to do that is to add a computed column that groups them into weeks by date.
Take a lookg at: Summarizing Data Using ROLLUP
Here is the general idea of how it could be done:
You need a derived column for each row to determine which fiscal week that record belongs to. In general you could subtract that record's date from 10/1, get the number of days that have elapsed, divide by 7, and floor the result.
Then you can GROUP BY that derived column and use the SUM aggregate function.
The biggest wrinkle is that 6 day week you start with. You may have to add some logic to make sure that the weeks start on Sunday or whatever day you use but this should get you started.
The WITH ROLLUP suggestions above can help; you'll need to save the data and transform it as you need.
The biggest thing you'll need to be able to do is identify your weeks properly. If you don't have those loaded into tables already so you can identify them, you can build them on the fly. Here's one way to do that:
CREATE TABLE #fy (fyear int, fstart datetime, fend datetime);
CREATE TABLE #fylist(fyyear int, fydate DATETIME, fyweek int);
SELECT 2012, '2011-10-01', '2012-09-30'
SELECT 2013, '2012-10-01', '2013-09-30';
( fyyear, fydate )
SELECT fyear, DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEADD(DAY, -1, fy.fstart)) AS fydate
CROSS APPLY (SELECT * FROM #fy WHERE fyear = 2013) fy
WHERE fy.fend >= DATEADD(DAY, Number, DATEADD(DAY, -1, fy.fstart));
WITH weekcalc AS
SELECT DISTINCT DATEPART(YEAR, fydate) yr, DATEPART(week, fydate) dt
FROM #fylist
ridcalc AS
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY yr, dt) AS rid, yr, dt
FROM weekcalc
UPDATE #fylist
SET fyweek = rid
FROM #fylist
JOIN ridcalc
ON DATEPART(YEAR, fydate) = yr
AND DATEPART(week, fydate) = dt;
SELECT list.fyyear, list.fyweek, p.[date], COUNT(bread) AS Bread, COUNT(Milk) AS Milk
FROM products p
JOIN #fylist list
ON p.[date] = list.fydate
GROUP BY list.fyyear, list.fyweek, p.[date] WITH ROLLUP;
The Common.Numbers reference above is a simple numbers table that I use for this sort of thing (goes from 1 to 1M). You could also build that on the fly as needed.