How to change the icon for the matplotlib 'configure subplot' window? - matplotlib

I found that matplotlib's NavigationToolbar2Tk 'configure plot' window is being pulled from
for ref:
The title for this window is Click on slider to adjust subplot param
Please advice me how to change its icon from default tkinter icon.
self.axleft = toolfig.add_subplot(711)
self.axleft.set_title('Click on slider to adjust subplot param')
self.icon = self.resource_path('icon.ico')
self.axleft.icon_bitmap = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
I changed the above code starting in line 1115 in Here self.resource_path is a method I created to find the icon's path.
But getting error as subplots don't have the method wm_icon_bitmap

As #ImportanceOfBeingErnest pointed out.. I had to modify the configure_subplots method in Used the wm_icon_bitmap method for the Toplevel widget.
def configure_subplots(self):
toolfig = Figure(figsize=(6,3))
window = Tk.Toplevel()
icon = self.resource_path('icon.ico')
window.icon_bitmap = ImageTk.PhotoImage(
canvas = type(self.canvas)(toolfig, master=window)
canvas.tool = SubplotTool(self.canvas.figure, toolfig)
canvas.get_tk_widget().pack(side=Tk.TOP, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1)


I am struggling to get a customized hovertemplate on plotly parcats chart

So I tried to put hovertemplate inside go.Parcats but not sure which way to put it. I want something like when you hover on any line it shuold show the custom discription like names of attributes and count and percentage on hover.
Also is there any wat to blank out those labels at the bottom of the chart so that it looks less busy and nicer but also when you hover on it shuold show up details. I know it's too much of customization but hoping it's doable.
dimensions.append(dict(values = df[dim], label = dim, categoryarray = df[dim].unique(), categoryorder = 'array', ticktext = slabel))
fig = go.Figure(data = [go.Parcats(dimensions= dimensions,
line = {'color': color, 'colorscale':colorscale,},

PyQt5 - Get the pixel color inside a QWidget

I made a QWidget and inside I made some other items like QLabels which display images.
Consider what is inside that parent Widget I was trying to get the color where I would click.
Searching I found this thread but it is a bit old and I am not able to translate it to Python.
QPixmap qPix = QPixmap::grabWidget(ui->myWidget);
QImage image(qPix.toImage());
QColor color(image.pixel(0, 1));
How would this translate this to PyQt5 if it is the correct answer?
QPixmap.grabWidget() is considered obsolete, and you should use QWidget.grab() instead.
pixmap = self.someWidget.grab()
img = pixmap.toImage()
color = img.pixelColor(0, 1)

Enable/disable text entry in IntCtrl on RadioButton click in wxPython

I have a simple gui that has two radio buttons and an IntCtrl for text entry. Initially, I have the top radio button selected and the IntCtrl disabled (unfortunately, I can't figure out how to set it to blank or "grayed out"):
Relevant code snippet:
def loadSettingsPanel(self):
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.exposureAutomatic = wx.RadioButton(panel, label="Automatic (1ms)", style=wx.RB_GROUP)
self.exposureManual = wx.RadioButton(panel, label="Manual")
self.exposureValue = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(panel, style=wx.TE_READONLY)
self.exposureManual.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.onClick)
# Add sizers, etc.
I want to "enable" the IntCtrl area in the onClick method, but I can't figure out how to do this. SetStyle() doesn't seem to have the option clear out the wx.TE_READONLY styling and I'd prefer not to recreate the IntCtrl entirely because then it gets annoying to reshuffle everything in the sizer. If there's some way to do this using a TextCtrl, I'd be happy to switch to that and just do the character filtering manually, but I haven't been able to figure out how to enable/disable those either.
Use the Enable function rather than a style.
import wx
import wx.lib.intctrl
class MyFrame(wx.Frame):
def __init__(self, parent):
wx.Frame.__init__(self, parent, -1, "Intctrl Demo")
panel = wx.Panel(self)
self.exposureAutomatic = wx.RadioButton(panel, label="Automatic (1ms)", style=wx.RB_GROUP, pos=(50,50))
self.exposureManual = wx.RadioButton(panel, label="Manual", pos=(50,80))
self.ic = wx.lib.intctrl.IntCtrl(panel, -1, pos=(150, 80))
self.Bind(wx.EVT_RADIOBUTTON, self.onClick)
def onClick(self, event):
app = wx.App()
frame = MyFrame(None)

Moving a QGraphicsProxyWidget with ItemIgnoresTransformations after changing QGraphicsView scale

I have a QGraphicsScene that contains multiple custom QGraphicsItems. Each item contains a QGraphicsProxyWidget which itself contains whatever widgets are needed by the business logic. The proxy has a Qt::Window flag applied to it, so that it has a title bar to move it around. This is all working well, except when moving a proxy widget when the view has been scaled.
The user can move around the scene à la google maps, ie by zooming out then zooming in back a little farther away. This is done with calls to QGraphicsView::scale. Items should always be visible no matter the zoom value, so they have the QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations flag set.
What happens when moving a proxyWidget while the view has been scaled is that on the first move event the widget will jump to some location before properly being dragged.
I had this issue with Qt5.7.1, and could reproduce it with PyQt5 as it is simpler to reproduce and hack around, please see the snippet below.
Steps to reproduce:
move the widget around, notice nothing unusual
use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. The higher the absolute scale, the higher the effect on the issue.
click on the widget, and notice how it jumps on the first moving of the mouse.
import sys
import PyQt5
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QWidget, QVBoxLayout, QPushButton
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QGraphicsScene, QGraphicsView, QGraphicsProxyWidget, QGraphicsWidget, QGraphicsObject
global view
global scaleLabel
def scaleScene(event):
delta = 1.0015**event.angleDelta().y()
view.scale(delta, delta)
scaleLabel.setPlainText("scale: %.2f"%view.transform().m11())
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create main widget
w = QWidget()
w.resize(800, 600)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
# rescale view on mouse wheel, notice how when view.transform().m11() is not 1,
# dragging the subwindow is not smooth on the first mouse move event
w.wheelEvent = scaleScene
# create scene and view
scene = QGraphicsScene()
scaleLabel = scene.addText("scale: 1")
view = QGraphicsView(scene)
# create item in which the proxy lives
item = QGraphicsWidget()
# create proxy with window and dummy content
proxy = QGraphicsProxyWidget(item, Qt.Window)
button = QPushButton('dummy')
# start app
The jump distance is:
proportional to the scaling of the view , and to the distance of the mouse from the scene origin
goes from scene position (0,0) towards the mouse position (I think)
might be caused by the proxy widget not reporting the mouse press/move properly. I'm hinted at this diagnostic after looking at QGraphicsProxyWidgetPrivate::mapToReceiver in qgraphicsproxywidget.cpp (sample source), which does not seem to take scene scaling into account.
I am looking for either
confirmation that this is an issue with Qt and I did not misconfigured the proxy.
an explanation on how fix the mouse location given by the proxy to its children widgets (after installing a eventFilter)
any other workaround
Almost 2 years later I got back to this issue again, and finally found a solution. Or rather a workaround, but a simple one at least. It turns out I can easily avoid getting into the issue with local/scene/ignored transforms in the first place.
Instead of parenting the QGraphicsProxyWidget to a QGraphicsWidget, and explicitly setting the QWidget as proxy target, I get the proxy directly from the QGraphicsScene, letting it set the window flag on the wrapper, and set the ItemIgnoresTransformations flag on the proxy. Then (and here's the workaround) I install an event filter on the proxy, intercept the GraphicsSceneMouseMove event where I force the proxy position to currentPos+mouseDelta (both in scene coordinates).
Here's the code sample from above, patched with that solution:
import sys
import PyQt5
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import *
global view
global scaleLabel
def scaleScene(event):
delta = 1.0015**event.angleDelta().y()
view.scale(delta, delta)
scaleLabel.setPlainText("scale: %.2f"%view.transform().m11())
class ItemFilter(PyQt5.QtWidgets.QGraphicsItem):
def __init__(self, target):
super(ItemFilter, self).__init__() = target
def boundingRect(self):
def paint(self, *args, **kwargs):
def sceneEventFilter(self, watched, event):
if watched !=
return False
if event.type() == PyQt5.QtCore.QEvent.GraphicsSceneMouseMove:
return True
return super(ItemFilter, self).sceneEventFilter(watched, event)
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# create main widget
w = QWidget()
w.resize(800, 600)
layout = QVBoxLayout()
# rescale view on mouse wheel, notice how when view.transform().m11() is not 1,
# dragging the subwindow is not smooth on the first mouse move event
w.wheelEvent = scaleScene
# create scene and view
scene = QGraphicsScene()
scaleLabel = scene.addText("scale: 1")
view = QGraphicsView(scene)
button = QPushButton('dummy')
proxy = scene.addWidget(button, Qt.Window)
itemFilter = ItemFilter(proxy)
# start app
Hoping this may help someone who's ended up in the same dead end I was :)

PySide: Resizable scene in QGraphicsView

I'm trying to find a way to mark the border of a QGraphicsScene, and make it resizable inside a QGraphicsView, to create something similar to Microsoft Paint.
In other words, my current QGraphicsView looks like this:
But my image is only this big, as indicated by the red box:
I want my QGraphicsView to be like this (the little black boxes are cornergrabbers for resizing the canvas):
Functionally, I want it to be similar to MS Paint:
The canvas (scene) is resizable, and the scrollbars on the window (view) appear when needed. The blue background color (solid gray background) appears behind the canvas.
How would I go about accomplishing this?
To try to get the grey background, I've been experimenting with QGraphicsView.setBackgroundBrush() and QGraphicsScene.setBackgroundBrush(). I've learned that QGraphicsView's background brush completely overrides QGraphicsScene's background brush if one is set. Even if I only set the background brush for QGraphicsScene, that background brush extends over the image's original boundaries.
Here is a link to my test code.
Help is appreciated!
I have to struggle with your constructors...dunno if it works on Windows, but have to make it to work with Linux. Try :
def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
if self.pixmap_item:
self.pixmap_item = self.addPixmap(pixmap)
def setPixBackGround(self):
# put Background rect for image
pixR = self.pixmap_item.pixmap().rect()
bgRectangle = self.addRect(pixR.x()-10, pixR.y()-10,
pixR.width()+20, pixR.height()+20)
# set color and Z value to put it behind image
bgColor = QColor(58, 176, 176)
# take coordinates for brabbers
bgR = bgRectangle.rect()
grab1R = QRect(-5,-5,10,10)
# put grabbers as wish...
grab1 = self.addRect(grab1R)
grab2 = self.addRect(grab1R)
# ....etc....