I need a support for sql query - sql

I have a table with 3 columns lower range,upper range, discount amount
I am passing a number and finding in which range it belongs to and retrieving its discount amount
But i am passing a number that not in this table in this case i need the last range discount amount from table
I need a sql query for the same
0-10 100
11-20 200
21-30 300
if i am passing 5 need to get 100
if i am passing 15 200 as result
but if i am passing 50 i need to get 300 as result
Ie. If the value that is passing not in the range need to get the highest ranges discount amount.
Plzz help. Mee

Try this. You can directly pass/use #value in the script as well.
SET #Value = 35
WHEN upper_range = (SELECT MAX(upper_range) FROM your_table) AND #Value > upper_range THEN DISCOUNT
WHEN #Value BETWEEN lower_range AND upper_range THEN DISCOUNT
FROM your_table
) A
Output for value 35 is-

select discount
from tablename
where x between lowerrange and upperrange
union all
select max(discount) from tablename
where not exists (
select 1 from tablename
where x between lowerrange and upperrange
If the 1st query does not return a result, then the value will be fetched by the 2nd query.
If the 1st query returns a result, then the 2nd will not return anything.
Applies to any major rdbms.


PostgreSQL, SQL: how to use rows values as parameters in a ready-made function?

Is it possible to use rows in a table as parameters in a function?
For example, I have a simple function that calculates total sales by amount and quantity.
SELECT sales from public.my_function(v_amount, v_qty)
I have a table with two columns: sum and quantity
Amount QTY
100 5
200 10
300 20
400 30
500 40
I want to add another column where there will be a function result for parameters that are in each row.
I try to place columns within a function but it returns me an error.
It seems to me that my try is really wrong:
SELECT Amount,
(select sales from public.my_function(select Amount from public.table, select QTY from public.table) as Sales
FROM public.table
Result need as :
Amount QTY Sales
100 5 500
200 10 2000
300 20 6000
400 30 12000
500 40 20000
Is there a way to do it right?
You want to use a lateral join if the function returns a table:
SELECT Amount, QTY, x.Sales
FROM public.table t cross join lateral
public.my_function(t.amount, t.qty) x;
If it just returns a scalar, then you don't have to do anything special:
SELECT t.Amount, t.QTY,
public.my_function(t.amount, t.qty) as Sales
FROM public.table t;

SQL SUM and value conversion

I'm looking to transform data in my SUM query to acknowledge that some numeric values are negative in nature, although not represented as such.
I look for customer balance where the example dataset includes also credit transactions that are not written as negative in the database (although all records that have value C for credit in inv_type column should be treated as negative in the SQL SUM function). As an example:
inv_no inv_type cust_no value
1 D 25 10
2 D 35 30
3 C 25 5
4 D 25 50
5 C 35 2
My simple SUM function would not give me the correct answer:
select cust_no, sum(value) from INVOICES
group by cust_no
This query would obviously sum the balance of customer no 25 for 65 and no 35 for 32, although the anticipated answer would be 10-5+50 = 55 and 30 - 2 = 28
Should I perhaps utilize CAST function somehow? Unfortunately I'm not up to date on the underlying db engine, however good chance of it being of IBM origin. Most of the basic SQL code has worked out so far though.
You can use the case expression inside of a sum(). The simplest syntax would be:
select cust_no,
sum(case when inv_type = 'C' then - value else value end) as total
from invoices
group by cust_no;
Note that value could be a reserved word in your database, so you might need to escape the column name.
You should be able to write a projection (select) first to obtain a signed value column based on inv_type or whatever, and then do a sum over that.
Like this:
select cust_no, sum(value) from (
select cust_no
, case when inv_type='D' then [value] else -[value] end [value]
group by cust_no
You can put an expression in the sum that calculates a negative value if the invoice is a credit:
case inv_type
when 'C' then -[value]
else [value]
) as [Total]

hoe to make sum of one sql table column with ignoring duplicate values?

quoteId price
1 50
1 50
2 10
3 40
3 40
3 40
4 10
In this table I always get the same price for each quoteId.
Example: quoteId = 1 has multiple entries with the price of 50.
By using SUM I get the total sum of the price column which is:50 + 50 + 10 + 40 + 40 + 40 + 10 = 240
However, I only want to sum the unique price for quoteId which is:
50+10+40+10 = 110
How can I approch this?
Another option is DISTINCT
Select MyTotal = sum(price)
from (Select Distinct quoteId,price From YourTable) A
Following query will work:
select sum(price)
from yourTablename
group by quoteId,price;
You need a nested query to compute an intermediate value by quoteId using avg ( or max or min with your data)
But you need know why you have duplicate value by quotedId, may be you have a mistake before.
select sum(price) from (
avg(price) price,
group by
) as x
This query is compliant with ISO standard SQL and will works with several database engine

SQL less than specific value between two columns

I'm trying to make a statement to compare a specific value of '300' between the following two columns:
How would I state that specific value between the two columns I would like to be less than?
i.e between the two columns listed above how can filter to show a difference of 300.
m02 m01
15 400
0 300
90 1000
SELECT * FROM Database where data_pool = 0 and db_load_dt = '2012-01-10' and m02_bal_amount <= m01_bal_amount for fetch only with ur
Thanks very much
SELECT * FROM Database where data_pool = 0 and db_load_dt = '2012-01-10'
AND amount BETWEEN m02_bal_amount AND m01_bal_amount
I do't know your table schema. Try something like this
SELECT id, name, amount FROM
SELECT id, name, (m02_bal_amount - m01_bal_amount ) AS amount
data_pool = 0 and
db_load_dt = '2012-01-10'
AS temp
WHERE amount > 300

mysql table inside join

I have table tblsale.
In this table i have field called BillType, which contains "s" and "r" (s = sale , r = returns )
The table has rougly 25 records. Of that, 7 records are "r", and rest of the records are "s".
How do I write the query so that my result set includes the following columns:
What is want exactly is below
Amount BillType Amount BillType Date
100 s 50 r 29-11-2010
120 s 20 r 28-11-2010
130 s 30 r 27-11-2010
140 s 50 r 26-11-2010
What you appear to want are the results of two queries, sales and returns, side by side. It can be done with a kludge like this:
select amount, sale, returnamount, returned, returndate
select amount, 1 as sale, 0 as returnamount, 0 as returned, '' as returndate
from sales where billtype='s'
select 0 as amount, 0 as sale, amount as returnamount, 1 as returned, date as returndate
from sales where billtype ='r'
You may have to cast date into a string representation. The unioned sets need the same column structure, so you create dummy columns. (You didn't ask for a sale date for sales.)
Or you can do this with CASE WHEN statement.
I'm not sure what you are asking, but maybe:
SELECT BillNo, VAT, BillType, AfterDiscount FROM tblsale WHERE BillType = 's';