How Can we load data into hive using URL - hive

I have created a table in hive and I need to load csv data into hive table,
but the data is in github (I have downloaded and tested it is working fine) I need to load data directly from URL is it possible to load data into hive from URL
something like this can work

Loading data from flat files into Hive can be done using below command.
From Apache Hive Wiki:
LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH 'filepath' [OVERWRITE] INTO TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)]
LOAD DATA [LOCAL] INPATH 'filepath' [OVERWRITE] INTO TABLE tablename [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...)] [INPUTFORMAT 'inputformat' SERDE 'serde'] (3.0 or later)
If the keyword LOCAL is specified, Hive looks for file path in local filesystem and loads from there. If the keyword LOCAL is not specified, Hive looks for file path in HDFS filesystem and loads data there.
You can specify full URI for HDFS files as well as local files.
file:///user/data/project/datafolder (Local Path)
hdfs://namenode:10001/user/data/project/datafolder (HDFS path)
This means it is not possible to load data directly into hive from https. So you have to download the data first and load into hive.
This is not the solution but the correct answer.


How do I load data into Cloudera Impala Table?

I'm loading data into a Cloudera Impala ODBC table using a post SQL statement but I'm getting a "URI path must be absolute" error. Below is my SQL.
REFRESH sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet LIKE
sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data STORED AS PARQUET;
REFRESH sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet;
LOAD DATA INPATH 'data/shared_workspace/sw_cfnusdata/Alteryx_CPN_Sales_Data' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet;
REFRESH sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet;
COMPUTE STATS sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data;
DROP TABLE sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data;
Any ideas on what I'm missing here. I tried the same statement without the Compute Stats function and still got the same error. Thank you in advance.
You need to provide hdfs path.
Upload that file into hdfs and try same command with hdfs path like hdfs://DEV/data/sampletable.
Or else you can upload the file into local disc and try below command
load data local inpath "/data/sampletable.txt" into table sampletable;
So, below section need to be changed and you need to add either hdfs path or local path.
LOAD DATA INPATH 'data/shared_workspace/sw_cfnusdata/Alteryx_CPN_Sales_Data' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE sw_cfnusdata.CPN_Sales_Data_parquet;

importing data into hive table from external s3 bucket url link

I need to import data from a public s3 bucket which url is shared with me. how to load the data into hive table?
I have tried below command but its not working:
create external table airlines_info (.... ) row format
delimited fields terminated by '|' lines terminated by '\n'
stored as textfile location 'https://ml-cloud-dataset.....*.txt';
FAILED: Execution Error, return code 1 from org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.exec.DDLTask. MetaException( is not a directory or unable to create one)
I am very new to hive and I am not sure about the code. I also tried below code after creating the table to load the data into hive table but that's also not working
load data inpath 'https://ml-cloud-dataset.....*.txt' into table airlines_info;
Table location should be directory in HDFS or S3, not file and not https link.
Download file manually, put into local filesystem and if you already have the table created then use
load data local inpath 'local_path_to_file' into table airlines_info;
If you do not have the table yet, create it and specify some location inside your S3, or alternatively create MANAGED table (remove EXTERNAL from your DDL), without location specified, it will create location for you, check location using DESCRIBE FORMATTED command, later you can convert table to EXTERNAL if necessary using ALTER TABLE airlines_info SET TBLPROPERTIES('EXTERNAL'='TRUE');
Instead of load data command you can simply copy file into table location using AWS CLI (provide correct local path and table directory S3 URL):
aws s3 cp C:\Users\My_user\Downloads\Airlines_data.txt s3://mybucket/path/airlines_info/

How to load data into Hive table

I'm using the hortonworks's Hue (more like a GUI interface that connects hdfs, hive, pig together)and I want to load the data within the hdfs into my current created table.
Suppose the table's name is "test", and the file which contains the data, the path is:
But I'm unable to load the data into the table, I tried:
load data local inpath '/user/hdfs/test/test.txt' into table test
But there's error said can't find the file, there's no matching path.
I'm still so confused.
Any suggestions?
As you said "load the data within the hdfs into my current created table".
But in you command you are using :
load data local inpath '/user/hdfs/test/test.txt' into table test
Using local keyword it looks for the file in your local filesystem. But you file is in HDFS.
I think you need to remove local keyword from you command.
Hope it helps...!!!
Since you are using the hue and the output is showing not matching path. I think you have to give the complete path.
for example:
load data local inpath '/home/cloudera/hive/Documents/info.csv' into table tablename; same as you can give the complete path where the hdfs in which the document resides.
You can use any other format file
remove local keyword as ur referring to local file system

About the local path & hdfs path when loading data to Hive

I'm learning Hive's DML operations.
In this tutorial
there is a example,
hive> LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH './examples/files/kv1.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE pokes;
I want to ask what does the current path "./" refer to in this case?
And there is another example,
hive> LOAD DATA INPATH '/user/myname/kv2.txt' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE invites PARTITION (ds='2008-08-15');
It said Hive loads data from hdfs in this case, then I am confused about what is the root path of hdfs on local file system?
It means starting from your home directory in the local path. You have to have the hdfs dfs prefix to each command to move stuff in the hdfs path.

Loading data into a table

I'm new to Hive and using DBVisualizer for hive
I have a text file in the path *D:\data files\datafiles*. I want to load data from one of the files to a table created in hive. while i'm trying the following,
load data inpath "D:\data files\sample.txt" into table sample;
It is showing error like,
cause: FAILED: Error in semantic analysis: Line 1:17 Invalid path "D:\data files\sample.txt": only "file" or "hdfs" file systems accepted
How can proceed, to place that file in correct path and where to place it??
either you can upload that file into hdfs and try same command with hdfs path.
you may use local keyword as below.
load data local inpath "D:\data files\sample.txt" into table sample;
check this for more details
Backslashes may be problem here. Try:
load data inpath "D:/data files/sample.txt" into table sample;
If you are loading data from your local machine to HDFS we have to use "LOCAL" in load data command:
load data LOCAL inpath "D:\data files\sample.txt" into table sample;
There are two ways to load the data.
First load data from local and another load from HDFS... but the path is vary on the OS.
If you load data from Linux:
load data local inpath '/home/local/path/sample.txt' into table sample.//Local path
load data inpath '/home/hadoop/path/sample.txt' into table sample.// Hadoop path
If in windows:
load data inpath "D:/data files/sample.txt" into table sample; //Here carefully observe / not \ ok.
load data local inpath "D:/data files/sample.txt" into table sample; //local path it is
Check once.
load data local inpath "D:\data files\sample.txt" into table sample;
by using above command it looks for hdfs location but mentioned path is local environment So use below command then only we can solve the issue
load data local inpath "D:\data files\sample.txt" overwrite into table sample;
By using above command data overwrited into mentioned table
You might not have stored sample.txt file as ".txt" file.
Please check if the file is saved properly as ".txt" file and try again.
when you want to load data from Edge node to HDFS you have to go for
load data local inpath '/user/cloudera/datah/txns' into table txn_externalh;
when you want to load data from HDFS node to HIVE you have to go for
load data inpath '/user/cloudera/datah/txns' into table txn_externalh;