How to update a table from a select query - sql

i am creating a temp table using DB facade and then using select query i need to update some columns in temp table based on condition
DB::update('update table_temp_topcustomer
set ordercount = aaa.ordercount
(select count(id) as ordercount,mobileno
from order_hdrs
group by mobileno
) as aaa
where table_temp_topcustomer .mobileno = aaa.mobileno
it gives this error
Syntax error or access violation: 1064 You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 'from (select count(id) as ordercount,mobileno from order_hdrs group by mobileno ' at line 1 (SQL: update table_temp_topcustomer set ordercount = aaa.ordercount from (select count(id) as ordercount,mobileno from order_hdrs group by mobileno ) as aaa )
How can i achieve this?

UPDATE table_temp_topcustomer JOIN
( SELECT order_hdrs count(*) as ordercount
FROM order_hdrs
GROUP BY mobileno
) AS aaa
ON table_temp_topcustomer.mobileno = aaa.mobileno
SET table_temp_topcustomer.ordercount = aaa.ordercount

I guess you can't do in single query. As per my understanding. First get the select result and in loop do update.
You should try something like below.
$result = DB::select('select count(id) as ordercount,mobileno
from order_hdrs
group by mobileno');
foreach($result as $item) {
DB::update('update table_temp_topcustomer
set ordercount = '. $item->ordercount .'
where table_temp_topcustomer.mobileno = ' $item->mobileno);


Using results from CTE giving ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "cte"

I'm trying to use the results from my first query to perform a second query
WITH cte AS(
SELECT * FROM test_user WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id
UPDATE test_username SET money_counter = money_counter + 1, total_revenue = total_revenue + cte.total_revenue
WHERE username = cte.username;
But I'm getting an error
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "cte"
LINE 5: WHERE username = cte.username
SELECT * FROM test_user WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id
UPDATE test_username SET money_counter = money_counter + 1, total_revenue = total_revenue + cte.total_revenue
WHERE username = cte.username
CONTEXT: PL/pgSQL function test_trigger() line 4 at SQL statement
SQL state: 42P01
Not sure what I'm doing incorrectly.
This is from the returned results from the query:
SELECT * FROM test_user WHERE user_id = 1;
And the table I'm performing the second query on:
The WITH clause just defines a common table expression. You still need a FROM clause to access it. Using your query 'as is' -
WITH cte AS (
SELECT * FROM test_user WHERE user_id = NEW.user_id
UPDATE test_username
SET money_counter = money_counter + 1,
total_revenue = total_revenue + cte.total_revenue
FROM cte
WHERE test_username.username = cte.username;

How do I UPDATE from a SELECT in Informix?

I'm trying to do an update using data from another table. I've tried this answer (the second part), but it is not working for me. I'm receiving a generic error message of syntax error.
I've also tried this solution and received a syntax error message too.
If I try to update just one column, it works:
SET name =
SELECT 'Buddy'
FROM systables
WHERE tabid = 1
But I need to update multiples columns. Unfortunately, this is not working:
SET (name, breed) =
SELECT 'Buddy', 'pug'
FROM systables
WHERE tabid = 1
Informix version is 12.10.FC8
You are missing 1 more set of parentheses around the subquery.
From the Informix manual:
The subquery must be enclosed between parentheses. These parentheses
are nested within the parentheses that immediately follow the equal (
= ) sign. If the expression list includes multiple subqueries, each subquery must be enclosed between parentheses, with a comma ( , )
separating successive subqueries:
UPDATE ... SET ... = ((subqueryA),(subqueryB), ... (subqueryN))
The following examples show the use of subqueries in the SET clause:
UPDATE items
SET (stock_num, manu_code, quantity) =
SELECT stock_num, manu_code
FROM stock
WHERE description = 'baseball'
WHERE item_num = 1 AND order_num = 1001;
UPDATE table1
SET (col1, col2, col3) =
SELECT MIN (ship_charge), MAX (ship_charge)
FROM orders
WHERE col4 = 1001;
So in order for your update to be accepted by Informix it has to be:
SET (name, breed) =
SELECT 'Buddy', 'pug'
FROM systables
WHERE tabid = 1

Oracle SQL syntax error (missing right parenthesis)

I don't understand why this provokes a syntax error (missing right parenthesis):
UPDATE table
SET doc =
(SELECT 'table-2844-doc' || SUBSTR(doc_file, INSTR(doc_file, '.', -1))
FROM docvers
WHERE (docvers.table_name = 'other_table'
AND docvers.field_name = 'doc')
WHERE table_id = 2844
This looks right to me, does get executed correctly in SQL Server, and is similar to requests found, for example, in Oracle SQL: Update a table with data from another table.
Any tip?
Do it like this:
UPDATE table
SET doc = (
select r.myval
from (
SELECT 'table-2844-doc' || SUBSTR(doc_file, INSTR(doc_file, '.', -1)) myval, ROWNUM RN
FROM docvers
WHERE docvers.table_name = 'other_table'
AND docvers.field_name = 'doc'
) r
where r.RN = 1
WHERE table_id = 2844
Select the data set first including the ROWNUM, then select from that data set the first row.

SQL group by issue when i try to get some info

I can not figure it out:
I have a table called ImportantaRecords with fields like market, zip5, MHI, MHV, TheTable and I want to group all the records by zip5 that have TheTable = 'mg'… I tried this :
select a.Market,a.zip5,count(a.zip5),a.MHI,a.MHV,a.TheTable from
(select * from ImportantaRecords where TheTable = 'mg') a
group by a.Zip5
but it gives me the classic error with not an aggrefate function
and then I tried this:
select Market,zip5,count(zip5),MHI,MHV,TheTable from ImportantaRecords where TheTable = 'mg'
group by Zip5
and the same thing…
any help ?
You did not state what database you are using but if you are getting an error about columns not being in an aggregate function, then you might need to add the columns not in an aggregate function to the GROUP BY:
select Market,
from ImportantaRecords
where TheTable = 'mg'
group by Market, Zip5, MHI, MHV, TheTable;
If grouping by the additional columns alters the result that you are expecting, then you could use a subquery to get the result:
select i1.Market,
from ImportantaRecords i1
inner join
select zip5, count(*) Total
from ImportantaRecords
where TheTable = 'mg'
group by zip5
) i2
on i1.zip5 = i2.zip5
where i1.TheTable = 'mg'

sql server query how to have multiple column comparision with subquery

How can I make the update query to work based on the sub query?
How can I compare all these columns in the sub query to the columns in the update statement?
Is there some neat and clean way to do it?
The query I am trying with it is shown below:
UPDATE Temp_CropData
SET RecordStatus = 0,
Remarks = ISNULL(Remarks, '') +' Duplicate Records'
(SELECT Commodity ,City,Period,CropCondition
FROM [Temp_CropData]
GROUP BY DDate,Commodity,City,Period,CropCondition
HAVING count(*) >1)
Try using MERGE:
MERGE INTO Temp_CropData
SELECT Commodity, City, Period, CropCondition
FROM Temp_CropData
BY DDate, Commodity, City, Period, CropCondition
) AS source
ON Temp_CropData.Commodity = source.Commodity
AND Temp_CropData.City = source.City
AND Temp_CropData.Period = source.Period
AND Temp_CropData.CropCondition = source.CropCondition
SET RecordStatus = 0,
Remarks = ISNULL(Remarks, '') + ' Duplicate Records';
I'm slightly suspicious of the fact that your subquery's SELECT and GROUP BY clauses do not match, though (i.e. DDate is in the GROUP BY but not the SELECT).
Try this:
SET RecordStatus = 0,
Remarks = ISNULL(Remarks, '') +' Duplicate Records'
FROM Temp_CropData cd
JOIN (SELECT Commodity ,City,Period,CropCondition
FROM [Temp_CropData]
GROUP BY DDate,Commodity,City,Period,CropCondition
HAVING count(*) >1) dup
ON cd.DDate = dup.DDate AND cd.Commodity=dup.Commodity AND cd.City = dup.City
AND cd.Period = dup.Period AND cd.CropCondition = dup.CropCondition