GPG Encryption failing in SSMS Job agent and successful in SSIS - sql

I have a encryption job set, it executes just fine in Visual studio but give the following error in SSMS job agent-->
Error retrieving via WKD:No data gpg
skipped: No Data
Using SQL 2017. I tried using CMDEXEC instead of SSIS Package in job settings but it doesn't solve the problem
--quiet --yes --trust-model always --passphrase mypassphrase --recipient --trust-model always --output D:\Folder\File.csv.gpg --encrypt D:\Folder\file.csv

So I was executing job from the proxy account and apparently proxy and own account is different when it comes to gpg key import. Meaning- I had imported keys using gpg/Kleopatra in my desktop using my windows credentials and was calling the job with my proxy account from job agent. Hence the proxy account was not able to access the keys. This is what solved my problem-


Azure Devops SSH Deployment Task Inline Script Hang Problem

When I want to run a script in Inline Script mode on SSH Deployment Task on Azure Devops Version Dev17.M153.5, that one goes on hang as below. There is no problem that we have checked the authorizations of the user running the command. Operating system version on target Solaris 11.4.Is there a method to solve this problem?
##[debug]inline=cd /home/userstfs/workspaces/*****/src;pwd
##[debug]No script header detected. Adding: #!/bin/bash
Trying to establish an SSH connection to #...***:22
Successfully connected.
##[debug]remoteScriptPath = "./sshscript_1596017258623._unix"
##[debug]Copying script to remote machine
You have to update the agent in the deployment pools from:
Organization setting - Deployment pools - Update targets

Error in execute process task while uploading a file to sftp server using PSFTP.exe

I created a execute process task in SSIS to upload a file to a sftp server. I have full access to the server folder and was able to drag and drop files using filezilla. I am using putty sftp client psftp.exe to do the upload. Now when I use the psftp.exe with user and pass and batch arguments, it works perfectly fine in windows cmd. But when I execute the same in SSIS, I get the following error:
Error: 0xC0029151 at Execute Process Task, Execute Process Task: In Executing "C:\temp\psftp.exe" "user -pw pass -be -batch -b Upload.bat" at "C:\temp", The process exit code was "1" while the expected was "0".
Task failed: Execute Process Task
My windows cmd arguments are :
psftp.exe -b UploadUsersToSftp.bat
and then it asks for password and after entering password, file upload is done successfully. But I am having trouble performing same through SSIS. Below is the SSIS process task argument screenshot:
I searched online and found some similar questions at here but nothing specific to psftp. Also found same question on stackoverflow here but the solution mentioned is permissions, which I already checked.
Any help would be appreciated.
The SSIS most probably runs under a different local account than the one you use in "Windows cmd".
An SFTP access requires confirmation of a host key. You have probably verified the host key in your local account in the past, so it is cached in Windows registry.
But the account that runs SSIS does not have the host key cached. So it must fail.
You should add -hostkey switch to psftp.exe command line with the fingerprint of the expected host key.
If that does not help, wrap the psftp.exe to a batch file and redirect its output to a file.
psftp.exe -b UploadUsersToSftp.bat > c:\temp\psftp.out 2>&1
And run the batch file in SSIS, instead of psftp.exe directly.
Then check the file for errors.

SQL Server Agent Jobs to Run SSIS Package

I have a SSIS package which i tried to schedule as a job in SQL Server Agent.
In order to achieve this i have created a Credentials with User having SysAdmin role to the server. Also i have created a proxy account to run the job where the principals added for
While configuring job selected package source as File system and given the package path to execute the same.
Package is running good and updating results to table stand alone but not working when executing via SQL Job.
The process could not be created for step 1 of job 0x7D722F8836388B46956B164E33DE8955 (reason: A required privilege is not held by the client). The step failed.,00:00:00,0,0,,,,0
Fix Tried: Modified the package security with Encryptallwithpassword and no luck still.
Check your SQL Server Agent service account to make sure it has permissions to the database and the folder where the packages are being called from.
The proxy account is the user that the package will run as, so make sure that is selected in the job step.
For package encryption, unless you are saving credentials in the package, you can set the protection level to "DontSaveSensitive". It sounds like the proxy account will have the permissions you need already assigned.

Powershell script to execute DDL statements on linked servers - not working when run using SSIS

I have a Powershell script that loops through a list of SQL Servers and creates server logins and database users.
The script runs on a separate server, under the administrator credentials on that server, and connects to the other SQL Servers via linked servers.
#Get administrator credentials
$password = get-content C:\Powershell\General\password.txt | convertto-securestring;
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist "DOMAIN\administrator",$password;
When this script is run manually (either directly through a Powershell window or using a batch file through a command prompt) it works perfectly well. I am logged onto the executing server as administrator when running the script manually.
I then tried to run this Powershell script using an SSIS package on the executing server, using the Execute Process Task to run a batch file. The package was executed from a SQL Agent Job. Although both the job and the package seemed to execute successfully, the DDL statements were not executed against the linked servers.
SQL Agent on the executing server is run under a designated Service Account. SSIS runs under the Network Service account.
Does anybody have any thoughts on what I might be doing wrong? I am happy to provide details of the script or anything else that is required.
UPDATE: ok we have a little more information.
I took out the lines I posted above as I have discovered I don't actually need the administrator credentials I was retrieving.
I logged onto the server with the script on it using the service account. As per #ElecticLlama's suggestion I set a Profiler trace on the destination server. When running the script manually (or running a batch file manually that runs the Powershell script) everything works well and the Profiler shows the DDL actions, under the service account login.
When running a job through SQL Agent (either a CmdExec job or an SSIS package) that runs the same batch file, I get the following error:
'Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\ServiceAccount'. Reason: Token-based server access validation failed with an infrastructure error.'
Anybody have any further thoughts?
Thnaks to everyone for their help. Once I got that last error a quick search revealed I just had to restart SQL Agent and now everything works as it should. Thanks in particular to #ElecticLlama for pointing me in the right direction.

SSIS Package runs from Windows, but fails when run from SQL Agent jobs

I have a SSIS package (exports some database tables --> CSV file)
After creation of this package, I can run the package
from Visual Studio or just by clicking it.
But it fails if i add to execute this package as a SQL Agent Job scheduled at some arbitrary time of a day.
Pointers needed if i have to configure anything related to Permissions/Command line args ??
Thanks in advance
You don't give details of the error message received when the package is run by the Agent, but you need to check the rights of the Windows account under which the SQL Server Agent is running.
If all the package does is export database tables to text files you need to check that the service account has rights to:
connect to the database and run
select statements on the source
tables (if you are using Windows
Authentication to control the
database connection).
Create files
in the target location(s) in the
file system.
The windows account under which my SQL Server Agent runs belongs to sysadmin
Also the same user has admin privileges in my system to access the folders while exporting to the csv file.
The error message in the Job history :
Executed as user: MymachineName\JOBUSER. The package execution failed. The step failed.
In the step i have the SSIS Package included, with correct datasource connections,
Run as : SQL Agent Service Account (this is also run under MymachineName\JOBUSER user)