Divide two timecharts in Splunk - splunk

I want to divide two timecharts (ideally to look also like a timechart, but something else that emphasizes the trend is also good).
I have two types of URLs and I can generate timecharts for them like this:
index=my-index sourcetype=access | regex _raw="GET\s/x/\w+" | timechart count
index=my-index sourcetype=access | regex _raw="/x/\w+/.*/\d+.*\s+HTTP" | timechart count
The purpose is to emphasize that the relative number of URLs of the second type is increasing and the relative number of URLs of the first type is decreasing.
This is why I want to divide them (ideally the second one by the first one).
For example, if the first series generates 2, 4, 8, 4 and the second one generates 4, 9, 20, 12 I want to have only one dashboard showing somehow the result 2, 2.25, 2.5, 3.
I just managed to get together those information by doing this, but not to generate a timechart and not to divide them:
index=my-index sourcetype=access
| eval type = if(match(_raw, "GET\s/x/\w+"), "new", if(match(_raw, "/x/\w+/.*/\d+.*\s+HTTP"), "old", "other"))
| table type
| search type != "other"
| stats count as "Calls" by type
I also tried some approaches using eval, but none of them work.

Try this query:
index=my-index sourcetype=access
| eval type = if(match(_raw, "GET\s/x/\w+"), "new", if(match(_raw, "/x/\w+/.*/\d+.*\s+HTTP"), "old", "other"))
| fields type
| search type != "other"
| timechart count(eval(type="new")) as "New", count(eval(type="old")) as "Old"
| eval Div=if(Old=0, 0, Old/New)


Karate - How to construct two tables, using lines from each to validate against the other [duplicate]

I want to use single row under examples in cucumber like below:
| data1 | data2|paymentOp|
| MySql | uk1 |??????????|
Where paymentOp is a number which I am getting from java method which has List as an argument. The method returns each of the numbers which I want to pass it under paymentOp.
There is an absolute way to iterate it by copy the row and paste it again in the table but I don't want that because the method has a dynamic result which may return 2 or 5 set of numbers.
Is it possible to achieve it using Karate?
How to proceed further. Any lead here would be much appreciated!
You can combine Examples: with dynamic behavior. Please read this example (especially the second one): https://github.com/intuit/karate/blob/master/karate-demo/src/test/java/demo/outline/examples.feature
Since you have difficulties reading the docs and examples (:P) here is a simple example. Take some time to understand it carefully.
* def data = { one: 1, two: 2, three: 3 }
Scenario Outline:
* match data.<key> == <value>
| key | value |
| one | 1 |
| two | 2 |
| three | 3 |

Cypher: How to create a recursive cost query with alternates?

I have the following structure:
...basically a hierarchy of patterns that use other patterns as content. These constitute trees.
Certain patterns are generated by certain generators:
The canProduce relationship has a cost value associated with it as a property. Multiple generators can create the same pattern.
I would like to figure out, with a query, what patterns I need to generate to produce a particular output - and which generators to choose to have the lowest cost. I started like this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'preciousPattern'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern) RETURN ps
so far so good. The results don't contain the starting pattern, so I made this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'preciousPattern'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern)
WITH p+collect(ps) as list
UNWIND list as patterns
RETURN patterns
That does not feel elegant, but it also does not provide the hierarchy
I can of course do a path query (MATCH path = MATCH...) but the results don't seem very useful.
Also, now I need to connect the cost from the generator relationship.
I tried this:
MATCH (p:pattern {name: 'awesome'})-[:contains *]->(ps:pattern)
WITH p+collect(ps) as list
UNWIND list as rec
WITH rec
MATCH (rec)-[r:canGenerate]-(g:generator)
return r.GenCost as GenCost, g.name AS GenName
return rec.name, GenCost , GenName
The problem I have now is that if any of the patterns that are part of another pattern can be generated by multiple generators, I just get double entries in the list, but what I want is separate lists for each alternative possibility, so that I can generate the cost.
This is my pattern tree:
input 3
Input 3 can be generated by 2 different generators. I now get:
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input3 | 1.25 | TestGen3
input4 | 1.4 | TestGen4
What I want is this: Two lists (or n, in the general case, where I might have n possible paths), one
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input3 | 1.25 | TestGen3
and one:
Awesome | 2 | MainGen
input1 | 3 | TestGen1
input2 | 2.5 | TestGen2
input4 | 1.4 | TestGen4
each set representing one alternative set, so that I can calculate the costs and compare.
I have no idea how to do something like that. Any suggestions?

LINQ - Select rows based on whether their sum meets a condition

I’ve run into a problem, as I cannot get a proper working LINQ statement here.
Suppose I have a DataTable with x rows and I have to sort based on the sum of the Quantity column. Then I have a condition Requested Quantity = 20. I need to find the rows equal to the exact sum of RequestedQuantity, but only where the combination of 3 rows is equal to it.
| Bin | Quantity |
| 1 | 10 |
| 2 | 5 |
| 3 | 5 |
| 4 | 10 |
| 5 | 15 |
I can’t seem to figure out the proper LINQ syntax to get this to work. My starting point is this:
From row In StorageBins.AsEnumerable.GroupBy( _
Convert.ToDouble(Function (x) x("Quantity"), cultureInfo)).Sum( _
Function (y) Convert.ToDouble(y("Quantity"), cultureInfo) = _
Initially, I am just trying to get any rows that are equal to my condition. My end-goal, however, is getting any three rows that exactly sum up to my Requested quantity.
I’m not an expert in LINQ, unfortunately. I hope some of you might be!
Maybe I'm missing something, but this actually seems like a pretty complicated problem. Pick any 3 records, but only 3, that add up to exactly 20. How many rows are there in the database? Because this could get to be quite a few potential combinations pretty quickly. And what do you do after you get the 3? Do you have to go back through recursively and group up the other records as well? Or you just need the first set of 3 that add up to 20?
Assuming you just need the first 3, I would do something like this:
Get the first record that is less that 20. Remove it from your input list and put it into your target set.
Then get the first record that is less than 20 minus the first value. ie if the first value was a '5', get records that are less than 15 (20 minus 5). This ensures you 'leave room' for the third value. Remove it from the original list and into your target set.
Then get the first record that is exactly 20 minus number one minus number two. Remove it from the input list and into the target set.
Now you would have to do this in iterators. If there is no value that meets the third criterion, release the third value from your target set and put it back in your input list. Then go back to step 2 and pick the next record that matches step 2 (and ideally that is not equal to the previous value). And if you exhaust all of the iterations through step 2, go back to step one and pick the next value there, and start the whole thing over again...
Unless I'm misunderstanding your requirement...

Get overall average and average per 5 minutes on a Time Chart

I have a timechart which currently outputs the average value for every 5 minutes over a period of time for the field "SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN" using following query.
service=service1 | timechart span=5m avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN) | fillnull
I want to add a second line on this same time chart which shows the overall average value. This would be a single value which draws a straight line on the chart.
If I make a separate query, I am able to get this single value using following query.
service=service1 | chart avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN)
How can I combine these 2 queries to to show the data on a single time chart?
Tried the following but it only shows the line with the 5 min average.
service=service1 | timechart span=5m avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN) as service_time | eventstats avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN) as overall_service_time | fillnull
This image depicts what I am looking for.
Orange line is the 5 mins average and blue line is the overall average.
chart link
You can use eventstats first to get overall_service_time. This will add this field to every event. Next use timechart to get average values based on whatever span you want along with overall_service_time.
| fillnull value=0
| eventstats avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN) as overall_service_time
| timechart span=5m avg(SERVICE_TIME_TAKEN) as service_time, last(overall_service_time) as overall_service_time

Highlighting Values in a Crystal Reports Crosstab based on sibling values

I have crosstab which has row columns indicating different classes, and then peoples names across the top.
| | Required | Person 1 | Person 2 | Person 3 |
| Class 1 | 8 6 | 1 6 | 3 6 | 4 6 |
| Class 2 | 6 2 | 3 2 | 2 2 | 1 2 |
Each field contains 2 values The first value is the number of hours spent in the class, the second field is the number of hours required for certification.
The Required field id my grand total summary.
In the cross tab expert the fields are defined as follows.
Command.descr -> a field containing the class names
Command.fullname -> a field containing students full names
Summarized Fields:
Sum of Command.evlength -> summation of all time spent in a given course
Max of #required -> this formula returns the number of required hours based on the course name
I am trying to highlight the field Sum of Command.evlength if it is greater than or equal to the value of Max of #required.
My solution was to perform background formatting. Right-Click on the Sum of Command.evlength field, select Format Field. Click the borders tab, check Background, and enter a formula.
The formula I was using is:
if CurrentFieldValue >= {#required} then color(152, 251, 152) else crNoColor
This is not the correct formula. My crosstab has been placed in the footer, which causes {#required} to contain the last value in the grid which in the above example is 2.
From my research I thought I would have to use GridRowColumnValue(row or column name) to access the value of {#required} in the crosstab, but I could not come up with the correct string to represent it.
Does anyone have a way for me to correctly perform this comparison?
Frustratingly I don't think you can use the highlighting expert to compare to a dynamic value. You could swap the columns round then add the following formulas:
To the max_of_required background colour:
global numbervar required_hrs := currentfieldvalue;
To the sum_of_command.evlength background colour:
global numbervar required_hrs;
if currentfieldvalue >= required_hrs then
I think there are a few other ways but i'm not as confident with those so start here.