How to render the value of v-for based on the condition(v-if) provided in vue.js - vue.js

I'm trying to implement the condition provided in the code. My last attempt was like in the one in the code.
<ul class = "details" v-for = "(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li v-if="{{propertyName}} == 'IndustryIdentifiers'">Data not available</li>
<li v-else>{{value}}</li>
How can the following be implemented:
v-if="{{propertyName}} == 'IndustryIdentifiers'"

The {{ }} syntax is used to wrap a JavaScript expression that should be output as text. It isn't necessary to use the braces to access data in other contexts. In the case of a v-if the attribute value is already an expression and there's no need to include any special characters to pull in data values.
So it'd be just v-if="propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers'":
<ul class="details" v-for="(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li v-if="propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers'">Data not available</li>
<li v-else>{{ value }}</li>
Here I'm assuming that item[this.index] is an object rather than an array, which is implied by the way you've written your loop.
You could also write it like this:
<ul class="details" v-for="(value, propertyName) in items[this.index]" :key = "">
<li>{{ propertyName === 'IndustryIdentifiers' ? 'Data not available' : value }}</li>
You should also be able to remove the this. from the index unless it's also declared locally.
I also wonder whether you're intentionally creating a separate list for each value, with each list only containing a single item. Difficult to know exactly what you're trying to achieve but I would guess that you want the loop inside the <ul> rather than on the <ul>. If you only have a single <li> (as in my second example) then you could move the v-for onto the <li>. If you want to stick to having two <li> elements with v-if/v-else then you'll need to wrap them in a <template> tag to hold the v-for.


How to get multiple v-for values inside a b-form-select in VUEJS

I am trying to get values for the b-form-select from an array inside the array but not able to get it.
I have a code like this:
<span v-for="(user, index) in Users" :key="index">
<span v-for="(userName, index) in user.details" :key="index"> {{}}</span>
I am getting the user name here, but I want to display it inside an b-form-select.
I have a code for the b-form-select but it is not helping.
v-for="userName in Users.details"
>{{ }}
ANy solution to it?
Your code on top is iterating over user.details from a Users array while the second code block is iterating over Users.details. Do you spot the difference? If you want to iterate over all details you'd need to collect them from Users first. For example,
const details = => user.details)
Or else grab the user you want from Users and iterate over user.details the same way as you do in the spans.

Is it possible to not omit some opts on the outermost element in a custom Riot tag?

I'm using RiotJS v3.9
I've written a custom tag that accepts a few opts. The problem is that the markup it generates includes all of those opts on the outermost element, in addition to the interior tags where I explicitly deposit them. I do not want any opts to appear on the top element unless I make that happen.
In this case, my custom tag display a list of items. One of the opts it accepts is the value for a specific data- attribute on each list item. So, I want data-something={opts.itemSomething} to appear on each list item, but I do not want that to appear on the wrapper.
// my-list.tag
<ul data-something={ opts.something }>
each={ item in opts.items }
data-something={ parent.opts.itemSomething }
{ item }
Using it:
items={['one', 'two', 'three']}
What it emits into the page:
<my-list something="parent-value" item-something="child-value">
<ul data-something="parent-value">
<li data-something="child-value"> one </li>
<li data-something="child-value"> two </li>
<li data-something="child-value"> three </li>
I don't want the emitted <my-list> tag to have either the parent-value or the child-value on it. I only want those attributes to appear on the <ul> and <li>, like I coded it.
// bad output
<my-list something="parent-value" item-something="child-value">
// good output
Is this possible?
Also, I know from working with React that I'm likely to encounter future cases where I want some of the opts to appear on the wrapper while hiding others. So, ideally I'd like to know how to control this behavior on a per-opt basis.
you can remove the unwanted attributes in both the "updated" and "mount" event.
check this demo
However I strongly suggest you to switch to riot#5!!

Using dynamic IDs in a string in a VueJS

I'm using a UIKit library for a tab component that listens to a uk-tab property that targets an id. The problem with this, is that it creates the same ID for every tabbed component. I like the UI, but whoever thought of this, didn't think too far into it. I could fix it by making the id dynamic but I am having trouble calling it in the uk-tab property because it is rendering a string. Coming from a react background, I would do a string literal and some JSX, something like #item-${_id}to show #item-12, #item-13....and so on. But That's not working. How can I do this in Vue?
Here is an example of how it works
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul uk-tab="connect: #component-tab-left; animation: uk-animation-fade">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul id="component-tab-left" class="uk-switcher">
Here is an example of how what I need
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul uk-tab="connect: #_uid+'switcher'; animation: uk-animation-fade">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul :id="_uid+'switcher'" class="uk-switcher">
Check out the dev tools. It should be 810switcher, but instead is taking it as a string
Any ideas? Thanks
I believe what you need is:
<ul :uk-tab="`connect: #${_uid}switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade`">
Or if you prefer not to use backticks:
<ul :uk-tab="'connect: #' + _uid + 'switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade'">
The output will be:
<ul uk-tab="connect: #22switcher; animation: uk-animation-fade">
A few notes:
Using a : is short for v-bind: but don't let the name confuse you. v-bind doesn't necessarily bind anything, it just makes the attribute value a JavaScript expression.
I'd avoid using numbers at the start of element ids, I've seen that cause problems in the past. It'd be better to put the numbers at the end.
The underscore at the start of _uid indicates that it's private to Vue. There are no guarantees about what form it will take or whether it will even exist going forward.
Use data-uk-tab instead of uk-tab like below.
<div class="mytrigger">
<ul data-uk-tab="{connect: `#${_uid}switcher`, animation: 'uk-animation-fade'}">
<div class="mytargetedtab">
<ul :id="_uid+'switcher'" class="uk-switcher">
For more information => Switcher with tabs
You can use any javascript expression in a data binding in vue. So, if you bind a string template to the attribute, it'll populate what you expect.
<ul :uk-tab="`connect: #${uid}switcher`'; animation: uk-animation-fade">

Vue js - how can I pass this property to a component in a loop?

I have a custom component that conditionally renders either a link to path or a span for disabled link if the supplied path-disabled method determines so, the internals of which are unimportant other than it works when used like this:
<conditional-link path="/step/1" :path-disabled="pathDisabled">
<span class="number">1</span>
Step one
But if I do this it fails:
<li v-for="route in stepPaths['/step'].subRoutes">
<conditional-link path="{{route.fullPath}}" :path-disabled="pathDisabled">
<span class="number">{{route.number}}</span>
this outputs correct path:
The path property value is the litteral string {{route.fullPath}}.
I tried path="route.fullPath" but then the path is the litteral string route.fullPath.
How do I get the path value into the path property in a loop? The variable is correct as it renders fine within the inside of the component.
OK it was easy so in case any other newbies run into this, you have to bind the object in the v-for to be able to use the object directly:
<li v-for="route in stepPaths" :route="route">
<conditional-link :path="route.fullPath" ...

Uncaught TypeError on second onclick event using this.innerHTML

Everyone, I have a rather weird problem.
In an HMTL unordened list I have several list elements with onClick events, and they all call the same function.
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">1</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">2</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">3</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">4</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">5</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">6</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">7</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">8</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">9</li>
<li onClick="Javascript:show(this.innerHTML); alert(this.innerHTML);">0</li>
This is the Javascript function:
function show(ID){
show = document.getElementById(ID);
notShow = document.getElementsByClassName("visible")[0];
if (typeof notShow !== "undefined"){
for some unknown reason, the function works fine when I click one of the <li> elements first, but the second time I do that I get an error:
Uncaught TypeError: object is not a function ACNL.php:31
I think the error is not inside the javaScript function, but in the HTML-element that calls the function.
Any help would be appreciated!
I see a few problems here. In no particular order:
It would probably be safest to change the inner variable name show to something else since your function is also called show(...).
Declare variables with the var keyword to avoid populating the top namespace.
You're retrieving DOM elements by ID, but none of your DOM elements (in the above example) have ID attributes. You'll want to add them to your li items at least, e.g. id="1"
If these elements don't have visible to start off with, you'll add both visible and hidden when you "toggle".
If you toggle visible and hidden on the li items, then notShow = document.getElementsByClassName("visible")[0]; should probably change, as you will be retrieving the li items once they have visible in them. Try using other class names or element types.
Here is a jsFiddle to get you started (ignore the definition that's specific to jsFiddle).