How to find when record was last updated? - sql

How to find when table rows were last updated/inserted? Presto is ANSI-SQL compliant so even if you don't know Presto, maybe there's a generic SQL way that would point me in the right direction.
I'm using Hadoop. Presto queries are quicker than Hive. "Describe" just gives column names.

Presto 309 added a hidden $properties table in the Hive connector for each table that exposes the Hive table properties. You can use it to find the last update time (replace example with your table name):
SELECT transient_lastddltime FROM "example$properties"


How to create a bucketed ORC transactional table in Hive that is modeled after a non-transactional table

Suppose I have a non-transactional table in Hive named 'ccm'. It has hundreds of columns and one partition field.
I know how to create a copy with "create table abc like ccm' but I would like abc to be bucketed, ORC, and have transaction support set on via TBLPROPERTIES.
I do not want to mention all the columns in ccm when I compose the HQL.
Can I do this?
This answer may have the correct way to proceed in your case, and it also explains some limitation of the method used.
Create hive table using "as select" or "like" and also specify delimiter
So, from the example, you should add the missing parts:
TBLPROPERTIES ("transactional"="true")
I have some doubts that you can achieve exactly your expected results but i would consider it as a step forward

Hive date functions within create table

My hive version is 1.2.0
I am doing hive hbase integration where my hbase table already present.
While creating hive table, I was checking if I can use few of hive's built-in date functions as a candidate for virtual columns/derived columns, which is something like this -
create external table `Hive_Test`(
*existing hbase columns*,
*new_column* AS to_date(from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(*existing_column*,'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')...
If there is any other way where I can use built-in functions capability in create table, then please let me know.
With reference to - Hive Computed Column, i think you are defining a logic when creating a table which is not possible with hive.
You can refer this article for Apache Hive Derived Column Support and Alternative
A better way is to create a view on top of the non-native table created for Hive-HBase integration, with which you can do almost any kind of mapping that facilitates your business.

Add unique value in hive table

I want to add a unique value to my hive table whenever i enter any record, that value should not be repeated in the entire hive table. I am not able to find any solutions or any function for this. In my case i want to enter the record in hive using pig latin. Please help.
HIVE does not provide RDBMS database like constraints.
The suggested approch using PIG Script is as below.
1. Load data
2. Apply DISTINCT to data
3. Store data at a location
4. Create external hive table at the same location.
Step 3 and 4 can be combined if you can use HCATALOG which allows you to directly store data in Hive table.
Official documentation :Link 1 link 2
did you take a look to this? it seems to provide a way to generate sequence numbers in hive using hi/lo algorithm

Trying to copy data from Impala Parquet table to a non-parquet table

I am moving data around within Impala, not my design, and I have lost some data. I need to copy the data from the parquet tables back to their original non-parquet tables. Originally, the developers had done this with a simple one liner in a script. Since I don't know anything about databases and especially about Impala I was hoping you could help me out. This is the one line that is used to translate to a parquet table that I need to be reversed.
impalaShell -i <ipaddr> use db INVALIDATE METADATA <text_table>;
CREATE TABLE <parquet_table> LIKE <text_table> STORED AS PARQUET TABLE;
INSERT OVERWRITE <parquet_table> SELECT * FROM <text_table>;
Have you tried simply doing
CREATE TABLE <text_table>
FROM <parquet_table>
Per the Cloudera documentation, this should be possible.
NOTE: Ensure that your does not exist or use a table name that does not already exist so that you do not accidentally overwrite other data.

Best equivalent of SQL Server UPDATE command in Hive

What is the best (less expensive) equivalent of SQL Server UPDATE SET command in Hive?
For example, consider the case in which I want to convert the following query:
SET visaEligibility = 'YES'
WHERE experienceMonths > 36
to equivalent Hive query.
I'm assuming you have a table without partitions, in which case you should be able to do the following command:
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE employee SELECT employeeId,employeeName, experienceMonths ,salary, CASE WHEN experienceMonths >=36 THEN ‘YES’ ELSE visaEligibility END AS visaEligibility FROM employee;
There are other ways but they are much more convoluted, I think the way Bejoy described is the most efficient.
(source: Bejoy KS blog)
Note that if you have to do this on a partitioned table (which is likely if you have a lot of data), you would probably need to overwrite your partition when doing this.
You can create an external table and use the 'insert overwrite into local directory' and in case you want to change the column values, you can use 'CASE WHEN', 'IF' or other conditional operations. And copy the output file back to HDFS location.
You can upgrade your hive to 0.14.0
Starting from 0.14.0 hive supports UPDATE operation.
To do the same we need to create hive tables such that they support ACID output format and need to set additional properties in hive-site.xml.
How to do CURD operations in Hive