AWS Secret Manager - 403 response on GetSecret -

I'm working on an ASP.NET Core project that will be deployed to AWS. Recently the client came back and requested to pull a few values from AWS SecretsManager. I'm using the permissions inherited from the IAM Role associated to the EC2 instance that the service is deployed to.
In production use this service will be hosted by the client themselves on their own AWS account.
When I deploy to my own test AWS account the process works just fine but when the client deploys to their own AWS account they are getting a 403 Forbidden response on the call to get the secret value. They have the secret and permissions policy set up like I do but still the 403 error.
AmazonSecretsManagerClient client = new AmazonSecretsManagerClient();
var secretRequest = new GetSecretValueRequest
SecretId = "MySecretName"
GetSecretValueResponse secretResponse = await client.GetSecretValueAsync(secretRequest);
It is a HttpRequestException with a message of "Response status code does not indicate success: 403 (Forbidden)."
My question isn't really a coding issue since this does work on my test AWS account. This seems like it must be an environment issue with the client's AWS account.
My experience with AWS is very limited so I have no idea what would be causing this.

Is the customer trying to fetch the exact same secret you are using in your account? This would require using a custom CMK and adding a resource policy granting access as described in the AWS docs.


Unable to set scope games::prime for Login with Amazon

I've been tryin to setup an external login with amazon to integrate prime gaming for my web app in asp net core 3.1. I've been following this Amazon Prime Gaming Integration. I have been successfully stored the amazon userId, its token, refresh token and expires in into my database. However, I'm unable to call a post API request to /api/account/link to sync up my account according to this document. I am getting an error with message: Not all permissions are authorized. I did a bit research and it mentioned in another document link (Tips-Troubleshoot) that I need to set both scopes to games::prime and profile (I only had profile set before).
However, when adding games::prime scope, I get an exception for invalid scope: invalid_scope;Description=An unknown scope was requested
I'm using AspNet.Security.OAuth.Amazon to help with the external login with amazon, and this is the code that I have in my Startup.cs file
.AddAmazon(o =>
o.ClientId = clientId;
o.ClientSecret = clientSecret;
o.SaveTokens = true; // get access token and refresh token
o.AccessDeniedPath = new PathString("/Home/WebAppSetting");
If I remove games::prime from the scope, then everything works but then I will get an error message Not all permissions are authorized
Can anyone please tell me what I'm missing and not doing correct in here ? I have been searching for amazon documents on their sites, but seems like there is nothing useful there.
Thank you
It turned out that in order to use scope games::prime, you need to contact amazon team to have them unblock that for you. This is not mentioned at all in the push integration documentation.

Pass IAM credential to netcore api deployed with aws lambda

I have a Netcore api code that includes retrieving and uploading files to aws S3. It works when I run it locally since I have saved IAM credentials locally in another folder. However, when I deploy it with aws lambda function and try to access S3 I get AmazonS3Exception "access denied". I'm wondering how can I setup access to IAM credentials remotely as I have done locally?
You should be assigning an IAM role as the Lambda function's execution role. Your code should be able to pick that up and use it automatically. If your code isn't picking that up automatically then edit your question to show the relevant code.

Google Vision API - Access Denied on files in my bucket

I have the following problem with the Google Vision API accessing my bucket files.
Server to Server OAuth2 with service account for file uploads --> Scope is
Uploading files to my bucket (no ACL active, activated public access for testing) --> files uploaded successful
Server to Server OAuth2 with service account for Vision processing --> Scope is and
Starting Vision Job (
Error opening file: gs://mybucketname/myfile.tif
Service account is the same for both OAuth2 requests.
Both OAuth2 requests were successful und returns an AccessToken.
Vision API is activated.
Any ideas what the problem is?
Best regards!
I was having the same issue and could only solve it by using cloud-platform scope. With just cloud-vision and devstorage.read_write it's still missing something, I'm not sure what.

AWS [SES]: the reason(s) behind getting ProductionAccessNotGrantedException

To use the SES within AWS to handle my site's subscriptions, I did the following:
Verified my email and domain that I want to send the email from. Also used IAM and gave the proper access to send a customized email
Using AWS Cli created a CustomVerificationEmailTemplate.
Created a configuration set and linked it to a SNS.
Used Java SDK, created a client of type AmazonSimpleEmailService and a sendCustomVerificationEmailRequest variable and used the sendCustomVerificationEmail method to send the invitation email.
However I do get the following exception:
[ProductionAccessNotGrantedException: null (Service: AmazonSimpleEmailService; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ProductionAccessNotGranted; Request ID: *****
Any idea why I do get this exception? Where should I get the production access?
SES service will be under sandbox status by default in all AWS accounts. In sandbox status, we can not do certain things like using CustomVerificationEmailTemplate.
We need to raise a service request to take it out of sandbox status. more documentation process on how to get it out sandbox status is here.

AWS Cognito finding right Parameters for CognitoSyncDemo

I'm going to setup this Example for Amazon Cognito Sync demo, using Eclipse + ADK + AWS libs V2.9.
I created an identity pool in the Cognito Console, so I got the Identity Pool ID which is used in at:
private static final String IDENTITY_POOL_ID = "us-east-1:1a23b013-1abc-123-b123-123abc1fe5";
private static final Regions REGION = Regions.US_EAST_1;**
(perhaps not all regions seem to run in test mode)
I registered my (developing-)app in the Seller Central with Eclipse Help>Android>Bild>MD5 fingerprint and the package-name from AndroidManifest.xml, so got my api_key.txt Value.
From the AWS doku I got my Provider URL (code as sample), which is used in at:
private static final String developerProvider = "";
private static final String cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppEndpoint = "arn:aws:iam::123456789123:role/Cognito_TestMyAppAuth_DefaultRole"
private static final String cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppName = "Cognito sync demo";
After creating some Users which are attached to groups with permissions to IAM full access and (auto)generated roles for unautherized and autherized Roles, my app is running in this way:
Login with Amazon - is running, but where will their datasets be created and is it possible I see them in the AWS Console?
Simple Browse your data (without login) - is running, unauthenticated users and their datasets appear/are counted in the Identity console
Developer Authentication fails with Username or password do not match - combined with an "Unable to reach resource..." in the LogCat.
Now I think, the last missing thing in this game is the parameter cognitoSampleDeveloperAuthenticationAppEndpoint=...
Where can I find it and what else could I have missed to setup for a full running Example?
Thanks for using Cognito demo. Answers to your questions
Yes, you can see the datasets in the AWS console. Navigate to Cognito inside the AWS Console and go to your identity pool. On the left hand side menu go to identity browser and you will see the list of identities or you can search for an identity. Click on the identity and you can see the datasets owned by that identity.
Developer Authentication is a feature which helps to integrate your authentication system with Cognito. For this you should have a backend server serving user's authentication requests, and once you authenticate users you can request OpenId Connect tokens for them from Cognito using the GetOpenIdTokenForDeveloperIdentity API call. The developer provider name is the one which you setup for your identity pool in the AWS Cognito console. For using the sample you can setup a sample server application by following this blog and the readme file of the the server side application.
P.S.: Please avoid sharing your identity pool id.