Laravel scope not responding - api

I am using laravel for my backend api.
My question is about an scopefilter, the problem is that it is not responding when I call to it.
I have a lot of examples for using scopefilters.
So I looked at each of them to see if I did something wrong.
But I can't seem to find the problem.
When I call to this model in laravel, I use a parameter to define too the scopefilter to use a specific function.
The point only is that it never gets to this function, I don't get a response when I have put a log in this function.
I assume it is a syntax problem but maybe someone else can find the problem for this.
public static $scopeFilters = [
"supplierArticleClientId" => "bySupplierArticleClientId"
public function scopeBySupplierArticleClientId($query, $clientId) {
In this case I expect that I see an clientId in my log.

You have to create a Custom validation function Implementing Rule Class
please go through this link for reference


How to access Nuxt context variable from Vuex action

I want to access context variable to use the isMobile flag to select a different endpoint depending on the result. I could pass it on the dispatch from the component, but I know there should be one way to do it.
export const actions = {
signUpGoogle({ commit }) {
if (context.isMobile) {
fireauth.signInWithPopup(GoogleProvider).then ...
} else {
I saw here that it can be obtained on server init, but I really don't want to rely on this as caching will mess things up
Thanks for the help
I'm not sure if you're talking about an environment variable here, but below is the answer if it is.
Looking on this GH issue, we can find out that you can use$config.isMobile (basically referencing env variables aka publicRuntimeConfig values in your nuxt.config.js).
You can do one thing in nuxtServerInit, set this variable in state using the context, and then use state.isMobile to do this type of API Calls. Hopefully, that should solve this.
If it's not very clear, I can edit to give some code examples

Phalcon redirection and forwarding

Do I understand correctly that after doing $this->dispatcher->forward() or $this->response->redirect() I need to manually ensure that the rest of the code does't get executed? Like below, or am I missing something?
public function signinAction()
if ($this->isUserAuthenticated())
// Stuff if he isn't authenticated…
After almost a year of working on a hardcore project that uses Phalcon beyond its capacity, I wanted to clarify a few things and answer my own question. To understand how to properly do redirects and forwards you need to understand a little about how the Dispatcher::dispatch method works.
Take a look at the code here, though it's all C mumbo-jumbo to most of us, its really well written and documented. In the nutshell this is what it does:
The dispatcher enters the while loop until the _finished property becomes true or it discovers a recursion.
Inside the loop, it immediately sets that property to true, so when it starts the next iteration it will automatically break.
It then gets the controller / action information, which are originally supplied by the router in the application, and does various checks. Before and after that it also completes a lot of event-related business.
Finally it calls the action method in the controller and updates the _returnedValue property with (guess what!) the returned value.
If during the action call you call Dispatcher::forward method, it will update the _finished property back to false, which will allow the while loop to continue from the step 2 of this list.
So, after you do redirect or forward, you need to ensure that you code doesn't get executed only if that is part of the expected logic. In other words you don't have to return the result of return $this->response->redirect or return $this->dispatcher->forward.
Doing the last might seem convenient, but not very correct and might lead to problems. In 99.9% cases your controller should not return anything. The exception would be when you actually know what you are doing and want to change the behaviour of the rendering process in your application by returning the response object. On top of that your IDE might complain about inconsistent return statements.
To finalise, the correct way to redirect from within the controller:
// Calling redirect only sets the 30X response status. You also should
// disable the view to prevent the unnecessary rendering.
// If you are in the middle of something, you probably don't want
// the rest of the code running.
And to forward:
$this->dispatcher->forward(['action' => 'profile']);
// Again, exit if you don't need the rest of the logic.
You need to use it like this:
return $this->response->redirect('/profile');
return $this->dispatcher->forward(array(
'action' => 'profile'
Use send() like this
public function signinAction()
if ($this->isUserAuthenticated())
return $this->response->redirect('profile')->send();

How can I access query string parameters for requests I've manually dispatched in Laravel 4?

I'm writing a simple API, and building a simple web application on top of this API.
Because I want to "consume my own API" directly, I first Googled and found this answer on StackOverflow which answers my initial question perfectly: Consuming my own Laravel API
Now, this works great, I'm able to access my API by doing something like:
$request = Request::create('/api/cars/'.$id, 'GET');
$instance = json_decode(Route::dispatch($request)->getContent());
This is great! But, my API also allows you to add an optional fields parameter to the GET query string to specify specific attributes that should be returned, such as this:,color
Now the way I actually handle this in the API is something along the lines of this:
public function show(Car $car)
//Here I do some logic and basically return only fields requested
I would assume that I could do something similar as I did with the query string parameter-less approach before, something like this:
$request = Request::create('/api/cars/' . $id . '?fields=id,color', 'GET');
$instance = json_decode(Route::dispatch($request)->getContent());
BUT, it doesn't seem so. Long story short, after stepping through the code it seems that the Request object is correctly created (and it correctly pulls out the fields parameter and assigns id,color to it), and the Route seems to be dispatched OK, but within my API controller itself I do not know how to access the field parameter. Using Input::get('fields') (which is what I use for "normal" requests) returns nothing, and I'm fairly certain that's because the static Input is referencing or scoping to the initial request the came in, NOT the new request I dispatched "manually" from within the app itself.
So, my question is really how should I be doing this? Am I doing something wrong? Ideally I'd like to avoid doing anything ugly or special in my API controller, I'd like to be able to use Input::get for the internally dispatched requests and not have to make a second check , etc.
You are correct in that using Input is actually referencing the current request and not your newly created request. Your input will be available on the request instance itself that you instantiate with Request::create().
If you were using (as you should be) Illuminate\Http\Request to instantiate your request then you can use $request->input('key') or $request->query('key') to get parameters from the query string.
Now, the problem here is that you might not have your Illuminate\Http\Request instance available to you in the route. A solution here (so that you can continue using the Input facade) is to physically replace the input on the current request, then switch it back.
// Store the original input of the request and then replace the input with your request instances input.
$originalInput = Request::input();
// Dispatch your request instance with the router.
$response = Route::dispatch($request);
// Replace the input again with the original request input.
This should work (in theory) and you should still be able to use your original request input before and after your internal API request is made.
I was also just facing this issue and thanks to Jason's great answers I was able to make it work.
Just wanted to add that I found out that the Route also needs to be replaced. Otherwise Route::currentRouteName() will return the dispatched route later in the script.
More details to this can be found on my blog post.
I also did some tests for the stacking issue and called internal API methods repeatedly from within each other with this approach. It worked out just fine! All requests and routes have been set correctly.
If you want to invoke an internal API and pass parameters via an array (instead of query string), you can do like this:
$request = Request::create("/api/cars", "GET", array(
"id" => $id,
"fields" => array("id","color")
$originalInput = Request::input();//backup original input
$car = json_decode(Route::dispatch($request)->getContent());//invoke API
Request::replace($originalInput);//restore orginal input
Ref: Laravel : calling your own API

Reserved word in restler 3?

i´m a bit confused about using optional parameters and phpdocs.
I got the following #url statement:
#url GET /pruefvorschrift/:typs
now want to set :typs as optional so i do
function getpruefvorschrift ($typs=null) {...
this isn´t working, value for :typs is never available in $typs.
If i change the above # url rout to use other word e.g. :id it works?
I don´t understand it could anyone help?
For completeness:
I have many functions in this file
get /device.json/{id}
get /device/pruefvorschrift/:typs.json
get /device/serial.json/{serial}
get /device/:id/merkmale.json
Hope one could help,
The parameter name is not the problem here!
Using optional parameter as part of the URL is strongly discouraged
By setting a default value for $typs you are making it optional
Which means we need to create two routes for the same api method
GET /device/pruefvorschrift/{typs}
GET /device/pruefvorschrift
By default restler 3 does not do it, where as restler 2 does it by default
You can add the following to the phpdoc comment to change that behaviour
* #smart-auto-routing false
function getpruefvorschrift ($typs=null) {
But keep in mind this may stand in the way of another route, read further at and

Sending more data to changeIdentity in CWebUser by overriding it?

Disclaimer: Complete beginner in Yii, Some experience in php.
In Yii, Is it OK to override the login method of CWebUser?
The reason i want to do this is because the comments in the source code stated that the changeIdentity method can be overridden by child classes but because i want to send more parameters to this method i was thinking of overriding the login method too (of CWebUser).
Also if that isn't such a good idea how do you send the extra parameters into the changeIdentity method.(By retrieving it from the $states argument somehow ??). The extra parameters are newly defined properties of UserIdentity class.
It is better to first try to do what you wish to do by overriding components/UserIdentity.php's authenticate method. In fact, that is necessary to implement any security system more advanced than the default demo and admin logins it starts you with.
In that method, you can use
$this->setState('myVar', 5);
and then access that anywhere in the web app like so:
If myVar is not defined, that method will return null by default. Otherwise it will return whatever it was stored as, in my example, 5. These values are stored in the $_SESSION variable, so they persist as long as the session does.
UPDATE: Okay, took the time to learn how this whole mess works in Yii for another answer, so I'm sharing my findings here as well. The below is mostly copy pasted from a similar answer I just gave elsewhere. This is tested as working and persisting from page to page on my system.
You need to extend the CWebUser class to achieve the results you want.
class WebUser extends CWebUser{
protected $_myVar = 'myvar_default';
public function getMyVar(){
$myVar = Yii::app()->user->getState('myVar');
return (null!==$myVar)?$myVar:$this->_myVar;
public function setMyVar($value){
Yii::app()->user->setState('myVar', $value);
You can then assign and recall the myVar attribute by using Yii::app()->user->myVar.
Place the above class in components/WebUser.php, or anywhere that it will be loaded or autoloaded.
Change your config file to use your new WebUser class and you should be all set.