JMeter - Multiple functions in parameters field of Preprocessor - testing

I have two methods and i want to access it in script, using args[] array
String uuid = args[0];"uuid: " + uuid);
String mpi = args[1];"mpi: " + mpi);
this is giving me array out of bound exception, so can i have it like this in parameters bar or can i have the functions in the script

The delimiter for parameters is space and not , so you need to write
${UUID()} ${...


OpenEdge dynamic buffers... how do I avoid error 7328? ("unambiguous buffer field/reference for buffers known to a query")

Althogh I've been supporting (and extending) a legacy OE application for 10 years plus, I've never before been forced into the scary world of dynamic buffers... However, my luck has finally run out.
Let me start by saying I cannot believe how opaque the little OE documentation I could find is... the only Progress guide seems to be in the online documentation for v10.2 (thanks to the contributer to one of the forums for even that snippet.)
Anyway, this should be almost trivial. Except that it doesn't work;
CREATE BUFFER hFieldBuffer FOR TABLE "_Field".
"FOR EACH _File " +
" NO-LOCK, " +
" EACH _Field " +
" WHERE _Field.File-recid = _File._File-recid " +
message cWhere.
ASSIGN hQuery = ?
hFileBuffer = ?
hFieldBuffer = ?.
The output from "message" is (after removing redundant spaces):
FOR EACH _File NO-LOCK, EACH _Field WHERE _Field.File-recid = _File._File-recid NO-LOCK
which looks fine to me.
However I then get:
_Field File-recid must be a quoted constant or an unabbreviated, unambiguous buffer/field reference for buffers known to query . (7328)
I just cannot see what is ambiguous about "_Field.File-recid" or "_File._File-recid". Or am I missing something? (I should add that the equivalent works in good ol'-fashioned static OpenEdge!)
Hoping someone wiser than I can advise,
There are two issues in your dynamic query string:
a) It's RECID(_file) and not _file._file-recid (no _file-recid field on _file)
b) It's _field._file-recid and not _field.file-recid (underscore missing)
"FOR EACH _File " +
" NO-LOCK, " +
" EACH _Field " +
" WHERE _Field._File-recid = recid(_file)" +
You can enable the display of hidden fields in the Data Dictionary:
Just an example on ABL Dojo to watch your query fly:
def var hbfile as handle no-undo.
def var hbfield as handle no-undo.
def var hq as handle no-undo.
def var cquery as char no-undo.
create buffer hbfile for table '_file'.
create buffer hbfield for table '_field'.
create query hq.
hq:set-buffers( hbfile, hbfield ).
cquery = substitute(
'for each &1 where &1._hidden = false'
+ ', each &2 where &2._file-recid = recid( &1 )'
+ ' break by &1._file-name',
hq:query-prepare( cquery ).
do while hq:get-next():
if hq:first-of( 1 ) then
message hbfile::_file-name.
message ' ' hbfield::_field-name.
delete object hq no-error.
delete object hbfile no-error.
delete object hbfield no-error.
end finally.
A few additional issues with your snippet:
buffer handles are regular handles, no need for the meaningless widget- prefix
when working with dynamic buffers, it really helps to use the :name of the dynamic buffer, this allows you to change names without causing the query to fail

Building string from list of list of strings

I rather have this ugly way of building a string from a list as:
val input = listOf("[A,B]", "[C,D]")
val builder = StringBuilder()
for (pt in input) {
builder.append(pt[0] + " " + pt[1])
builder.append(", ")
The problem is that it adds a comma after the last element and if I want to avoid that I need to add another if check in the loop for the last element.
I wonder if there is a more concise way of doing this in kotlin?
End result should be something like:
Serialized('IDs((A B,C D))')
In Kotlin you can use joinToString for this kind of use case (it deals with inserting the separator only between elements).
It is very versatile because it allows to specify a transform function for each element (in addition to the more classic separator, prefix, postfix). This makes it equivalent to mapping all elements to strings and then joining them together, but in one single call.
If input really is a List<List<String>> like you mention in the title and you assume in your loop, you can use:
prefix = "Serialized('IDs((",
postfix = "))')",
separator = ", ",
) { (x, y) -> "$x $y" }
Note that the syntax with (x, y) is a destructuring syntax that automatically gets the first and second element of the lists inside your list (parentheses are important).
If your input is in fact a List<String> as in listOf("[A,B]", "[C,D]") that you wrote at the top of your code, you can instead use:
prefix = "Serialized('IDs((",
postfix = "))')",
separator = ", ",
) { it.removeSurrounding("[", "]").replace(",", " ") }
val input = listOf("[A,B]", "[C,D]")
val result =
"Serialized('IDs((" +
input.joinToString(",") { it.removeSurrounding("[", "]").replace(",", " ") } +
println(result) // Output: Serialized('IDs((A B,C D))')
Kotlin provides an extension function [joinToString][1] (in Iterable) for this type of purpose.
input.joinToString(",", "Serialized('IDs((", "))')")
This will correctly add the separator.

Kotlin String substitution not working when string is read from file

I have written a code that reads a text file. The text files contain placeholders which I would like to replace. The substitution does not work this way and the string is printed with the placeholders. Here is the code that I have written for this:
class TestSub(val sub: Sub) {
fun create() = template()
fun template() = Files.newBufferedReader(ClassPathResource(templateId.location).file.toPath()).readText()
data class Sub(val name: String, val age: Int)
Here is the main function that tries to print the final string:
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val sub = Sub("Prashant", 32)
However, when, instead of reading a file, I use a String, the following code works (Replacing fun template())
fun template() = "<h1>Hello ${}. Your age is ${sub.age}</h1>"
Is there a way to make string Substitution work when reading the content of a file?
Kotlin does not support String templates from files. I.e. code like "some variable: $variable" gets compiled to "some variable: " + variable. String templates are handled at compile time, which means it does not work with text loaded from files, or if you do something else to get the String escaped into a raw form. Either way, it would, as danielspaniol mentioned, be a security threat.
That leaves three options:
Creating a custom engine
I don't know what your file contains, but if it's the String you used in the template function, change it to:
<h1>Hello {0}. Your age is {1,integer}</h1>
This is for MessageFormat, which is my personal preference. If you use String.format, use %s instead, and the other appropriate formats.
Now, use that in MessageFormat.format:
val result = MessageFormat.format(theString, name, age);
Note that if you use MessageFormat, you'll need to escape ' as ''. See this.
String substitution using ${...} is part of the string literals syntax and works roughly like this
val a = 1
val b = "abc ${a} def" // gets translated to something like val b = "abc " + a + " def"
So there is no way for this to work when you load from a text file. This would also be a huge security risk as it would allow for arbitrary code execution.
However I assume that Kotlin has something like a sprintf function where you can have placeholders like %s in your string and you can replace them with values
Take a look here. It looks like the easiest way is to use String.format
You are looking for something similar to Kotlin String templates for raw Strings, where placeholders like $var or ${var} are substituted by values, but this functionality needs to be available at runtime (for text read from files).
Methods like String.format(str) or MessageFormat.format(str) use other formats than the notation with the dollar prefix of Kotlin String templates. For "Kotlin-like" placeholder substitution you could use the function below (which I developed for similar reasons). It supports placeholders as $var or ${var} as well as dollar escaping by ${'$'}
* Returns a String in which placeholders (e.g. $var or ${var}) are replaced by the specified values.
* This function can be used for resolving templates at RUNTIME (e.g. for templates read from files).
* Example:
* "\$var1\${var2}".resolve(mapOf("var1" to "VAL1", "var2" to "VAL2"))
* returns VAL1VAL2
fun String.resolve(values: Map<String, String>): String {
val result = StringBuilder()
val matcherSimple = "\\$([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)" // simple placeholder e.g. $var
val matcherWithBraces = "\\$\\{([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)}" // placeholder within braces e.g. ${var}
// match a placeholder (like $var or ${var}) or ${'$'} (escaped dollar)
val allMatches = Regex("$matcherSimple|$matcherWithBraces|\\\$\\{'(\\\$)'}").findAll(this)
var position = 0
allMatches.forEach {
val range = it.range
val placeholder = this.substring(range)
val variableName = it.groups.filterNotNull()[1].value
val newText =
if ("\${'\$'}" == placeholder) "$"
else values[variableName] ?: throw IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder $placeholder")
result.append(this.substring(position, range.start)).append(newText)
position = range.last + 1
return result.toString()
String templates only work for compile-time Sting literals, while what u read from a file is generated at runtime.
What u need is a template engine, which can render templates with variables or models at runtime.
For simple cases, String.format or MessageFormat.format in Java would work.
And for complex cases, check thymeleaf, velocity and so on.

How can Jdbc template be used for UPDATE query with IN clause?

I've gone through various forums to handle the IN clause using spring's namedParamJdbcTemplate but i still do not get the stuff I'm exactly looking for.
Below is my issue:
I've the following method:
public void updateBatchTableForStatus(List<Integer> reportShellIds, String scheduleType) {
Map<String,List<Integer>> shellIds = Collections.singletonMap("reportShellIds", reportShellIds);
MapSqlParameterSource parameters = new MapSqlParameterSource();
parameters.addValue("reportShellIds", shellIds, Types.NUMERIC)
parameters.addValue("eventType", scheduleType, Types.VARCHAR);
this.namedParamJdbcTemplate.update(GET_EVENT_METADATA_INFO, parameters);
The query refered in above method is as defined below:
"SET " +
"WHERE " +
"BLK.BATCH_ID in(:reportShellIds) ";
Datatype for BATCH_ID column is Number(24,0) and for the EXECUTION_STATUS_CODE column Varchar.
I'm using Oracle db.
However, the above method throws a SQL exception.
Can someone pls tell me where I'm wrong and what is the fix for it ?
Many thanks in advance.
Best Regards
You are binding reportShellIds to a Map, but it needs to be a List for Spring to bind it correctly. Perhaps you meant shellIds.values() or the variable reportShellIds?
You can use another method with simple Map<String,Object> and place the array as is into the parameter map
public int update(String sql, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?> paramMap)

method for serializing lua tables

I may have missed this, but is there a built-in method for serializing/deserializing lua tables to text files and vice versa?
I had a pair of methods in place to do this on a lua table with fixed format (e.g. 3 columns of data with 5 rows).
Is there a way to do this on lua tables with any arbitrary format?
For an example, given this lua table:
local scenes={
It would be converted into text like this:
{name="scnSplash",obj={{name="bg",type="background",path="scnSplash_bg.png",},{name="bird", type="image",path="scnSplash_bird.png",x=0,y=682,}},}
The format of the serialized text can be defined in any way, as long as the text string can be deserialized into an empty lua table.
I'm not sure why JSON library was marked as the right answer as it seems to be very limited in serializing "lua tables with any arbitrary format". It doesn't handle boolean/table/function values as keys and doesn't handle circular references. Shared references are not serialized as shared and math.huge values are not serialized correctly on Windows. I realize that most of these are JSON limitations (and hence implemented this way in the library), but this was proposed as a solution for generic Lua table serialization (which it is not).
One would be better off by using one of the implementations from TableSerialization page or my Serpent serializer and pretty-printer.
Lua alone doesn't have any such builtin, but implementing one is not difficult. A number of prebaked implementations are listed here:
require "json"
local t = json.decode( jsonFile( "sample.json" ) )
reference here for a simple json serializer.
Add json.lua from rxi/json.lua to your project, then use it with:
local json = require("json")
local encoded = json.encode({
name = "J. Doe",
age = 42
local decoded = json.decode(encoded)
Note that the code chokes if there are functions in the value you are trying to serialize. You have to fix line 82 and 93 in the code to skip values that have the function type.
Small solution: The key can be done without brackets, but be sure that here is no minuses or other special symbols.
local nl = string.char(10) -- newline
function serialize_list (tabl, indent)
indent = indent and (indent.." ") or ""
local str = ''
str = str .. indent.."{"
for key, value in pairs (tabl) do
local pr = (type(key)=="string") and ('["'..key..'"]=') or ""
if type (value) == "table" then
str = (value, indent)
elseif type (value) == "string" then
str ='"'..tostring(value)..'",'
str =','
str = str .. indent.."},"
return str
local str = serialize_list(tables)