Update values based on sequence of rows - Oracle SQL - sql

I have a table:
u_a_id d_c_s c_nm c_v c_se line_num
19 878 Test Code - Individual CO 1 30
19 878 Test Code - Individual PR 1 31
19 878 Test Code - Individual PR 2 32
19 878 Test Code - Individual CO 2 33
19 878 Test Code - Individual CO 1 33
19 878 Test Code - Individual PR 1 34
19 878 Test Code - Individual PR 2 35
19 878 Test Code - Individual CO 2 36
19 878 Test Code - Individual PR 3 37
19 878 Test Code - Individual CO 3 38
For each u_a_id, order by line_num, I need to identify if combination of c_nm and c_se is repeated. If the combination is repeated, then I need to update the following based on the sequence:
d_c_s to 12000 for First
d_c_s to 12001 for Second
d_c_s to 12002 for Third
Append First to c_nm
Append Second to c_nm
Append Third to c_nm
The output would look like:
u_a_id d_c_s c_nm c_v c_se line_num
19 12000 Test Code, First - Individual CO 1 30
19 12001 Test Code, Second - Individual PR 1 31
19 12000 Test Code, First - Individual PR 2 32
19 12001 Test Code, Second - Individual CO 2 33
19 12000 Test Code, First - Individual CO 1 33
19 12001 Test Code, Second - Individual PR 1 34
19 12000 Test Code, First - Individual PR 2 35
19 12001 Test Code, Second - Individual CO 2 36
19 12000 Test Code, First - Individual PR 3 37
19 12001 Test Code, Second - Individual CO 3 38
Is there anyway in SQL to do it?

What you describe is more like this:
select . . .,
(12000 - 1 + seqnum) as d_c_s,
replace(c_nm, ' - ',
(case seqnum
when 1 then ', First - '
when 2 then ', Second - '
when 3 then ', Third - '
else ' - '
) as c_nm
from (select t.*,
row_number() over (partition by c_nm, c_se order by line_num) as seqnum,
count(*) over (partition by c_nm, c_se) as cnt
from t
) t


Aggregate result from query by quarter SQL

Lets say I have a table which holds all exports for some time back in Microsoft SQL database:
id - numeric(18)
exportdate - datetime
In order to get the number of exports per week I can run the following query:
SELECT DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate]) as 'exportdate', count(exportdate) as 'totalExports'
FROM [ExportTable]
Group By DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate])
order by exportdate;
exportdate totalExports
---------- ------------
27 13
28 12
29 15
30 8
31 17
32 10
33 7
34 15
35 4
36 18
37 10
38 14
39 14
40 21
41 19
Would it be possible to aggregate the week results by quarter so the output becomes something like the bellow?
Sorry for not being crystal clear, I would like the current result to add upp with previous result up to a new quarter.
Note week 41 contains 21+19 = 40
Week 39 contains 157 (13+12+15+8+17+10+7+15+4+18+10+14+14)
exportdate totalExports Quarter
---------- ------------ -------
27 13 3
28 25 3
29 40 3
30 48 3
31 65 3
32 75 3
33 82 3
34 97 3
35 101 3
36 119 3
37 129 3
38 143 3
39 157 3 -- Sum of 3 Quarter values.
40 21 4 -- New Quarter show current week value
41 40 4 -- (21+19)
You can use this.
DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate]) as 'exportdate'
, SUM( count(exportdate) ) OVER ( PARTITION BY DATEPART(QUARTER,MIN([exportdate])) ORDER BY DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate]) ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING ) as 'totalExports'
, DATEPART(QUARTER,MIN([exportdate])) [Quarter]
FROM [ExportTable]
Group By DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate])
order by exportdate;
You could use a case statement to separate the dates into quarters.
WHEN Export_Date BETWEEN '5' and '9' THEN 2
ELSE 0 AS [Quarter]
Its just an example but you get the idea.
You could then use the alias from the case
SELECT DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate]) as 'exportdate', count(exportdate) as 'totalExports', DATEPART(quarter,[exportdate]) as quarter FROM [ExportTable] Group By DATEPART(ISO_WEEK,[exportdate]), DATEPART(quarter,[exportdate]) order by exportdate;

Running total of rows by ID

I have a list of IDs, transactions, and the date of those transactions. I want to create a count of each transaction within each ID.
The starting table I have is looks something like this:
id trxn_dt trxn_amt
1 10/31/2014 58
1 11/9/2014 34
1 12/10/2014 12
2 7/8/2014 78
2 11/20/2014 99
3 1/5/2014 120
4 2/17/2014 588
4 2/18/2014 8
4 3/9/2014 65
4 4/25/2014 74
and I want the end result to look something like this:
id trxn_dt trxn_amt trxn_count
1 10/31/2014 58 1
1 11/9/2014 34 2
1 12/10/2014 12 3
2 7/8/2014 78 1
2 11/20/2014 99 2
3 1/5/2014 120 1
4 2/17/2014 588 1
4 2/18/2014 8 2
4 3/9/2014 65 3
4 4/25/2014 74 4
Count(distinct(id)) would only give me the overall number of distinct IDs and not a running total by each ID that restarts at each new ID.
Thank you!
In SQL-Server you can use ROW_NUMBER in following:
FROM StarningTable
In MySQL you can do in following:
#cur:= IF(id=#id, #cur+1, 1) AS RowNumber,
#id := id
StarningTable t
(SELECT #id:=(SELECT MIN(id) FROM StarningTable t), #cur:=0) AS init
using Row_number we can achieve this
Select *,
from Transactions

how to update duplicate rows in a column to a new values

I will explain my problem briefly
have duplicate rino like below (actually this rino is the serial number in front end)
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 6 2
14 6 2
18 10 2
828 10 2
829 11 2
19 11 2
830 12 2
20 12 2
78 40 2
1092 40 2
1094 41 2
79 41 2
413 43 2
1103 43 2
82 44 2
1104 44 2
1105 45 2
83 45 2
91 46 2
1106 46 2
here in my case I don't want to delete these duplicate rino instead of that I planned to update the rino having max date(column not specified in the above sample actually a date column is there) to the next rino number
what exactly I meant is :
if I sort out the above result according to the max(date) I will get
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 6 2
828 10 2
19 11 2
830 12 2
1092 40 2
79 41 2
413 43 2
82 44 2
83 45 2
1106 46 2
(NOTE : total number of duplicate rows are 10 in branchid=2)
the last entered rino in the table for branchid=2 is 245
So I just want to update the 10 rows(Of column rino) with numbers starting from 246 to 255( just added 245+10 like this select lastno+ generate_series(1,10) nos from tab where cola=4 and branchid = 2 and vrid=20;)
Expected Output:
chqid rino branchid
----- ---- --------
876 246 2
828 247 2
19 248 2
830 249 2
1092 250 2
79 251 2
413 252 2
82 253 2
83 254 2
1106 255 2
using postgresql
Finally I found a solution, am using dynamic-sql to solve my issue
arow record;
for arow in
select chqid,rino,branchid from (
select chqid,rino::int ,vrid,branchid ,row_number()over (partition by rino::int ) rn
from tab
where vrid =20
and branchid = 2)t
where rn >1
execute format('
update tab
set rino=(select max(rino::int)+1 from gtab19 where acyrid=4 and branchid = 2 and vrid=20)
where chqid=%s
end loop;

SQL - Sqlite Query: obtain the fields where one number is greater than another, if less than 3 complete with the first, always 3

Well i made a query that is not working
i have a table like this
_id - E1
1 - 100
2 - 335
3 - 420
4 - 440
5 - 500
6 - 514
7 - 524
8 - 534
9 - 544
10 - 552
11 - 559
12 - 607
13 - 615
14 - 623
15 - 631
16 - 639
and the query that i made:
(SELECT * FROM Table WHERE E1 > 633 AND _sentido = 'V'
when i execute this i get
_id - E1
1 - 100
2 - 335
3 - 420
but what i really want is
_id - E1
1 - 639
2 - 100
3 - 335
if the last row and there are NOT 3 selected rows then complete with the first to reach 3
Always 3 rows!
I hope you can help me, John
You have a clever approach, but it is not going to work. The ordering of subqueries is not guaranteed. What you want is to order by your condition first and then fill out with the rest. Try this:
FROM table
ORDER BY (case when E1 > 633 AND _sentido = 'V' then 1 else 2 end)
This puts the records you are interested in first. The limit 3 will retrieve those records (up to 3) and then pad remaining rows with the rest of the records.

SQL terminology to combine a NOT EXIST query with latest value

I am a beginner with basic knowledge.
I have a single table that I am trying to pull all UID's that have not had a particular code in the table within the past year.
My table looks like this: (but much larger of course)
1 1 6 2 1002 15-Mar-07 99204 1 180 09:36.7 1
1 1 7 5 10004 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 02:36.9 1
1 1 24 55 25887 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 43:55.3 1
1 1 25 2 355688 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 53:20.2 1
1 1 26 5 555654 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 42:22.6 1
1 1 27 44 135514 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 00:36.8 1
1 1 28 2 3244522 15-Mar-07 99214 1 98 34:59.4 1
1 1 29 5 235445 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 56:42.1 1
1 1 30 3 3214444 15-Mar-07 99213 1 68 54:56.5 1
1 1 33 1 221444 15-Mar-07 99204 1 180 37:44.5 1
I am attempting to use the following, but this is not working for my time frame limits.
select distinct UID from PtProcTbl
where DT<'20120101'
and NOT EXISTS (Select Distinct UID
where Code in ('99203','99204','99205','99213',
I need to know how to make sure the UID's that I am pulling are the ones don't have a DT after the 1/1/2012 cut off date that contains one of the NOT Exists codes.
The above query returned UID's that actually dates after 1/1/2012 that does contain one of the above codes...
Not sure what I am doing wrong or if I am totally off base on this..
Thanks in advance.
Are you sure you need the NOT EXISTS? How about instead:
AND Code NOT IN ('99203','99204','99205','99213','99214','99215','99244','99245')