How to automatically create conversion script in Dymola - dymola

In it is mentioned that Dymola has the capability to automatically update a conversion script when changes are applied to a library. I was searching the Dymola manuals but could not find any actual guidelines how to apply this feature.
However, I could find some settings in the options, but I cannot force Dymola to create / update a conversion script.
Does anyone have some guidelines on how to enable the feature of automatically creating a conversion script?

Generate commands for conversion
There are three advanced variables for that, namely:
Integer Advanced.ActivateSmartDelete = 3 "Updates other classes when deleting class/component [0 - no, 1 - ask, 2 yes (if possible)]";
Integer Advanced.ActivateSmartRename = 3 "Updates other classes when renaming component [0 - no, 1 - ask, 2 yes, 3 - also script]";
Integer Advanced.ActivateSmartRenameClass = 3 "Updates other classes when renaming class [0 - no, 1 - ask, 2 yes, 3 - also script]";
As the comments indicate, setting these variables on 3 (using the Dymola Command window or, in newer Dymola versions, the options which can be seen in your screenshot) results in automatically created conversion commands.
Dymola will write the conversion commands to the model annotation of your library. They will look something like this:
change(item=convertClass("Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID", "Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID_Controller"),
item=convertClass("Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder", "Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PT1")))
Export commands to a file
Before Dymola 2022x
You have to convert the commands a little, if you want to have the conversion script in a separate file (instead of the of your library).
In a script the above commands would look as follows:
convertClass("Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID", "Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PID_Controller"),
convertClass("Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.FirstOrder", "Modelica.Blocks.Continuous.PT1")
so the same commands, but without item= and trailing ,.
With Dymola 2022x
Dymola 2022x can export the commands to a file.
Open the Attributes dialog of your library from the package browser
Use the button Convert from Pre-Release... in the Version tab
Dymola will then remove the previously generated commands from the library annotation and copy them in the correct format to the specified file. Note that Dymola will also update the version number of the library and adjust the from command. If this is not desired, change it back.


Change output file format to *.csv using dymosim.exe instead of *.mat

I am trying to understand if it's possible to change the model output format to .csv instead of the default .mat file when simulating a model using dymosim.exe.
I can do this in dymola itself by using the function "convertMATtoCSV" in the base Data files library. Something like below,
DataFiles.convertMATtoCSV("output.mat", {"t"}, "output.csv");
Is there a way to do this conversion using dymosim.exe?
Kindly advise.
Note: cmd "dymosim.exe -h" has some options for .csv but I am not sure how to use this.
No, it is currently not possible to have dymosim.exe generated by Dymola write the result as csv-file. The CSV-options used by dymosim.exe are only for running multiple simulations.
You can:
Generate a txt result instead, if that is easier to handle for you. (By setting Simulation Setup>Output>Textual data format, this is stored as last element of settings in dsin.txt).
Perform the conversion using dymola\bin\alist.exe
Have the model write a cvs-file as well
Set up to perform this as a post-processing command in Dymola 2017 FD01.

Can I create Variable Names from Constants in Objective-C/Swift?

This question is related to Swift and Objective-C.
I want to create variables from Constant Strings. So, in future, when I change name of a variable though out app, I just need to change it at one place, it must be changed, wherever it is used.
I have user_id in 14 files, if I want to change user_id into userID I have to change in all 14 files, but I want to change at once place only.
One way to do this would be to use the Xcode build process and add a script (language can be of your choice, but the default is a BASH script)
Create string constant text file where you define all your variables you want to change in some format that expresses the change you want to make, for example:
"variable_one_name" = "new_variable_one_name"
Depending on how 'smart' you wanted your script to be you could also list all your variables and include some way of indicating when a variable is not to be replaced.
"variable_one_name" = "new_variable_one_name"
"variable_two_name" = "DO_NOT_CHANGE"
Run a pre build script on you project that reads in the string constant text file and then iterates through your source files and executes the desired replacement. Be careful to limit the directories you search to you OWN source files!
build project...
This would allow you to manage your constants from one place. However it clearly is only going to help you after you have created a project and written some code :)
BASH string replacement
Adding a run script to the Xcode build process

TFS 2015 Can build variables access other build variables?

When I define a custom variable in the new TFS 2015 team build as follows:
Name: SomeOutput
Value: $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)\Some doesn't seems to expand $(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory).
Is there a way around this?
At least it seems it's not expanded everywhere.
For example, in MSBuild-Arguments, /p:OUTPUT="$(SomeOutput)" is expanded to /p:OUTPUT="C:\TfsData\BuildAgents\_work\3\s\Some" but when i add a cmd line build task with tool set to cmd and parameter set to /k set, it prints
Here are my variables
This is my workflow step
And this is what the build prints
You can use the VSTS Variable Tasks extension from the Visual Studio Marketplace.
When you define a variable in the Variables screen and use other variables as value, they won't be expanded (as you may have expected). Instead the literal text is passed to the tasks in the workflow. Without this little task the following configuration won't work:
Variable Value
Build.DropLocation \\share\drops\$(Build.DefinitionName)\$(Build.BuildNumber)
By adding the Expand variable(s) task to the top of your workflow, it will take care of the expansion, so any task below it will receive the value you're after.
PS: The new agent (version 2.x) auto-expands variables now.
It can be achieved.
You may need use % % instead of $ to call the variables in cmd to print the result. It is also necessary to add call in the front of the command. Here is a simple example:
Note: System.DefaultWorkingDirectory is not available in cmd (not sure why); you need use System_DefaultWorkingDirectory instead. Details can be viewed in the logs.
I had the same problem - wanted to piece together a path made up of several built-in variables and pass it to a PS script.
I ended up combining the variables in the actual script through the corresponding generated environment variables (for example $env:BUILD_SOURCESDIRECTORY).
Not what I had in mind originally, but it works at least. Drawback - if I need to change the path, I always have to change the PS script instead of a build variable.

Display variables using CBC MPS input in NEOS

Am trying to use NEOS to solve a linear program using MPS input.
The MPS file is fine, but apparently you need a "paramaters file" as well to tell the solver what to do (min/max etc.). However I can't find any information on this online anywhere.
So far I have got NEOS to solve a maximization problem and display the objective function. However I cannot get it to display the variables.
Does anyone know what code I should add to the paramters file to tell NEOS/CBC to display the resulting variables?
The parameter file consists of a list of Cbc (standalone) commands in a file (one per line). The format of the commands is (quoting the documentation):
One command per line (and no -)
abcd? gives list of possibilities, if only one + explanation
abcd?? adds explanation, if only one fuller help(LATER)
abcd without value (where expected) gives current value
abcd value or abcd = value sets value
The commands are the following:
? dualT(olerance) primalT(olerance) inf(easibilityWeight)
integerT(olerance) inc(rement) allow(ableGap) ratio(Gap)
fix(OnDj) tighten(Factor) log(Level) slog(Level)
maxN(odes) strong(Branching) direction error(sAllowed)
gomory(Cuts) probing(Cuts) knapsack(Cuts) oddhole(Cuts)
clique(Cuts) round(ingHeuristic) cost(Strategy) keepN(ames)
scaling directory solver import
export save(Model) restore(Model) presolve
initialS(olve) branch(AndBound) sol(ution) max(imize)
min(imize) time(Limit) exit stop
quit - stdin unitTest
miplib ver(sion)
To see the solution values, you should include the line sol - after the min or max line of your parameter file.
If this doesn't work you can submit the problem to NEOS in AMPL format via this page. In addition to model and data files, it accepts a commands file where you can use statements to solve the problem and display the solution, for example:
display _varname, _var;
This post describes how to convert MPS to AMPL.

How to provide vsdbcmd deploy command line target dbschema sql command variables?

The Visual Studio (2010) gui provides options for specifying second command variable file for target. I however cant find this option for the command line implementation - vsdbcmd.exe.
Running vsdbcmd deploy for dbschema to dbschema with only source model command variables given results that objects that implement the variables are treated as having changes. Resulting in incorrect(improper) update script.
The command i use currently:
vsdbcmd.exe /a:deploy /dd:- /dsp:sql /model:Source.dbschema /targetmodelfile:Target.dbschema /p:SqlCommandVariablesFile=Database.sqlcmdvars /manifest:Database.deploymanifest /DeploymentScriptFile:UpdateScript.sql /p:TargetDatabase="DatabaseName"
What im looking for is the /p:TargetSqlCommandVariablesFile, if such thing exists ...
The result script is the same as running so GUI compare without specifying the sqlcmd vars for target
I found what looks like full documentation for VSDBCMD.EXE at this link.
I think you may be looking for something like:
In the end i found no info on the possibility to do what I required - checked vsdbcmd libs with IL spy for hidden parameters - didn't find any.
Reached my goal by parsing the dbschema files for both target and current and parsing the cmd variable values directly into them - then doing the compare on modified dbschemas. This approach no longer allows to change sql cmd vars in resulting script (as the values are already baked into code), however this was deemed as acceptable loss.
Not the most beautiful solution but so far i have had no issues with it.