Wix installer hide application in use warning after upgrade - wix

I develop an Outlook plug-in in C# using Addin express. The installer is based on Wix using ClickTwice:) for deployment and upgrades. We have a seamless upgrade process from our plug-in where new versions are downloaded automatically.
However, because Outlook is open when the installation process is launched, we receive a pop-up once download is complete notifying the user to close Outlook. See screenshot available from link:
Application in use warning
Our users are very non-technical, and they will most likely close this message by clicking cancel or the X button, which cancels the installation. We are already able to show our own message to the user explaining what to do, but we would really like to hide the automated message so that our users don't get confused.
Is there any way to disable this message or to automatically select an option for the user without the pop-up appearing? Our installer configuration file is Product.wxs.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you!

The dialog doesn't come from WIX. Instead, you may take a look at the Preferences of your ClickTwice solution. By default, you may see the following picture:
So, there you may configure to not display any dialogs.


How can I get Explorer to restart when using Burn

In an msi, we use the following to get explorer to restart so that it loads our shell extension.
<util:RestartResource Path="[WindowsFolder]explorer.exe"/>
However, now that I've wrapped this msi up with its dependencies in an installer created with burn, the restart of Explorer no longer occurs.
How can I get the restart to still occur?
The msi normally displays some UI asking the user to reboot. This UI is hidden when wrapped in a burn/bundle exe. I thought perhaps the burn engine would issue callbacks allowing a custom bootstrapper to display the relevant UI. I tried overridding OnExecuteMsiMessage in a custom bootstrapper application, but don't see any message that would appear to give me an opportunity to display the UI that's required for the Explorer.exe restart.

WiX Uninstall cannot stop application unless elevated

I've created an installer using WiX and if the user tries to uninstall my application whilst it is still open, they should get the dialog which gives them the option to have the uninstaller close the application automatically or leave it running but a restart will be required.
It seems though that with User Account Control on, I need to elevate by running the package with msiexec from an elevated command prompt before this will happen. If the user is not elevated, the uninstaller will run, they click the Remove icon (which prompts for elevation), but the setup then simply says:
"The setup must update files or services that cannot be updated while the system is running. If you choose to continue, a reboot will be required to complete the setup."
I'd like them to have the option to close the app even when just uninstalling without having to manually elevate first
My best guess is that your MSI does not have a FilesInUse dialog box nor a MsiRMFilesInUse dialog box. Those are "well-known" dialog boxes that the Windows Installer will populate with information when it detects files in use. The WiX toolset should give you those dialogs automatically if you use one of the standard UIs. Alternatively, you can create your own dialogs.

Deploying Outlook addin to a Citrix XenApp installation

I created an Outlook addin. It does nothing special, just adds a menu with one menu item. I followed the installer creation tutorial from http://blogs.msdn.com/b/mcsuksoldev/archive/2010/10/01/building-and-deploying-an-outlook-2010-add-in-part-2-of-2.aspx.
It installs and works properly on a normal windows desktop installation, but I cant figure out how to do it in a Citrix XenApp environment. I can install it using the installer in the same profile where the Outlook is installed successfully. But when Outlook is run, it is in the "Inactive Application Addins" section when I view it from the Trust Center menu, and it wont activate properly. If I open the Manage COM Addins menu, it displays "Load at Startup" as my addin's Load Behavior. If I try to activate it manually from this menu, nothing happens, and if I open it again, Load Behavior will change to "Not Loaded. The Managed Add-in Loader failed to initialize."
Anyone encountered this or something similar before? Thanks in advance.
If it's installing but inactive then it's probably throwing an exception upon startup.
I'd wrap all of your startup code (ThisAddIn_Startup function inside your ThisAddIn.cs) inside a try {} catch {} and log all errors out to disk so you can see why outlook is disabling your addin.
Have you tried setting the VSTO_SUPPRESSDISPLAYALERTS environment variable to see if you can get outlook to give you more info?
(BTW I have found outlook VSTO's to be flaky. Sometimes they just refuse to install and work.)

Wix + uninstall from control panel + Application running

I have a Wix solution to install an application. When attempting to uninstall the application from control panel while it is running, a popup is appearing to close the application before continue.
The issues is the message showing in that popup which is suppose to be an uninstall message instead of install message.
The message is "The following application is running which is need to be close before continuing the install"
can we customize this default popup and change our message?
Yes, you can modify the FilesInUse and MsiRMFilesInUse dialogs. You can modify them directly or use a GUI editor.
You can modify this default message. Edit FilesInUse and MsiRMFilesInUse dialogs. You can edit them directly in the .wsx file or use a GUI editor. (The dialogs that you need to edit can be defined either in your .wsx file or come from a predefined WiX UI.)
Using WixEdit, you can use a visual designer.
You would better change the part of the string to come from a property.
The following application is running which is need to be close before continuing the [CURRENT_ACTION]
You will set the value of the CURRENT_ACTION depending on the mode of installation. You can find an example of doing it in the default WiX dialog set, the maintenance dialog: when user selects the mode (Modify, Repair, Remove), a property value is set which is then used on the progress page.

Launch dialog on uninstall using WiX

I have created a WiX installer and would like to launch a custom action dialog on uninstall. From this dialog I would like to gather information on why the user is uninstalling my application (well, this means just launching the web-browser).
I have seen some people using the On="uninstall" property, but I am not sure if this is the one to use, and how to use it, for the above action.
Windows doesn't show UI when a product is uninstalled from Add/Remove Programs or Programs and Features.
JakobJ: I wouldn't mess with this uninstall sequence. Any modal dialog that pops up when the installation is run in silent mode (which it is from add/remove) could cause your entire product to be axed in a corporate environment. If your uninstall is invoked from a management system such as SCCM and the uninstall on a lot of machines fails because the uninstall gets stuck on a dialog, this will not soon be forgotten. Trust me.