Saving Access Report with Distinct Name - vba

I'm trying to save each individual employees statement using Access Reports. However I'm having issues with getting the Employee Name field to append to the MyFileName variable.
I'm able to export the individual employee reports as a PDF with the following format:
However, I would like to have this to include the employee name in the following format:
Statement_[Employee Name]_[EENo].pdf
Private Sub Command2_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim temp As String
mypath = "FILE LOCATION"
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT distinct [EENo] & [Employee Name] FROM [Query]", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do While Not rs.EOF
temp = rs("EENo" & "Employee Name")
MyFileName = "Statement" & "_" & [Employee Name] & "_" & Format(rs("EENo"), "000000") & ".PDF"
DoCmd.OpenQuery "1 - Query: Firm Admin_EE"
DoCmd.Close acQuery, "1 - Query: Firm Admin_EE", acSaveYes
DoCmd.OpenReport "REPORT", acViewReport, , "[EENo]=" & temp
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, mypath & MyFileName
DoCmd.Close acReport, "REPORT"
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub

This should work:
temp = rs("EENo").Value & rs("Employee Name").Value
MyFileName = "Statement_" & rs("Employee Name").Value & "_" & _
Format(rs("EENo").Value, "000000") & ".PDF"
EDIT: I had not really looked at your SQL, and missed that you're combining the two columns in your query. I don't use access but try:
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT distinct [EENo] , [Employee Name] FROM [Query]", _


Print each record to separate pdf file using certain field for filename

I want to print each record to a separate pdf file using certain field for filename.
My code's output does not show the values as shown in the pictures.
Private Sub Command_PDF_Click()
Dim myrs As Recordset
Dim myPDF, myStmt As String
myStmt = "Select distinct Code1 from Query_Certificate_Eng"
Set myrs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(myStmt)
Do Until myrs.EOF
myPDF = "C:\Users\93167\Desktop\Output Certificate\" & Format(myrs.Fields("Code1"), "0000000000000") & ".pdf"
DoCmd.OpenReport "Certificate_Eng", acViewPreview, , "Code1" = " & myrs.Fields("").value"
DoCmd.OutputTo objectType:=acOutputReport, objectName:="Certificate_Eng", outputformat:=acFormatPDF, outputfile:=myPDF, outputquality:=acExportQualityPrint
Set myrs = Nothing
End Sub
Problem is in your report opening criteria. So, change it to
"Code1 = '" & myrs!Code1 & "'"

VBA OutputTo PDF is saving blank reports too

The code below generates PDF reports for supervisors who have employees expiring between StartDate and StopDate fields on a form. I am getting multiple reports for supervisors who do not have employees expiring in that range, blank reports essentially. The code also puts out the correct reports that have data.
How can I prevent OutputTo from saving the blank reports?
SQL for reference query (qry_Distinct_Supervisors):
PARAMETERS StartDate DateTime, StopDate DateTime;
SELECT DISTINCT qry_Base_For_All.Supervisor, qry_Base_For_All.LID, qry_Base_For_All._Status, qry_Base_For_All.LASTNAME, qry_Base_For_All.FIRSTNAME, qry_Base_For_All.[End Date]
FROM qry_Base_For_All
WHERE (((qry_Base_For_All.Supervisor) Is Not Null) AND ((qry_Base_For_All.LASTNAME) Is Not Null) AND ((qry_Base_For_All.[End Date]) Between [StartDate] And [StopDate]));
SQL for Report
SELECT DISTINCT qry_Base_For_All.L_ID, qry_Base_For_All.LASTNAME, qry_Base_For_All.FIRSTNAME, qry_Base_For_All.P_ID, qry_Base_For_All.Company, qry_Base_For_All.[End Date], qry_Base_For_All.Supervisor, qry_Base_For_All.Title
FROM qry_Base_For_All
WHERE (((qry_Base_For_All.[End Date]) Between [Forms]![frm_Bldg_Access]![StartDate] And [Forms]![frm_Bldg_Access]![StopDate]) AND ((qry_Base_For_All.Title) Like "*" & "outsource" & "*"));
VBA to save reports
Private Sub btn_Print_Report_Click()
'split report into PDFs named after supervisor and open a separate email with each report attached
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim MyFileName As String
Dim mypath As String
Dim temp As String
Dim qry As QueryDef
Dim StartDate As DAO.Parameter
Dim StopDate As DAO.Parameter
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qry = db.QueryDefs("qry_Distinct_Supervisors")
mypath = "C:\Users\cw52450\Desktop\Test Exports\"
qry.Parameters("StartDate").Value = Forms!frm_Bldg_Access!StartDate
qry.Parameters("StopDate").Value = Forms!frm_Bldg_Access!StopDate
Set rs = qry.OpenRecordset(dbOpenSnapshot)
'populate rs
If Not (rs.EOF And rs.BOF) Then
'start report generation loop
'Currenlty outputting blank reports as well as needed ones
Do While Not rs.EOF
temp = rs("Supervisor")
MyFileName = rs("Supervisor") & Format(Date, ", mmm yyyy") & ".PDF"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rpt_Expiring_Access", acViewReport, , "[Supervisor]='" & temp & "'"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "", acFormatPDF, mypath & MyFileName
DoCmd.Close acReport, "rpt_Expiring_Access"
MsgBox "There are no records in the recordset."
End If
MsgBox "Report generation complete."
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
Set qry = Nothing
End Sub

Programming MS Access report to filter on specific ID

I have a recordset that I'm looping through and would like to create a report that displays information for each user ID in the recordset. I've found many posts that have helped me to write the code, but I cannot figure out why my code keeps opening the report with all user IDs instead of each user ID individually. Here's the code I'm using:
Public Function report()
Dim rs As Recordset
Dim strReportName As String
Dim fileName, pathName As String
pathName = "C:\Users\Joe\Documents"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Add_user, keyer FROM qryProductionReport;")
strReportName = "ProductionReport"
Do While Not rs.EOF
DoCmd.OpenReport strReportName, acViewPreview, , "Add_user = " & rs!Add_user, acHidden
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReportName, acFormatPDF, pathName & strReportName & rs!Keyer & ".PDF"
DoCmd.Close acReport, strReportName
Set rs = Nothing
End Function
I made sure that my field name Add_user on the report matches the filter that I have in the DoCmd.OpenReport line. I'm using Access 2016. Thanks for the help.
One way is to modify your report to use a TempVars criteria
(e.g. [TempVars]![userId]) as explained here.
You can then use it like this:
Public Function report()
Dim rs As Recordset, strReportName As String
Dim fileName as String, pathName As String
pathName = "C:\Users\Joe\Documents\"
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT Add_user, keyer FROM qryProductionReport;")
strReportName = "ProductionReport"
Do While Not rs.EOF
TempVars("userId") = rs!Add_user
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strReportName, acFormatPDF, pathName & strReportName & rs!Keyer & ".PDF"
Set rs = Nothing
End Function

Trying to add a filter condition to TransferSpreadsheet using DAO and Me.filter

There is a button on a report that exports the underlying query of the report to excel. This function works fine as it would but I need it to take the criteria of the report. I have a massive reporting manager that will set the criteria for the report and then will open it up.
To make it easy, I want to pass me.filter to a variable which works in a different sub, but here my problem is that I need to pass the filter to be properly formatted for an sql statement I assume? The other sub just uses it as a [WhereCondition] for an open report command.
For clarification, the portion getreportsource() is a module that gets the reports source and it works fine.
Here are some example outputs of the variables as well as the code:
strRptName: TotalSalesForYear
strRptSource: qryMainDashboard
FilterCondition: TxnDate >= #11/1/2017# AND TxnDate <= #11/30/2017#
Private Sub cmdExcel_Click()
Dim strRptName As String
Dim strRptSource As String
Dim vardate As String
Dim varExportPath As String
Dim FilterCondition As String
Dim oExcel
FilterCondition = Me.filter
' Get the Report Name
strRptName = Screen.ActiveReport.Name
' Get the RecordSource of the Report from a module
strRptSource = GetReportSource(strRptName)
'Present Date
vardate = Format$(Now(), "YYYY.MM.DD_HH-mm-ss")
'Path of export
varExportPath = "C:\Users\Public\Downloads\"
'Check for terminating backslash ExportLinkReportsOut filepath.
If Right(varExportPath, 1) <> "\" Then
varExportPath = varExportPath & "\"
End If
varExportPath = varExportPath & strRptName & ".xlsx"
' set dao and create temp table
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Const tempTableName = "_tempTbl"
Set cdb = CurrentDb
'deletes temp table and handles error
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, tempTableName
On Error GoTo 0
Set qdf = cdb.CreateQueryDef("")
qdf.SQL = "SELECT * INTO [" & tempTableName & "] FROM [" & strRptSource & "] where filtercondition"
Set qdf = Nothing
Set cdb = Nothing
' export spreadsheet with the temp table, the export path, and then open the spreadsheet
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, , tempTableName, varExportPath, True
Set oExcel = GetObject(varExportPath)
oExcel.Application.Visible = True
oExcel.Parent.Windows(1).Visible = True
End Sub
Everything works when I change qdf.SQL = "SELECT * INTO [" & tempTableName & "] FROM [" & strRptSource & "] where filtercondition" to qdf.SQL = "SELECT * INTO [" & tempTableName & "] FROM [" & strRptSource & "] "
Problem is there is no filter when I drop filtercondition, obviously.
The error I keep getting is "Run-time error '3061': Too few paramters. Expected 1."
Anyone have any pointers?
The problem is that you aren't concatenating the filter condition. Your query just states WHERE filtercondition, not WHERE TxnDate >= #11/1/2017# AND TxnDate <= #11/30/2017#
Change qdf.SQL = "SELECT * INTO [" & tempTableName & "] FROM [" & strRptSource & "] where filtercondition" to qdf.SQL = "SELECT * INTO [" & tempTableName & "] FROM [" & strRptSource & "] WHERE " & filtercondition

Inconsistencies in looping through and creating reports

I have a database with 5 tables, 3 queries, 3 reports (the queries are the recordsets) and three reports each showing the several fields on the recordsets. The problem is, even though they have the same code, one of the sub routines has inconsistent results. It is like it is cycling through each supervisor and creating a report and then doing it again, it's caught in a loop and I can't see where the issue is. Hoping someone can help.
Private Sub cmdFedInvest_Click()
Dim x As String
Dim y As String
Dim StrSQL As String
Dim stWhereStr As String 'Where Condition'
Dim stSection As String 'Selection from drop down list
Dim stfile As String
Dim stDocName As String
Dim StrEmail As String
StrSQL = "SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryActT8_Sup].[Sup], [qryActT8_Sup].Sup_email " & _
"FROM [qryActT8_Sup];"
y = Year(Date)
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb
Dim qdTemp As DAO.QueryDef
Set qdTemp = db.CreateQueryDef("", StrSQL)
Set rst = qdTemp.OpenRecordset()
If rst.EOF And rst.BOF Then
MsgBox "No data available for the Ledger Process routine."
Debug.Print rst.Fields.Count
Do While Not rst.EOF
x = rst![Sup]
StrEmail = rst![Sup_email]
stDocName = "FedInvest - ISSR - T8 Recertification Report"
stWhereStr = "[qryActT8_Sup].[SUP]= '" & x & "'"
stfile = Me.txtLocationSaveFI & "\" & x & " - " & y & " FedInvest Recertification.pdf"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhereStr
'DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, StrEmail, , , "2016 FedInvest Recertification", ""
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, stDocName, acFormatPDF, stfile
DoCmd.Close acReport, stDocName
End If
Set rst = Nothing
End Sub
You both open the report for preview and for output to PDF.
If only PDF is needed, skip the preview.