Is Apples goto-bug possible in Kotlin if-statement without braces? - kotlin

Imagine in Kotlin:
if (this) doThis()
else if(that) doThat()
else doWhatEver()
I've read using braces always (see Apples goto fail)!
Rule 1.3.a
Braces shall always surround the blocks of code (a.k.a., compound
statements), following if, else, switch, while, do, and for
statements; single statements and empty statements following these
keywords shall also always be surrounded by braces.
How does the Kotlin compiler handle the lack of braces in the above code? I thought Kotlin might be intelligent enough to avoid failures on that?

The example you give is not ambiguous; it could only have one reasonable meaning.  And it's rather different from the issue you link to (which doesn't involve else clauses at all.)  So I'm not sure what you're asking.
Kotlin is similar to most C-like languages in how it interprets if (and else).  So strictly speaking, an error of that type is still possible.  But Kotlin has two features which can reduce the risk of such problems.
First is that, unlike C and Java and similar languages, if can be used as an expression (returning a value).  When used this way, the compiler ensure that every branch returns a value; this will usually result in a compiler error if there's any confusion around multiple branches.
Second is the when structure, which functions like the C/Java switch statement, but avoids fall-through and hence the need for breaks; it can also be used as an expression, enforcing a single path through and a single return value.
So in Kotlin, the linked code would best have been written with a when, which would have been simpler as well as preventing that type of error.
Ultimately, I don't think it's really comparable, though.  The linked code is low-level C, which has very different practices and restrictions from general application code.  In particular, the use of goto for error clean-up is inherently error-prone.  And if they'd used else branches properly, it would have made the code rather clearer as well as preventing this error.
It's possible to write bad code in any language if you're determined enough!  A good language is one which makes it easier to write good code, and harder to write bad code.  (And I think Kotlin scores pretty well in that respect.) 


Differences between Red's 5 function types, and why does it distinguish them?

In Red, there are functions of datatypes function!, op!, native!, routine! and action!. What are the differences between them? As far as I know function! is used for user-defined functions and op! for infix operators, and routine! for functions defined in Red/System, but why is there a need for the other two?
As you've guessed yourself, function!s are user-defined functions that support refinements and typechecking, and can also contain embedded docstrings.
Typically, function! values are created with func, function, does and has constructors, and utilize so-called spec dialect; but, in theory, nothing stops you from making your own constructors or devising your own spec formats.
It's also worth noting that function!s fully support reflection.
op!s are infix wrappers on top of other 4 types of functions - they take one value on the left and result of an expression on the right, and they also take precedence other functions during evaluation.
op! values are limited to two arguments, don't support refinements, and have a limited support for reflection (e.g. you can't inspect their bodies with body-of).
routines! exist in both realms of Red and Red/System (low-level dialect on top of which Red runtime is build). Their specs are written in spec dialect, but their bodies contain Red/System code. Oh, and they support reflection.
Usually they are used for library bindings (like the SQL lib you've mentioned), interaction with runtime, or for performance bottlenecks (Red/System is a compiled language, so rewriting perfomance-critial parts of your app as a set of routine!s will give you a significant boost, at the cost of mandatory compilation).
native!s are functions written in Red/System (for perfomance, simplicity or feasibility reasons) and compiled down to native code (hence the name). Not sure what else can be said about them, aside from implementation details. native! aren't very user-facing, so you might want to study Red's source code in case you have any questions left.
action!s are a standardized set of function written in Red/System (just like native!s) that each datatype implements (or inherits) as its "method". action! are polymorphic in a sense that they dispatch on their first argument:
>> add 1 2%
== 1.02
>> add 2% 1
== 102%
>> append [1] "2"
== [1 "2"]
>> append "1" [2]
== "12"
In mainstream languages this typically looks like "1".append([2]) or something like that.
Distinction between action!s and native!s boils down to a design choice:
you can have as many native! as you want, but action!s, for efficiency, have a fixed-size dispatch table (which means that maximum number of action!s per datatype is limited; minimum number is two: make [to create value] and mold [to serialize value to string!]).
logically, action!s are organized around datatype to which they belong, in one file, while native!s aren't really concerned with datatypes, and implement control flow, trigonometric functions, operations on sets, etc.
Coincidentially, just recently we have a similar discussion about action!s and native!s in our community chat, which you might want to read. I can also recommend to skim thru Rudolf Meijer's Red specification draft, and, of course, official reference documentation.
As for "why" in your question - distinction between 5 types is just an implementation detail, inherited from Rebol. Logically, they all implement what you might call a "function" from conceptual standpoint, and fall into any-function! camp.
While to a caller it may seem similar to run a function whose body is a BLOCK! of code to one which is implemented as native instructions...the implementation has to go down a different branch.
I don't know precisely what Red does in the compilation case, the interpreter case for Rebol2 and Red are similar. These different types are effectively part of a big switch() statement. If it looks in the cell describing the "function" and finds TYPE_NATIVE it knows to interpret the cell's contents as containing a native function pointer. If it finds TYPE_FUNCTION, it knows to pick apart the cell as containing a pointer to a block of code to execute:
Now I myself would agree with your line of questioning. e.g. is this leaking an implementation detail to the user--who shouldn't be concerned with this facet in the type system?
But for what it is worth, there is a catch-all typeset called ANY-FUNCTION!:
>> any-function!
== make typeset! [native! action! op! function! routine!]
And you might think of that as "anything that obeys a function-like interface for calling". There are some complexities however, as OP! gets its first argument from the that really is a matter of concern from an interface perspective.
Anyway... a NATIVE! (body is built as native code into the executable) vs. a FUNCTION! (body is a block of Red code run by interpretation or compilation) is just one distinction. A ROUTINE! is a facade built to interact with a DLL/library a la FFI that did not have a-priori knowledge of Red. An ACTION! is a very oversimplified attempt at what are called in other languages Generics. An OP! just gets its first argument from the left.
Point being that each of these might feel the same to a caller (except OP!), but the implementation has to do something different. The way it knows to do something different is via a type byte in a value cell. That's how Rebol2 did it--and Red followed Rebol2 fairly closely--so that's how it also does it. It means that any novel concept of what provides the implementation behind a function requires a new datatype, and it's probably not the greatest idea.
Red is based on Rebol an so has the same types.
function! is an user defined function defined in red
native! is an function in machinecode
op! is an infix operator written in machinecode
action! is an polymorphic function in machinecode
routine! is an function in imported from dynamic library

What is the exhaustive list of guidelines/practices/rules to fully conform with functional paradigm?

I've started playing around with Kotlin, but I sense my own limitation in the way I program. My problem is that I still think Java therefore the style is still imperative, my question is to all functional programming zealots , which I believe would be very useful to all people who at the very beginning stage and also need to 'brake' their brain to start building it again; to leave comfort zone and start thinking pseudo and not in "whatever is your first language". I believe it is possible for highly experienced polyglot developers to chew the concepts down to plain advices of what makes your program being written in entirely functional way and what violates the paradigm. I don't know all the quirks but please don't hesitate to include universally accepted terms which might be unknown to me(I can always lookup). At this point I need this set of rules to make myself suffer at first and not break them but then I know I will feel it, analyze guidelines and understand how they are worse/better which of course is my own homework.
So example of these guidelines, would be something like:
Never change state, this can be avoided by using x, y, z
Operate using higher order functions only (I maybe wrong, just example)
I hope the answer will give me long term reference to put myself in extreme conditions where I stop escaping to OOP whenever I feel uncomfortable. And now when I look at Kotlin I understand how I've should've been thinking about problems, it is about intention not about the structure imposed by one language or another. Intention can always be converted to a language of your choice and backed up by design patterns applicable to the language, but to find that middle ground I need to jail myself first from the comfort zone.
Avoid mutable state like the plague.
One of the main points of using functional programming, possibly the main one, is to avoid all the little pitfalls, bugs, issues one needs to deal with when using mutable state. You should do everything you can in order to avoid mutating state. For instance, instead of using C-style for-loops where you need to keep a counter variable updated, use map and other higher-order functions in order to abstract away your iteration patterns. This also means that you should never change the value of a variable if you can avoid that. Instead, you should be defining almost all of your variables, preferrably all of them, as constants, and using functions to compute new values from them instead of mutating them.
Avoid side-effects like the plague.
Mutable state's ugly cousin, side-effects. Side effects mean anything other than taking a value and returning a value in a function. If that function prints data, mutates global variables, sends messages to threads, or anything, anything other than simply taking its parameters, computing a value from them, and returning a value, that function has side-effects. Side-effects are important (see next bullet point), but if you use them a lot, they get impossible to track. Just think of how everyone tells you to avoid global variables in imperative programming. Functional programming goes a step further and tries to avoid all side-effects. The bulk of your program should be made of pure functions. (See ahead)
When you need to use side-effects, keep them contained.
Yes, I just told you to run away from side-effects. However, no program is useful without side-effects of some kind. Graphical User Interface? Side-effect. Audio output? Side-effect. Printing to a shell? Side-effect. So you can't really get rid of side-effects if you want to build useful stuff.
What you should do instead is write your code so that all your side-effecting code lives in a thin layer which mostly calls pure functions and then does the required side-effects using the result of these pure function calls.
Use pure functions for everything you can.
This is sort of the flipside of the previous point. A pure function is a function which has no side-effects and does not mutate anything. It can only take in parameters and return a value. You should use these a lot. For instance, instead of doing your logging within functions which are computing stuff, you should be constructing your log strings using pure functions, and then letting your side-effects layer call these pure functions, call more pure functions in order to format the log strings into a full log, and then output the log itself from your side-effects layer.
Use higher-order functions to structure your code.
Higher-order functions are, in a way, the glue that makes functional programming work. A higher-order function is a function which takes one or more functions as parameters and/or returns a function. The power of higher-order functions is that they can encapsulate many of the patterns which you would use in an imperative-style program in a declarative manner. For instance, let's take a look at the three most common higher-order functions:
map is a function which takes a function and a list of values, applies its function argument to each of those values, and returns a new list with the results. map encapsulates the whole pattern of iterating over a list doing an operation on each value in a declarative manner.
filter is a function which takes a function which returns a boolean and a list of values, applies its function argument to each of those values and returns a list containing only those values for which its function argument returns true. It encapsulates the whole pattern of selecting results from a list in a declarative manner.
reduce, also known as fold, takes an initial value, a binary function and a list of values. It uses its function argument to combine the initial value with the first value of the list, then combines the result with the next value of the list and keeps on doing this until it has reduced the list to just one single value. It encapsulates the entire pattern of obtaining an aggregate value from a list of values.
This is in no way an exhaustive list of higher-order functions, but these three are the most common ones. I hope this has been enough to show how you can structure code which would require a lot of tracking variables using only functions in a declarative manner. If you use these higher-order functions well, it's likely you won't ever need a for or while loop again.
This is definitely not an exhaustive list of functional programming practices, but I think most functional programmers would agree these five guidelines form the core of what functional programming is about. If you want to really learn how to apply these, my advice would be to learn a pure functional programming language such as Haskell, so you are forced to abandon the imperative paradigm and to learn how to structure things functionally instead. I would recommend the fantastic Haskell Programming from First Principles as a starting resource if you choose to go this way. In case you don't want to/can't put down the cash, Brent Yorgey's Haskell course at UPenn is also a great free resource.

Anti-if purposes: How to check nulls?

I recently heard of the anti-if campaign and the efforts of some OOP gurus to write code without ifs, but using polymorphism instead. I just don't get how that should work, I mean, how it should ALWAYS work.
I already use polymorphism (didn't know about anti-if campaign), so, I was curious about "bad" and "dangerous" ifs and I went to see my code (Java/Swift/Objective-C) to see where I use if most, and it looks like these are the cases:
Check of null values. This is the most common situation where I ever use ifs. If a value could possibly be null, I have to manage it in a correct way. To use it, instead I have to check that it's not null. I don't see how polymorphism could compensate this without ifs.
Check for right values. I'll do an example here: Let's suppose that I have a login/signup application. I want to check that user did actually write a password, or that it's longer than 5 characters. How could it possibly be done without if/switches? Again, it's not about the type but about the value.
(optional) check errors. Optional because it's similar to point 2 about right values. If I get either a value or an error (passed as params) in a block/closure, how can I handle the error object if I just can't check if it's null or isn't?
If you know more about this campaign, please answer in scope of that. I'm asking this to understand their purposes and how effectively it could be done what they say.
So, I know not using ifs at all may not be the smartest idea ever, but just asking if and how it could effectively be done in an OOP program.
You'll never completely get rid of ifs, but you can minimize them.
Regarding null value checks, a method that would otherwise return a null value can return a Null Object instead, an object that doesn't represent a real value but implements some of the same behavior as a real value. Its callers can just call methods on the Null Object instead of checking to see if it's null. There is probably still an if inside the method, but there don't need to be any in the callers.
Regarding correct value checks, the best path is to prevent an object from being instantiated with incorrect attributes. All users of the object can then be confident that they don't have to inspect the object's attributes to use it. Similarly, if an object can have an attribute that is valid or invalid, it can hide that from its users by providing higher-level methods that do the right thing for the current attribute value. Again, there is still a if inside the object, but there don't need to be any in the callers.
Regarding error checks, there are a couple of strategies that are better than returning a possibly null error value that the caller might forget to check. One is raising an exception. Another is to return an object of a type that can hold either a result or an error and provides type-safe, if-free ways to operate on either result when appropriate, like Java's Optional or Haskell's Maybe.
Note also that case statements are just concatenated ifs (in fact I'd have written the code on the campaign's home page with a switch rather than if/else if), and there are also patterns which replace case with polymorphism, such as the Strategy pattern.
This is a great question and is something that's asked at every OO bootcamp I've been a part of. To begin with, we need to understand why code with a lot of ifs is 'bad' or 'dangerous':
they increase the cyclomatic complexity of the code, making it hard to follow/understand.
they make tests more complicated to write. Ensuring that you test each branch flow in the method under test becomes increasingly more difficult with each conditional and makes test setup cumbersome.
they could be a sign that your code has not been broken into small enough methods
they could be a sign that your methods have not been encapsulated well
However, there is one important thing to remember - ifs cannot(and should not) be eliminated from the code completely. But, we can generally abstract them away using techniques like polymorphism, extracting small behaviours, and encapsulating these behaviours into the appropriate classes.
Now that we know some of the reasons why we should avoid ifs, let's tackle your questions:
Checking for null values: The Null object pattern helps you eliminate null checks from your code(polymorphism FTW). Instead of returning null, you return a Special Case NullObject representation of the expected object. This NullObject has the same interfaces as your actual object and you can safely call any of the object's methods without worrying about a null pointer exception being thrown.
Checking for correctness of values: There are a lot of ways to do this. For example, you could create a separate ValidationRule class for each of your validations and then chain calls to them together when you want to validate your object. Notice that the ifs still remain, but they get abstracted away into the individual ValidationRule implementations. Look up the Command pattern and the Chain Of Responsibility pattern for ideas.
It's better to use if to check the null instead of raising an exception. Also in common cases checking for null helps us to prevent operations with non-initialized variables.
Using switch plus SOLID. Other thinks inherited from this.

What's the benefit of case-sensitivity in a program language? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Is there any advantage of being a case-sensitive programming language?
My first programming experiences where with the Basic family (MSX Basix, Q-basic, VB).
These are all not case-sensitive. Now, it might be because of these first experiences, but I've never grasped the benefit of a language being case sensitive. On the contrary, I think it is a source of unneeded overhead and bugs, and it still annoys me when I use e.g. Java or C.
Now, I just read on Clojure (a Lisp-dialect) and noticed - to my surprise - that one of the differences with Lisp is case-sensitivity.
So: what is actually the benefit (to the programmer) of having a case-sensitive language?
The only things I can think of are:
double the number of symbols
visual feedback and easier reading for complex variables using techniques like CamelCase, e.g. HopCount
However, the first argument doesn't hold because of being a major source for bugs (bad practice to use hopcount and HopCount in one method).
The second argument doesn't hold either, as a decent IDE can provide this also in an other way. A good example is the VBA IDE, which has a very good approach: the langauge is case-insensitive but as soon as you type a variable it will change it to the case used in its definition. For example, if you defined Dim thisIsMyVariable as string, it will change any occurrence of thisismyvariable into thisIsMyVariable). That provides the programmer with an immediate clue that the variable was actually typed-in correctly (because it changed appearance).
Edit: added ... benefit to the programmer ...
One point is, like you said, visual aid. Most programming languages (and even frameworks) have conventions on how to capitalize variables, names, etc.
Also, it enforces using uniform names everywhere, so you don't have a mess with the same variable referred to as "var", "Var" or even "VaR".
I can't remember of ever having bugs related to capitalization, so that point seems kind of contrived to me.
Using 2 variables of the same name but different capitalization to me sounds like a conscious attempt to shoot yourself in the foot. Different capitalization conventions almost everywhere signify objects of completely different type (classes, variables, methods and so on), so it's pretty hard to make such a mistake due to the completely different semantics.
I'd like to think of it in this way: what do we gain by NOT having case-sensitivity?
We introduce ambiguity, we encourage sloppiness and poor style.
This is a slightly subjective matter of course.
Many naming conventions demand that symbols denoting objects from different semantic classes (types, functions, variables) have their own name casing rules. In Java, for example, types names always begin with a upper case letter, while variables, member function names etc. begin with a lower case letter. This effectively puts type names in a different namespace and gives a visual clue what a statement actually means.
// declare and initialize a new Point
Point point=new Point();
// calls a static member function of type Point
// calls a member function of Point

Operator overloading - is it really reasonable to forbid?

Java forbids operator overloading, but coming from C++ I do not see any reason for that. In languages where operator symbols are symbols as any other, same rules apply to "+" as to"plus" and there is no problem. So what is the point?
Edit: To be more concrete, show me which disadvantage overloaded "+" may have over overloaded "equals".
Just as many other things in Java, this is a restriction because it may be confusing if used improperly. (Similarly as pointer arithmetic is forbidden because it is error prone.) I'm a big fan of Java, but I'm generally of the opinion that it shouldn't be forbidden just because it could be misused.
For instance, BigInteger would benefit greatly from overloading the + operator.
OK, I'll try my hand at this under the assumption that Gabriel Ščerbák is doing this for better reasons than railing against a language.
The issue for me is one of manageable complexity: How much of the code in front of me do I have to decode vs. simply read?
In most conventional languages, upon seeing the expression a + b I know what is going to happen. The variables a and b will be added together. I'm pretty confident that behind the scenes the code will be very concise, very fast native machine code that adds the two numbers, whether the numbers are short integers or double-precision or some mixture of the two. (In some languages I may have to also assume that these could be strings being concatenated, but that's a rant for an entirely different question -- but one that flavours this rant if you peer at it from the right angle.)
When I make my own user-defined type -- say the omnipresent Complex type (and why Complex isn't a standard data type in modern languages is way the Hell beyond me, but that, again, is a rant for a different question) -- if I overload an operator (or, rather, if the operator is overloaded for me -- I'm using a library, say), short of peering very closely at the code I will not know that I'm now calling (possibly-virtual) methods on objects instead of having very tight, concise code generated for me behind the scenes. I will not know of the hidden conversions, the hidden temporary variables, the ... well, everything that goes along with writing many operators. To find out what's really going on in my code I have to pay very close attention to every line and keep track of declarations that may be three screens away from my current location in the code. To say that this impedes my understanding of the code flowing before my eyes is an understatement. Important details are being lost because the syntactic sugar is making things taste too tasty.
When I'm forced to use explicit methods on the objects (or even static methods or global methods where that applies) this is a signal to me, while I'm reading, that tells me of the potential cost overheads and bottlenecks and the like. I know, without even having to think for an instant, that I'm dealing with a method, that I've got dispatching overhead, that I may have temporary object creation and deletion overhead, etc. Everything's in front of me right before my eyes -- or at least enough indicators are in front of me that I know to be more careful.
I'm not intrinsically opposed to operator overloading. There are times when it makes code clearer, yes indeed, especially when you have complicated calculations over many baffling expressions. I can understand, however, exactly why someone might not want to put that into their language.
There is a further reason not to like operator overloading from the language designer's viewpoint. Operator overloading makes for very, very, very difficult grammars. C++ is already infamous for being nigh-unparseable and some of its constructs, like operator overloading, are the cause of it. Again from the viewpoint of someone writing the language I can fully understand why operator overloading was left off as a bad idea (or a good idea that's bad in implementation).
(This is all, of course, in addition to the other reasons you've already rejected. I'll submit my own overloading of operator-,() in my old C++ days in that stew just to be really annoying.)
There is no problem with operator overloading itself, but how it's actually has been used. As long as you overload the operators to make sense, the language still makes sense, but if you give other meanings to operators, it makes the language inconsistent.
(One example is how the shift left (<<) and shift right (>>) operators has been overloaded in C++ to mean "input" and "output"...)
So, the reasoning when leaving out operator overloading was probably that the risk of misuse was greater than the benefits of having operator overloading.
I think that Java would benefit greatly from extending its operators to cover built-in Number object types. Early (pre-1.0) versions of Java were said to have it (in that there were no primitives - everything was an object) but the VM technology of the time made it prohibitive from a performance view.
But in terms of in general allowing user defined operator overloading, it is not in the spirit of the Java language. The main problem is simply that it is hard to implement an operator that is consistent with what you expect from mathematics across object types and it will open the door to a lot of bad implementations which lead to a lot of hard to find (therefore expensive) bugs. You can just look at how many bad equals implementations (as in violate the contract) there are in general Java code, and the problem would only get worse from there.
Of course there are languages that prioritize power and syntactical beauty over such concerns, and more power to them. It is just not Java.
Edit: How is a custom + operator different than a custom == implementation (captured in Java in the equals(Object) method)? It isn't, really. It is just that by allowing operator overloading, things that are intuitive to a sixth grader become untrue. The real world experience of equals(Object) implementations shows how such complex contracts become hard to enforce in the real world.
Further Edit: Let me clarify the above, as I shortened it while editing and lost the point. A + operator in math has certain properties, one of which is that it doesn't matter which order the numbers on either side appear - it has the same result. So consider even the simplest case of a + performing an add to a Collection:
Collection a = ...
Collection b = ...
a + b;
The intuitive understanding of + would lead to an expectation that a + b or b + a would give the same result, but of course they would not. Start mixing two object types that take each other as paramaters in their plus method (say Collection and String) and things get harder to follow.
Now certainly it is possible to design operators on objects which are well understood and lead to better, more readable and more understandable code than without them. But the point is that more often than not in home-grown corporate APIs what you would end up seeing is obfuscated code.
There are a few problems:
Overloading logical operators has side effects because of lazy evaluation.
Even in mathematical types there are ambiguities, is (3dpoint*3dpoint) a cross or scaler product
You can't define new operators, so people reuse existing operators in novel ways eg. "string1%string2" to mean split string1 on string2.
But you can't always protect idiots from themselves even with an outright ban.
The point is that whenever you see, for example, a plus sign being used in the code, you know exactly what it does given that you know the types of its operands (which you always do in Java, as it is strongly typed).